A curated list of awesome Objective-C frameworks, libraries and software.
- BoltsFramework/Bolts-ObjC - Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier.
- cocos2d/cocos2d-objc - Cocos2d for iOS and OS X, built using Objective-C
- pkyeck/socket.IO-objc - socket.io v0.7.2 — 0.9.x for iOS and OS X
- puls/objc-TimesSquare - TimesSquare is an Objective-C calendar view for your apps.
- octokit/octokit.objc - GitHub API client for Objective-C
- objccn/articles - Articles for objccn.io. objc.io的完整、准确、优雅的中文翻译版本
- mikeash/MAObjCRuntime - ObjC wrapper for ObjC runtime API
- akosma/nib2objc - Set of tools and utilities (command line, GUI, Mac Service) to transform NIB files for the iPhone into Objective-C code files
- raymondjavaxx/SpinKit-ObjC - UIKit port of SpinKit
- objcio/issue-1-lighter-view-controllers - Example project for the 1st issue of objc.io
- puls/objc-codegenutils - Three small tools to help you meet Xcode halfway.
- Gurpartap/AESCrypt-ObjC - A simple and opinionated AES encrypt / decrypt Objective-C class that just works.
- kimziv/PinYin4Objc - PinYin4Objc is a popular objective-c library supporting convertion between Chinese(both Simplified and Tranditional) characters and most popular Pinyin systems, it's performance is very efficient, data cached at first time, and use async method with block, this can avoid ui blocking, and runs smoothly. The output format of pinyin could be customized.(关键字:汉字转拼音,中文转拼音)
- ebf/CTObjectiveCRuntimeAdditions - Objc runtime additions.
- garnett/DLIntrospection - Simple NSObject-category wrapper for <objc/runtime.h>
- booyah/protobuf-objc - Protocol Buffers for Objective C
- DyKnow/SignalR-ObjC - Objective-C Client for the SignalR Project works with iOS and Mac
- puls/objc-mocktail - A simple(r) way to stub out HTTP servers in your Objective-C app.
- AlexDenisov/FontasticIcons - ObjC wrapper for the iconic fonts.
- ccgus/CocoaScript - JavaScript + the Cocoa frameworks, and then ObjC brackets show up to party as well.
- Bertrand/handlebars-objc - handlebars-objc is a feature-complete implementation of Handlebars.js for Objective-C
- douban/douban-objc-client - Objective-C client library for Douban APIs (OAuth 2.0)
- s3lvin/DXCustomCallout-ObjC - A simpler approach to CustomCallouts for MKMapview
- blackm00n/QTree-objc - Library for location-based clustering of data using Quadtree written in Objective-C
- qiniu/objc-sdk - Qiniu Resource (Cloud) Storage Objective-C SDK for Mac/iOS
- OliverLetterer/SLRESTfulCoreData - Objc naming conventions, autogenerated accessors at runtime, URL substitutions and intelligent attribute mapping
- Pocket/Pocket-ObjC-SDK - Headless iOS/Mac SDK for saving stuff to Pocket.
- paulmelnikow/ObjCMongoDB - Mac OS and iOS library for MongoDB and BSON
- ashchan/gmail-notifr-objc - Gmail Notifr - Gmail Notifier for Mac OS X (Objective-C)
- hoisie/LevelDB-ObjC - A minimal wrapper for LevelDB in Objective C
- Aster0id/YCXMenuDemo_ObjC -
is an easy-to-use menu. - devenergy/SpinKit-ObjC - iOS loading component with smooth awesome animation.
- mruegenberg/objc-utils - Utilities for developing ObjC, particularly under iOS
- CapitalGene/objc-CGCalendarView - A Lightweight Horizontal Calendar/Date Picker inspired by Square's TimesSquare
- qiniu/happy-dns-objc - dns library for objective c
- mattstevens/objc-diff - An Objective-C API diff report generator
- mproberts/objc-promise - Objective-C Promises in the CommonJS style
- apadalko/RadialTransition_objC - Great iOS radial (circle) animation transition for navigation controller, with custom back swipe. ObjC
- iamleeg/ObjCViz - Generate graphviz files from Objective-C classes.
- firebase/geofire-objc - GeoFire for Objective-C - Realtime location queries with Firebase
- lqik2004/xunlei-lixian-api-PureObjc - xunlei-lixian-api-PureObjc
- astashov/persistent.objc - Persistent data structures in Objective-C
- novalagung/NVDate - Easy to use Objc-C NSDate library
- chakrit/gossip - A SIP client library that wraps PJSIP into a nice and clean ObjC-style OO api.
- esad/zimt - Collection of useful Cocoa(Touch) classes, including objc implementation of the websocket protocol
- fe9lix/DollarP_ObjC - An Objective-C port of the $P gesture recognizer to be used in iOS applications.
- lyokato/objc-geohash - Objective-C GeoHash Library
- yahoo/yos-social-objc - Yahoo! Social SDK, an Objective-C library for Mac and iPhone developers.
- nevyn/SPAsync - [ObjC] Tools for abstracting asynchrony in Objective-C.
- getsentry/raven-objc - Objective-C client for Sentry
- taglia3/GuillotineMenu-Yalantis-ObjC-Version - This is the Objective-C Version of GuillotineMenu made by Yalantis https://github.com/Yalantis/GuillotineMenu
- pjvds/iPong - Simple pong game running on IOS using ObjC and Cocos2D Box2D
- bavarious/objc4 - Apple’s Objective-C Runtime from http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/objc4/
- JustinFincher/JZtvOSParallaxButton - 📺 tvOS Button with Parallax Effect (ObjC)
- Strilanc/ObjC-CollapsingFutures - Futures, for Objective-C, that automatically collapse so it's nearly impossible to mix up the level of future nesting despite the lack of generics.
- mikeash/MABlockClosure - ObjC block -> C function pointer using libffi
- objcio/issue-10-core-data-network-application - Sample project for objc.io article http://www.objc.io/issue-10/networked-core-data-application.html
- jslim89/RSA-objc - Example for RSA encryption & decryption on iOS
- OliverLetterer/SPLMessageLogger - Intercept and log objc messages.
- travisjeffery/TRVSMonitor - ObjC synchronization construct with the ability to wait until signalled that a condition was met.
- nevyn/NuRemoting - Remote control your iOS app using Nu (lisp-on-objc)
- AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-library-for-objc - The ADAL SDK for Objective C gives you the ability to add support for Work Accounts to your iOS and OS X applications with just a few lines of additional code. This SDK gives your application the full functionality of Microsoft Azure AD, including industry standard protocol support for OAuth2, Web API integration with user level consent, and two factor authentication support.
- profmaad/librabbitmq-objc - Objective-C wrapper for librabbitmq-c
- nfarina/modelobject - ObjC Model Object class using new language features.
- AlexDenisov/xcconf - YAML-based configuration for ObjC projects
- wang9262/Koloda-ObjC - The ObjC style of Koloda https://github.com/Yalantis/Koloda
- kailoa/iphone-smtp - A github fork of SKPSMTPMessage. A quick SMTP client for the iPhone, built on CFNetwork in ObjC
- JanX2/readability-objc - Objective-C port of arc90’s readability tool
- hprose/hprose-objc - Hprose for Objective-C
- square/objc-borderpatrol - A simple point-in-polygon implementation on top of Core Location.
- danieleggert/mixed-swift-objc-framework - Shows how to mix Swift and Objective-C code inside a framework target
- uacaps/MotionGestureRecognizers-ObjC - MotionGestures is a simple, multi-platform gesture library for Leap Motion that mimics the UIGestureRecognizer classes of iOS.
- nicerobot/objc - Objective-C utilities
- gyetvan-andras/Chart.js-ObjC-Wrapper - An Objective-C wrapper around Chart.js.
- jballanc/objc-ycomb - A Y-Combinator for Objective-C
- itsthejb/ObjcAssociatedObjectHelpers - Make working with associated objects much more pleasurable.
- juretta/objc-stomp - STOMP Objective-C client
- heavylifters/HLDeferred-objc - Deferred for iOS, based on Twisted
- mxcl/MBWebSocketServer - An objc draft 10 websocket implementation
- tuoxie007/BEEPS-objc - The bi-exponential edge-preserving smoother (BEEPS) algorithms implementation based on objc.
- knagode/M3Synchronization - Client and server synchronization of database tables using REST. This code is for OBJC+CoreData client.
- cocos2d/cocos2d-objc-ext - Extensions and utility classes for Cocos2D-iphone
- timonus/TJReadLater - Stupidly simple ObjC interface for Instapaper, Read It Later, Pinboard, and Delicious
- saturngod/Socket.io-with-iOS - (deprecated). Please use https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-client-swift . Node.js socket.io with iOS. It's using https://github.com/pkyeck/socket.IO-objc
- nerdishbynature/ObjcModelValidation - Port of ActiveRecord Validators to Objective-C
- IngeoSDK/ingeo-ios-sdk - The most power-efficient and lightweight iOS location manager for Swift and ObjC
- seegno/primus-objc - A client written in Objective-C for the Primus real-time framework with initial support for web sockets (via SocketRocket) and socket.io (via socket.IO-objc). Easily switch between different real-time Objective-C frameworks without any code changes.
- martinkou/bson-objc - BSON Codec for Objective-C
- plu/ReactiveNetworking - Extracted code from OctoKit.objc that connects AFNetworking with ReactiveCocoa and Mantle
- taglia3/ElasticTransition-ObjC - A UIKit custom transition that simulates an elastic drag.This is the Objective-C Version of Elastic Transition written in Swift by lkzhao
- regwez/protobuf-objc-iOS5 - More Efficient version of protobuf-objc
- shilgapira/ObjCrust - Using Rust to create an iOS static library
- karticodes/MetroCollectionLayout-ObjC - A metro style collection layout for iOS - Objective C
- JanX2/JXLS - JXLS is an ObjC++ wrapper and framework for xlslib. xlslib is a C++/C library to construct Microsoft Excel™ .xls files in code.
- jessesquires/objc-sorts - A collection of sorting algorithms implemented in Objective-C
- carlinyuen/FacebookMenuButton - My shot at recreating Facebook Paper's hamburger menu button. Keywords: iOS, objective-c, objc, Xcode, paper, facebook, menu, hamburger, button.
- olg/objc-s3 - S3 Browser is a Mac OS X GUI browser for the Amazon S3 storage service.
- mudphone/ObjcPlayground - Just some fun experiments to see how this really works.
- yourhead/OAuth_ObjC_Test_App - A complete demonstration of how to add OAuth to the MGTwitter Engine in a desktop application.
- livehelpnow/ObjCPhoenixClient - Phoenix Framework Channel Client
- contentful/contentful.objc - Objective-C SDK for Contentful's Content Delivery API.
- Awhisper/VKMsgSend - 用起来很像performselector,但是完全没有参数个数限制,以及参数id类型限制,(任意类型 struct int bool),功能上很像运行时Objc_msgSend,但是在64位上无需强制类型转换,可以直接输入参数
- ksuther/objc-libphonenumber - Simple Objective-C/JavaScriptCore wrapper around libphonenumber
- imgix/imgix-objc - Unofficial Imgix client for iOS & Mac
- qddnovo/LinkBlock - 这是objc的链式编程框架,为了减少换行和中括号的干扰,让我们可以专注于编码的逻辑。//LinkBlock(objective-c ) , to chain programming. Like "viewFrame(10,10,30,30).viewAddTo(self.view).nslog()... ".Just for coding quickly!
- podio/podio-objc - PodioKit is the Objective-C client library for the Podio API.
- nevyn/TCTypeSafety - [ObjC] hack to get type safe collections in ObjC
- mcandre/objcheck - an ObjC port of the QuickCheck unit test framework
- jofell/hashids-objc - Hashids Implementation for Objective C
- algolia/algoliasearch-client-objc - Algolia Search API Client for iOS & OS X
- petejkim/underscore.objc - work in progress...
- tomaszj/graphael-objc - Objective-C wrapper for gRaphael graph charting library
- snowplow/snowplow-objc-tracker - Snowplow event tracker for Objective-C. Add analytics to your iOS 7.0+ and OS-X apps and games
- iFindTA/NHNewsBoardPro - news board Architecture layout guide for ios(objc) some like neteasy(网易新闻)!
- Reactive-Extensions/Rx.ObjC - Reactive Extensions for ObjC
- zbyhoo/ObjC_Patterns_Kata - Objective-C implementation of Gang of Four design patterns.
- tomislav/ShapeReducer-objc - Path optimization using the Douglas-Peucker Line Approximation Algorithm in Objective C
- sazameki/json-objc-parser - Sazameki JSON Parser written in Objective-C (Mac OS X / iPhone)
- heycarsten/haversine-objc - Haversine in Objective-C: Calculate the distance between two points.
- brynbellomy/ObjC-DesignByContract - A small library of design-by-contract macros for Objective-C, based on code by Nicolas Roard.
- styrken/objc-JSONRpc - An objective-c 2.0 JSON RPC Client
- p2/Redland-ObjC - Objective-C wrapper for the Redland RDF libraries
- alexleutgoeb/toodledo-objc - A toodledo-API implementation in Objective-C
- FangYiXiong/ViewControllerTransitionsDemo - demo from objc.io issue5-view-controller-transitions(Fixed)
- MP0w/Curious - iOS inspector for curious people, heavy use of objc runtime!
- rackerlabs/objc-mailgun - Objective-C SDK for Mailgun
- benzguo/BZGMailgunEmailValidation - ObjC wrapper for the Mailgun email validation API
- TosinAF/thenews-objc - iOS Client for theNews.im
- PsychoH13/C-ObjC-Blocks - Runtime functions to support Apple's Blocks feature added to C, Objective-C and C++. And other niceties...
- mruegenberg/objc-simple-bindings - A simple bindings mechanism for Objective-C
- mindsnacks/Zinc-ObjC - Objective-C client for Zinc asset distribution system
- inquisitiveSoft/DiffMatchPatch-ObjC - Objective C port of the Diff, Match and Patch libraries
- frederik-jacques/objc-login-system - An easy way to create a login system in obj-c
- acu-dev/objc-cas-client - iOS app demonstrating the authentication and ticket generating services of CAS.
- nologic/objc_trace - Tracing Objective-C method calls
- danielgindi/UIRefreshControl-UITableView - An extension to UIRefreshControl to setup a UIRefreshControl with a UITableView (a bugfix). (iOS / ObjC)
- ccabanero/ios-uisearchcontroller-objc - Search and Filter a Sectioned UITableView using the new UISearchController introduced with iOS 8.
- sendgrid/sendgrid-objc - SendGrid Objective-C helper library
- pmilosev/wsdl2objc - NCA fork of the wsdl2objc project
- klaaspieter/objc-io-issue-15-ux-testing - A sample project showing methods to test user behavior
- itfrombit/nutron - ObjC and Nu runtime browser. And then some.
- grav/nsarray-functional - ObjC category that adds functional programming methods to NSArray
- andoco/objc-behaviortree - Behavior Tree implementation in Objective-C
- SergioChan/ImagePicker - A highly encapsulated and fully functional open-source image picker written in Objc based on Photokit. Including album list, asset list, selection preview, camera and short video taking.
- OCDSpec/OCDSpec2 - testing lib for objc
- lukagabric/LGLinearFlow - iOS Collection View linear flow layout with zoom effect and variable page size; Swift 2.0 and ObjC
- clayallsopp/mixing-objc-ruby - Mixing Objective-C and Ruby with RubyMotion
- JoshuaGross/objc-ios-benchmarks - Objective-C iOS benchmarks for better understanding of Objective-C and the Objective-C runtime on iOS.
- n1mda/sonos-objc - An Objective-C API for controlling Sonos Devices
- myell0w/MTDLazyProperty - ObjC runtime playground: implementing memoized lazy evaluating properties with blocks
- lucasderraugh/AppleProg-ObjC-Tutorials - Objective-C tutorials from YouTube
- hden/socketio.objc - socket.io v1.0.0+ for iOS and OS X
- tzuyangliu/Sticker-ios-objc - 为图片添加贴纸功能的 Demo
- tuoxie007/audio-stream-player-objc - Play audio from HTTP or local file, cache fragments, seek by HTTP Range
- tent/hawk-objc - Hawk authentication implementation in Objective-C
- nevyn/Cerfing - [ObjC] Lightweight network protocol
- n-b/ObjcCollectionsKeyValueFiltering - NSArray and NSSet additions for Key-Value filtering
- epatel/pinch-objc - Retrieve a file from inside a zip file, over the network!
- dblock/objc-ngram - Rudimentary ngram search in ObjectiveC.
