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1060 lines (746 loc) · 50.4 KB

File metadata and controls

1060 lines (746 loc) · 50.4 KB



Minor Changes

  • Unstable Vite support for Node-based Remix apps (#7590)
    • remix build 👉 vite build && vite build --ssr
    • remix dev 👉 vite dev
    • Other runtimes (e.g. Deno, Cloudflare) not yet supported.
    • See "Future > Vite" in the Remix Docs for details
  • Add a new future.v3_fetcherPersist flag to change the persistence behavior of fetchers. Instead of being immediately cleaned up when unmounted in the UI, fetchers will persist until they return to an idle state (RFC) (#7704)

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Sourcemap takes into account special chars in output file (#7574)
  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes

  • Fix types for MDX files when using pnpm (#7491)
  • Update getDependenciesToBundle to handle ESM packages without main exports (#7272)
    • Note that these packages must expose package.json in their exports field so that their path can be resolved
  • Fix server builds where serverBuildPath extension is .cjs (#7180)
  • Updated dependencies:


Major Changes

  • The create-remix CLI has been rewritten to feature a cleaner interface, Git repo initialization and optional remix.init script execution. The interactive template prompt and official Remix stack/template shorthands have also been removed so that community/third-party templates are now on a more equal footing. (#6887)

    • The code for create-remix has been moved out of the Remix CLI since it's not intended for use within an existing Remix application
    • This means that the remix create command is no longer available.
  • Enable built-in PostCSS and Tailwind support by default. (#6909)

    • These tools are now automatically used within the Remix compiler if PostCSS and/or Tailwind configuration files are present in your project.
    • If you have a custom PostCSS and/or Tailwind setup outside of Remix, you can disable these features in your remix.config.js via the postcss:false and/or tailwind:false flags
  • Drop React 17 support (#7121)

  • Require Node >=18.0.0 (#6939)

  • Compile server build to Node 18 (#7292)

    • This allows features like top-level await to be used within a Remix app
  • Remove default Node.js polyfills - you must now opt-into polyfills via the serverNodeBuiltinsPolyfill and browserNodeBuiltinsPolyfill configs (#7269)

  • Remove v2_errorBoundary flag and CatchBoundary implementation (#6906)

  • Remove v2_normalizeFormMethod future flag - all formMethod values will be normalized in v2 (#6875)

  • Remove v2_routeConvention flag - the flat route file convention is now standard (#6969)

  • Remove v2_headers flag - it is now the default behavior to use the deepest headers function in the route tree (#6979)

  • The route meta API now defaults to the new "V2 Meta" API (#6958)

  • Default to serverModuleFormat: "esm" and update remix-serve to use dynamic import to support ESM and CJS build outputs (#6949)

  • Remove serverBuildTarget config option (#6896)

  • Remove deprecated REMIX_DEV_HTTP_ORIGIN env var - use REMIX_DEV_ORIGIN instead (#6963)

  • Remove devServerBroadcastDelay config option (#7063)

  • Remove deprecated devServerPort option - use --port / dev.port instead (#7078)

  • Remove deprecated REMIX_DEV_SERVER_WS_PORT env var - use remix dev's '--port / port option instead (#6965)

  • Stop passing isTypeScript to remix.init script (#7099)

  • Remove replace-remix-magic-imports codemod (#6899)

  • Remove deprecated --no-restart/restart cli args/flags - use --manual/manual instead (#6962)

  • Remove deprecated --scheme/scheme and --host/host cli args/flags - use REMIX_DEV_ORIGIN instead (#6962)

  • Promote the future.v2_dev flag in remix.config.js to a root level dev config (#7002)

  • Remove browserBuildDirectory config option (#6900)

  • Remove serverBuildDirectory config option ([#6897]( Remove codemod command (#6918) 6897))

  • Removed support for "magic exports" from the remix package. This package can be removed from your package.json and you should update all imports to use the source @remix-run/* packages: (#6895)

