vcpkg (2022.08.15 - 2022.09.27)
Total port count: 2022
ports available
The following documentation has been updated:
[docs] Rewrite docs for vcpkg_cmake_build and vcpkg_cmake_install (by @ras0219-msft , in #25477 )
[docs] Rewrite docs for vcpkg_cmake_build and vcpkg_cmake_install (by @ras0219-msft , in #25477 )
[docs] Rewrite docs for vcpkg_cmake_build and vcpkg_cmake_install (by @ras0219-msft , in #25477 )
[docs] Rewrite docs for vcpkg_cmake_build and vcpkg_cmake_install (by @ras0219-msft , in #25477 )
[docs] Rewrite docs for vcpkg_cmake_build and vcpkg_cmake_install (by @ras0219-msft , in #25477 )
[docs] Rewrite docs for vcpkg_cmake_build and vcpkg_cmake_install (by @ras0219-msft , in #25477 )
[docs] Rewrite docs for vcpkg_cmake_build and vcpkg_cmake_install (by @ras0219-msft , in #25477 )
maintainers/ [NEW]
[docs] Rewrite docs for vcpkg_cmake_build and vcpkg_cmake_install (by @ras0219-msft , in #25477 )
[docs] Rewrite docs for vcpkg_cmake_build and vcpkg_cmake_install (by @ras0219-msft , in #25477 )
maintainers/ [NEW]
[docs] Rewrite docs for vcpkg_cmake_build and vcpkg_cmake_install (by @ras0219-msft , in #25477 )
Add VCPKG_TARGET_IS_EMSCRIPTEN, fix opus and libsodium ports for wasm32-emscripten (by @past-due , in #26318 )
[jemalloc|vcpkg_configure_make] update and some script fixes (by @Neumann-A , in #25009 )
[docs] Rewrite docs for vcpkg_cmake_build and vcpkg_cmake_install (by @ras0219-msft , in #25477 )
[docs] Rewrite docs for vcpkg_cmake_build and vcpkg_cmake_install (by @ras0219-msft , in #25477 )
The following 48 ports have been added:
The following 419 ports have been updated:
abseil 20211102.1#0
-> 20220623.1#0
anyrpc 2021-08-24#0
-> 2021-08-24#1
argparse 2.2#0
-> 2.8#0
arrayfire 3.8.0#1
-> 3.8.0#2
arrow 8.0.1#1
-> 9.0.0#0
asio 1.23.0#0
-> 1.24.0#0
asio-grpc 2.0.0#0
-> 2.1.0#0
asiosdk 2.3.3#4
-> 2.3.3#5
[asiosdk] The find script failed on multiple inclusion (by @omartijn , in #26583 )
assimp 5.2.4#0
-> 5.2.5#0
atk 2.38.0#1
-> 2.38.0#2
azure-c-shared-utility 2022-01-21#3
-> 2022-09-15#0
[azure-iot-sdk-c] LTS Release 07-2022_Ref02 (by @vaavva , in #26361 )
azure-core-cpp 1.7.1#0
-> 1.7.2#0
azure-iot-sdk-c 2022-01-21#2
-> 2022-09-15#0
[azure-iot-sdk-c] LTS Release 07-2022_Ref02 (by @vaavva , in #26361 )
azure-storage-blobs-cpp 12.5.0#0
-> 12.6.0#0
azure-storage-common-cpp 12.2.4#0
-> 12.3.0#0
azure-uamqp-c 2022-01-21#1
-> 2022-09-15#0
[azure-iot-sdk-c] LTS Release 07-2022_Ref02 (by @vaavva , in #26361 )
azure-uhttp-c 2022-01-21#1
-> 2022-09-15#0
[azure-iot-sdk-c] LTS Release 07-2022_Ref02 (by @vaavva , in #26361 )
azure-umqtt-c 2022-01-21#1
-> 2022-09-15#0
[azure-iot-sdk-c] LTS Release 07-2022_Ref02 (by @vaavva , in #26361 )
bdwgc 8.2.0#4
-> 8.2.2#0
boost 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-accumulators 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-algorithm 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-align 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-any 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-array 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-asio 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-assert 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-assign 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-atomic 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-beast 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-bimap 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-bind 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-build 1.80.0#1
-> 1.80.0#1
boost-callable-traits 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-chrono 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-circular-buffer 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-compatibility 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-compute 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-concept-check 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-config 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-container 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-container-hash 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-context 1.79.0#1
-> 1.79.0#1