- chendo/ObjCRubyMotionIntegration - A sample project that embeds Ruby classes via RubyMotion into an Objective-C project
- antipax/objc-eval - Via gcc and xcode, compile simple objective-c code provided as an NSString at runtime, and execute it within the context of the same, running, program.
- Tyilo/objc_instance_finder - Find instances of objc classes at runtime
- Antidote-for-Tox/objcTox - Objective-C wrapper for Tox
- 7x7labs/wsdl2objc - Generates Objective-C (Cocoa) code from a WSDL for calling SOAP services
- youknowone/sqlite3-objc - Sqlite3 Objective-C wrapper
- wdlindmeier/Objc-Helpers - Commonly used files for ObjC
- pulimento/TagListView-ObjC - Simple but highly customizable iOS tag list view, in Objective-C.
- muggins/ANTLR3-ObjC2.0-Runtime - Objective C 2.0 Runtime for Antlr3
- calebd/hue-sdk-objc - Objective-C SDK for working with Hue lights.
- CocoaPods/CocoaPods-objc - Provides support for working with CocoaPods from Objective-C.
- varshylmobile/Hamburger - Hamburger button transition in ObjC
- skonb/CelestialUtil - ObjC library to calculate declination/azimuth/altitude/geocentric distance of the Sun and Moon using location and time.
- seegno/emitter-objc - An event emitter implementation for Objective-C with dynamic block invocation based on the node.js EventEmitter API.
- rbaumbach/ObjCDesignPatterns - Design Patterns in Objective-C
- n8j1s/Discogs-ObjC - An Objective-C wrapper for the Discogs API v2.0 (http://discogs.com/developers/index.html)
- mureev/ObjCMacros - ObjCMacros is set of macros and constants that speed up development without adding any new classes and categories.
- mertdumenci/Complexify-ObjC - Objective-C port of Dan Palmer's Complexify
- eliperkins/ObjCClassCategoryTemplate - Xcode 6 removed the Objective-C class category template, so here's Xcode 5's!
- benmosher/edn-objc - An edn implementation for Objective-C platforms (i.e. iOS, OSX).
- amrox/JSONSchema-ObjC - JSON-Schema validation for Objective-C
- Indatus/objc-gitlab-api - Objective-C Gitlab Wrapper
- Figure53/QLabKit.objc - An Objective C library for controlling QLab using the OSC API introduced in QLab 3.
- Dimillian/DMRESTRequest-objc - Super simple objective-c REST request wrapper.
- 0x73/SDevFlatColorsObjc - Flat Colors for Objective-C
- zhubch/PeerObjc - 基于WebRTC的P2P通信框架。
- thejefflarson/pdf-splitter - command line splitting of pdfs using os x native libraries (read: an excuse to learn objc)
- mralexgray/ObjC-Clang-Modules - Reduce clutter, speed up compilations, etc. by using (and writing your own!) clang "modules"
- layervault/LayerVaultAPI.objc - LayerVault API Objective-C Library
- bsneed/modulo_objc - Modulo Source Code Package Manager
- reklis/objc-carousel - Infinite horizontal looping carousel with snapping animation and view culling
- ondev/Json2Objc - Detail in:
- n-b/objcswitch - An experimental "switch-case" implementation for ObjC objects
- jaanus/NSProgressExampleObjc - How to work with NSProgress in a Mac app.
- gabriel/json-objc-perf - Basic perf tests for Objective-C JSON frameworks
- demosdemon/libmusicbrainz-objc - Objective-C library for MusicBrainz
- beanandbean/ZXCVBN - ZXCVBN password strength estimation in Objc.
- SYSTRAN/multimodal-api-objc-client - SYSTRAN Platform - Multimodal - Objective-C Client Library
- OneSadCookie/ObjCGameBase - Base code for OpenGL games on Mac OS X
- zteshadow/objc_msgSend - hook objc_msgSend
- yoshida-eth0/objc-mruby - An objc-mruby is mruby wrapper for Objective-C.
- smirn0v/objclint - objclint
- pontago/objc-FFmpegAudioTest - FFmpegを利用したバックグラウンドオーディオ再生のテストアプリ
- n-b/ObjCCollectionsAdditions - Map and filter algorithms for all the Objective-C Foundation collection classes, using different techniques.
- masakihirokawa/objc-classes-dc-social - Facebook/Twitter/LINEへ投稿する「DCSocial」クラス
- jaredonline/a-star-objc-c - A* Pathfinding Algorithm implemented in Objective-C
- SYSTRAN/nlp-api-objc-client - SYSTRAN Platform - Natural language processing - Objective-C Client Library
- SYSTRAN/geographic-api-objc-client - SYSTRAN Platform - Geographic - Objective-C Client Library
- RokkinCat/phoenix-objc - Objective-C client library for Phoenix Framework
- warrenm/metal-demo-objcio - Sample code for Issue #18 of objc.io
- summerblue/QiniuSdk_v7_demo - Little Demo Code for Qiniu v7.* SDK https://github.com/qiniu/objc-sdk
- onevcat/PhotoData_Kiwi - Use Kiwi to replace objc.io's first issue. Just a demo for Kiwi and my post.
- mackuba/PsiToolkit - A collection of ObjC helpers and class extensions (unmaintained)
- gwicks/gmusicapi-objc - Objective-C/iOS port of the Unofficial Google Music API
- fullcontact/fullcontact-objc - Objective-C library to access FullContact's v2 API endpoints via iOS and Mac OS X.
- fibasile/Firmata-ObjC - ObjC Library for controlling Arduino using the Standard Firmata
- brynbellomy/ObjC-StatelyNotificationRobot - NSNotification wrapper that keeps track of state and notifies new observers of state immediately.
- bnickel/bite-objc - Functional operations for NSFastEnumeration.
- akashkgarg/objc-appdotnet - Clean, object-oriented, asynchronous App.Net API bindings in Objective-C
- StCredZero/SCZ-ObjC-StateMachine - A minimal OOP state machine framework for incorporating protocols and delegates into a finite state machine.
- Akatus/CreditCard-Validator-ObjC - A simple Objective-C validator for CreditCards
- yokoe/ObjCPokeMiku - A Pocket Miku (NSX-39) helper library for Objective-C.
- vitoziv/DesignPatternObjc - Objective-C Design Patterns Demo
- tent/tent-client-objc - Tent protocol client for Objective-C
- sixten/twitter-text-objc - Translation of the twitter-text-* processing library to Objective-C for use on iOS.
- qiniu/objc-DownloadSDK - Qiniu DownloadSDK for iOS
- phausler/SourceCodeKit - A revitalization of the Étoile project SourceCodeKit with adaptations to a more modern Mac OS X objc
- matehat/Snappy-ObjC - Google's Snappy compression power as NSData/NSString categories
- lukhnos/ObjCurry - A study on "currying" Objective-C methods
- chriseidhof/ometa-objc - OMeta/ObjC implementation
- Whelton/hamburger-button-objc - @robb's hamburger button in Objective-C
- SYSTRAN/translation-api-objc-client - SYSTRAN Platform - Translation - Objective-C Client Library
- PopSugar/objc-POPSUGAR-ShopSense-client - POPSUGAR ShopSense Client for Objective-C
- tomaszj/highcharts-objc - Wrapper for Highcharts, written in Objective-C. Only one-way communication allowed so far.
- silvansky/ObjCTips - Demo project for some rare ObjC tips
- oc-ios/objc-singleton - How to implement a SAFE Objective-C Singleton
- neogeek/iOS-ObjC-Snippets - A collection of useful snippet for iOS development.
- mmackh/Broadcast.io - Demo Node.js + iOS app that is entirly based on MessagesTableViewController & socket.IO-objc
- mathk/gst-objc - Objective-C binding for gnu smalltalk
- johnomarkid/objC-syllable-counter - A helper class to count the number of syllables in a word and in a series of words.
- iFindTA/NHKeyboardPro - Custom keyboard for ios(Objc)
- eleme/NVMImageMaker - API for chaining image drawing codes in Objc.
- dzhurov/wadl2objc - This is a project I'm going to make generator Objective-C entities and services described in WADL file.
- diederich/wsdl2objc - forked from svn repo at http://code.google.com/p/wsdl2objc
- chrissearle/Collection-JSON-ObjC - Collection+JSON wrapper for Objective-C
- aroemers/objc-aatree - A thread-safe Objective-C implementation of the Arne Andersson (AA) balanced binary search tree as an NSMutableDictionary.
- aantthony/mongo-objectid-objc - Generate unique MongoDB ObjectIDs in iOS.
- Machx/DynamicBlockImplementation - Example project showing how to dynamically add a objc method at runtime and use imp_implementationWithBlock()
- AustinChou/KYDrawerController-ObjC - Side Drawer Navigation Controller similar to Android, rewritten Swift version in Objective-C
- Anselz/objc_swift - Swift 与 Objective-C语言相互调用
- zhangchn/objy - ObjC implementaion (translation) of Yin Programming Language
- zhangao0086/CSDN-sBlogExporter - CSDN博客导出工具Mac By ObjC
- xxtea/xxtea-objc - XXTEA encryption algorithm library for Objective-C.
- supermarin/toml-objc - TOML implementation for Objective C
- sunnyxx/XLog - A lightweight, configurable, teamwork-able objc project logger.
- s/SafranObjcCLI - Objective-C Command Line Reader for Safran.io
- raweng/json-to-objective-c - JSON to ObjC model generation
- rajagp/iOS-WKWebViewBridgeExample-ObjC - A sample app in ObjC that demonstrates how to bridge between JS-Native code using WKWebViews in iOS8
- mikeash/refcounting - Implementation of ObjC refcounting, for educational purposes
- mattrubin/Darkmatter - OpenGL-based game engine in ObjC
- kylesluder/ObjCSuper - An Objective-C analogue to the Python
class. - huandu/ObjCMixin - A ruby-like mixin in Object-C.
- hirai-yuki/SocketIOSample - socket.IO-objcのサンプル
- galdolber/clojure-objc-sample - A sample clojure-objc project
- fourdman/png2objc - Converts binary files into Obj-C code (useful for using images from statically linked iPhone frameworks)
- docusign/docusign-objc-client - Objective-C Client Library used to interact with the DocuSign REST API. Send, sign, and approve documents using this client.
- dmgctrl/wsdl2objc - Generates Objective-C (Cocoa) code from a WSDL for calling SOAP services, forked from: http://code.google.com/p/wsdl2objc/
- deput/RWSingleton - A macro to create singleton class quickly in ObjC
- amjaliks/ObjCAdditions - Some missing, but useful stuff for iOS SDK.
- alexdrone/objc-trait - Trait support for Objective-C
- XBigTK13X/keepasshttp-objc - keepasshttp server reimplemented in Objective-C. Intended to be used by MacPass.
- MercuryPay/MagTek.iDynamo.ObjC - MagTek iDynamo and uDynamo Objective-C (with ARC) MercuryPay Integration MercuryPay Integration for iOS
- yzh44yzh/objc-to-bert - Binary Erlang Term serialization/deserialization library for Objective C (iOS, MacOS) client
- vadeara/wsdl2objc - This is wsdl2objc google.code fork added blocks and fixing delegates methods.
- thetrutz/objc4hs - Objective-C Classes for Haskell Programmers (with primary focus on the iPhone SDK)
- rrbrambley/MessageBeast-ObjC - A library for building Message-based apps on App.net
- postageapp/postageapp-objc - PostageApp API Wrapper for iOS / Mac OSX applications
- oomori/WordNetJP_ObjC - 日本語WordNet
- mechaman/CustomSearchControllerObjc - Sample project of custom UISearchController for a flexible UISearchBar --- iOS8
- lgalabru/oauth-objc - github form of oauth client for objective c
- kodmunki/ku4objc_temp - Example Framework for Universal Cocoa Touch Frameworks
- katzenbaer/riot-objc - Objective-C wrapper for Riot Games API
- jurre/hashtel-objc - get consistent pretty colors from your strings
- jaminguy/NoArc - Sample iOS application showing how to use the -fno-objc-arc flag to disable Automatic Reference Counting
- hechen/GuillotineMenu-objc - The Objective-C Version of GuillotineMenu https://github.com/Yalantis/GuillotineMenu
- haolloyin/DoubanObjcClient - Douban Objc Client. 简单的豆瓣第三方 Objc 客户端(OAuth 2)。
- csm/nsuuid - Attempt to make a useful UUID objc class
- cryptomator/cryptomator-objc-cryptor - iOS crypto framework to access Cryptomator vaults.
- clayheaton/objcvoronoi - Obj-C 2.0 implementation of Raymond Hill's Javascript-Voronoi library
- PageMunch/pagemunch-objc - An ObjectiveC SDK for the PageMunch web crawler API
- ChatSecure/IOCipher-ObjC - IOCipher for iOS and OS X
- AliSoftware/ObjcSwitch - A category to allow you to use the "switch/case"-like syntax with NSObjects (and not just integers/enums!)
- zolomatok/ObjCHeaderExtractor - A GUI tool for extracting class headers from ObjC libraries
- yonekawa/td-client-objc - Treasure Data REST API Client for Objective-C
- viktorbenei/ObjCCuriosity - Presenting curious, lol and wtf "features" of Objective C - with Kiwi BDD specs.
- uranusjr/Prism-objc - Objective-C Wrapper for Prism (the JavaScript syntax highlighter) using JavaScriptCore
- travisjeffery/TRVSKit - a collection of useful apis for objc, ios, mac hacking
- rodnaph/objc-lint - Linter for Google Objective-C Style Guide
- pm-ping/objc-openidconnect-library - OpenID Connect library for objective-c / iOS. This is a rough and basic library that I use to quickly build iOS demo applications for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC).
- paulmelnikow/ObjCBSON - High-performance BSON serialization and deserialization in Objective-C
- notjosh/Id3ArtViewer - ObjC/Cocoa app for viewing ID3v2 art
- macmade/OBJC4-437.1-Runtime - Apple's Objective-C Runtime - Version 437.1
- kainjow/NSAppLoginItems - ObjC NSApplication extensions
- hkrn/objc-mqo - A library for rendering Metasequoia model written in Objective-C
- gngrwzrd/objc-shortcutrecorder - Cocoa Keyboard Shortcut Recorder
- getbridge/bridge-objc - Bridge for Objective C
- follyxing/RSA-ObjC - RSA encryption and decryption [RSA 加密解密]
- erran/metasploit-objc - Objective-C bindings for the Metasploit RPC
- erlichmen/radix-tree-objc - An objective-c implementation of radix tree
- dognotdog/giddy-machinist - An ObjC/Cocoa slicer/host for 3D printing and CNC milling.
- danielgindi/DGDownloadManager - A simple download manager for iOS / ObjC
- czqasngit/SweetAlertObjc - SweetAlert是一个很酷的提示效果组件,修改后可以通过Objective-c正常调用SweetAlert.
- codecov/example-objc - Codecov example for Xcode
- cloudsight/cloudsight-objc - CloudSight API library for Objective-C
- ciotto/ObjC-DateUtils - Collection of NSDate related methods to help during iOS or Mac development.
- bjeanes/juggernaut-objc - Juggernaut client in Objective-C for using on the iPhone
- apportable/objc - Apportable Objective C Runtime fork
- alexzautke/etherpad-lite-objc - Objectiv-C client for the Etherpad Lite HTTP API
- TechSmith/ISO6709Location-objc - Cocoa functions for creating and parsing an ISO 6709 coordinate string.
- Lves/LLPieChart - A Simple Piechart for Objc
- Lunarpad/ObjC-UIViewDebug - Objective-C extensions for debugging UIViews
- Jake0oo0/Instagram-iOS-Headers - Instagram iOS App ObjC Headers
- CheesecakeLabs/iOSNotifiCrashLib - NotifiCrash Library for iOS ObjC
- Bluedot-Innovation/PointSDK-SampleApp-iOS-ObjC - Example of a low battery drain location-aware application, using Bluedot Point SDK on iOS.