    - import type { ActionArgs } from "remix";
    - import { json, useLoaderData } from "remix";
    + import type { ActionArgs } from "@remix-run/node";
    + import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
    + import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";

Minor Changes

  • Warn users about obsolete future flags in remix.config.js (#7048)

  • Detect built mode via build.mode (#6964)

    • Prevents mode mismatch between built Remix server entry and user-land server
    • Additionally, all runtimes (including non-Node runtimes) can use build.mode to determine if HMR should be performed
  • Support bun package manager (#7074)

  • The serverNodeBuiltinsPolyfill option (along with the newly added browserNodeBuiltinsPolyfill) now supports defining global polyfills in addition to module polyfills (#7269)

    • For example, to polyfill Node's Buffer global:

      module.exports = {
        serverNodeBuiltinsPolyfill: {
          globals: {
            Buffer: true,
          // You'll probably need to polyfill the "buffer" module
          // too since the global polyfill imports this:
          modules: {
            buffer: true,

Patch Changes

  • Fix importing of PNGs, SVGs, and other assets from packages in node_modules (#6813, #7182)

  • Decouple the @remix-run/dev package from the contents of the @remix-run/css-bundle package. (#6982)

    • The contents of the @remix-run/css-bundle package are now entirely managed by the Remix compiler
    • Even though it's still recommended that your Remix dependencies all share the same version, this change ensures that there are no runtime errors when upgrading @remix-run/dev without upgrading @remix-run/css-bundle
  • Allow non-development modes for remix watch (#7117)

  • Stop remix dev when esbuild is not running (#7158)

  • Do not interpret JSX in .ts files (#7306)

    • While JSX is supported in .js files for compatibility with existing apps and libraries, .ts files should not contain JSX. By not interpreting .ts files as JSX, .ts files can contain single-argument type generics without needing a comma to disambiguate from JSX:

      // this works in .ts files
      const id = <T>(x: T) => x;
      //          ^ single-argument type generic
      // this doesn't work in .tsx files
      const id = <T,>(x: T) => x;
      //          ^ is this a JSX element? or a single-argument type generic?
      // this works in .tsx files
      const id = <T,>(x: T) => x;
      //           ^ comma: this is a generic, not a JSX element
      const component = <h1>hello</h1>;
      //                   ^ no comma: this is a JSX element
  • Enhance obsolete flag warning for future.v2_dev if it was an object, and prompt users to lift it to the root dev config (#7427)

  • Allow decorators in app code (#7176)

  • Allow JSX in .js files during HMR (#7112)

  • Kill app server when remix dev terminates (#7280)

  • Support dependencies that import polyfill packages for Node built-ins via a trailing slash (e.g. importing the buffer package with var Buffer = require('buffer/').Buffer as recommended in their README) (#7198)

    • These imports were previously marked as external
    • This meant that they were left as dynamic imports in the client bundle and would throw a runtime error in the browser (e.g. Dynamic require of "buffer/" is not supported)
  • Surface errors when PostCSS config is invalid (#7391)

  • Restart dev server when Remix config changes (#7269)

  • Remove outdated ESM import warnings (#6916)

    • Most of the time these warnings were false positives.
    • Instead, we now rely on built-in Node warnings for ESM imports.
  • Do not trigger rebuilds when .DS_Store changes (#7172)

  • Remove warnings for stabilized flags: (#6905)

    • unstable_cssSideEffectImports
    • unstable_cssModules
    • unstable_vanillaExtract
  • Allow any mode (NODE_ENV) (#7113)

  • Replace the deprecated xdm package with @mdx-js/mdx (#4054)

  • Write a version.txt sentinel file after server build is completely written (#7299)

  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes

  • Show deprecation warning when using devServerBroadcastDelay and devServerPort config options (#7064)
  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes

  • Update proxy-agent to resolve npm audit security vulnerability (#7027)
  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes

  • Add a heartbeat ping to prevent the WebSocket connection from being closed due to inactivity when using a proxy like Cloudflare (#6904, #6927)
  • Treeshake out HMR code from production builds (#6894)
  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

  • improved networking options for v2_dev (#6724)

    deprecate the --scheme and --host options and replace them with the REMIX_DEV_ORIGIN environment variable

  • Output esbuild metafiles for bundle analysis (#6772)

    Written to server build directory (build/ by default):

    • metafile.css.json
    • metafile.js.json (browser JS)
    • metafile.server.json (server JS)

    Metafiles can be uploaded to for analysis.

