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Activity : Means of motion (pedestrian, bicycle, car, ...) for part (range) of a track.

Active project : A single project in the workspace into which newly created GIS objects are saved.

BRouter : Router application for finding a route between two points using the topographical data from OpenStreetMap. The router can

  • handle different routing profiles,
  • use elevation data,
  • calculate alternative routes,
  • process no-go areas and lines,
  • work online and offline.

DEM : Abbreviation for Digital Elevation Model. DEM data provides elevation data for maps. QMapShack can handle this data from different sources with the help of VRT files that describe the properties of the downloaded elevation data.

Diary : See Roadbook.

Douglas-Peuker filter : A track filter for smoothing recorded tracks and for removing superfluous trackpoints from a track.

Elevation shading : Elevation shading assigns a color to a pixel-based on the elevation of that pixel (compare topo maps).

EPSG code : A 4- or 5-digits code that identifies a geodetic coordinate system or its components (projection, datum).

Filter : See Track filter.

GDAL : Abbreviation for Geospatial Data Abstraction Library. Library for handling raster and vector geospatial data formats.

GIS data : Abbreviation for Geographic Information Systems data. This data includes all tracks, routes, and waypoints used in QMapShack.

gmapsupp.img : Typical file name and at the same time term for describing widely used container format for Garmin-style vector maps.

Hillshading : Hillshading is a technique used to visualize terrain as shaded relief, illuminating it with a hypothetical light source. The illumination value for each location is determined by its orientation to the light source, which is based on slope and orientation of slope. Hillshading simulates a 3-dimensional terrain. In QMS the light source is located in the northwest direction.

Line : See Polyline.

Map cache : Special storage location where map data is saved temporarily in a format suitable for fast reloading. One of the advantages of the map cache is that cached online map tiles can be displayed immediately instead of waiting for the online map server.

Map view : A window where different types of maps and where tracks, routes, and waypoints are displayed and handled.

Maps window/tab : Window/tab in QMapShack where the user can define and activate the vector, raster, or online maps for a map view.

No-go area : An area that can't be crossed by a route or a track. In QMS no-go areas can be created from normal areas. The BRouter routing engine can process no-go areas.

No-go line : A line that can't be crossed by a route or a track. In QMS no-go lines can be created from routes or tracks. The BRouter routing engine can process no-go lines.

Planetsplitter : Part of the Routino offline router package. Planetsplitter creates an efficient routing database from OpenStreetMap data.

POI : A POI (point of interest) is a data object defined by a single geographical position/location loaded from a POI file. It doesn't belong to a workspace project and can't be edited or saved. In QMS POIs and waypoints are different objects.

Polyline : Also denoted as Line or GIS item with multiple points. A series of connected straight line intervals linking given points. Tracks, routes, and area boundaries are polylines.

Roadbook : Also denoted as "Diary". A tabular overview of all data in a project.

Routing method : The method used for creating automatically intermediate subpoints of a track or route between 2 consecutive given waypoints.

Routino database : Preprocessed form of OpenStreetMap routing data for use with Routino router.

Routino : Offline router application for finding a route between two points using the topographical data from OpenStreetMap. To optimize the routing a custom database format is used.

Slope at geographical location : Value of the steepest ascent or descent at a given geographical location (maximum rate of change of elevation between that location and its surroundings) calculated from DEM data. It informs about the steepest ascent resp. descent in the terrain around a given location. In QMS measured in degrees. Always nonnegative values. Displayed in the QMS status line or as adjustable elevation property in a map as soon as DEM data for the given location are activated.

Slope of terrain (terrain slope) : Slope at the geographical location of a trackpoint. Can be attached with the help of the Calculate terrain slope track filter to trackpoints. Can be displayed in a graph in the track edit window. Terrain slope and track slope are two different features of a trackpoint!

Slope of track : Calculated from the elevation difference and the distance between 2 successive waypoints. It informs about the ascent or descent along the track. It can have positive values (for ascent) and negative values (for descent). Measured in degrees. Can be displayed in a graph in the track edit window.

Slope shading : A visualization technique for slopes at geographical locations on maps. Slope values from the lowest to the highest are mapped to different levels of gray (white: lowest slope, black: highest slope). These gray values are shown as an overlay on the base map. QMS offers a second slope shading (coloring) method where (user-defined) slope ranges are mapped to different colors and the colors are shown as an overlay on the base map.

Terrain slope : See Slope of terrain.

TMS : Abbreviation for Tile Map Service. A TMS file provides access to cartographic maps on special map servers.

Track details dialog : Also denoted as "Track edit window". Window that displays various information about a track and that allows editing of some track data.

Track edit mode : Special state of a track in which trackpoints can be edited. To do this a copy of the track is created. The user carries out the editing (add, move, delete of points, assign activity, ...) on this copy and at the end he decides whether to save the changes to the original or to a new track, or if he wants to abort editing.

Track edit window : See Track details dialog.

Track filter : Tool to manipulate a track in a predefined way. QMS supports track filters for elevation, timestamps, splitting tracks, and others.

Track range : A sequence of trackpoints of a track that can be handled separately (copy, assign activity, hide, delete, recalculate,...).

Track segment : Each track consists of an ordered list of one or more track segments. A track segment consists of an ordered list of trackpoints. When combining (joining) tracks in QMS, the track segments of all selected tracks are combined.

Track subpoint : When creating a track the user creates with the help of mouse clicks (ordinary) trackpoints. Depending on the selected routing method additional trackpoints can be added automatically by the routing algorithm. These additional trackpoints are called subpoints.

Trackpoint, hidden : Trackpoints in a track that are not displayed in a map view and not used in the calculation of global track data (length, ascent, ...).

VRT Builder : QMapShack tool for building VRT files from other data such as elevation data or raster maps. This tool calls the gdalbuildvrt tool of the GDAL package.

VRT : The VRT file format is a format used for describing virtual geospatial data composed from various other geospatial data such as elevation data. QMapShack can use elevation data if it is provided as VRT file. Warning: VRT files use relative path names to point to other files. Never move them to another location!

Waypoint : A waypoint is a data object defined by a single geographical position/location. It belongs to a workspace project and can be edited and saved. In QMS waypoints and POIs are different objects.

Waypoint, attached to track : A waypoint that is at the same time a trackpoint of a track. With the help of waypoints attached to a track, the user can define track legs for which the roadbook of the track gives additional information.

WMTS : Abbreviation for Web Map Tile Service. A WMTS file provides access to cartographic maps on special map servers.

Workspace : The part of the user interface (GUI) where the user can work with projects and their data (waypoints, tracks, routes).

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