- AdamRobertsEF/uitextinput-keyboard-toolbar - ios objc category on uitextview to add accessory toolbar
- wwwins/objc-utils - Some useful utilities in objc
- wookiee/2015-11-16_Course_Demos - Mikey's demos for iOS/ObjC
- wanggang316/MyTimeLine - 集成了将语音识别(科大讯飞),然后通过文字展现自己的生活的时间线。(swift和objc混编)
- t/ObjcSweeper - Minesweeper for iPhone
- sendgrid/smtpapi-objc - Simple Wrapper around SendGrid SMTPAPI Header
- robrix/RXJSONCoder - An experimental implementation of JSON encoding/decoding in ObjC using NSCoder/NSCoding
- rabbitmq/rabbitmq-objc-client - Work-in-progress RabbitMQ client for Objective-C and Swift
- pyro2927/ObjCtpl - Simple template engine for Objective-C
- probtn/probtn-ios - Profit Button library for objC
- p2k/pygowave-next - The PyGoWave ObjC/NeXT API
- ocallau/ObjCSmalltalkExtensions - Useful Smalltalk methods for Objective-C
- nesium/objc-fdb - Flash Debugger Experiment with Objective-C
- mzaks/NEO4OC - ObjC Neo4j connector
- mproberts/objc-databinding - Simple KVO data binding category for NSObject
- maxbilbow/RMXMetal-2.0 - Converting my OpenGL objc/c++ to Metal in Swift
- masakihirokawa/objc-mf-mail-compose-view-controller - アプリ内メーラーを起動する「MFMailComposeViewController」の使用サンプルです
- macmade/objc-uti - Objective-C wrapper for Uniform Type Identifiers (UTIs)
- juliengomes/Dijkstra-Objc - A ObjC based implementation of the Dijkstra algorithm to compare the perf
- juancruzmdq/objc-generator - Create Objective-c code from a *xib file
- iloveitaly/osx-vpn-connection-management - ObjC Library for Creating/Editing/Deleting VPN Connections
- husl-colors/husl-objc - Objective-C implementation of HUSL (revision 4)
- hiboma/objc-Switchee - Application Switcher for Mac OSX
- gngrwzrd/objc-scrollingtextview - NSView subclass that scrolls text when clipped
- fluidinfo/objc-client - Objective-C client library for Fluidinfo
- danielgindi/DGToneGenerator - A DTMF tone generator for iOS / ObjC
- danielgindi/DGTeaEncryptor - A lightweight TEA (XXTEA) encryption library for iOS / ObjC.
- danielgindi/DGStateBroadcaster - A broadcaster for several sensors (Low battery, distance travelled, location accuracy, network reachability) for iOS / ObjC
- danielgindi/DGFastImageSize - Retrieve image dimensions in no-time at all. High performance image dimension reader for iOS / ObjC.
- contentful/contentful-management.objc - Objective-C SDK for Contentful's Content Management API
- cocos2d/migration-demo-objc - The Objective-C flavoured version of migration-demo-x
- chriseidhof/parsingwithblocks - Experiment in using chainable blocks for parsing in objc.
- changjianfeishui/XBWebBridge - 一个简单的ObjC和JavaScript交互工具
- catch/objc-api - libCatchClient is an Objective-C library that makes it easy to use the Catch.com API.
- carlinyuen/SimpleBarCodeScanner - Simple bar code scanner library that uses both iOS 7 libraries as well as ZBarSDK for iOS 6 and below support. Keywords: Objc, Xcode, iOS, bar codes, scanning.
- below/wsdl2objc - Fork from http://code.google.com/p/wsdl2objc/
- azu/objc-assessment - Objective-C assessment
- akirahrkw/QXCameraKitObjc - Sony QX camera API library written by objc
- PascalLG/biginteger-objc - A class to perform common operations on arbitrary precision integers in Objective-C projects.
- MetricWise/vtwsclib-objc - Objective C client library for vtiger CRM web services
- LunarLogic/LunarToolkit - A collection of useful ObjC code – helper classes for network connections, building models from JSON, and extensions to base Cocoa classes
- JudoPay/Judo-ObjC - The Legacy Judo ObjC Framework V4
- Haryaalcar/objcfsm - Tiny declaration-styled FSM for obj-c
- Gamua/Flox-ObjC - The Objective-C SDK for the Flox Game Backend
- DmitrySkiba/itoa-objc - Android port of Apple's objc4 runtime
- BrianHsing/AsyncSocket-With-Swift-From-ObjC - Use Swift
- yoctopuce/yoctolib_objc - Official Yoctopuce Library for Objective-C
- yageek/lambert-objc - CLLocation category to use lambert coordinates
- yageek/GnuPlotObjc - Wrapper to Gnuplot in ObjC
- wooga/WGConnectability - Simple library for sending tcp pings in objC
- wezm/objc-cairo - Objective-C bindings for Cairo
- waka/objc-Async - Deferred(Promise/A) implementation and handling HTTP request easily using Deferred
- twilio/video-quickstart-objc - Twilio Video (Conversations) Quickstart for iOS with Objective-C
- tarnfeld/twtmore-api-objc - Twtmore API for iPhone/Mac in Objective-C
- tanhaogg/Duoshuo2Disqus - 多说评论导入到Disqus的OBJC实现
- seegno/primus-emitter-objc - Simple emitter wrapper for primus-objc
- robblau/objc-api - Objective C API for Shotgun
- rentzsch/nsxmlelement-elementwithxmlformat - Easier ObjC XML generation
- reilost/log4objc - log
- poetryfar/ObjcHooker - OC中hooker 的代码
- pgebhard/objc_book - Working out the examples and other tinkering as I read through Aaron Hillegass' Cocoa Programming for OS X (Third Edition)
- nealyoung/LockMinder-ObjC - Generate to-do list iPhone wallpapers from your reminders
- mysterioustrousers/MYSShared - A submodule that includes objc code that will more than likely be used in any objc project we do.
- muratayusuke/objc-categories - collection of useful categories of Objective-C
- moltin/ios-objc-example - An Objective-C demo app using the Moltin iOS SDK.
- mjmsmith/ubergenpass-objc - SuperGenPass-compatible password generator app for iOS
- minddog/objc-microtemplate - Objective-C Microtemplate
- masakihirokawa/objc-ui-image-write-to-saved-photos-album - 画像をカメラロールに保存するサンプルです
- masakihirokawa/objc-ui-image-blend-mode - UIImageにブレンドモードを指定して加工するサンプルです
- masakihirokawa/objc-send-to-line - LINEに送るボタンの実装サンプル
- masakihirokawa/objc-classes-dc-util - ユーティリティ機能をまとめた「DCUtil」クラス
- keith/KBSElementRef - An ObjC wrapper for AXUIElementRef and friends
- jwb/ObjC-DuckType - A sample use of duck-type developed at Zillow.
- juancruzmdq/objc-logger - Set of classes used to log messages for a specific system or application component.
- jslim89/CropImageObjc-Example - An example project for my blog post. http://jslim.net/blog/2014-12-09-ios-crop-image-based-on-a-mask/
- jameshurst/KeePassHttp-ObjC - An Objective-C implementation of the KeePassHttp protocol.
- hirofumikaneko/AZ_ObjC - objective-c
- hankbao/DictObjc - DictObjc Demo Project for SwiftCon China 2016 http://www.swiftconchina.com
- enamrik/ObjCMiniORM - A Mini-ORM for Objective-C
- diffbot/diffbot-objc-client - A Diffbot API client for Objective C
- danielgindi/DGSpreadSheetExport - CSV or XMLSS (XML Spreadsheet) generation library for iOS / ObjC
- danielgindi/DGPhoneNumberFormatter - An NSFormatter for phone numbers. (iOS / ObjC)
- danielgindi/DGImageLoaderView - A bullet-proof high-performance image view that loads from your URLs (web & local!) for iOS / ObjC
- d5g/water-objc - D5G Water Framework
- contentful/contentful-persistence.objc - Simplified persistence for the Contentful iOS SDK
- claybridges/ObjCMultInheritanceExample - Example of how close one can get to Multiple Inheritence in Objective-C
- centauriapp/objc - Centauri client library for iOS
- cbess/CBAsyncTestCase - ObjC Easy Asynchronous Unit Test Case - Synchronize those async operations for testing purposes
- carlj/CJAHandler - Handler Pattern implementation for objC
- bufferapp/buffer-objc-kit - Block based Objective C wrapper for the Buffer API.
- bsmt/swashbuckler - Boilerplate for hooking C/C++/ObjC code.
- bizbin/ObjcCallJS - A Objective-C call Javascript example
- at-internet/atinternet-ios-objc-sdk - AT Internet mobile analytics solution for iOS
- areschoug/vr-scene-kit-ios - VR Tools for SceneKit on iOS objc
- ThePantsThief/Objc-iOS-Extensions - A few helpful extensions to some Cocoa Touch classes.
- SemperIdem/AlertController---ObjC - iOS 8下的关于UIAlertView和UIAlertController简单使用的示例,使用Objective-C语言
- Semantics3/semantics3-objc - Semantics3 Objective-C library
- Schoonology/aplus-objc - An Objective-C implementation of the Promises/A+ specification.
- RidgeCorn/RCKit - A collection of Objc categories.
- Pinoccio/library-objc-pinoccio - iOS library with examples
- MercuryPay/IDTech.Shuttle.ObjC - IDTECH Shuttle, Two-Track Secure Mobile MagStripe Reader plus Manual Card Entry with Hosted Checkout for iPad
- Hypertopic/lib-objc - Hypertopic Objective-C Library
- DotDashPay/ddp.api.objc - Objective-C Library for the DotDashPay API
- DevMountain/OnTheLine-Objc - A simple photo sharing app that uses CloudKit.
- CdLbB/NSEvent-s-addGlobalMonitor-for-AppleScriptObjC - A sample project using an ObjC class to give addGlobalMonitor functionality to AppleScriptObjC
- BellGeorge/objc2swift.io - objective-c to swift converter (private beta) https://rink.hockeyapp.net/recruit/acc09efcee42415aa406036f3a24ab0b (< - binary here)
- zyuanming/Spring_Objc - Spring animation framework write by Objectice-C
- zaripych/objc-logging - Scalable logging library.
- younata/wit-objc - Objective-C library for interacting with WIT
- yonekawa/lwfkit.objc - Lightweight SWF framework for your Objective-C project with Ejecta
- xhruso00/ModernCoreData - Combination of objc.io 4 and Marcus Zarra (http://martiancraft.com/blog/2015/03/core-data-stack/)
- weissi/SwiftExceptionBridge - Bridges ObjC exceptions in a way that's usable for Swift. Conceptual demo only. Don't use exceptions!
- tyrannosaurus-becks/iOSQAPanel - OBJC: Adds a QA panel to Urban Airship library 2.0.0
- troystribling/BlueCap-ObjC - Playing with iOS7 bluetooth
- techbrewers/TBRJSONMapper - An automatic mapper that maps your JSON file into ObjC classes based on some naming conventions
- tancred/ObjcUnitPrototype - I'm prototyping a new version of ObjcUnit. Let's see if something useful comes out eventually.
- subtledata/subtledata_objc - Objective-C Library for SubtleData's SubtleJSON API
- spritekitbook/timberman-objc - Learn how to mak a game like Timberman with SpriteKit and Objective-C
- soyoes/liberobjc - Rock your OBJC like script language
- shoktong29/Dijkstra_ObjC - A simple objective-c based app showing how Dijkstra's algorithm works.
- shjborage/SQCommonUtils - Common Utils SDK for ObjC project.
- sebk/socketfun-ios - iPhone Client with socket.io-objc
- sdgandhi/Dynamic-Frameworks-Objc-Swift-Example - Example Xcode workspace encapsulating an iOS dynamic framework and related demo project, supporting both Objective-C and Swift.
- sboesebeck/objcencryption - Encryption library implemented in Objective-C. AES, SHA, RSA
- safanaj/glib-objc - fork of git://git.xfce.org/bindings/glib-objc.git
- rrrus/PixelPusher-objc - PixelPusher driver library for objective-C
- rohity821/ObjCWithSwiftCode - It tell how to use and existing objective c file with Swift in iOS development
- rimbaudcode/objc - objective c project
- rhcad/ShapeAnimation-ObjC - Vector animation framework in Objective-C based on CoreAnimation for iOS and OS X.
- retsohuang/IBDesignable-Objc - Building custom UI elements with IBDesignable in Objective-C.
- restful-labs/restful_metrics-objc - Obj-C Library for RESTful Metrics
- rasjones/mediamosa-objc - Three20 extension that connects Objective-C to Mediamosa Media Management and Distribution platform.
- rafaeladson/intern-objc - Framework that does the things I don't want to do (for iOS and Mac)
- pydio/pydio-sdk-objc - Full rewrite of the Pydio SDK in Objective C
- programmarchy/objc-hmac - HMAC category for NSData keyed-hashing
- pontago/objc-BackgroundAudioTest - バックグラウンドで音声を再生するテスト
- peterwilli/RK-AtomicUpdate - A objc-category supporting atomic updates with Core Data and Reskit
- perka/perka-client-objc - Allows easy integration of Perka's API with iOS applications
- padamthapa/Html5HybridIOS - Simple hybrid Template with html5 on UIWebView and native navigation. Javascript & ObjC communication.
- orsa/objc-twapi - objective-C translatewiki API library
- ole/docopt.objc - Incomplete beginnings of an implementation of the docopt language in Objective-C.
- nickrupert7/PopupView_ObjC - A UIView subclass with the added bonus of an indication arrow!
- nickplee/ObjC-Shorthand - Short, convenient macros to facilitate fast Objective-C development. A work in progress.
- n-b/objcrange - Number Ranges in Objective-C
- muggins/ST4-ObjC2.0-Runtime - ST4-ObjC2.0-Runtime
- mrloop/Solarized-Objc - Convenience class for generating UIColors from the Solarized colour pallete.
- mitchellcoffee/ObjcDesignPattern - code for each design pattern in book
- minase/objc_nsdate-w3cdtf - NSDate + parse W3CDTF string
- mgenware/fx23-objc - Text scanner for Objective-C
- mbientlab/Metawear-ObjCStarter - Template for creating Obj-C MetaWear apps on iOS
- maximbilan/ios_swift_objc_mix - Example for mixing Swift and Obj C code in the same project.
- mattrubin/SpatialMath - A collection of ObjC classes for use in 3D spatial manipulation, including matrices, vectors, and quaternions. Based in part on CocoaMath by Erik Österlund.
- masakihirokawa/objc-xcode-alarm - iOS向けの目覚まし時計サンプルです
- masakihirokawa/objc-ui-view-animation-transition - UIViewにアニメーションを適用するサンプルです
- masakihirokawa/objc-ui-tab-bar-custom-ios7 - iOS 7と iOS 6に対応した UITabBarのカスタマイズサンプルです
- masakihirokawa/objc-ui-image-resize - UIImageをリサイズする
- malcommac/CAKeyFrameAnimation-Evaluators - Easily specify CAKeyFrameAnimation curves using C functions or ObjC Class
- lyokato/objc-NSString-Hyperlink - NSString Category for Hyperlink extraction
- lyokato/objc-NSDate-SocialAPI - NSDate category to handle format used in social services' API
- lucascaton/objc_hello_world - Meu primeiro projeto em Objective C (apenas para fins didáticos)
- lowla/lowladb-objc - The iOS and OS X API for LowlaDB
- libdx/snippets-objc - Simple snippets library for iOS and Mac OS X development
- kc9ddi/objc-svnkit - Cocoa Objective C wrapper for Apache SVN
- kazyk/KZObserver - ObjC KVO support utility
- katbailey/objc - Random Objective-C Code
- johnthuss/wsdl2objc - Fork of https://code.google.com/p/wsdl2objc/ with ARC templates and auto-synthesization of variables.
- johnewart/resolverconfigurator - ObjC DNS spoofer application for OS X -- useful for custom resolver configurations (i.e pow on a remote box)
- jckarter/ocaml-objc - OCaml-to-Objective-C bridge
- iamdavidhart/JSObjCBridge64BitTest - Test case for broken 64Bit JavaScriptCore ObjC bridge on iOS
- iFindTA/NHFFMpegPlayerPro - movie player with ffmpeg !(objc)
- hasanadil/ASMailChimp - An ObjC wrapper around the MailChimp REST Api, subscribe or unsubscribe an email address to a MailChimp list from your app.
- gureum/libhangul-objc - libhangul의 objective-c wrapper
- gngrwzrd/dribbble-api-modern-objc - Objective-C Dribbble API. Uses newest Dribbble API.
- giaunv/uberjump-spritekit-objc-iphone - A game like Mega Jump for iPhone with SpriteKit, Objective C, Xcode 6, iOS SDK 8, tutorial by Toby Stephens @raywendelich.com
- ggrana/OBJC-Categories - Objective-c categories that I found
- evercam/evercam-objc - Evercam API for Objective-C
- euskadi31/glide-objc - Glide client for iOS & Mac OS X
- etoile/DocGenerator - Minimalistic doc generation system (can parse GNUstep GSDoc or ObjC source code directly with SourceCodeKit)
- ento/xcode-objcpp-template - Xcode File Templates for Objective-C++ files
- elwerene/objc-couchdb - Modern objective-c couchdb client based on MKNetworkKit.