  • Add serverNodeBuiltinsPolyfill config option. In remix.config.js you can now disable polyfills of Node.js built-in modules for non-Node.js server platforms, or opt into a subset of polyfills. (#6814, #6859, #6877)

    // Disable all polyfills
    exports.serverNodeBuiltinsPolyfill = { modules: {} };
    // Enable specific polyfills
    exports.serverNodeBuiltinsPolyfill = {
      modules: {
        crypto: true, // Provide a JSPM polyfill
        fs: "empty", // Provide an empty polyfill

Patch Changes

  • ignore missing react-dom/client for react 17 (#6725)

  • Warn if not using v2_dev (#6818)

    Also, rename --no-restart to --manual to match intention and documentation. --no-restart remains an alias for --manual in v1 for backwards compatibility.

  • ignore errors when killing already dead processes (#6773)

  • Always rewrite css-derived assets during builds (#6837)

  • fix sourcemaps for v2_dev (#6762)

  • Do not clear screen when dev server starts (#6719)

    On some terminal emulators, "clearing" only scrolls the next line to the top. on others, it erases the scrollback.

    Instead, let users call clear themselves (clear && remix dev) if they want to clear.

  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • stabilize v2 dev server (#6615)
  • improved logging for remix build and remix dev (#6596)

Patch Changes

  • fix docs links for msw and mkcert (#6672)
  • fix remix dev -c: kill all descendant processes of specified command when restarting (#6663)
  • Add caching to regular stylesheet compilation (#6638)
  • Rename Architect (AWS Lambda) -> Architect in the create-remix CLI to avoid confusion for other methods of deploying to AWS (i.e., SST) (#6484)
  • Improve CSS bundle build performance by skipping unused Node polyfills (#6639)
  • Improve performance of CSS bundle build by skipping compilation of Remix/React packages that are known not to contain CSS imports (#6654)
  • Cache CSS side-effect imports transform when using HMR (#6622)
  • Fix bug with pathless layout routes beneath nested path segments (#6649)
  • Add caching to PostCSS for CSS Modules (#6604)
  • Add caching to PostCSS for side-effect imports (#6554)
  • cache getRouteModuleExports calls to significantly speed up build and HMR rebuild times (#6629)
  • group rebuild logs with surrounding whitespace (#6607)
  • instructions for integrating with msw (#6669)
  • Update minimum version of esbuild-plugins-node-modules-polyfill to 1.0.16 to ensure that the plugin is cached (#6652)
  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes

  • Replace esbuild-plugin-polyfill-node with esbuild-plugins-node-modules-polyfill (#6562)
  • Lazily generate CSS bundle when import of @remix-run/css-bundle is detected (#6535)
  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

  • built-in tls support (#6483)

    New options:

    • --tls-key / tlsKey: TLS key
    • --tls-cert / tlsCert: TLS Certificate

    If both TLS options are set, scheme defaults to https


    Install mkcert and create a local CA:

    brew install mkcert
    mkcert -install

    Then make sure you inform node about your CA certs:

    export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS="$(mkcert -CAROOT)/rootCA.pem"

    👆 You'll probably want to put that env var in your scripts or .bashrc/.zshrc

    Now create key.pem and cert.pem:

    mkcert -key-file key.pem -cert-file cert.pem localhost

    See mkcert docs for more details.

