Releases: mind-inria/mri-nufft
Releases · mind-inria/mri-nufft
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1
What's Changed
- Simple unet training by @Lenoush in #199
- HotFix for docs by @chaithyagr in #207
- Fix example U Net learning by @chaithyagr in #209
- Update joss by @paquiteau in #213
- fix: Off-resonance array backend checks. by @paquiteau in #212
- Update some examples. by @chaithyagr in #219
- Just a few formatting things by @ckolbPTB in #225
- Densities, random walks & travelling salesman by @Daval-G in #206
- Clean documentation and add type hints by @Daval-G in #228
- Finally get right Orientation from raw data by @chaithyagr in #230
- Fixes for normalization issues by @AsmaTANABEN in #214
- Random sampling by @paquiteau in #220
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0
What's Changed
- TURBINE & REPI examples, fixes and improvements by @Daval-G in #186
- Add support for v5.0 trajectories by @chaithyagr in #188
- Enhance Fourier Corrected operator by @mcencini in #180
- Fix density update for gpuNUFFT by @chaithyagr in #190
- fix: A cupy array can be provided for smaps as well. by @paquiteau in #198
- add Conjugate Gradient with Momentum by @Lenoush in #185
- Generalize with_* decorators by @mcencini in #194
- Clean CPU examples by @Daval-G in #196
- [feature] add subspace projection model. by @mcencini in #201
- fix: use the (potentially) rescaled trajectory for update. by @paquiteau in #204
- Paper for JOSS by @paquiteau in #200
Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v1.0.0
What's Changed
- fix: upload-artifact v4 ccompatibility by @paquiteau in #172
- Add support for multicoil autodiff in absence of Smaps by @chaithyagr in #175
- Some tweaks for stacked nufft by @paquiteau in #173
- Fix MaxRecursionDepth error, Memory leaks and move to CUDA12 by @chaithyagr in #174
- Fix violation check rule by @chaithyagr in #177
- Add TURBINE/REPI with EPI-based tools by @Daval-G in #137
- Adding a bunch of new examples by @chaithyagr in #181
- 150 right shape by @Lenoush in #161
Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.11.0
What's Changed
- Add torch kbnufft support by @Lenoush in #111
- Allow NSP reader to automatically choose Nyquist dwell times by @chaithyagr in #154
- Twixtools and orientation matrix extraction by @mbertrait in #157
- Revert siemens raw data reader to mapVBVD by @mbertrait in #165
- Plugging a bunch of test holes back to CI by @chaithyagr in #160
- Add average and fix bug for cartesian data by @chaithyagr in #166
- Smaps update and prevent saving trajectory for autodiff by @AsmaTANABEN in #156
- Have a trajectory learner example and reform the documentation build flow by @chaithyagr in #167
- Update test-ci.yml by @chaithyagr in #169
- fix: add unix time stand for unicity. by @paquiteau in #171
New Contributors
- @mbertrait made their first contribution in #157
- @AsmaTANABEN made their first contribution in #156
Full Changelog: v0.9.1...v0.10.0
What's Changed
- Update README.rst by @philouc in #144
- Update README.rst by @philouc in #143
- Update getting_started.rst by @philouc in #145
- Update mrinufft_convention.rst by @philouc in #146
- Update README.rst by @paquiteau in #148
- Debug doc by @philouc in #149
- 3D radial trajectory bundle (clean) by @Daval-G in #115
- A major bug in NSP read trajectory implementation by @chaithyagr in #85
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.9.1
- update of points for gpuNUFFT, finufft and cufinufft (No need for creating new plans !)
- Autodifferentation with respect to sampling point (thanks @alineyyy !)
What's Changed
- fix: avoid copy when casting with astype. by @paquiteau in #112
- Smaps estimation module in mri-nufft by @chaithyagr in #90
- fix: numpy/cupy compatibility for stacked nufft. by @paquiteau in #120
- Spiral patch by @Daval-G in #105
- Some fixes in Smaps blurr function and slice and contrast based stuff by @chaithyagr in #119
- add mrinufft convention by @paquiteau in #121
- feat(ci): add cache capabilities. by @paquiteau in #126
- Autodiff wrt to trajectory by @alineyyy in #116
- Numpy2.0 by @paquiteau in #134
- Change density to density_compensators by @Lenoush in #114
- add method == true in by @Lenoush in #130
- Add support for updating points with gpuNUFFT by @chaithyagr in #133
- Update plan in time for cufinufft and finufft by @alineyyy in #138
- Test multi-coils in test_autodiff by @alineyyy in #139
- fix: xp array for stacked. by @paquiteau in #141
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0
TLDR: More trajectories, performance gains, and full pytorch support with autodiff !
What's Changed
- Add helical and annular shell trajectories by @Daval-G in #34
- Add Seiffert spiral and shell trajectories by @Daval-G in #36
- Trajectory display overhaul by @Daval-G in #37
- Add 3D wave caipi by @Daval-G in #38
- feat: use a very large coil dimension for 2D stacked NUFFT by @paquiteau in #39
- Testclean by @paquiteau in #43
- Better docs by @paquiteau in #40
- Expansion overhaul by @Daval-G in #41
- Update test-ci.yml by @paquiteau in #52
- feat: use enums by @paquiteau in #55
- Improve the display config by @paquiteau in #54
- Propeller by @Daval-G in #56
- Benchmark tweaks by @paquiteau in #62
- Density compensation by @paquiteau in #66
- Dispatch density methods in operators by @paquiteau in #68
- Some fixes for pipe density by @paquiteau in #75
- Doc improvements by @paquiteau in #74
- style: run black 24. by @paquiteau in #79
- fix: robust voronoi estimation. by @paquiteau in #78
- feat: cherry-pick torch and lipchitz. by @paquiteau in #76
- Direct Torch and CUPY support for gpUNUFFT arrays by @chaithyagr in #80
- feat: add batch support for gpunufft. by @paquiteau in #81
- Test refactor by @paquiteau in #83
- Fibonacci patch by @Daval-G in #86
- fix #91 by @paquiteau in #92
- share a 2D nufft across Stacked Operators by @paquiteau in #87
- feat: add examples creating GIF of trajectories. by @paquiteau in #93
- fix: broken link by @paquiteau in #94
- Add MRI-NUFFT scheme image by @paquiteau in #95
- Fix NDFT tests by @chaithyagr in #96
- feat: start an autodiff poc. by @paquiteau in #82
- Gpunufft data consistency by @paquiteau in #97
- Added siemens data reader and phase shifter by @chaithyagr in #89
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.8.0
What's Changed
- Test refactor by @paquiteau in #83
- Fibonacci patch by @Daval-G in #86
- fix #91 by @paquiteau in #92
- share a 2D nufft across Stacked Operators by @paquiteau in #87
- feat: add examples creating GIF of trajectories. by @paquiteau in #93
Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.7.0
What's Changed
- feat: add batch support for gpunufft. by @paquiteau and @chaithyagr in #81
Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.6.1