- eaigner/COMongo - objc mongo driver (not production ready)
- dodikk/MotionBlocks - Some convenience methods to invoke native ObjC blocks from the Ruby code
- djthorpe/rpi-objc-kit - Raspberry Pi Objective C Experiments
- darvell/stringByTakingARandomPassageFromTheBibleThatPromotesMurder - 00:05 <@ alligator> | objc constructor names 00:05 <@ alligator> | stringByAppendingString 00:05 <@ alligator> | stringByTakingARandomPassageFromTheBibleThatPromotesMurder
- darrenclark/LuaObjC - Fast Lua/ObjC bindings
- danielgindi/NSUserDefaults-DefaultValues - An extension to NSUserDefaults to retrieve values with an optional default value. (iOS / ObjC)
- danielgindi/DGTextFieldPickerView - A UITextField that can show a UIPickerView or UIDatePicker for options (iOS / ObjC)
- danielgindi/DGLabelNumberAnimator - A helper library that will animate labels between two numbers (iOS / ObjC)
- danielgindi/DGKeyboardScrollHandler - A helper to handle scrolling your UITableView or UIScrollView when the keyboard appears (iOS / ObjC)
- danielgindi/DGGrayScaleImage - A UIImage that represents a grayscale version of another UIImage. (iOS / ObjC)
- danielgindi/DGFocusImageGallery - An image gallery view controller for iOS / ObjC
- danielgindi/DGDropdownView - A customizable "drop view" like the iOS Push Notification (iOS / ObjC)
- danielgindi/DGBlockThrottle - A little utility to throttle calls to a block in ObjC
- ctrevarthen/selfconf-wunderground-objc - Weather Underground Sample App in Obj-C for self.conf
- cschirf/CompColor_ObjC - Calculates and displays the complementary color of the user's choice (obj c)
- coregtk/gir2objc - A library that parses GObject Introspection GIR XML into Objective-C objects
- codefunny/ObjC-PZ8583 - 金融8583
- cityindex-attic/CIAPI.ObjC - CIAPI client libraries for Objective C
- ciaos/dbank-objc - Dbank API binding support
- cdtschange/ObjcKit - Obj-C Kit
- carlj/CJAAssociatedObject - A wrapper around the objc_getAssociatedObject and objc_setAssociatedObject functions.
- carlinyuen/CustomImagePageControl - Custom PageControl that can draw custom images as well as dots as page indicators. Keywords: UIPageControl objc ios iphone ipad paging
- brynbellomy/ObjC-DesignByContract-experimental-2.0 - Apparently contract programming keeps you from fucking up. Talentless iOS developers, it's your time to shine.
- braintreedev/sample-14-braintree-payment-ios-objc - Braintree iOS Sample written in Objective C
- bitrise-io/sample-apps-ios-simple-objc - This is a simple iOS app project for testing and experimenting with Bitrise
- azinman/ObjC-Deferred - jQuery defers-like in Objective-C
- andrewschaaf/objc-varints - Variable-length integer encodings (varints) for Objective-C / iOS / Mac #githubseospam
- andoco/objc-lsystem - Lindenmayer system (L-system) implementation in Objective-C for generating models/images of recursive growth processes
- alco/objc.string - Self-contained library for efficient string manipulation in Objective-C.
- akitaonrails/ObjC_XmlBuilder - Experimental clone of Ruby's Builder::XmlMarkup
- agiamas/yos-social-objc - Yahoo! Social SDK, an Objective-C library for Mac and iPhone developers.
- adamvduke/ObjCMacros - A repository to hold useful Objective-C macros
- TotenDev/Kiwi - Kiwi - A simple and async IPC queue ,based with GNU-Step and Objc
- Stiivi/AgentFarms-objc - Agent based simulation framework (legacy code)
- RolandasRazma/RRKeychain - iOS ObjC wrapper for keychain
- Rabbit-Converter/Rabbit-Objc - Rabbit Objective-C
- PavelMovchan/ObjC-Game-ex - ObjC game with UIKit
- PavelMovchan/ObjC-Example-App - VK, task messenger, news.
- Orion98MC/FSM - A very lightweight Finite State Machine in ObjC using blocks
- NorthernRealities/Rainbow-NSColor-ObjC - An extension to the NSColor class in Objective C.
- MercuryPay/WebServices.ObjC - Web Services Objective-C (with ARC) MercuryPay Integration
- MercuryPay/InfinitePeripherals.All.ObjC - Infinite Peripherals Objective-C (with ARC) MercuryPay Integration MercuryPay Integration for iOS
- MercuryPay/HostedCheckout.ObjC - Manual Card entry with Hosted Checkout Objective-C (with ARC) MercuryPay Integration for iOS
- Lunarpad/ObjC-Modals - Floating modal views in your iOS app
- Lunarpad/ObjC-Concurrency - Objective-C utility methods for performing Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) concurrency operations, like context switching.
- Lindydancer/objc-font-lock - Highlight Objective-C method calls in Emacs
- InfinitApps/InfKeychain - iOS and Mac-compatible ObjC API to basic password storage and retrieval into the keychain, based on Buzz Anderson's STKeychain from his STUtils and modernized.
- Cloudilly/One-On-One-for-iOS-ObjC-SDK - Private Chat Application built using Cloudilly iOS ObjC SDK
- BeerCorporation/beer.objc - The Objective-C version of the outstanding Beer! app. Available ASAP on your favorite iPhone.
- AlanQuatermain/Beginning-ObjC-Project - From chapter 9 of Beginning Objective-C: A simple Core Data-based Contacts application with iCloud support, sandboxing (Address Book access only), and networked sharing of data via an included XPC bundle.
- 51offer/purecoding-objc - Just coding, only coding.
- zenhob/DetachedObjc - Detached session manager for GNU Screen and Mac OSX
- yesray0216/Learning_Objective-C - http://pydoing.blogspot.tw/2012/07/objc-guide.html
- ybakos/codeschool-objc-primer - A simple Cocoa Foundation project resulting from the Codeschool Objective-C Primer.
- yangboz/ObjCSteeringBehavior - Steering behavior example at <> with abstracted interfaces and marshaling implementation by Objective-C language.
- xwz/objc-stale - Example of stale-if-error and stale-while-revalidate on iOS
- wuyingren/ncurses-objc-games - Trying to write some simple games using ncurses library and Objective-C with Foundation framework
- wookay/objcat - Unit testing for Objective-C ARC.
- wkoszek/edu_objc - Objective C exercises to understand the semantics of some APIs.
- wildthink/ObjCMultiType - Objective-C Dynamic Multi-Typing Framework
- w91379137/PDSSafeKVO_objc - Test KVO
- vladimirg/objc-binary-stream-tools - Binary stream tools for Objective C
- vincentngo/ObjC_DataStructures - Learning about data structures and Objective-C
- vieshair/sample-objc - Objective-C Sample
- vesperworks/VW-objc - private libs in objective-c
- uncured/iOS-Patterns - Student project. Implementation of OOP patterns in ObjC.
- twocentstudios/myGengo-objc - Unofficial myGengo API Wrapper for Objective-C
- translationexchange/tml-objc-samples-internation-mountains - Sample Application from Apple
- translationexchange/tml-objc - TML for Objective C
- tkurowski/radixtree-objc - RadixTree implementation in Objective-C
- timsearle/Reuse-ObjC - Compilation of reusable classes, categories and snippets for use in Objective-C projects
- tilomitra/ObjCDownloadImage - Neglect this - it's a bit of code I needed SC for during my 4th year design project
- thinkclay/ObjC-Blog-App - The first iteration of Bring It On as a prototype.. decided to build in RubyMotion instead!
- testzugang/soslog-objc - SOSLog is a small and efficient logging library to use all the features of Powerflasher SOS max (http://sos.powerflasher.com) for logging with Objective-C.
- sylarhcn/InUtils - objc library
- stripes/Defender-Benchmark - just some random ObjC fiddline
- stormid/ObjCradle - A thin Objective C wrapper around CouchDB's REST api
- stevesparks/ColorTool - Tool for generating CLR palettes and ObjC source
- steder/objc-scratch - Just a scratch space for some playing around with objective-c and xcode 4.
- spritekitbook/sktemplate-objc - SpriteKit Template in Objective-C. Includes ObjectAL and BMGlyphFont libraries.
- snowplow/iglu-objc-client - Objective-C client for Iglu
- scjung/objc - personal objective-c code snippets
- saitjr/STTool-ObjC - 封装了常用的类目
- s-amemiya/objc-associative-references - AssociativeReferences's test with Categories.
- rweichler/shitstrate - demo of why asm is necessary in ObjC hooking
- ruddfawcett/octodex.objc - An Objective-C wrapper for the Octodex API.
- rscnt/objcSnippetViper - Snippet app, using Mantle, AFNetworking.
- roylanceMichael/ObjC_Algorithms - I want to learn Objective-C, and I also want to solidify my knowledge of Big-O notation and algorithms. So this is my codified journey.
- rong3git/ObjC-Runtime - Explore ObjC runtime library.
- rodrigomaia/Learning-ObjC - Projeto de Estudo de ObjC
- robb/HUSL.objc - Human-friendly HSL for Objective-C
- rjowens/KnobView_objc - Knob control view
- rjowens/FormattedTextView-Objc - FormattedTextView example
- reneretz/wsdl2objc - My fork of wsdl2objc
- redcatmiss/apple-opensource-objc-4-222-modified - objc4-222 源码,Xcode 4.3.2编译通过
- ragarmakhis/materinstvo_ObjC - client site materinstvo-shop.ru
- radif/objc-Memory-Handler - objc RAM and Disk memory Handler
- phaibin/MyCategories - my categories for objc
- pedromsantos/ObjC-DCPU-16-ASM - DCPU16 Emulator for IOS
- pdef/pdef-objc - Pdef objective-c generator and bindings
- opentracing/opentracing-objc - Objective-C implementation of the OpenTracing API http://opentracing.io
- oohlalog/oohlalog_objc - Objective C Logging Library for OohLaLog (Useful for both iOS and OS X Based Applications)
- olarivain/YARES - Yet Another REst Server, written in ObjC/Cocoa
- okamuuu/OBJC - Objective-C samples
- ogantopkaya/Ping - Pinging a host and measure mean RTT in ObjC
- oenius/MOKBar - MOKBar is a inside navigation bar liberary written in objc.
- ocgungor/WordCounter_ObjC - Simple Word Counter example written in Objective-C
- nstrct/nstrct-objc - objective-c library for the nstrct protocol
- nporteschaikin/objc - Useful Objective-C classes.
- njgarychow/ObjC-GCExtension - The extension class of objc.
- nicoschtein/hackathon2015_iOS_ObjC - Desafío audio news. Este desafío tendrá como objetivo crear una APP para que los usuarios puedan escuchar nuestras notas. Pensamos en aquellos que mientras corren, manejan, cocinan o viajan en transporte públicos prefieran escuchar antes que leer.
- ngs/to-markdown.objc - An HTML to Markdown converter written in Objective-C. Inspired by domchristie/to-markdown
- neocoin/objc_csv_parser - Objective-c simple csv parser
- nanfang/ObjcUtils - Utilities for iOS development
- nahuelproietto/leapCinder-objc - leap motion's sdk (obj-c) + CocoaCinderGL wrapper (obj-c++) + libLeap.dylib script, starting point.
- mzaks/EPacMan - ShowCase for ObjC Entitas
- mukundmr/learn - Personal objC projects for learning the ropes. Might help others.
- mscarceller/kataAnagramas_ObjC - Anagramas objc
- mralexgray/google-voice-objc - Mirror of https://bitbucket.org/joeygibson/gvoice/src
- mralexgray/_ObjC - A terse, 1:1 dialect of ObjC for Mac + iOS fat targets.
- mrLIHUAN/OCCallJS - UIWebView和JS 交互 Objc
- monigarr/AOC1 - Objective C. Advanced ObjC 1 class at Full Sail University.
- mohamede1945/GlowingButton-ObjC - Glowing UIButton subclass, glows when tapped.
- mbientlab/SensorFusion-ObjC - Sensor Fusion Library for Objective-C
- masakihirokawa/objc-xml-parser - XMLパーサのサンプルです
- masakihirokawa/objc-ui-navigationbar-custom-image - ナビゲーションバーの背景をカスタムイメージにするサンプルです
- masakihirokawa/objc-ui-alert-view - アラートビューを表示するサンプルです
- masakihirokawa/objc-ui-activity-view-controller - Facebook/Twitter/メールで画像を共有する
- masakihirokawa/objc-slider-thumb-image - スライダーのデザインをカスタマイズするサンプルです
- masakihirokawa/objc-slide-show - フェードインで表現する画像スライドショーのサンプルです
- masakihirokawa/objc-share-to-social - Facebook/Twitter/LINEへシェアするサンプルです
- masakihirokawa/objc-date-picker - DatePickerで入力した日付をラベルに表示するサンプルです
- masakihirokawa/objc-classes-frame-by-frame-animation2 - コマ送りアニメーションを実行する「FrameByFrameAnimation」クラス改訂版
- masakihirokawa/objc-classes-device - iOSデバイスを判別する Deviceクラス
- masakihirokawa/objc-classes-dc-device2 - iOS端末情報を取得する「DCDevice」クラス
- masakihirokawa/objc-classes-dc-date - 日付時刻の情報や UIDatePickerを取得する「DCDate」クラス
- masakihirokawa/objc-classes-dc-audio-player2 - 音楽ファイルの再生停止などの制御をする「DCAudioPlayer」クラス
- masakihirokawa/objc-cg-affine-transform-make-rotation - アフィン変換を使用したアニメーション
- masakihirokawa/objc-admob-interstitial - AdMobのインタースティシャル広告の実装サンプルです
- masakihirokawa/objc-ad-banner - AppDelegateで iAdバナー広告を表示する
- macmade/objc-semaphore - Semaphores for Objective-C and Swift
- maclark89/Application - Slowly learning event handlers and basic objc
- lyokato/objc-PXListView-TextHeight - PXListView Category to calculate height of row including variable text
- lyokato/objc-NSTextView-TwitterEntity - NSTextView Category to handle TwitterEntity
- lvsti/SevenZip - ObjC wrapper around the 7zip/LZMA SDK
- lvsti/ObjCCurry - Function currying trials in ObjC
- lukhnos/objclucene - An Objective-C port of Lucene 5.x
- lukexi/LXKit - (super ancient) old grab bag utils for objc
- liushuaikobe/RandomColorObjc - An attractive color generator for Objective-C. Ported from randomColor.js.
- littlepush/objcE2S - Convert all enum definitions in iOS framework into string
- levelsix/protobuf-objc - Protocol Buffer Compiler
- laurihoo/fp_in_objc - Lift, bind and compose in Objective-C.
- kwandrews7/MultiDirectionCollectionView-ObjC - MultiDirectionCollectionView but in Objective-C instead of Swift.
- klee1703/objc24 - Source code for projects of the Objective-C in 24 Hours book
- klaviyo/klaviyo-objc-sdk - Incorporate Klaviyo's event and person tracking functionality in iOS applications. Written in Objective-C.
- kevin-montrose/stacman-objc - Objective-C version of StacMan
- keroxp/KXEventEmitter - An EventEmitter for objc, using NSNotificationCenter internally
- keroxp/KXCollection - A polymorpohic collection class for objc
- kent013/ObjCTests - my objective-c test codes
- katopz/primus-objc-helloworld - Hello World Primus with Objective-C via ActionHeroJS
- kalperin/alljoyn_objc - AllJoyn Objective-C binding
- k-ori/objc-nsnumber-primitive-convert-samples - Samples to convert types between NSNumber and primitive
- jwyterlin/Dafiti-App-ObjC - App made for the interview with Dafiti in Objective-C
- juson1010/PageController - objc-PageController
- jrmsklar/ObjCFormatter - An Objective-C formatter that cleans up your code for you.
- johnphilliplee/Lighter-View-Controller - Inspired by a post in objc.io
- jofell/Hashids - Hashids implementation for ObjC
- joeybronner/LoginApplication-ObjC - Created to learn how to get and set data usinf TextField & button.
- jinnkafka/ObjCstoryBoard - USC ITP342: a simple iOS code build with Object-C
- jcf/benchmarking-ruby-and-objc - Benchmarking similar operations in Ruby and Objective C
- jbratton/objc-ruby - Objective-C class giving access to the Ruby interpreter
- jaredsburrows/ios-gradle-objc-app-template - Gradle + Xcode + XCtest + Gcovr
- jamesderry/JumpstartObjc1 - Simple objective-c console program example of a class.
- itsjustcon/ionicons-objc - Use the beautiful Ionicons font (http://ionicons.com/) in your native Objective-C projects.
- irfn/Objc - objective c class.