    Finally, pass in the paths to the key and cert via flags:

    remix dev --tls-key=key.pem --tls-cert=cert.pem

    or via config:

    module.exports = {
      future: {
        unstable_dev: {
          tlsKey: "key.pem",
          tlsCert: "cert.pem",

    That's all that's needed to set up the Remix Dev Server with TLS.

    🚨 Make sure to update your app server for TLS as well.

    For example, with express:

    import fs from "node:fs";
    import https from "node:https";
    import express from "express";
    const app = express();
    // ...code setting up your express app...
    const appServer = https.createServer(
        key: fs.readFileSync("key.pem"),
        cert: fs.readFileSync("cert.pem"),
    appServer.listen(3000, () => {
      console.log("Ready on https://localhost:3000");

    Known limitations

    remix-serve does not yet support TLS. That means this only works for custom app server using the -c flag for now.

  • Reuse dev server port for WebSocket (Live Reload,HMR,HDR) (#6476)

    As a result the webSocketPort/--websocket-port option has been obsoleted. Additionally, scheme/host/port options for the dev server have been renamed.

    Available options are:

    Option flag config default
    Command -c / --command command remix-serve <server build path>
    Scheme --scheme scheme http
    Host --host host localhost
    Port --port port Dynamically chosen open port
    No restart --no-restart restart: false restart: true

    Note that scheme/host/port options are for the dev server, not your app server. You probably don't need to use scheme/host/port option if you aren't configuring networking (e.g. for Docker or SSL).

Patch Changes

  • Add caching to PostCSS for regular stylesheets (#6505)

  • Fix warnings when importing CSS files with future.unstable_dev enabled (#6506)

  • Fix Tailwind performance issue when postcss.config.js contains plugins: { tailwindcss: {} } and remix.config.js contains both tailwind: true and postcss: true. (#6468)

    Note that this was not an issue when the plugin function had been explicitly called, i.e. plugins: [tailwindcss()]. Remix avoids adding the Tailwind plugin to PostCSS if it's already present but we were failing to detect when the plugin function hadn't been called — either because the plugin function itself had been passed, i.e. plugins: [require('tailwindcss')], or the plugin config object syntax had been used, i.e. plugins: { tailwindcss: {} }.

  • Faster server export removal for routes when unstable_dev is enabled. (#6455)

    Also, only render modulepreloads on SSR. Do not render modulepreloads when hydrated.

  • Add HeadersArgs type to be consistent with loaders/actions/meta and allows for using a function declaration in addition to an arrow function expression (#6247)

    import type { HeadersArgs } from "@remix-run/node"; // or cloudflare/deno
    export function headers({ loaderHeaders }: HeadersArgs) {
      return {
        "x-my-custom-thing": loaderHeaders.get("x-my-custom-thing") || "fallback",
  • better error message when remix-serve is not found (#6477)

  • restore color for app server output (#6485)

  • Fix route ranking bug with pathless layout route next to a sibling index route (#4421)

    • Under the hood this is done by removing the trailing slash from all generated path values since the number of slash-delimited segments counts towards route ranking so the trailing slash incorrectly increases the score for routes
  • Support sibling pathless layout routes by removing pathless layout routes from the unique route path checks in conventional route generation since they inherently trigger duplicate paths (#4421)

  • fix dev server crashes caused by ungraceful hdr error handling (#6467)

  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes

  • Cross-module loader change detection for HDR (#6299)
  • Normalize path for dev server PATH envvar so that it works cross-platform (e.g. Windows) (#6310)
  • Fix CSS imports in JS files that use JSX (#6309)
  • Kill app server when dev server exits (#6395)
  • Wait until app server is killed before starting a new app server (#6289)
  • Ensure CSS bundle changes result in a new manifest hash (#6374)
  • Normalize file paths before testing if a changed file is a route entry (#6293)
  • Fix race where app server responds with updated manifest version before dev server is listening for it (#6294)
    • dev server now listens for updated versions before writing the server changes, guaranteeing that it is listening before the app server gets a chance to send its 'ready' message
  • Only process .css.ts/.css.js files with Vanilla Extract if @vanilla-extract/css is installed (#6345)
  • Stop modifying a user's tsconfig.json when running using getConfig (remix dev, remix routes, remix build, etc) (#6156)
  • Cancel previous build when rebuild is kicked off to prevent rebuilds from hanging (#6295)
  • Update minimum version of Babel dependencies to avoid errors parsing decorators (#6390)
  • Support asset imports when detecting loader changes for HDR (#6396)
  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