boost-contract 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-conversion 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-convert 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-core 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-coroutine 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-coroutine2 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-crc 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-date-time 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-describe 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-detail 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-dll 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-dynamic-bitset 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-endian 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-exception 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-fiber 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-filesystem 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-flyweight 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-foreach 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-format 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-function 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-function-types 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-functional 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-fusion 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-geometry 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-gil 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-graph 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-graph-parallel 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-hana 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-heap 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-histogram 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-hof 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-icl 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-integer 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-interprocess 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-interval 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-intrusive 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-io 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-iostreams 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-iterator 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-json 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-lambda 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-lambda2 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-leaf 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-lexical-cast 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-local-function 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-locale 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-lockfree 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-log 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-logic 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-math 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-metaparse 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-modular-build-helper 1.80.0#8
-> 1.80.0#1
boost-move 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-mp11 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-mpi 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-mpl 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-msm 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-multi-array 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-multi-index 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-multiprecision 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-nowide 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-numeric-conversion 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-odeint 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-optional 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-outcome 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-parameter 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-parameter-python 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-pfr 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-phoenix 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-poly-collection 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-polygon 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-pool 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-predef 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-preprocessor 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-process 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-program-options 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-property-map 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-property-map-parallel 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-property-tree 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-proto 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-ptr-container 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-python 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-qvm 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-random 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-range 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-ratio 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-rational 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-regex 1.79.0#1