- indexjincieryi/ND_Architecture-Objc- - Architecture reference to Hamilyjing and TangQiao
- ikait/sparql-objc - A Objective-C SPARQL processor
- iFixit/ifixit-api-objc-client - Obj-C wrapper for iFixit API (iOS/Mac OSX Development)
- hydna/hydna-objc - Objective-C bindings for Hydna
- househappy/MapPointMapper-Objc - Map point mapper
- hkrn/objc-nln - A library for creating a notifier of http://live.nicovideo.jp easily
- hironytic/diff-engine-objc - Classes that compare two sequences and extract changes.
- haShalosh/ObjCParser - Will create an NSInvocation from a simple Objective-C statement.
- guojinwang/test-objc - unitTest
- growthfield/NNUtil - Some utilities for objc
- gotascii/objc - Learning Objective-C for the iPhone
- gngrwzrd/objc-gwcollectionview - Replacement for NSCollectionView
- gngrwzrd/objc-gw - Smorgasbord of Objective-C
- gngrwzrd/dribbble-api-objc - Dribbble API - Objective-C Synchronous & Asynchronous
- giaunv/linedrawing-hogville-spritekit-objc-iphone - A Line Drawing Game for iPhone with SpriteKit, Objective C, Xcode 6, iOS SDK 8, tutorial by Jean-Pierre Distler @raywenderlich.com
- ggamecrazy/QuadrocopterFlightPlan - Extension on objc.io's Quadrocopter Project
- gfx/objc-reflection - Objective-C reflection examples
- fsoDannis/OBJC - Full Sail OBJ C class
- finn-no/objc-scalatron - Simple JNI wrapper for doing Scalatron bots in Objective-C
- filmjbrandon/objc-humanreadable - Objective-C Class with utility functions for "human readable" numbers and dates.
- ezeep/opbeat-objc - Objective-C client for tracking exceptions with Opbeat
- dxd214/SHPKit-ios-objc - 对Cocoa的自用ObjC封装,包括常用宏和方法,一些控件的block封装等
- dwaite/telehash-objc - Objective C framework for Telehash
- digabriel/DGWiki-objc - An Objective-C client for MediaWiki API (Wikipedia support).
- dgeneva/ObjC_Components - some works and playground for iPhone and iPad components
- dennycd/dnode-objc - DNode ObjectiveC implementation for OSX and iOS
- dennda/PyObjcGL - testing
- ddrccw/CCCircleSpinLayer - circle spinner referred to SpinKit and SpinKit-ObjC
- dbrwn/ply-objc - .ply file reader in objective c
- dbelli/Learn-Objc - Example and Tutorial code projects I'm using to learn Objc
- danielgindi/grooveshark-objc-sdk - Grooveshark SDK for iOS with ObjC
- danielgindi/NSString-Trims - An extension to NSString to easily trim whitespace. (iOS / ObjC)
- danielgindi/DGiTunesSearchApi - A wrapper for iTunes' search API, for iOS / ObjC.
- danielgindi/DGTintableImageView - A UIView that presents a UIImage with a tint to another color. (iOS / ObjC)
- danielgindi/DGTextField - A customizable UITextField subclass (iOS / ObjC)
- danielgindi/DGPopupView - A customizable popup view for iOS / ObjC
- danielgindi/DGPageControl - A customizable paging control, compatible alternative to UIPageControl (iOS / ObjC)
- danielgindi/DGLocationManager - A singleton Location Manager as a replacement for CLLocationManager (iOS / ObjC)
- danielgindi/DGInputAccessoryToolbar - A standard "prev/next/done" toolbar to put as inputAccessoryView for your keyboard (iOS / ObjC)
- danielgindi/DGGeocoding - A geocoding services API wrapper, for iOS / ObjC
- danielgindi/DGBorderedLabel - An alternative to UILabel, with the option of a bordered text. (iOS / ObjC)
- danielgindi/DGBarcodeView - Barcode view for iOS / ObjC
- daniel211/LunarCalendarFunctionsInOBJC - the source-code in Obj-C for "Computing the Vietnamese lunar calendar", converted from java source (http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/~duc/amlich/)
- croath/FizzBuzzWhizz-objc - Objective-C version of FizzBuzzWhizz
- crisisking/ObjCBook-lottery - Cocoa Programming Chapter 3
- crisisking/ObjCBook-SpeakLine - Implementation of the SpeakLine app from Cocoa Programming For Mac OS X Chapter 5
- crisisking/ObjCBook-RandomApp - Cocoa Programming Chapter 2
- crisisking/ObjCBook-RaiseMan - RaiseMan project from chapter 8
- crisisking/ObjCBook-KVCFun - KVCFun from chapter 7.
- crisisking/ObjCBook-Delegate-Challenge - Chapter 6 challenge section
- crisisking/ObjCBook-Data-Source-Challenge - Chapter 6 data source challenge
- crisisking/ObjCBook-Chapter-5-Challenge - Challege app from Chapter 5 of Cocoa Programming For Mac OS X
- comfly/VKUniObjcSample - Samples of Obj-C++, collections and other stuff for VK University
- codepath/ios_github_objc_demo - Github Exercise in Objective C
- cmatta/objc - Repository for the objective c stuff I'm learning
- cloakedcode/TimberKit - ObjC Forrst API wrapper
- chronotrope/objC-Homework_2 - My first stab @ capturing a twitter stream on the IOS platform
- chronotrope/objC-Homework_1 - objective-c class homework # 1
- chrissearle/Collection-JSON-ObjC-TestRig - Collection+JSON test rig app for showing use of https://github.com/chrissearle/Collection-JSON-ObjC
- changwang/SimpleWrapper - simple sqlite3 interface wrapper by ObjC
- chai2010/goobjc - Go support for ObjC
- caius/AssignGuards - quick little test on DRYing up objc code
- brynbodayle/aima-objc - An Objective-C library for the Artificial Intelligence a Modern Approach library
- brynbellomy/objc-utilities-by-snej - Forked from snej on BitBucket
- bru/ObjCalc - Dead simple Calculator, built in ObjC
- broomburgo/objc_gol_sicpers - Graham Lee's GoL redone in modern Objective-C, with possible higher-order messaging implementation
- brightsoftdev/GGFoundation - objC class libraries
- brightec/ObjCInSwift - Using an Objective-C library in Swift
- brentleyjones/NBJMergeLayout-ObjC - Remove unnecessary views from Nib view hierarchies
- brandus01/ObjC_MS_PSRP - An Objective-C implementation of the MS-PSRP Protocol (Microsoft Poweshell Remote Protocol)
- bondsy/mixpanel-objc - Mixpanel ObjC SDK for iOS 5 and up
- bmorton/euler17-objc - The solution to Project Euler problem #17 in Objective C.
- bmorton/euler14-objc - Here's the solution to Project Euler #14 in Objective C.
- biacho/reflexio_objc - Simple bouncing ball game.
- bezfeng/ObjCVerbalExpressions - Objective-C port of JSVerbalExpressions
- beanieboi/LomoPhotos - using the Lomography API, mostly learning ObjC
- barion/barion-ios-objc-app2app - Integration library and examples for iOS platform
- banister/exercise - learning objc
- badubizzle/phoenix_objc_channels - Phoenix objective-C channels (websocket) client
- autodesk-acg/FunctionalExtensions-ObjC - Scala-style functional extensions for Apple collection classes
- atljeremy/PriorityQueue-ObjC - A PriorityQueue for Objective-C/iOS Developers
- ataka/objc-bookshelf - First try of Objective-C programming; making bookshelf.
- aspyct/APServiceBox - Dependency Injection for iOS / ObjC
- arslanbilal/Calculator-With-ObjC - Simple Calculator in Objective C
- apptasticbin/everything-about-objc - play with everything of objective-c world
- andrewloyola/UIViewRecorder-ObjC - Objective C Port of UIViewRecorder for saving UIView animation frames to PNG or JPEG for WatchKit animation
- andrewlowson/MyApp - learning some ObjC
- amiklosi/Comicr-objc - Comicr for OSX
- alexlehn/ObjC-PyCrypto - Port of PyCrypto AES (CFB Mode) to ObjC
- acsanchezcu/ASCViperArchitecture - http://www.objc.io/issue-13/viper.html
- aashiks/OBJC_JSONSerializer - An Objective C library for serializing and de-serializing NSObject classes to NSDictionaries / JSON format.
- aaraashkhan/WeaverObjc - A Simple MediaPlayer based on AVPlayer for iOS
- WxWatch/RiotApi-ObjC - An Objective-C Library for utilizing the Riot Games API (https://developer.riotgames.com)
- TwilioDevEd/ipm-quickstart-objc - IPM Quickstart app (Objective-C)
- TimurBK/Glicko2-objc - Implementation of Glicko2 rating described here - http://www.glicko.net/glicko/glicko2.pdf
- TheFuzzball/VibeApi-Objc - The Vibe Server client API for Objective-C.
- Tea-and-Coffee/Compare-objc - Compare Writing in Objective-C. | Objective-Cでの比較の書き方
- Sleak/SleakObjc - A Sleak library written in Objective-C
- SMARTRecovery/CostBenefit.objc - Cost Benefit Analysis iPhone app, in Objective C
- RyanCopley/ObjC-Environments - Quick Environments Loading mechanism
- ProjectIndescribable/IndescribableAPI - 將原網站提供的 API 轉化為 objc 可用
- PaoloHilario/ObjC - Experiments in iOS and Obj-C
- PFei-He/Project-ObjC - 快速开发集成框架
- Onetaway/ObjC-Runtime - objc runtime study
- Onetaway/ObjC-Data-Type-Size - ObjC Data Type Size
- NorthernRealities/Rainbow-ObjC - An extension to the UIColor class in Objective C.
- Necropolis/eve-api-objc - Old attempt at a good EVE API from a long long time ago. NOT complete. People were asking for it.
- Naville/QQMusicLRCExporter - Decode and dump QQMusic iOS Lyrics using OBJC Runtime
- MercuryPay/REST.ObjC - MercuryPay JSON RESTful Integration with Objective-C (with ARC) MercuryPay Integration for iOS
- MealCatcher/objc-singleplatform - iOS SDK for using the SinglePlatform API
- MartinMReed/HBReveal - ObjC category that reveals a hidden view, like a sidebar.
- Lunarpad/ObjC-SegmentedControl - A simple segmented control view for iOS 7
- Lunarpad/ObjC-Notifications - Objective-C convenience methods that wrap NSNotificationCenter
- Lunarpad/ObjC-ImageResizer - An image-cropping UIScrollView for iOS
- LocationKit/SpeedTest-ObjC - SpeedTest in Objective-C, specifically turning GPS to high when we detect user is driving
- Keyflow/Keychain-iOS-ObjC - A simple Objective-C wrapper for working with the keychain in iOS
- KKKim/ThinkObjc - 封装了大量帮助类,帮助你快速搭建项目
- JasonZengJ/objcSpider - Web crawlers developed with objective-c
- JacobOscarson/objc-lab - My Objective C experiments
- Irving-iOS-Jumpstart/Cool-Demo-ObjC-Swift - A demo of how to create animated video player views in both Objective-C and Swift.
- Handbid/Handbid-Objc - Objective-c library for working with Handbid!
- Galeas/ObjC_categories - Some little useful Objective C categories
- EKT/OAI-PMH-Harvester-for-ObjC - OAI-PMH Objective-C harvester is an Objective C library/wrapper over the OAI-PMH protocol
- DroidsOnRoids/swift-vs-objc - Swift vs Obj-C performance comparision
- DrenTec/DTCStuff-objc - Utility classes for iOS development
- DiUS/rhok-iphone-objc - DiUS's entry for RHoK 2012 for iPhone Objective-C
- Dash-Labs/jackson-annotations-objc - J2OBJC Transcompilation of jackson-annotations
- Cloudilly/Group-Chat-for-iOS-ObjC-SDK - Group Chat built using Cloudilly iOS ObjC SDK
- CloudSide/objc-scs - Objective-C SDK (iOS and OSX) for 新浪云存储
- ClavisJ/Objc_RunTimeDemo - Objc RunTime demo
- CitySDK/tourism_library_objc - Objective-C client library for using CitySDK tourism API
- BruceHill/Ultralite-Names-Sample-ObjC - Sample application using the Sybase Ultralite database.
- Antidote-for-Tox/objcToxBot - Tox bot for iOS
- AlwaysRightInstitute/mod_objc1 - Write Apache 1 modules in Objective-C via GNUstep/libFoundation
- 7h070/Exam - objc exam source
- 50ButtonsEach/ios-boilerplate-objc - iOS Boilerplate Objective-C
- 312362115/SourceCode - objc source code
- 0xcefaedfe/brainfuck-objC - An Objective-C implementation of the Brainfuck language
- 0x0c/PopInJump - Simple Bridge library between ObjC and JavaScript
- AFNetworking/AFNetworking - A delightful networking framework for iOS, OS X, watchOS, and tvOS.
- BradLarson/GPUImage - An open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing
- SnapKit/Masonry - Harness the power of AutoLayout NSLayoutConstraints with a simplified, chainable and expressive syntax. Supports iOS and OSX Auto Layout
- RestKit/RestKit - RestKit is a framework for consuming and modeling RESTful web resources on iOS and OS X
- jessesquires/JSQMessagesViewController - An elegant messages UI library for iOS
- facebook/AsyncDisplayKit - Smooth asynchronous user interfaces for iOS apps.
- SVProgressHUD/SVProgressHUD - A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS and tvOS app.
- CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack - A fast & simple, yet powerful & flexible logging framework for Mac and iOS
- Grouper/FlatUIKit - A collection of awesome flat UI components for iOS.
- nicklockwood/iCarousel - A simple, highly customisable, data-driven 3D carousel for iOS and Mac OS
- path/FastImageCache - iOS library for quickly displaying images while scrolling
- facebook/Shimmer - An easy way to add a simple, shimmering effect to any view in an iOS app.
- kevinzhow/PNChart - A simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOS
- Flipboard/FLEX - An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS
- jverkoey/nimbus - The iOS framework that grows only as fast as its documentation
- romaonthego/RESideMenu - iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect.
- robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket - Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS
- CEWendel/SWTableViewCell - An easy-to-use UITableViewCell subclass that implements a swippable content view which exposes utility buttons (similar to iOS 7 Mail Application)
- facebook/xctool - A replacement for Apple's xcodebuild that makes it easier to build and test iOS or OSX apps.
- ibireme/YYKit - A collection of iOS components.
- ViccAlexander/Chameleon - Flat Color Framework for iOS (Obj-C & Swift)
- facebook/facebook-ios-sdk - Used to integrate iOS apps with Facebook Platform.
- mwaterfall/MWPhotoBrowser - A simple iOS photo and video browser with grid view, captions and selections.
- tonymillion/Reachability - ARC and GCD Compatible Reachability Class for iOS and MacOS. Drop in replacement for Apple Reachability
- marcuswestin/WebViewJavascriptBridge - An iOS/OSX bridge for sending messages between Obj-C and JavaScript in UIWebViews/WebViews
- PureLayout/PureLayout - The ultimate API for iOS & OS X Auto Layout — impressively simple, immensely powerful. Objective-C and Swift compatible.
- square/PonyDebugger - Remote network and data debugging for your native iOS app using Chrome Developer Tools
- Aufree/trip-to-iOS - A curated list of delightful iOS resources.
- ViewDeck/ViewDeck - An implementation of the sliding functionality found in the Path 2.0 or Facebook iOS apps.
- dkhamsing/open-source-ios-apps - 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- facebook/KVOController - Simple, modern, thread-safe key-value observing for iOS and OS X.
- schneiderandre/popping - A collection of animation examples for iOS apps.
- ibireme/YYText - Powerful text framework for iOS to display and edit rich text.
- KrauseFx/TSMessages - Easy to use and customizable messages/notifications for iOS à la Tweetbot
- michaeltyson/TPKeyboardAvoiding - A drop-in universal solution for moving text fields out of the way of the keyboard in iOS
- facebook/Tweaks - An easy way to fine-tune, and adjust parameters for iOS apps in development.
- kif-framework/KIF - Keep It Functional - An iOS Functional Testing Framework
- nicklockwood/FXBlurView - UIView subclass that replicates the iOS 7 realtime background blur effect, but works on iOS 5 and above.
- robbiehanson/XMPPFramework - An XMPP Framework in Objective-C for Mac and iOS
- devinross/tapkulibrary - tap + haiku = tapku, a well crafted open source iOS framework
- bang590/JSPatch - JSPatch bridge Objective-C and Javascript using the Objective-C runtime. You can call any Objective-C class and method in JavaScript by just including a small engine. JSPatch is generally use for hotfix iOS App.
- nst/iOS-Runtime-Headers - iOS Objective-C headers as derived from runtime introspection
- Flipboard/FLAnimatedImage - Performant animated GIF engine for iOS
- mamaral/Onboard - An iOS framework to easily create a beautiful and engaging onboarding experience with only a few lines of code.