  • Enable support for CSS Modules, Vanilla Extract and CSS side-effect imports (#6046)

    These CSS bundling features were previously only available via future.unstable_cssModules, future.unstable_vanillaExtract and future.unstable_cssSideEffectImports options in remix.config.js, but they have now been stabilized.

    In order to use these features, check out our guide to CSS bundling in your project.

  • Stabilize built-in PostCSS support via the new postcss option in remix.config.js. As a result, the future.unstable_postcss option has also been deprecated. (#5960)

    The postcss option is false by default, but when set to true will enable processing of all CSS files using PostCSS if postcss.config.js is present.

    If you followed the original PostCSS setup guide for Remix, you may have a folder structure that looks like this, separating your source files from its processed output:

    ├── app
    │   └── styles (processed files)
    │       ├── app.css
    │       └── routes
    │           └── index.css
    └── styles (source files)
        ├── app.css
        └── routes
            └── index.css

    After you've enabled the new postcss option, you can delete the processed files from app/styles folder and move your source files from styles to app/styles:

    ├── app
    │   └── styles (source files)
    │       ├── app.css
    │       └── routes
    │           └── index.css

    You should then remove app/styles from your .gitignore file since it now contains source files rather than processed output.

    You can then update your package.json scripts to remove any usage of postcss since Remix handles this automatically. For example, if you had followed the original setup guide:

      "scripts": {
    -    "dev:css": "postcss styles --base styles --dir app/styles -w",
    -    "build:css": "postcss styles --base styles --dir app/styles --env production",
    -    "dev": "concurrently \"npm run dev:css\" \"remix dev\""
    +    "dev": "remix dev"
  • Stabilize built-in Tailwind support via the new tailwind option in remix.config.js. As a result, the future.unstable_tailwind option has also been deprecated. (#5960)

    The tailwind option is false by default, but when set to true will enable built-in support for Tailwind functions and directives in your CSS files if tailwindcss is installed.

    If you followed the original Tailwind setup guide for Remix and want to make use of this feature, you should first delete the generated app/tailwind.css.

    Then, if you have a styles/tailwind.css file, you should move it to app/tailwind.css.

    rm app/tailwind.css
    mv styles/tailwind.css app/tailwind.css

    Otherwise, if you don't already have an app/tailwind.css file, you should create one with the following contents:

    @tailwind base;
    @tailwind components;
    @tailwind utilities;

    You should then remove /app/tailwind.css from your .gitignore file since it now contains source code rather than processed output.

    You can then update your package.json scripts to remove any usage of tailwindcss since Remix handles this automatically. For example, if you had followed the original setup guide:

      // ...
      "scripts": {
    -    "build": "run-s \"build:*\"",
    +    "build": "remix build",
    -    "build:css": "npm run generate:css -- --minify",
    -    "build:remix": "remix build",
    -    "dev": "run-p \"dev:*\"",
    +    "dev": "remix dev",
    -    "dev:css": "npm run generate:css -- --watch",
    -    "dev:remix": "remix dev",
    -    "generate:css": "npx tailwindcss -o ./app/tailwind.css",
        "start": "remix-serve build"
      // ...
  • The Remix dev server spins up your app server as a managed subprocess. (#6133) This keeps your development environment as close to production as possible. It also means that the Remix dev server is compatible with any app server.

