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Compile and build QMapShack with PROJ 8 for Ubuntu

QMapShack versions beyond version 1.15.2 will use PROJ version 8. This requires some changes in the QMS build procedure. This page is an early release of the description of these changes. It can be used to build current QMS development versions.

The approach described on this page was tested with Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04.

Basic information about the compilation of QMapShack for Ubuntu can be found here.

Warnings and hints:

  • GDAL version 3.x now depends on PROJ. Therefore, don't change the described installation sequence of packages.
  • If there are older versions of the used libraries on your system, remove them completely first.
  • Don't change the advised directory settings.

Update and install needed packages

  1. Ensure that Ubuntu packages have the latest versions

     sudo apt update
     sudo apt upgrade

    Maybe, a reboot is needed. Then check upgrade again:

     sudo apt update
     sudo apt upgrade
  2. Integrate UbuntuGIS repository to get the latest GIS build packages

     sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa
     sudo apt update
     sudo apt upgrade
  3. Install needed packages

     sudo apt install build-essential subversion git qt5-default qttools5-dev libqt5webkit5-dev qtscript5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libghc-bzlib-dev libgraphics-magick-perl libqt5sql5-mysql qtwebengine5-dev default-libmysqlclient-dev libgdal-dev sqlite3 qtcreator
  4. Install CMake

    1. Ubuntu 20.04:

       sudo apt install cmake cmake-curses-gui
    2. Ubuntu 18.04: The minimum cmake version required to build Quazip is 3.15. If already installed, check the current version with

       cmake --version

      If necessary, remove the current version with

       sudo apt remove --purge cmake
       hash -r

      Install the latest version using the snap package

       sudo snap install cmake --classic

Install PROJ version 8

Note: If you encounter linker warnings during the QMapShack compilation process it is advised to use PROJ version 7.2.1. In that case, replace 8.0.0 with 7.2.1 in the following steps and rerun them. For PROJ version 7.2.1 the CMakeLists.txt in the PROJ source directory has to be changed to the proper version number: proj_version(MAJOR 7 MINOR 2 PATCH 1).

  1. Assume, that the current PROJ release is 8.0.0 (otherwise change the version number in the following lines!)

  2. Download

     mkdir ~/GPS
     cd ~/GPS
     tar xzvf proj-8.0.0.tar.gz
     cd proj-8.0.0
  3. Build and install

     mkdir build
     cd build
     ccmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr

    If the ccmake run stops, press c (maybe, several times) and then g.

     cmake --build . -j2
     sudo cmake --build . --target install

Note: The parameter j2 defines the number of simultaneously running jobs when building the code. You can increase this parameter to the value of the optimal compilation speed depending on your CPU (-j3, -j4, ...).

Install GDAL

Note: Please be patient. The building process will take some time. Depending on your hardware settings it may take 1-2 hours.

  1. Download

     cd ~/GPS
     tar xvzf gdal-3.2.2.tar.gz
     cd gdal-3.2.2
  2. Build and install

     ./configure --prefix=/usr
     make -j2
     sudo make install

Install QUAZIP

  1. Assume, that the current QUAZIP release is 1.1 (otherwise change the version number in the following lines!)

  2. Download

     cd ~/GPS
     tar xvzf v1.1.tar.gz
     cd quazip-1.1
     mkdir build
     cd build
  3. Build and install

     ccmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr

    If the ccmake run stops, press c (maybe, several times) and then g.

     cmake --build . -j2
     sudo cmake --build . --target install

Install Routino

  1. Download

     cd ~/GPS
     svn co routino
     cd routino
  2. Edit Makefile.conf:

    1. Line 48: set to prefix=/usr
  3. Build and install

     make -j2
     sudo make install

Install QMapShack

  1. Download

     cd ~/GPS
     git clone QMapShack
     mkdir build_QMapShack
     cd build_QMapShack
  2. Build and install

     ccmake ../QMapShack -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr

    If the ccmake run stops, press c (maybe, several times) and then g.

     make -j2
     sudo make install

Run QMapShack


Install using user-defined directories (for experts)

(This section is a translation of a newsgroup contribution)

This subsection describes how you can install new versions of

  • PROJ
  • GDAL
  • Routino

without overwriting something inside your system installation. The idea is to install the packages in a separate directory.


  • that the steps mentioned in section "Update and install needed packages" have been carried out completely and successfully
  • that everything is to be installed in /home/tormet/QMSDEVDIR/usr (change this to directory path to your preferences)

Install PROJ version 8 (expert version)

Proceed as described in section "Install PROJ version 8" but replace the ccmake step with

ccmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/tormet/QMSDEVDIR/usr

Install GDAL (expert version)

Proceed as described in section "Install GDAL" but replace the configure step with

./configure --prefix=/home/tormet/QMSDEVDIR/usr 

(remove linebreaks!)

Background information: The system library has a dependency on the system library Due to this a conflict arises: GDAL tries to use the system library and the just installed PROJ version tries to use the library. The modified configure step avoids this conflict.

Install QUAZIP (expert version)

Proceed as described in section "Install QUAZIP" but replace the ccmake step with

ccmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/tormet/QMSDEVDIR/usr

Install Routino (expert version)

The Routino version in the system would be sufficient.

For a complete installation proceed as described in section "Install Routino" but change line 48 in Makefile.conf to

prefix=/usr/local to prefix=/home/tormet/QMSDEVDIR/usr

Install QMapShack (expert version)

Because packages are not installed in the system change the ccmake call shown in section "Install QMapShack" as follows:

ccmake ../QMapShack -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/tormet/QMSDEVDIR/usr 

(remove linebreaks!)

Normally the variables in the lines

QuaZip-Qt5_dir: /home/tormet/Software/Linux/QMSDEVDIR/usr/lib/cmake/QuaZip-Qt5-1.1
PROJ_DIR: /home/tormet/QMSDEVDIR/usr/lib/cmake/proj

are set automatically. If there are problems just set them in the shown ccmake call.


Now QMS has been built without changes to the system.

If you start QMS from the build_QMapShack directory with a call to ./bin/qmapshack it will run immediately.

Because there are no conflicts with and, QMS does not crash if quitting it. If there would be conflicts with or, then in the terminal you would see messages like

double free or corruption (out)
Aborted (core dumped)

If you want to start QMS from the installation directory you have to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Inside a bash script you can do this with:

(export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/tormet/QMSDEVDIR/usr/lib:; /home/tormet/QMSDEVDIR/usr/bin/qmapshack & )

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