- jamztang/CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout - UICollectionView replacement of UITableView. Do even more like Parallax Header, Sticky Section Header. Made for iOS 7.
- tombenner/nui - Style iOS apps with a stylesheet, similar to CSS
- ChenYilong/iOS9AdaptationTips - iOS9适配系列教程(iOS9开发学习交流群:465239521)
- pkluz/PKRevealController - PKRevealController (ex. ZUUIRevealController) is a delightful view controller container for iOS, enabling you to present multiple controllers on top of one another.
- xmartlabs/XLForm - XLForm is the most flexible and powerful iOS library to create dynamic table-view forms. Fully compatible with Swift & Obj-C.
- nicklockwood/iRate - A handy class that prompts users of your iPhone or Mac App Store app to rate your application after using it for a while. Similar to Appirater, but with a simpler, cleaner interface and automatic support for iOS fast application switching.
- robbiehanson/CocoaHTTPServer - A small, lightweight, embeddable HTTP server for Mac OS X or iOS applications
- escoz/QuickDialog - QuickDialog - Quick and easy dialog screens for iOS
- shu223/iOS8-Sampler - Code examples for the new features of iOS 8.
- kiwi-bdd/Kiwi - Simple BDD for iOS
- nothingmagical/cheddar-ios - Cheddar for iOS
- cruffenach/CRToast - A modern iOS toast view that can fit your notification needs
- vfr/Reader - PDF Reader Core for iOS
- soffes/sskeychain - Simple Objective-C wrapper for the keychain that works on Mac and iOS
- coolbeet/CBStoreHouseRefreshControl - Fully customizable pull-to-refresh control inspired by Storehouse iOS app
- shu223/iOS7-Sampler - Code examples for the new features of iOS 7.
- Jawbone/JBChartView - iOS-based charting library for both line and bar graphs.
- gimenete/iOS-boilerplate - iOS-app template with lots of common tasks solved
- MugunthKumar/MKNetworkKit - Modern NSURLSession based Networking Framework with built in authentication and HTTP 1.1 caching standards support for iOS 8+ devices
- tumblr/TMCache - Fast parallel object cache for iOS and OS X.
- honcheng/PaperFold-for-iOS - Paper folding animation for iOS
- layerhq/Atlas-iOS - Atlas is a library of native iOS communications user interface components for Layer.
- nicklockwood/FXForms - FXForms is an Objective-C library for easily creating table-based forms on iOS. It is ideal for settings pages, or user data entry tasks.
- mutualmobile/MMWormhole - Message passing between iOS apps and extensions.
- syedhali/EZAudio - An iOS and OSX audio visualization framework built upon Core Audio useful for anyone doing real-time, low-latency audio processing and visualizations.
- shadowsocks/shadowsocks-iOS - Removed according to regulations.
- Marxon13/M13ProgressSuite - A suite containing many tools to display progress information on iOS.
- romaonthego/REFrostedViewController - iOS 7/8 style blurred view controller that appears on top of your view controller.
- futuretap/InAppSettingsKit - This iOS framework allows settings to be in-app in addition to or instead of being in the Settings app.
- 0xced/iOS-Artwork-Extractor - Extract iOS artwork and emoji symbols into png files, generate glossy buttons png files
- bennyguitar/Colours - A beautiful set of predefined colors and a set of color methods to make your iOS/OSX development life easier.
- ChenYilong/iOSInterviewQuestions - iOS面试题集锦(附答案)--学习交流群465239521
- BigZaphod/Chameleon - Chameleon is a port of Apple's UIKit for iOS (and some minimal related frameworks) to Mac OS X.
- m1entus/MZFormSheetController - MZFormSheetController provides an alternative to the native iOS UIModalPresentationFormSheet, adding support for iPhone and additional opportunities to setup controller size and feel form sheet.
- yapstudios/YapDatabase - YapDatabase is an extensible database for iOS & Mac.
- jaydee3/JDStatusBarNotification - [iOS] Easy, customizable notifications displayed on top of the statusbar.
- gmoledina/GMGridView - A performant Grid-View for iOS (iPhone/iPad) that allows sorting of views with gestures (the user can move the items with his finger to sort them) and pinching/rotating/panning gestures allow the user to play with the view and toggle from the cellview to a fullsize display.
- TheAmazingAudioEngine/TheAmazingAudioEngine - Core Audio, Cordially: A sophisticated framework for iOS audio applications, built so you don't have to.
- Yalantis/FoldingTabBar.iOS - Folding Tab Bar and Tab Bar Controller
- bryankeller/BLKFlexibleHeightBar - Create condensing header bars like those seen in the Facebook, Square Cash, and Safari iOS apps.
- chrismiles/CMPopTipView - Custom UIView for iOS that pops up an animated "bubble" pointing at a button or other view. Useful for popup tips.
- mrackwitz/MRProgress - Collection of iOS drop-in components to visualize progress
- domesticcatsoftware/DCIntrospect - Small library of visual debugging tools for iOS.
- TransitApp/SVWebViewController - A drop-in inline browser for your iOS app.
- swisspol/GCDWebServer - Lightweight GCD based HTTP server for OS X & iOS (includes web based uploader & WebDAV server)
- bitstadium/HockeyKit - A software update kit for iOS and Android. Provided as is. For more functionality and maintained work, check out @hockeyapp
- twitter/CocoaSPDY - SPDY for iOS and OS X
- mwaterfall/MWFeedParser - An Objective-C RSS / Atom Feed Parser for iOS
- phoboslab/Ejecta - A Fast, Open Source JavaScript, Canvas & Audio Implementation for iOS
- SVGKit/SVGKit - Display and interact with SVG Images on iOS / OS X, using native rendering (CoreAnimation)
- jverkoey/iOS-Framework - How to create, develop, and distribute iOS Static Frameworks quickly and efficiently
- Boris-Em/BEMSimpleLineGraph - Elegant Line Graphs for iOS (charting library)
- JagCesar/iOS-blur - Blur a UIView
- myell0w/MTStatusBarOverlay - A custom iOS status bar overlay seen in Apps like Reeder, Evernote and Google Mobile App
- ArtSabintsev/Harpy - Notify users when a new version of your iOS app is available, and prompt them with the App Store link.
- joeldev/JLRoutes - URL routing library for iOS with a simple block-based API
- AgileBits/onepassword-app-extension - 1Password Extension for iOS Apps
- nicklockwood/SwipeView - SwipeView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of horizontal, paged scrolling views on iOS. It is based on a UIScrollView, but adds convenient functionality such as a UITableView-style dataSource/delegate interface for loading views dynamically, and efficient view loading, unloading and recycling.
- overshare/overshare-kit - A soup-to-nuts sharing library for iOS.
- MugunthKumar/MKStoreKit - The "Goto" In App Purchases Framework for iOS 8+
- ParsePlatform/Parse-SDK-iOS-OSX - Parse SDK for iOS/OS X/watchOS/tvOS
- sobri909/MGBoxKit - Simple, quick iOS tables, grids, and more
- alexbw/novocaine - Painless high-performance audio on iOS and Mac OS X
- ChatSecure/ChatSecure-iOS - ChatSecure is a free and open source encrypted chat client for iPhone and Android that supports OTR encryption over XMPP.
- kishikawakatsumi/UICKeyChainStore - UICKeyChainStore is a simple wrapper for Keychain on iOS. Makes using Keychain APIs as easy as NSUserDefaults.
- mattt/Ono - A sensible way to deal with XML & HTML for iOS & OS X
- ioscreator/ioscreator - Tutorials from ioscreator.com
- jaredsinclair/JTSImageViewController - An interactive iOS image viewer that does it all: double tap to zoom, flick to dismiss, et cetera.
- mattt/GroundControl - Remote configuration for iOS
- PrideChung/FontAwesomeKit - Icon font library for iOS. Currently supports Font-Awesome, Foundation icons, Zocial, and ionicons.
- Yalantis/Pull-to-Refresh.Rentals-iOS - This project aims to provide a simple and customizable pull to refresh implementation. Made in Yalantis
- appsquickly/Typhoon - Poweful dependency injection for iOS & OSX (Objective-C & Swift)
- ChristianKienle/Core-Data-Editor - Core Data Editor lets you easily view, edit and analyze applications‘ data. Core Data Editor is compatible with Mac and iOS applications and supports XML, SQLite and binary stores, visualizes all relationships and is able to edit the data and generate Objective-C code for the data model.
- oarrabi/OAStackView - Porting UIStackView to iOS 7+
- panicinc/PunchClock - An in/out tracking app for iOS 7+ that uses iBeacon and Geofencing.
- facebook/ios-snapshot-test-case - Snapshot view unit tests for iOS
- douban/DOUAudioStreamer - A Core Audio based streaming audio player for iOS/Mac
- rFlex/SCRecorder - iOS camera engine with Vine-like tap to record, animatable filters, slow motion, segments editing
- shaojiankui/iOS-Categories - iOS中的各种Objective-C Category, a collection of useful Objective-C Categories extending iOS Frameworks such as Foundation,UIKit,CoreData,QuartzCore,CoreLocation,MapKit Etc.
- jonathantribouharet/JTCalendar - A customizable calendar view for iOS.
- shu223/AnimatedTransitionGallery - A gallery app of custom animated transitions for iOS.
- intentkit/IntentKit - An easier way to handle third-party URL schemes in iOS apps.
- nnhubbard/ZSSRichTextEditor - A beautiful rich text WYSIWYG editor for iOS with a syntax highlighted source view
- erichoracek/MSCollectionViewCalendarLayout - UICollectionViewLayout for displaying cells chronologically. Similar to the iOS Calendar app.
- krzysztofzablocki/KZBootstrap - iOS project bootstrap aimed at high quality coding.
- Haneke/Haneke - A lightweight zero-config image cache for iOS, in Objective-C.
- 0xced/XCDYouTubeKit - YouTube video player for iOS, tvOS and OS X
- nst/RuntimeBrowser - Objective-C Runtime Browser, for Mac OS X and iOS
- terryworona/TWMessageBarManager - An iOS manager for presenting system-wide notifications via a dropdown message bar.
- ylechelle/OpenUDID - [OpenUDID IS NOW DEPRECATED] Open source initiative for a universal and persistent UDID solution for iOS
- bitstadium/QuincyKit - Live crash report management for iOS and Mac OS X. AppStore ready on iOS only!
- square/Valet - Valet lets you securely store data in the iOS or OS X Keychain without knowing a thing about how the Keychain works. It’s easy. We promise.
- ericjohnson/canabalt-ios - Open source release of Canabalt for iOS
- luisobo/Nocilla - Testing HTTP requests has never been easier. Nocilla: Stunning HTTP stubbing for iOS and Mac OS X.
- Draveness/DKNightVersion - 🌕 Integrate night mode/theme to your iOS app
- alexdrone/ios-fontawesome - NSString+FontAwesome
- xyfeng/XYPieChart - A simple and animated Pie Chart for your iOS app.
- intuit/LocationManager - Easily get the device's current location on iOS.
- nmattisson/DropdownMenu - DropdownMenu is an iOS navigation controller using a Container View, storyboards and segues.
- JonasGessner/JGProgressHUD - Powerful, simple and modern progress HUD for iOS.
- brow/leaves - A page-turning interface for iOS apps
- honcheng/iOSPlot - Chart library for iOS
- rsms/peertalk - iOS and Mac Cocoa library for communicating over USB
- IFTTT/FastttCamera - Fasttt and easy camera framework for iOS with customizable filters
- kolyvan/kxmovie - movie player for iOS using ffmpeg
- gsdios/SDCycleScrollView - Autoscroll Banner. “iOS第一图片轮播器” 无限循环图片轮播器。
- singro/v2ex - An iOS client for v2ex.com
- fpt-software/Material-Controls-For-iOS - Many Google Material Design Controls for iOS native application
- piemonte/PBJVision - iOS camera engine, features touch-to-record video, slow motion, and photo capture
- chiunam/CTAssetsPickerController - iOS control that allows picking multiple photos and videos from user's photo library.
- shinydevelopment/SimulatorStatusMagic - Clean up your status bar for taking screenshots on the iOS simulator.
- ptshih/PSCollectionView - A simple open source implementation of a Pinterest Pinboard for iOS
- EddyBorja/EBPhotoPages - A photo gallery for iOS with a modern feature set. Similar features as the Facebook photo browser.
- leichunfeng/MVVMReactiveCocoa - GitBucket iOS App
- node-app/Interpreter - Node.js Interpreter for iOS 7
- kevinlawler/NSDate-TimeAgo - A "time ago", "time since", "relative date", or "fuzzy date" category for NSDate and iOS, Objective-C, Cocoa Touch, iPhone, iPad
- danielamitay/iHasApp - The iHasApp iOS Framework allows you to detect installed apps on a user's device.
- orta/ARAnalytics - Simplify your iOS/Mac analytics
- NYTimes/NYTPhotoViewer - A modern photo viewing experience for iOS.
- vicpenap/PrettyKit - PrettyKit for iOS is a small set of new widgets and UIKit subclasses that gives you a deeper UIKit customization. You will be able to change their background color, add gradients, shadows, etc.
- Yalantis/Context-Menu.iOS - You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app.
- hyperoslo/Form - The most flexible and powerful way to build a form on iOS
- marcoarment/BugshotKit - iOS in-app bug reporting for developers and testers, with annotated screenshots and the console log.
- IFTTT/jot - An iOS framework for easily adding drawings and text to images.
- Augustyniak/RATreeView - RATreeView provides you a great support to display the tree structures on iOS.
- fastred/MotionBlur - MotionBlur allows you to add motion blur effect to iOS animations.
- robbdimitrov/RDVTabBarController - Highly customizable tabBar and tabBarController for iOS
- esilverberg/ios-image-filters - photoshop-style filter interface for UIImage class on iOS to make instagram-style images
- bendytree/Objective-C-RegEx-Categories - NSRegularExpression extensions that make regular expressions easier in Objective-C, Swift, iOS, OSX
- samvermette/SVSegmentedControl - A UISwitch-like segmented control for your iOS app.
- jamztang/JTRevealSidebarDemo - (discontinued) A carefully implemented iOS objective-c library to mimic the sidebar layout of the new Facebook app and Path 2.0 app.
- jmascia/KLCPopup - A simple and flexible class for presenting custom views as a popup in iOS.
- gekitz/UIDevice-with-UniqueIdentifier-for-iOS-5 - Brings back the unique identifier support under iOS 5, it uses the device's mac address in combination with the bundle identifier to generate a new hashed unique identifier.
- shinobicontrols/iOS7-day-by-day - Repo containing the sample projects associated with the iOS7 Day-by-Day blog series
- moredip/Frank - Automated acceptance tests for native iOS apps
- route-me/route-me - Open source map library for iOS
- Raizlabs/RZTransitions - A library of custom iOS View Controller Animations and Interactions.
- kolyvan/kxmenu - KxMenu is a vertical popup menu for using in iOS applications
- mixi-inc/iOSTraining - Training course repository for iOS app development
- zpz1237/NirZhihuDaily2.0 - Swift精仿知乎日报iOS端
- ibireme/YYModel - High performance model framework for iOS/OSX.
- facebook/FBSimulatorControl - A Mac OS X library for managing and manipulating iOS Simulators
- marvelapp/FancyTabBar - An expandable and customisable tabbar for iOS
- werner77/WEPopover - Generic popover implementation for iOS with same API as the UIPopoverController for the iPad, but configurable with custom background and available for iPhone as well.
- choefele/CCHMapClusterController - High-performance map clustering with MapKit for iOS and OS X. Integrate with 4 lines of code.
- tapwork/HeapInspector-for-iOS - Find memory issues & leaks in your iOS app without instruments
- mikefrederick/MFSideMenu - Facebook-like side menu for iOS
- honcheng/RTLabel - simple rich text display for iOS using html-like markups
- shu223/PulsingHalo - iOS Component for creating a pulsing animation.
- aryaxt/iOS-Slide-Menu - iOS Slide Menu with ability to add both left and right menu, and built in gesture recognizer. Similar to Path and Facebook
- fphilipe/PHFComposeBarView - Compose bar from iOS 7 Messages.app
- noodlewerk/NWPusher - OS X and iOS application and framework to play with the Apple Push Notification service (APNs)
- mayuur/MJParallaxCollectionView - This is a parallax for the cells inside UICollectionView. It gives us an effect just like scrolling the images in Whatsapp or scrolling through the Weather app for iOS
- rs/SDSegmentedControl - A drop-in remplacement for UISegmentedControl that mimic iOS 6 AppStore tab controls
- artsy/eigen - The Art World in Your Pocket or Your Trendy Tech Company's Tote, Artsy's iOS app.
- Aufree/ESTMusicPlayer - An elegant and simple iOS music player.