    By default, the dev server will use the Remix App Server, but you opt to use your own app server by specifying the command to run it via the -c/--command flag:

    remix dev # uses `remix-serve <serve build path>` as the app server
    remix dev -c "node ./server.js" # uses your custom app server at `./server.js`

    The dev server will:

    • force NODE_ENV=development and warn you if it was previously set to something else
    • rebuild your app whenever your Remix app code changes
    • restart your app server whenever rebuilds succeed
    • handle live reload and HMR + Hot Data Revalidation

    App server coordination

    In order to manage your app server, the dev server needs to be told what server build is currently being used by your app server. This works by having the app server send a "I'm ready!" message with the Remix server build hash as the payload.

    This is handled automatically in Remix App Server and is set up for you via calls to broadcastDevReady or logDevReady in the official Remix templates.

    If you are not using Remix App Server and your server doesn't call broadcastDevReady, you'll need to call it in your app server after it is up and running. For example, in an Express server:

    // server.js
    // <other imports>
    import { broadcastDevReady } from "@remix-run/node";
    // Path to Remix's server build directory ('build/' by default)
    const BUILD_DIR = path.join(process.cwd(), "build");
    // <code setting up your express server>
    app.listen(3000, () => {
      const build = require(BUILD_DIR);
      console.log("Ready: http://localhost:" + port);
      // in development, call `broadcastDevReady` _after_ your server is up and running
      if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") {


    Options priority order is: 1. flags, 2. config, 3. defaults.

    Option flag config default
    Command -c / --command command remix-serve <server build path>
    HTTP(S) scheme --http-scheme httpScheme http
    HTTP(S) host --http-host httpHost localhost
    HTTP(S) port --http-port httpPort Dynamically chosen open port
    Websocket port --websocket-port websocketPort Dynamically chosen open port
    No restart --no-restart restart: false restart: true

    🚨 The --http-* flags are only used for internal dev server <-> app server communication. Your app will run on your app server's normal URL.

    To set unstable_dev configuration, replace unstable_dev: true with unstable_dev: { <options> }. For example, to set the HTTP(S) port statically:

    // remix.config.js
    module.exports = {
      future: {
        unstable_dev: {
          httpPort: 8001,

    SSL and custom hosts

    You should only need to use the --http-* flags and --websocket-port flag if you need fine-grain control of what scheme/host/port for the dev server. If you are setting up SSL or Docker networking, these are the flags you'll want to use.

    🚨 Remix will not set up SSL and custom host for you. The --http-scheme and --http-host flag are for you to tell Remix how you've set things up. It is your task to set up SSL certificates and host files if you want those features.

    --no-restart and require cache purging

    If you want to manage server changes yourself, you can use the --no-restart flag to tell the dev server to refrain from restarting your app server when builds succeed:

    remix dev -c "node ./server.js" --no-restart

    For example, you could purge the require cache of your app server to keep it running while picking up server changes. If you do so, you should watch the server build path (build/ by default) for changes and only purge the require cache when changes are detected.

    🚨 If you use --no-restart, it is your responsibility to call broadcastDevReady when your app server has picked up server changes. For example, with chokidar:

    const BUILD_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, "build");
    const watcher =;
    watcher.on("change", () => {
      // 1. purge require cache
      // 2. load updated server build
      const build = require(BUILD_PATH);
      // 3. tell dev server that this app server is now ready

Patch Changes

  • Fix absolute paths in CSS url() rules when using CSS Modules, Vanilla Extract and CSS side-effect imports (#5788)
  • look for @remix-run/serve in devDependencies when running remix dev (#6228)
  • add warning for v2 "cjs"->"esm" serverModuleFormat default change (#6154)
  • write mjs server output files (#6225)
  • fix(react,dev): dev chunking and refresh race condition (#6201)
  • Use correct require context in bareImports plugin. (#6181)
  • use minimatch for regex instead of glob-to-regexp (#6017)
  • add logDevReady as replacement for platforms that can't initialize async I/O outside of the request response lifecycle. (#6204)
  • Use the "automatic" JSX runtime when processing MDX files. (#6098)
  • forcibly kill app server during dev (#6197)
  • show first compilation error instead of cancelation errors (#6202)
  • Resolve imports from route modules across the graph back to the virtual module created by the v2 routes plugin. This fixes issues where we would duplicate portions of route modules that were imported. (#6098)
  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