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-safe-numerics 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-scope-exit 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-serialization 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-signals2 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-smart-ptr 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-sort 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-spirit 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-stacktrace 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-statechart 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-static-assert 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-static-string 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-stl-interfaces 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-system 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-test 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-thread 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-throw-exception 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-timer 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-tokenizer 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-tti 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-tuple 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-type-erasure 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-type-index 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-type-traits 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-typeof 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-ublas 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-uninstall 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-units 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-unordered 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-utility 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-uuid 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-variant 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-variant2 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-vcpkg-helpers 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-vmd 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-wave 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-winapi 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-xpressive 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
boost-yap 1.79.0#0
-> 1.80.0#0
c89stringutils 0.0.1#0
-> 0.0.1#1
capnproto 0.9.1#2
-> 0.10.2#0
catch2 3.0.1#2
-> 3.1.0#0
cctag 1.0.2#1
-> 1.0.2#2
[tbb, pagmo2] Update TBB to 2021.5 and update pagmo2 to 2.18.0 (by @BillyONeal , in #26284 )
ceres 2.1.0#1
-> 2.1.0#2
cgal 5.5#0
-> 5.5#1
cgltf 1.11#0
-> 1.13#0
civetweb 1.15#1
-> 1.15#2
cli 2.0.1#0
-> 2.0.2#0
cocoyaxi 2.0.3#2
-> 2.0.3#3
cpr 1.9.0#1
-> 1.9.2#0
cpuid 0.5.1#3
-> 0.5.1#4
crashpad 2022-04-16#2
-> 2022-04-16#3
crow 1.0-1#0
-> 1.0-5#0
curl 7.84.0#1
-> 7.84.0#2
dartsim 6.12.2#0
-> 6.12.2#1
detours 4.0.1#5
-> 4.0.1#7
directxtex 2022-07-29#0
-> 2022-07-29#1
[openexr] Update from 2 to 3.1.5, patch all consuming ports (by @dg0yt , in #26862 )
discordcoreapi 2022-08-07#0
-> 2022-09-25#0
dlfcn-win32 1.1.1#6
-> 1.3.1#0
dlib 19.24#1
-> 19.24#2
dpdk 22.07#1
-> 22.07#3
dpp 10.0.17#1
-> 10.0.17#1
drlibs 2022-04-03#0
-> 2022-09-26#0
drogon 1.7.5#0
-> 1.8.0#0
dv-processing 1.5.1#0
-> 1.5.1#1
dxut 11.27#0
-> 11.28#0
[dxut, effects11] update ports for August 2022 release (by @walbourn , in #26403 )
effects11 11.27#0
-> 11.28#0
[dxut, effects11] update ports for August 2022 release (by @walbourn , in #26403 )
embree2 2.17.7#4
-> 2.17.7#0
[tbb, pagmo2] Update TBB to 2021.5 and update pagmo2 to 2.18.0 (by @BillyONeal , in #26284 )
eve 2022-03-15#0
-> 2022-09-20#0
fast-float 3.2.0#0
-> 3.5.1#0
ffmpeg 4.4.1#15
-> 4.4.1#18
folly 2022.07.11.00#0
-> 2022.08.15.00#0
freeimage 3.18.0#23
-> 3.18.0#24
[openexr] Update from 2 to 3.1.5, patch all consuming ports (by @dg0yt , in #26862 )
freetype 2.12.1#1
-> 2.12.1#2
[freetype] Add feature to include error strings. (by @rioki , in #26427 )
gazebo 2022-01-20#3
-> 2022-01-20#4
[tbb, pagmo2] Update TBB to 2021.5 and update pagmo2 to 2.18.0 (by @BillyONeal , in #26284 )
gdal 3.5.1#5
-> 3.5.1#6
[gdal] Fix static windows builds, fix debug builds (by @dg0yt , in #26457 )
[gdal] Update to v3.5.2 (by @dg0yt , in #26676 )
gdk-pixbuf 2.42.9#3
-> 2.42.9#1
geos 3.11.0#0
-> 3.11.0#1