- defagos/CoconutKit - CoconutKit is a productivity framework for iOS, crafted with love and focusing on ease of use
- Ciechan/BCGenieEffect - An OSX style genie effect inside your iOS app.
- nfarina/calloutview - A lightweight callout view class for iOS mimicking UICalloutView.
- viki-org/VKVideoPlayer - VKVideoPlayer is the same battle tested video player used in our Viki iOS App enjoyed by millions of users all around the world.
- Shopify/superdb - The Super Debugger, a realtime wireless debugger for iOS
- Alterplay/APAddressBook - Easy access to iOS address book
- groue/GRMustache - Flexible and production-ready Mustache templates for MacOS Cocoa and iOS
- SocialObjects-Software/AMSlideMenu - Sliding Menu for iOS (Left and Right menus). Multiple storyboards and XIBs support.
- terminatorover/RGCardViewLayout - This is a layout that clones the interaction of going through city "cards" in the City Guide App. (this app is #3 for the top iOS app animations on the raywenderlich
- jivesoftware/PDTSimpleCalendar - A simple Calendar / Date Picker for iOS using UICollectionView
- iziz/libPhoneNumber-iOS - iOS port from libphonenumber (Google's phone number handling library)
- wimagguc/ios-custom-alertview - Custom UIAlertView. Continue adding images and UIViews to dialogs on iOS7 and iOS8 as well.
- a1anyip/AYVibrantButton - A stylish button with iOS 8 vibrancy effect
- card-io/card.io-iOS-SDK - card.io provides fast, easy credit card scanning in mobile apps
- TransitApp/SVPulsingAnnotationView - A customizable MKUserLocationView replica for your iOS app.
- tdginternet/TGCameraViewController - Custom camera with AVFoundation. Beautiful, light and easy to integrate with iOS projects.
- clusterinc/ClusterPrePermissions - Cluster's reusable pre-permissions utility that lets developers ask the users on their own dialog for photos or contacts access, before making the system-based request. This is based on the Medium post by Cluster describing the different ways to ask for iOS permissions (https://medium.com/p/96fa4eb54f2c).
- cyndibaby905/TwitterCover - TwitterCover is a parallax top view with real time blur effect to any UIScrollView, inspired by Twitter for iOS.
- krzysztofzablocki/KZPropertyMapper - Property mapping for iOS apps.
- calebd/SimpleAuth - Simple social authentication for iOS.
- mobfarm/FastPdfKit - A Static Library to be embedded on iOS applications to display pdf documents derived from Fast PDF
- dzenbot/DZNPhotoPickerController - A photo search/picker for iOS using popular photo providers like 500px, Flickr, Intagram, Google & Bing Images.
- cwRichardKim/RKDropdownAlert - iOS / Objective C: an extremely simple UIAlertView alternative
- vpdn/MMLayershots - Layershots converts your iOS screenshot into a layered photoshop (PSD) file.
- alexdrone/ios-realtimeblur - Multipurpose real-time blur view for iOS6+ (deprecated)
- mindbrix/UIImage-PDF - Simple UIImage PDF renderer category for iOS scalable assets
- ruslanskorb/RSKImageCropper - An image cropper / photo cropper for iOS like in the Contacts app with support for landscape orientation.
- tumtumtum/StreamingKit - A fast and extensible gapless AudioPlayer/AudioStreamer for OSX and iOS (iPhone, iPad)
- lookingstars/meituan - 高仿美团iOS版,版本号5.7。/**作者:ljz ; Q Q:863784757 ; 注明:版权所有,转载请注明出处,不可用于其他商业用途。 */
- CooperRS/RMStepsController - This is an iOS control for guiding users through a process step-by-step
- couchbase/couchbase-lite-ios - Lightweight, embedded, syncable NoSQL database engine for iOS (and Mac!) apps.
- michalkonturek/GraphKit - A lightweight library of animated graphs for iOS.
- Dillion/iOS-Flip-Transform - Core Animation framework for navigating data by flipping
- coderyi/Monkey - Monkey is a GitHub third party client for iOS,to show the rank of coders and repositories.
- xhacker/TEAChart - Simple and intuitive iOS chart library. Contribution graph, clock chart, and bar chart.
- acoomans/SimulatorRemoteNotifications - Library to send mock remote notifications to the iOS simulator
- clayallsopp/routable-ios - Routable, an in-app native URL router, for iOS
- jefferyleo/f.lux - flux for iOS
- TimOliver/TOWebViewController - A view controller class for iOS that allows users to view web pages directly within an app.
- questbeat/QBPopupMenu - Customizable popup menu for iOS.
- gaosboy/iOSSF - SegmentFault官方App
- UrbanApps/UAModalPanel - An animated modal panel alternative for iOS
- Boris-Em/BEMCheckBox - Tasteful Checkbox for iOS. (Check box)
- pixelglow/ZipZap - zip file I/O library for Mac OS X and iOS
- coolnameismy/BabyBluetooth - 👶 The easiest way to use Bluetooth (BLE )in ios/os ,even bady can use . 一个非常容易使用的蓝牙库,适用于ios和os
- alvises/FPPopover - FPPopover provides an alternative to the native iOS UIPopoverController, adding support for iPhone and additional opportunities to customize the look and feel of the popovers.
- elbryan/FFCircularProgressView - FFCircularProgressView - An iOS 7-inspired blue circular progress view
- twotoasters/TWTSideMenuViewController - Side Menus for iOS 7
- GabrielAlva/Cool-iOS-Camera - A fully customisable and modern camera implementation for iOS made with AVFoundation.
- Coding/Coding-iOS - Coding iOS 客户端源代码
- mattt/AnimatedGIFImageSerialization - Complete Animated GIF Support for iOS, with Functions, NSJSONSerialization-style Class, and (Optional) UIImage Swizzling
- brutella/chatheads - An implementation of Facebook's ChatHeads on iOS.
- mysterioustrousers/MTMigration - Manages blocks of code that only need to run once on version updates in iOS apps.
- wordpress-mobile/WordPress-iOS - WordPress for iOS - Official repository
- workshirt/WSCoachMarksView - iOS drop-in class for interactive coach marks with cutouts to spotlight the app's existing UI.
- Huohua/HHRouter - Yet another URL Router for iOS.
- NghiaTranUIT/FeSpinner - Rocket Loader Collection for iOS app
- piotrbernad/FlatUI - Easy to use User Interface elements which are really similar to design in iOS 7.
- SocialObjects-Software/SOMessaging - Messaging library for iOS 7.x
- kolinkrewinkel/KKGridView - Deprecated: Grid view library for iOS.
- krzysztofzablocki/KZLineDrawer - Beatiful and fast smooth line drawing algorithm for iOS - as seen in Foldify.
- jasonmorrissey/JMTabView - Stylish and animated tab view for iOS rendered entirely using core graphics.
- Pixate/pixate-freestyle-ios - Pixate Freestyle for iOS
- nothirst/TICoreDataSync - Automatic synchronization for Core Data apps, between any combination of Mac OS X and iOS: Mac to iPhone to iPad to iPod touch and back again.
- intuit/AnimationEngine - Easily build advanced custom animations on iOS.
- onemightyroar/YRDropdownView - iOS view library for displaying stylish alerts, warnings, & errors
- mineschan/MZTimerLabel - A handy class for iOS to use UILabel as a countdown timer or stopwatch just like in Apple Clock App.
- muhku/FreeStreamer - A low-memory footprint streaming audio player for iOS and OS X
- tciuro/NoticeView - A TweetBot-like notice component for iOS.
- boztalay/BOZPongRefreshControl - A pull-down-to-refresh control for iOS that plays pong, originally created for the MHacks III iOS app
- apache/cordova-ios - Mirror of Apache Cordova iOS
- ParsePlatform/ParseUI-iOS - A collection of a handy user interface components to be used with the Parse iOS SDK.
- chroman/CRGradientNavigationBar - Custom UINavigationBar subclass which allows gradient coloured navigation bar on iOS 7.
- kstenerud/KSCrash - The Ultimate iOS Crash Reporter
- steipete/PSPDFTextView - A subclass of UITextView that fixes the most glaring problems from iOS 7 and 7.1.
- nicklockwood/AsyncImageView - AsyncImageView is a simple extension of UIImageView for loading and displaying images asynchronously on iOS so that they do not lock up the UI.
- atljeremy/JFMinimalNotifications - An iOS UIView for presenting a minimalistic notification that doesn't block the UI and is highly configurable.
- kishikawakatsumi/PEPhotoCropEditor - Image cropping library for iOS.
- iRareMedia/iCloudDocumentSync - Integrate iCloud into iOS document projects with one-line code methods. Sync, upload, manage, and remove documents from iCloud quickly and easily. Helps to make iCloud "just work" for developers too.
- eliotfowler/EFCircularSlider - An extensible circular slider for iOS applications
- Shmoopi/iOS-System-Services - iOS System Services is a class to gather all available information about a device.
- autresphere/ASMediaFocusManager - iOS library to animate your image and video thumbnails to fullscreen.
- scopegate/octave - Octave: A free library of UI sounds, handmade for iOS
- pinterest/PINCache - Fast, non-deadlocking parallel object cache for iOS and OS X
- nicklockwood/XMLDictionary - A simple way to parse and generate XML on iOS and Mac OS. Converts an XML file to an NSDictionary which can then be easily traversed using the standard Cocoa keyPath mechanism. Can also output the contents of any dictionary as XML.
- TimCinel/ActionSheetPicker - Quickly reproduce the dropdown UIPickerView / ActionSheet functionality from Safari on iPhone/ iOS / CocoaTouch.
- enormego/cocoa-helpers - A collection of helpers (categories) we've written for iOS and OS X, full with convenience methods to make them easier and more useful. [tags:cocoa,objective-c,ios,mac]
- ZaBlanc/RaptureXML - A simple, sensible, block-based XML API for iOS and Mac development.
- EddyBorja/MLPAutoCompleteTextField - UITextfield subclass with autocomplete menu. For iOS.
- couchbaselabs/TouchDB-iOS - CouchDB-compatible mobile database; Objective-C version
- MartinRGB/Replace-iOS - Simply Implement Zee Young's animation
- kstenerud/ObjectAL-for-iPhone - Mac and iOS Audio development, minus the headache. ObjectAL is the easy Objective-C interface to OpenAL, AVAudioPlayer, and audio session management.
- kevingibbon/KGStatusBar - A minimal status bar for iOS.
- inkling/Subliminal - An understated approach to iOS integration testing.
- nikolaypavlov/MLPNeuralNet - Fast multilayer perceptron neural network library for iOS and Mac OS X
- Aufree/phphub-ios - PHPHub for iOS is the universal iPhone and iPad application for PHPHub
- linkedin/LIExposeController - Expose style navigation for iOS apps
- bestwnh/IGLDropDownMenu - An iOS drop down menu with pretty animation and easy to customize.
- JaviSoto/JSBadgeView - Customizable UIKit badge view like the one on applications in the iOS springboard.
- danqing/2048 - The iOS version of 2048, made using SpriteKit
- neror/CA360 - Core Animation iOS example code. Lots of it.
- contentful-labs/Concorde - Download and decode progressive JPEGs on iOS.
- JonasGessner/JGActionSheet - Feature-rich action sheet for iOS. This ActionSheet is a replacement for UIActionSheet, with iPad support!
- CooperRS/RMDateSelectionViewController - This is an iOS control for selecting a date using UIDatePicker in a UIActionSheet like fashion
- MailCore/MailCore - MailCore 1.0 is a Mac/iOS framework for working with the e-mail protocols IMAP and SMTP.
- rounak/RJImageLoader - A recreation of the image loader animation created by Michael Villar for iOS
- k06a/ABCalendarPicker - Fully configurable iOS calendar UI component with multiple layouts and smooth animations.
- michaelhenry/MHFacebookImageViewer - New Image Viewer/Browser inspired by Facebook for IOS
- omergul123/LLSimpleCamera - A simple, customizable camera control - video recorder for iOS.
- shyambhat/InstagramKit - Instagram iOS SDK
- KJCracks/Clutch - Fast iOS executable dumper
- steipete/PSTAlertController - API similar to UIAlertController, backwards compatible to iOS 7. Will use the new shiny API when you run iOS 8.
- relatedcode/ProgressHUD - ProgressHUD is a lightweight and easy-to-use HUD for iOS 8. (Objective-C)
- kluivers/qc-mobile - A Quartz Composer implementation for iOS.
- UrbanApps/UAAppReviewManager - UAAppReviewManager is a simple and lightweight App review prompting tool for iOS and Mac App Store apps. It's Appirater all grown up, ready for primetime.
- Quotation/WhoCall - 谁CALL我 - iOS来电信息语音提醒
- jharwig/PPSSignatureView - iOS Signature Capture Demo
- herinkc/HTPressableButton - Flat design pressable button for iOS developers.
- AlvaroFranco/AFSoundManager - iOS audio playing (both local and streaming) and recording made easy
- Kjuly/KYCircleMenu - An iOS UI control that allows you to build a circular menu by laying out buttons in a circle pattern adjusting from the number of buttons (1~6).
- lmcd/LMAlertView - Open Source, customisable clone of UIAlertView for iOS 7
- DenHeadless/Shapes - Framework for drawing and animating shaped views on iOS
- venmo/VENCalculatorInputView - Calculator keyboard used in the Venmo iOS app
- enormego/EGOTextView - EGOTextView is a complete drop in replacement for UITextView created by enormego, that adds support for Rich Text Editing. [tags:ios,objective-c,uitextview]
- jwilling/JWFolders - Implementation of iOS 6's folders.
- claaslange/iOS7Colors - The standard iOS 7 Colors as a handy category on UIColor
- indragiek/CocoaMarkdown - Markdown parsing and rendering for iOS and OS X
- aryaxt/iOS-Rich-Text-Editor - A Rich Text Editor for iOS
- thibaultCha/TCBlobDownload - Concurrent large files downloads for iOS
- NewAmsterdamLabs/ZOZolaZoomTransition - Zoom transition that animates the entire view heirarchy. Used extensively in the Zola iOS application.
- poolqf/PQFCustomLoaders - Collection of highly customizable loaders for your iOS projects
- OnionBrowser/iOS-OnionBrowser - An open-source, privacy-enhancing web browser for iOS, utilizing the Tor anonymity network
- zhuchaowe/EasyIOS - A new generation of development framework based on Model-View-ViewModel
- meiwin/NgKeyboardTracker - Objective-C library for tracking keyboard in iOS apps.
- mattt/Orbiter - Push Notification Registration for iOS
- xissburg/XBPageCurl - A decent page curl transition for iOS.
- mrcrow/MRoundedButton - UIControl subclass like iOS 7 Phone app button
- martijnwalraven/meteor-ios - Meteor iOS integrates native iOS apps with the Meteor platform (http://www.meteor.com) through DDP
- eklipse2k8/FilterKit - iOS Framework for easily adding Camera with Filters
- lazerwalker/Theseus - An open-source iOS personal analytics tool
- tristanhimmelman/THSpringyCollectionView - A memory and CPU efficient implementation of a collection view with cells that bounce around like they do in the iOS 7 messages app
- jonathantribouharet/JTMaterialTransition - An iOS transition for controllers based on material design.
- betzerra/MosaicUI - A tiled UI for iOS and iPhone
- Marxon13/M13Checkbox - A customizeable checkbox for iOS
- jaykz52/CKCalendar - A sleek, easily customized calendar control for iOS.
- bfeher/BFPaperButton - iOS Buttons inspired by Google's Paper Material Design.
- jaydee3/JDFlipNumberView - [iOS] Representing analog flip numbers like airport/trainstation displays
- heardrwt/RHAddressBook - A Cocoa / Objective-C library for interfacing with the iOS AddressBook.
- coderyi/NetworkEye - a iOS network debug library ,It can monitor HTTP requests within the App and displays information related to the request.
- lmirosevic/GBDeviceInfo - Detects the hardware, software and display of the current iOS or Mac OS X device at runtime.
- chrismiles/CMUnistrokeGestureRecognizer - A port of the $1 Unistroke Recognizer (aka Dollar Gesture Recognizer) to iOS as a UIGestureRecognizer.
- mattt/SkyLab - Multivariate & A/B Testing for iOS and Mac
- itruf/crackify - Protection for iOS apps from cracking
- TeehanLax/UITableViewCell-Swipe-for-Options - A reproduction of the iOS 7 Mail app's swipe-to-reveal options
- AlvaroFranco/AFDropdownNotification - Dropdown notification view for iOS
- mmackh/Hacker-News-for-iOS - Hacker News client for iPad and iPhone [DEPRECATED]
- m1entus/MZDayPicker - An iOS day picker to allow users to select date
- gresrun/GHSidebarNav - A clone of the new Facebook iOS UI paradigm
- dfmuir/KINWebBrowser - A web browser module for your iOS apps.