  • Added deprecation warning for v2_normalizeFormMethod (#5863)

  • Added a new future.v2_normalizeFormMethod flag to normalize the exposed useNavigation().formMethod as an uppercase HTTP method to align with the previous useTransition behavior as well as the fetch() behavior of normalizing to uppercase HTTP methods. (#5815)

    • When future.v2_normalizeFormMethod === false,
      • useNavigation().formMethod is lowercase
      • useFetcher().formMethod is uppercase
    • When future.v2_normalizeFormMethod === true:
      • useNavigation().formMethod is uppercase
      • useFetcher().formMethod is uppercase
  • Added deprecation warning for browserBuildDirectory in remix.config (#5702)

  • Added deprecation warning for CatchBoundary in favor of future.v2_errorBoundary (#5718)

  • Added experimental support for Vanilla Extract caching, which can be enabled by setting future.unstable_vanillaExtract: { cache: true } in remix.config. This is considered experimental due to the use of a brand new Vanilla Extract compiler under the hood. In order to use this feature, you must be using at least v1.10.0 of @vanilla-extract/css. (#5735)

  • Added deprecation warning for serverBuildDirectory in remix.config (#5704)

Patch Changes

  • Fixed issue to ensure changes to CSS inserted via @remix-run/css-bundle are picked up during HMR (#5823)
  • We now use path.resolve when re-exporting entry.client (#5707)
  • Added support for .mjs and .cjs extensions when detecting CSS side-effect imports (#5564)
  • Fixed resolution issues for pnpm users installing react-refresh (#5637)
  • Added deprecation warning for future.v2_meta (#5878)
  • Added optional entry file support for React 17 (#5681)
  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Add types for importing *.ico files (#5430)
  • Allow moduleResolution: "bundler" in tsconfig.json (#5576)
  • Fix issue with x-route imports creating multiple entries in the module graph (#5721)
  • Add serverBuildTarget deprecation warning (#5624)
  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

  • Hot Module Replacement and Hot Data Revalidation (#5259)
    • Requires unstable_dev future flag to be enabled
    • HMR provided through React Refresh
    • Features:
      • HMR for component and style changes
      • HDR when loaders for current route change
    • Known limitations for MVP:
      • Only implemented for React via React Refresh
      • No API exposed yet
      • Revalidates all loaders on route when loader changes are detected
      • Loader changes do not account for imported dependencies changing
  • Make entry.client and entry.server files optional (#4600)
    • we'll use a bundled version of each unless you provide your own

Patch Changes

  • Fixes flat route inconsistencies where route.{ext} wasn't always being treated like index.{ext} when used in a folder (#5459)

    • Route conflict no longer throw errors and instead display a helpful warning that we're using the first one we found.

      ⚠️ Route Path Collision: "/dashboard"
      The following routes all define the same URL, only the first one will be used
      🟢️️ routes/dashboard/route.tsx
      ⭕️️ routes/dashboard.tsx
      ⚠️ Route Path Collision: "/"
      The following routes all define the same URL, only the first one will be used
      🟢️️ routes/_landing._index.tsx
      ⭕️️ routes/_dashboard._index.tsx
      ⭕️ routes/_index.tsx
  • Log errors thrown during initial build in development. (#5441)

  • Sync FutureConfig interface between packages (#5398)

  • Add file loader for importing .csv files (#3920)

  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

  • We are deprecating serverBuildTarget in remix.config. See the release notes for v1.13.0 for more information. (#5354)
  • Add built-in support for PostCSS via the future.unstable_postcss feature flag (#5229)
  • Add built-in support for Tailwind via the future.unstable_tailwind feature flag (#5229)

