- update of points for gpuNUFFT, finufft and cufinufft (No need for creating new plans !)
- Autodifferentation with respect to sampling point (thanks @alineyyy !)
What's Changed
- fix: avoid copy when casting with astype. by @paquiteau in #112
- Smaps estimation module in mri-nufft by @chaithyagr in #90
- fix: numpy/cupy compatibility for stacked nufft. by @paquiteau in #120
- Spiral patch by @Daval-G in #105
- Some fixes in Smaps blurr function and slice and contrast based stuff by @chaithyagr in #119
- add mrinufft convention by @paquiteau in #121
- feat(ci): add cache capabilities. by @paquiteau in #126
- Autodiff wrt to trajectory by @alineyyy in #116
- Numpy2.0 by @paquiteau in #134
- Change density to density_compensators by @Lenoush in #114
- add method == true in base.py by @Lenoush in #130
- Add support for updating points with gpuNUFFT by @chaithyagr in #133
- Update plan in time for cufinufft and finufft by @alineyyy in #138
- Test multi-coils in test_autodiff by @alineyyy in #139
- fix: xp array for stacked. by @paquiteau in #141
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0