gklib 2022-07-27#1
-> 2022-07-27#2
glib 2.72.3#2
-> 2.72.3#3
[glib]: fix pkgconfig tools path (by @hesham-essam, in #26743 )
glslang 11.8.0#0
-> 11.11.0#0
gmp 6.2.1#10
-> 6.2.1#13
google-cloud-cpp 2.1.0#1
-> 2.1.0#2
[google-cloud-cpp] Fix wrong parameter "${FEATURES}" (by @LilyWangLL , in #26459 )
[google-cloud-cpp] Fix features dialogflow-* CMake export (by @LilyWangLL , in #26480 )
[google-cloud-cpp] update to latest release (v2.2.0) (by @coryan , in #26647 )
grpc 1.48.0#1
-> 1.48.0#2
grppi 0.4.0#1
-> 0.4.0#2
gstreamer 1.19.2#6
-> 1.19.2#8
hpx 1.8.0#0
-> 1.8.0#1
hunspell 1.7.0#8
-> 1.7.1#0
igraph 0.9.10#0
-> 0.10.1#0
ilmbase 2.3.0#1
-> 3#0
[openexr] Update from 2 to 3.1.5, patch all consuming ports (by @dg0yt , in #26862 )
implot 0.13#0
-> 0.14#0
influxdb-cxx 0.6.7#1
-> 2022-09-02#0
inih 51#1
-> 56#0
isal 2.25.0#3
-> 2.30.0#0
jasper 2.0.33#5
-> 2.0.33#6
[jasper] disable opengl feature on ios, allowing it to build (by @russelltg , in #26472 )
jemalloc 5.3.0#5
-> 5.3.0#1
json-c 2022-06-26#1
-> 2022-06-26#2
jsonnet 0.18.0#0
-> 0.18.0#1
jxrlib 2019.10.9#3
-> 2019.10.9#4
kangaru 4.3.0#0
-> 4.3.1#0
kf5globalaccel 5.89.0#1
-> 5.89.0#3
[vcpkg baseline][kf5globalaccel] Fix build on windows when x11 is around (by @m-kuhn , in #26564 )
[vcpkg baseline][kf5globalaccel] Fix baseline (by @JavierMatosD , in #26658 )
kubazip 0.1.19#1
-> 0.2.4#0
lcm 1.4.0#3
-> 1.4.0#4
lerc 3#0
-> 4#0
libdatachannel 0.17.9#0
-> 0.17.10#0
libgpg-error 1.42#3
-> 1.42#4
[shiftmedia-libgcrypt] new port (Windows fork of Libgcrypt) (by @wrobelda , in #26364 )
libheif 1.12.0#4
-> 1.13.0#0
libjpeg-turbo 2.1.3#3
-> 2.1.4#0
libjuice 1.0.3#0
-> 1.0.4#0
libmariadb 3.3.1#0
-> 3.3.1#1
libmt32emu 2.6.2#0
-> 2.7.0#0
libnice 0.1.18#0
-> 0.1.18#1
libopensp 1.5.2#0
-> 1.5.2#1
libosmium 2.17.1#1
-> 2.18.0#0
libpng 1.6.37#18
-> 1.6.37#19
libpq 14.4#0
-> 14.4#1
librttopo 1.1.0#5
-> 1.1.0#6
[vcpkg script] build_nmake use z_vcpkg_get_cmake_vars (by @Neumann-A , in #25862 )
libsodium 1.0.18#7
-> 1.0.18#8
Add VCPKG_TARGET_IS_EMSCRIPTEN, fix opus and libsodium ports for wasm32-emscripten (by @past-due , in #26318 )
libspatialite 5.0.1#7
-> 5.0.1#8
libsquish 1.15#11
-> 1.15#12
libsrt 1.5.0#1
-> 1.5.0#2
libtcod 1.21.0#0
-> 1.22.1#0
liburing 2.2#0
-> 2.2#1
libwebp 1.2.3#0
-> 1.2.4#0
libxslt 1.1.35#2
-> 1.1.37#0
llfio 2.0-20220112#2
-> 2.0-20220112#3
luajit 2022-08-11#0
-> 2022-08-11#1
magnum 2020.06#10
-> 2020.06#11
mesa 22.0.2#0
-> 22.1.7#0
minio-cpp 0.1.1#0
-> 0.1.1#1
mpfr 4.1.0#5
-> 4.1.0#6
mysql-connector-cpp 8.0.30#0
-> 8.0.30#1
nanogui 2019-09-23#4
-> 2019-09-23#5
ncurses 6.3#1
-> 6.3#2
[ncurses] Add file(MAKE_DIRECTORY) to create the missing directories (by @Cheney-W , in #26690 )
ned14-internal-quickcpplib 2022-09-08#0
-> 2022-09-08#1
nghttp2 1.46.0#0
-> 1.49.0#0
nlohmann-json 3.10.5#3
-> 3.11.2#0
nuspell 5.1.0#2
-> 5.1.1#0
octomap 1.9.5#2
-> 1.9.6#0
ogre 1.12.9#9
-> 1.12.9#10
openal-soft 1.22.2#2
-> 1.22.2#4
openblas 0.3.20#0
-> 0.3.21#0
[OpenBLAS] Upgrade to 0.3.21 and add arm64-windows support (by @nursik , in #26396 )
opencc 1.1.4#1
-> 1.1.4#3
opencensus-cpp 2021-08-26#1
-> 2021-08-26#2
[openexr] Update from 2 to 3.1.5, patch all consuming ports (by @dg0yt , in #26862 )
opencv3 3.4.18#1
-> 3.4.18#2
[tesseract] fix downstream usage (by @cenit , in #26378 )
[openexr] Update from 2 to 3.1.5, patch all consuming ports (by @dg0yt , in #26862 )
opencv4 4.6.0#1
-> 4.6.0#5
openexr 2.5.8#1
-> 2.5.8#1
openexr: Bump version to 2.5.8, clean patches and fix ARM (by @leha-bot , in #26503 )
[openexr] use vcpkg_copy_tools to fix iOS build issue (by @russelltg , in #26641 )
[openexr] Update from 2 to 3.1.5, patch all consuming ports (by @dg0yt , in #26862 )
opentelemetry-cpp 1.5.0#0
-> 1.5.0#1
openvdb 9.0.0#0
-> 9.0.0#1
[openexr] Update from 2 to 3.1.5, patch all consuming ports (by @dg0yt , in #26862 )
opus 1.3.1#6
-> 1.3.1#8
Add VCPKG_TARGET_IS_EMSCRIPTEN, fix opus and libsodium ports for wasm32-emscripten (by @past-due , in #26318 )
[opus/x265] Fix version in pkgconfig (by @JackBoosY , in #26389 )
orc 1.6.4#4
-> 1.7.6#0
osg 3.6.5#15
-> 3.6.5#17
[vcpkg baseline][osg] Fix port dependencies and build errors (by @dg0yt , in #26698 )
[openexr] Update from 2 to 3.1.5, patch all consuming ports (by @dg0yt , in #26862 )
otl 4.0.463#1
-> 4.0.463#2
outcome 2.2.4#0
-> 2.2.4#1
pagmo2 2.16.1#0
-> 2.18.0#0
[tbb, pagmo2] Update TBB to 2021.5 and update pagmo2 to 2.18.0 (by @BillyONeal , in #26284 )
pango 1.50.7#0
-> 1.50.9#0
pangolin 0.6#2
-> 0.6#3
[openexr] Update from 2 to 3.1.5, patch all consuming ports (by @dg0yt , in #26862 )
pdal 2.4.0#1
-> 2.4.3#0
pixman 0.40.0#3
-> 0.40.0#4
poppler 22.3.0#1
-> 22.8.0#0
proj 9.0.1#1
-> 9.1.0#0
protobuf 3.21.4#0