Patch Changes

  • Mark Vanilla Extract files as side effects to ensure that files only containing global styles aren't tree-shaken (#5246)
  • Support decorators in files using CSS side-effect imports (#5305)
  • We made several Flat route fixes and enhancements. See the release notes for v1.13.0 for more information. (#5228)
  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

  • Added a new development server available in the Remix config under the unstable_dev flag. See the release notes for a full description. (#5133)

Patch Changes

  • Fixed issues with v2_routeConvention on Windows so that new and renamed files are properly included (#5266)
  • Server build should not be removed in remix watch and remix dev (#5228)
  • The dev server will now clean up build directories whenever a rebuild starts (#5223)
  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes

  • Fixed a bug with v2_routeConvention that prevented index modules from being recognized for route paths (195291a3d)
  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

  • Specify file loader for .fbx, .glb, .gltf, .hdr, and .mov files (#5030)
  • Added support for Vanilla Extract via the unstable_vanillaExtract future flag. IMPORTANT: Features marked with unstable are … unstable. While we're confident in the use cases they solve, the API and implementation may change without a major version bump. (#5040)
  • Add support for CSS side-effect imports via the unstable_cssSideEffectImports future flag. IMPORTANT: Features marked with unstable are … unstable. While we're confident in the use cases they solve, the API and implementation may change without a major version bump. (#4919)
  • Add support for CSS Modules via the unstable_cssModules future flag. IMPORTANT: Features marked with unstable are … unstable. While we're confident in the use cases they solve, the API and implementation may change without a major version bump. (#4852)

Patch Changes

  • Add new "flat" routing conventions. This convention will be the default in v2 but is available now under the v2_routeConvention future flag. (#4880)
  • Added support for handle in MDX frontmatter (#4865)
  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Fixed several issues with TypeScript to JavaScript conversion when running create-remix (#4891)
  • Resolve asset entry full path to support monorepo import of styles (#4855)
  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

  • Allow defining multiple routes for the same route module file (#3970)
  • Added support and conventions for optional route segments (#4706)

Patch Changes

  • The Remix compiler now supports new Typescript 4.9 syntax (like the satisfies keyword) (#4754)
  • Optimize parentRouteId lookup in defineConventionalRoutes. (#4800)
  • Fixed a bug in .ts -> .js conversion on Windows by using a relative unix-style path (#4718)
  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Added a missing type definition for the Remix config future option to the @remix-run/dev/server-build virtual module (#4771)
  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

  • Added support for a new route meta API to handle arrays of tags instead of an object. For details, check out the RFC. (#4610)

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Update create-remix to use the new examples repository when using --template example/<name> (#4208)
  • Add support for setting moduleResolution to node, node16 or nodenext in tsconfig.json. (#4034)
  • Add resources imported only by resource routes to assetsBuildDirectory (#3841)
  • Ensure that any assets referenced in CSS files are hashed and copied to the assetsBuildDirectory. (#4130)
  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Added support for importing .gql and .graphql files as plain text (#3923)
  • Added support for importing .zip and .avif files as resource URLs (#3985)

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Added support for .mjs and .cjs file extensions for remix.config (#3675)
  • Added support for importing .sql files as text content (#3190)
  • Updated the compiler to make MDX builds deterministic (and a little faster!) (#3966)
  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Write server build output files so that only assets imported from resource routes are written to disk (#3817)
  • Add support for exporting links in .mdx files (#3801)
  • Ensure that build hashing is deterministic (#2027)
  • Fix types for @remix-run/dev/server-build virtual module (#3743)
  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes

  • Update serverBareModulesPlugin warning to use full import path (#3656)
  • Fix broken --port flag in create-remix (#3694)
  • Updated dependencies
    • @remix-run/server-runtime
    • @remix-run/serve