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Frequently Asked Questions - Use of issue templates

(compare Wiki pages Contribute Code, Reporting a bug, Requesting a feature, too)

Why was my bug report, feature request or pull request closed without further notice?

Most likely because you ignored the templates provided or simply refused to fill them with content that makes sense.

Why do you insist on using templates for issues?

Sometimes bug reports or feature request are done in a pretty sloppy way, lacking crucial information. Templates help users to provide that information and to think about what they want. And they help us to communicate what information we need.

The experience of the last years showed that a good bug report or feature request can save time as we developer immediately understand the problem without going back and forth retrieving information by asking for each missing detail.

Therefore, providing decent information when creating a new issue is also showing respect for the work done in spare time by the developers.

But I always write decent descriptions in issues and hate templates?

Yes, that might be true but always keep in mind that others might take your issue as example for theirs without having your brilliant ability. The result is a badly written issue report ignoring the template. The excuse: Other issues are the same. Therefore, be a good team-mate in every aspect. Give a good example. Use the templates.

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