-> 3.21.6#0
qt 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qt5 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-3d 5.15.5#1
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-activeqt 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-androidextras 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-base 5.15.5#1
-> 5.15.6#1
qt5-charts 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-connectivity 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-datavis3d 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-declarative 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-doc 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-gamepad 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-graphicaleffects 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-imageformats 5.15.5#1
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-location 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-macextras 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-mqtt 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-multimedia 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-networkauth 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-purchasing 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-quickcontrols 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-quickcontrols2 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-remoteobjects 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-script 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-scxml 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-sensors 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-serialbus 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-serialport 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-speech 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-svg 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-tools 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-translations 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-virtualkeyboard 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-wayland 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-webchannel 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-webengine 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#1
qt5-webglplugin 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-websockets 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-webview 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-winextras 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-x11extras 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5-xmlpatterns 5.15.5#0
-> 5.15.6#0
qt5compat 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtactiveqt 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtapplicationmanager 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtbase 6.3.1#2
-> 6.3.2#0
qtcharts 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtcoap 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtconnectivity 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtdatavis3d 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtdeclarative 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtdeviceutilities 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtdoc 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtimageformats 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtinterfaceframework 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtlocation 6.3.0#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtlottie 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtmqtt 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtmultimedia 6.3.1#1
-> 6.3.2#0
qtnetworkauth 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtopcua 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtpositioning 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtquick3d 6.3.1#1
-> 6.3.2#0
qtquicktimeline 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtremoteobjects 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtscxml 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtsensors 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtserialbus 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtserialport 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtshadertools 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtsvg 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qttools 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qttranslations 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtvirtualkeyboard 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtwayland 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtwebchannel 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtwebengine 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtwebsockets 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
qtwebview 6.3.1#0
-> 6.3.2#0
quazip 1.3#0
-> 1.3#1
quill 2.0.0#0
-> 2.1.0#0
rapidcsv 8.53#0
-> 8.64#0
raylib 4.0.0#3
-> 4.2.0#0
readosm 1.1.0a#2
-> 1.1.0a#3
[vcpkg baseline][readosm/jemalloc] Disable uwp build and cleanup (by @JackBoosY , in #26455 )
realsense2 2.50.0#1
-> 2.51.1#0
restinio 0.6.16#0
-> 0.6.17#0
roaring 2019-03-05#3
-> 0.7.1#0
robin-map 1.0.1#0
-> 1.0.1#1
[robin-map] Fix error when use find_package(robin-map CONFIG REQUIRED) (by @Cheney-W , in #26633 )
sail 0.9.0-pre21#0
-> 0.9.0-rc1#0
saucer 1.0.1#1
-> 1.0.1#2
sciplot 0.3.1#1
-> 0.3.1#1
sdl2 2.0.22#3
-> 2.24.0#0
sdl2-image 2.0.5#6
-> 2.0.5#7
shaderc 2021.1#2
-> 2021.1#3
skia 2022-04-15#1
-> 0.36.0#0
snappy 1.1.9#2
-> 1.1.9#3
sobjectizer 5.7.4#0
socket-io-client 3.1.0#1
-> 2022-08-19#0
speex 1.2.1#0
-> 1.2.1#1
[speex] Use native autotools for all triplets (by @dg0yt , in #26502 )
spix 0.3#0
-> 0.4#0
sqlpp11 0.61#0
-> 0.61#1
status-code 1.0.0-20211208#1
-> 1.0.0-20220104#0
szip 2.1.1#8
-> 2.1.1#9
taskflow 3.3.0#0
-> 3.4.0#0
tbb 2020_U3#8
-> 2021.5.0#0
[tbb, pagmo2] Update TBB to 2021.5 and update pagmo2 to 2.18.0 (by @BillyONeal , in #26284 )
tesseract 5.2.0#1
-> 5.2.0#2
theia 0.8#6
-> 0.8#7
[openexr] Update from 2 to 3.1.5, patch all consuming ports (by @dg0yt , in #26862 )
tracy 0.8.1#0
-> 0.8.2#0
turbobase64 2020-01-12#2
-> 2020-01-12#3
upb 2022-04-04#0
-> 2022-06-21#0
usd 20.08#2
-> 20.08#3
[tbb, pagmo2] Update TBB to 2021.5 and update pagmo2 to 2.18.0 (by @BillyONeal , in #26284 )
utfcpp 3.2.1#0
-> 3.2.1#1
uvatlas 2022-07-30#0
-> 2022-07-30#1
[openexr] Update from 2 to 3.1.5, patch all consuming ports (by @dg0yt , in #26862 )
vcpkg-cmake 2022-07-18#0
-> 2022-08-18#0
[scripts|cmake] use ENV{VisualStudioVersion} to switch cmake generator (by @Neumann-A , in #26339 )
vectorclass 2.00.01#2
-> 2.02.00#0
wolfmqtt 1.14.0#0
-> 1.14.1#0
Update to wolfSSL v5.5.0, wolfMQTT v1.14.1, wolfTPM v2.6.0 (by @dgarske , in #26620 )
wolfssl 5.4.0#0
-> 5.5.0#0
Update to wolfSSL v5.5.0, wolfMQTT v1.14.1, wolfTPM v2.6.0 (by @dgarske , in #26620 )
wolftpm 2.5.0#0
-> 2.6.0#0
Update to wolfSSL v5.5.0, wolfMQTT v1.14.1, wolfTPM v2.6.0 (by @dgarske , in #26620 )
wxwidgets 3.2.0#1
-> 3.2.0#2
x264 0.164.3095#4
-> 0.164.3095#5
x265 3.4#6
-> 3.4#7
yara 4.2.0#0
-> 4.2.3#0
[yara] Update to 4.2.3 to resolve security vulnerability (by @swannman , in #26770 )
z3 4.10.2#0
-> 4.11.0#0
zlib 1.2.12#1
-> 1.2.12#2
zlib-ng 2.0.6#0
-> 2.0.6#1
zserge-webview 2019-04-27#3
-> 2022-09-07#0
The following additional changes have been made to vcpkg's infrastructure:
[mchehab-zbar] Add new port (by @Ulysses1337 , in #16113 )
[jemalloc|vcpkg_configure_make] update and some script fixes (by @Neumann-A , in #25009 )
[vcpkg script] build_nmake use z_vcpkg_get_cmake_vars (by @Neumann-A , in #25862 )
[pixman] add missing include and fix clang-cl build (by @Neumann-A , in #26186 )
[boost] update to 1.80.0 (by @yurybura , in #26233 )
Update Windows VMs for Patch Tuesday August 2022 (by @BillyONeal , in #26283 )
Add VCPKG_TARGET_IS_EMSCRIPTEN, fix opus and libsodium ports for wasm32-emscripten (by @past-due , in #26318 )
[scripts|cmake] use ENV{VisualStudioVersion} to switch cmake generator (by @Neumann-A , in #26339 )
[vcpkg] add updated compile wrapper for clang-cl (by @Neumann-A , in #26340 )
[Qt5|qmake] pass toolchain setup (by @Neumann-A , in #26354 )
[vcpkg] Fix typo (by @Cheney-W , in #26388 )
Typo "Github"???"GitHub" (by @hyoshioka0128 , in #26441 )
(by @dg0yt , in #26449 )
[windres-rc] support --define, --include-dir (by @wrobelda , in #26454 )
[DOCS] Update (by @ChungZH , in #26456 )
Update vcpkg-tool to 2022-08-24 (by @BillyONeal , in #26507 )
[nuget] Update to 6.2.1 (by @JackBoosY , in #26522 )
[issue template] Emphasise that console output isn't enough (by @Thomas1664 , in #26569 )
[scripts] Set VCPKG_TARGET_BUNDLE_SUFFIX to .app for iOS to allow for tools building more cleanly (by @russelltg , in #26612 )
[vcpkg_acquire_msys] add 'which' package to default set on Windows (by @wrobelda , in #26618 )
[vcpkg tool] Update vcpkg-tool to 2022-09-01 (by @BillyONeal , in #26626 )
GitHub Workflows security hardening (by @sashashura , in #26640 )
[vcpkg] Update vcpkg-tool to 2022-09-20 (by @BillyONeal , in #26881 )
VM Update September 2022 (by @BillyONeal , in #26895 )
Minor github bot cleanups. (by @BillyONeal , in #26930 )
Version lock the github actions actions. (by @BillyONeal , in #26933 )
New Contributors
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