- ibireme/YYCache - High performance cache framework for iOS.
- ustwo/US2FormValidator - Form validation framework for iOS.
- th-in-gs/THObserversAndBinders - Easy, lightweight, object-based key-value observing (KVO) and key-value binding (KVB) for iOS and Mac OS X
- OmidH/Filtrr - iOS Image filter library
- erichoracek/Motif - Lightweight and customizable stylesheets for iOS
- marcuswestin/WebViewProxy - A standalone iOS & OSX class for intercepting and proxying HTTP requests (e.g. from a Web View)
- GeekZooStudio/ECMobile_iOS - 基于ECShop的手机商城客户端
- KittenYang/A-GUIDE-TO-iOS-ANIMATION - The source code of my new eBook —— A GUIDE TO IOS ANIMATION. Just click the next link to buy it
- stefanoa/SASlideMenu - Library to create iOS sliding menu compatible with storyboards
- hanton/HTY360Player - Open Source iOS 360 Degree Panorama Video Player.
- Tangdixi/DCPathButton - A menu button like Path for iOS
- LeoNatan/LNNotificationsUI - A framework for displaying notifications similar to Apple's iOS 8 and iOS 9 notifications.
- justinmfischer/core-background - An Objective-C API inspired by iOS 7 and the Yahoo Weather App. Location-based Flickr photos in background UIImageView are Gaussian blurred by a UIScrollView while scrolling over foreground iPhone content.
- andreyvit/SoloComponents-iOS - Self-contained, two-file (.h/.m) iPhone/iPad components that are dead-easy to drop into your projects
- wikimedia/wikipedia-ios - The official Wikipedia iOS app.
- TonnyTao/DoubanAlbum - Slowslab iOS应用 豆瓣相册 精选集 开源项目,仅供学习参考
- tristanhimmelman/THContactPicker - An iOS view used for selecting contacts. This view is inspired by the contact selection in the iOS Mail and Messages apps
- thoughtbot/TBAnnotationClustering - Example App: How To Efficiently Display Large Amounts of Data on iOS Maps
- fabiocaccamo/FCFileManager - iOS File Manager on top of NSFileManager for simplifying files management.
- carlbrown/PDKeychainBindingsController - Mac OSX and iOS Keychain Access patterned after NSUserDefaults.
- steipete/PSFoundation - Categories and helper classes for iOS projects.
- paypal/PayPal-iOS-SDK - Accept credit cards and PayPal in your iOS app
- leverdeterre/CalendarIOS7 - Calendar component for iOS apps
- OliverLetterer/SLExpandableTableView - SLExpandableTableView is a UITableView subclass that gives you easy access to expandable and collapsable sections by just implementing a few more delegate and dataSource protocols. (iPhone, iPad, iOS)
- thermogl/TITokenField - An iOS version of the NSTokenField (See To: field in Mail and Messages).
- matej/MBPullDownController - MBPullDownController, an iOS container view controller for pullable scroll view interfaces.
- ArthurGuibert/FSLineChart - A line chart library for iOS
- kishikawakatsumi/ClassicMap - Google Map is back to iOS 6.
- ming1016/RSSRead - “已阅”(iOS上开源RSS新闻阅读器),有兴趣?那就Pull Requests吧
- linkedin/Selene - iOS library which schedules the execution of tasks on a background fetch
- robbiehanson/KissXML - A replacement for Cocoa's NSXML cluster of classes. Based on libxml. Works on iOS.
- nevyn/CoreDragon - [iOS] Stop using context menus. Drag and drop instead, even between apps!
- luisespinoza/LEColorPicker - A Cocoa-Touch system for iOS to get a color scheme in function of an image, like iTunes 11 does.
- adamwaite/iOS-Build-Kit - BuildKit is a modular command line interface for automating iOS project builds. Bundled build tasks include: Increment app version • Xcode build • Overlay version number on icon files • Run unit tests • Create .ipa artefact.
- chrismiles/DynamicXray - iOS UIKit Dynamics runtime visualisation and introspection library.
- krishkumar/BlockParty - Content Blocker App for iOS 9 and OSX
- PrimaryFeather/Sparrow-Framework - The Open Source Game Engine for iOS
- MxABC/LBXScan - A barcode and qr code scanner (二维码、扫码、扫一扫、ZXing和ios系统自带扫码封装,扫码界面效果封装)
- SergioChan/SCTrelloNavigation - 📋 An iOS native implementation of a Trello Animated Navagation. See more at https://dribbble.com/shots/2114816-Trello-Navigation. iOS上类似trello的导航动效控件实现。
- nihalahmed/GameCenterManager - iOS Game Center helper singleton
- xissburg/XBImageFilters - OpenGL ES 2-based image and real-time camera filters for iOS
- seanhess/wizardwar - Wizard War is an open-source multiplayer iOS game
- stripe/stripe-ios - Stripe bindings for iOS and OS X
- markofjohnson/HJCache - iOS asynchronous download, sharing, and caching library for images and more
- itsbonczek/kingpin - A drop-in map annotation clustering library for MKMapView (iOS)
- ashfurrow/FunctionalReactivePixels - A demonstration of how to use FRP with ReactiveCocoa in an iOS context using the 500px API.
- icanzilb/UIEffectDesignerView - A native Particle Systems effect view for iOS and OSX powered by QuartzCore
- tomsoft1/StackBluriOS - Stack Blur implementation for iOS
- facebookexperimental/spacetime - Experimental iOS library for live transformations on parts of layers.
- daltoniam/DCAnimationKit - A collection of animations for iOS. Simple, just add water animations.
- romaonthego/REActivityViewController - [DEPRECATED] Open source alternative to UIActivityViewController, highly customizable and compatible with iOS 5.0.
- FlorianMielke/FMMoveTableView - An iOS UITableView subclass that allows you to move rows without being in edit mode simply by tapping and holding the appropriate row.
- muZZkat/NMRangeSlider - A custom range slider for iOS
- mikebuss/MTBBarcodeScanner - A lightweight, easy-to-use barcode scanning library for iOS 7+
- dingbat/nsrails - iOS/Mac OS framework for Rails
- yinkou/OCMapView - Simple and easy to use clustering mapView for iOS
- mamaral/MAThemeKit - Create an iOS app color theme using a single line of code.
- kejinlu/KKGestureLockView - A Gesture Lock View For iOS
- justinmfischer/7blur - An objective-C API that uses the new iOS 7 UIView snapshot category drawViewHierarchyInRect:afterScreenUpdates: to produce Apple Notification and Control Center like blur effects. 7blur supports both live real time and static blurred backgrounds enforcing UI depth.
- heitorfr/ios-image-editor - iOS View Controller for image cropping. An alternative to the UIImagePickerController editor with extended features.
- MartinRGB/LearnCube-iOS - An animation practise demo
- zhuhuihuihui/EChart - iOS/iPhone/iPad Chart, Graph. Event handling and animation supported.
- rolandleth/LTHPasscodeViewController - iOS 7 style Passcode Lock
- stefanceriu/SCStringsUtility - OS X / iOS Translations helper
- kokoabim/iOSOpenDev - iOSOpenDev
- stefanceriu/SCSiriWaveformView - UIView subclass that reproduces the waveform effect seen in Siri on iOS 7.
- hsousa/HCSStarRatingView - Simple star rating view for iOS written in Objective-C
- 71squared/TBXML - Super-fast, lightweight, easy to use XML parser for the Mac & iOS
- youtube/youtube-ios-player-helper - Helper library for iOS developers looking to add YouTube video playback in their applications via the iframe player in a UIWebView
- weissi/FRLayeredNavigationController - FRLayeredNavigationController, an iOS container view controller that works like a stack of paper with an API similar to UINavigationController.
- hollance/MHTabBarController - A custom tab bar controller for iOS 5
- fggeraissate/FFCalendar - Yearly, Monthly, Weekly and Daily Calendars for iOS.
- scheinem/MSCMoreOptionTableViewCell - Drop-in solution to achieve the "More" button in an UITableView's "Swipe to Delete" menu (as seen in Mail.app under iOS 7)
- Friend-LGA/LGSideMenuController - iOS side menu view controller shows left and right views on top of everything by pressing button or gesture
- project-imas/encrypted-core-data - v2.0 - iOS Core Data encrypted SQLite store using SQLCipher
- aws/aws-sdk-ios-v1 - Deprecated
- schwa/iOS-PDF-Reader - An open source (BSD) iPhone & iPad PDF Reader
- fabiocaccamo/FCUUID - iOS UUID / Universally Unique Identifiers library as alternative to UDID and identifierForVendor.
- RolandasRazma/RRFPSBar - Show FPS Bar instead of StatusBar on iOS
- Cclleemm/ProductTour - ProductTour is an iOS bubble tutorial to help the user understand your interface. (The same of Garaband help system)
- chroman/Doppio - An open source iOS app to find the nearest Starbucks store using NSURLSession, AFNetworking 2.0, Mantle and Starbucks private API.
- saturngod/IAPHelper - in app purchases helper for iOS
- EddyBorja/MLPSpotlight - UIView subclass that draws a spotlight effect. For iOS.
- DeveloperLx/LxGridView - Imitation iOS system desktop icon arrangement and interaction by UICollectionView!
- Hardtack/HTProgressHUD - Better indicator view for iOS
- radi/LiveFrost - Real time blurring for iOS
- promet/PRAugmentedReality - iOS Augmented Reality Framework
- jessegrosjean/NOTTaskPaperForIOS - Source code for the original TaskPaper for iOS.
- hellozimi/HCYoutubeParser - Fetches YouTube mp4 URLS for iOS and tvOS.
- jpwiddy/iOS7-BarcodeScanner - Barcode scanner using the scanning capabilities introduced with iOS 7.
- erica/iOS-6-Cookbook - iOS 6 update
- mpospese/MPFlipViewController - A custom container view controller following the iOS 5 containment API that navigates between child view controllers via touch gestures and page-flip animations
- NSRare/NSGIF - iOS Library for converting videos to animated GIFs.
- alekseyn/EasyTableView - Horizontal and vertical scrolling table views for iOS
- lomanf/PaperStack - iOS Page Curl filter
- yixiangboy/IOSAnimationDemo - IOS动画总结
- venmo/DryDock-iOS - An open-source internal installer app
- peyton/MOOMaskedIconView - Photoshop layer styles for iOS icons. Stop maintaining a separate file for each color, resolution, and style.
- bemyeyes/bemyeyes-ios - The Be My Eyes iOS app – lend your eyes to the blind
- aerofs/react-native-auto-updater - A library to manage dynamic updates to React Native apps. Available as an NPM Package for iOS and Android.
- mapbox/Fingertips - Touch indicators on external displays for iOS applications.
- zulip/zulip-ios - Zulip iOS app
- MakeZL/ZLGotoSandboxPlugin - You can quickly enter the iOS simulator Xcode plugin!
- nicklockwood/CountryPicker - CountryPicker is a custom UIPickerView subclass that provides an iOS control allowing a user to select a country from a list. It can optionally display a flag next to each country name, and the library includes a set of 249 high-quality, public domain flag images from FAMFAMFAM (http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/flags/) that have been painstakingly re-named by country code to work with the library.
- kirualex/SprityBird - A small clone of Flappy Bird for iOS using SpriteKit framework
- lelandrichardson/react-native-maps - React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android
- TUNER88/iOSSystemSoundsLibrary - List of all system sounds used in iOS
- nrj/GradientProgressView - Animated hue progress bar using CAGradientLayer for iOS.
- RafaelKayumov/RKTabView - Easy applicable toolbar/tabbar component for iOS
- jberlana/JBKenBurns - Ken Burns effect for iOS. The feature enables a widely used technique of embedding still photographs in motion pictures, displayed with slow zooming and panning effects, and fading transitions between frames.
- andreagiavatto/AGPhotoBrowser - A photo browser for iOS inspired by Facebook.
- bubudrc/MPCoachMarks - MPCoachMarks is an iOS class that displays user coach marks with a couple of shapescutout over an existing UI. This approach leverages your actual UI as part of the onboarding process for your user.
- GnosisHub/GHContextMenu - Pinterest like context menu control for iOS
- CodaFi/AFNetworking-RACExtensions - A delightful extension to the AFNetworking classes for iOS and Mac OS X.
- toddreed/Touchpose - Touchposé is a set of classes for iOS that renders screen touches when a device is connected to a mirrored display.
- aws/aws-sdk-ios - Official mirror of version 2 of the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS. For more information, see our web site:
- sibahota059/SPHChatCollectionView - SPHChatCollectionView to use in chat screens. (Supports iOS 8)
- liyong03/YLLongTapShare - Long Tap Sharing control for iOS.
- happyfoxinc/helpstack - iOS Support Framework
- ricobeck/KFEpubKit - An Objective-C epub extracting and parsing framework for iOS and OSX.
- honcheng/iOS-StyledPageControl - Customizable PageControl for iOS
- iGriever/TWSReleaseNotesView - A simple way to show in-app release notes in your iOS applications.
- edekhayser/Timeline - Timeline like the Path iOS app
- antiraum/THPinViewController - iOS 7 Style PIN Screen for iPhone and iPad
- meilbn/MyOne-iOS - 我的《一个》 iOS 客户端(OC)
- mattlawer/MBSwitch - An iOS7 style UISwitch for iOS < 7
- MosheBerman/MBCalendarKit - An open source calendar view for iOS.
- mruegenberg/ios-linechart - Interactive linecharts for the simplicity-loving iOS developer.
- lzwjava/CoreAnimationCode - Code examples of the book 「iOS Core Animation Advanced Techniques」
- iosphere/ISHPermissionKit - A polite and unified way of asking for permission on iOS
- Wasappli/WAAppRouting - iOS routing done right. Handles both URL recognition and controller displaying with parsed parameters. All in one line, controller stack preserved automatically!
- kickingvegas/YmsCoreBluetooth - A block-based framework for building Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy (aka Smart or LE) iOS and OS X applications using the CoreBluetooth API. Includes Deanna and DeannaMac, applications to communicate with a TI SensorTag for iOS and OS X respectively.
- iSECPartners/ios-ssl-kill-switch - Blackbox tool to disable SSL certificate validation - including certificate pinning - within iOS Apps
- chute/photo-picker-plus-ios - Repo for Photo Picker Plus by Chute
- schwa/Coverflow - iOS 6 UICollectionView Coverflow implementation
- youngsoft/MyLinearLayout - A powerful iOS view layout library, suitable for all kinds of screen size. Don't need to learn AutoLayout and SizeClass. You can use MyLinearLayout, MyRelativeLayout,MyFrameLayout,MyTableLayout,MyFlowLayout,MyLayoutSizeClass to build your UI Layout
- gcamp/GCDiscreetNotificationView - A discreet, non-modal, notification view for iOS.
- JaviSoto/iOS9-Runtime-Headers - iOS 9 Runtime Headers
- ultragtx/GSBookShelf - An iBooks-styled book shelf for iOS (Animation of drag & drop, insert, remove...)
- erwinmaza/Transformifier - Generic Interactive 3D Transformation Tweaking Tool for iOS Development
- jasarien/JSTokenField - An iOS token field based on the behaviour and functionality provided by Mail.app's email recipient field.
- domhofmann/PRTween - Lightweight tween library for iOS
- ivoleko/ILTranslucentView - Subclass of UIView that enables native iOS 7 blur effect.
- firebase/ios-swift-chat-example - FireChat implemented in Swift!
- ap4y/OrigamiEngine - Lightweight audio engine for iOS and OSX with flac, cue, mp3, m4a, m3u support.
- stripe/PaymentKit - Easily accept payments on iOS
- mbcharbonneau/UIImage-Categories - An fork of Trevor Harmon's UIImage category methods, updated for the latest versions of iOS.
- PhilipsHue/PhilipsHueSDK-iOS-OSX - The Software Development Kit for Philips Hue on iOS and OS X (beta)
- pili-engineering/PLCameraStreamingKit - Pili RTMP Streaming SDK for iOS, H.264 and AAC hardware encoding supported. Camera and Microphone as input source.
- cyndibaby905/TumblrMenu - Tumblr iOS app like menu view completely created using core animation.
- Legoless/Alpha - Next generation debugging framework for iOS
- acoomans/Parallax - Parallax is an iOS library that reproduces the parallax effect of the iOS7 home screen.
- Boris-Em/BEMAnalogClock - iOS library to create elegant, interactive clocks.
- justin/wolfpack - Wolfpack is an image processing library for iOS.
- berzniz/Sequencer - Sequencer is an iOS library for asynchronous flow control.
- nicklockwood/GZIP - A simple NSData category for gzipping/unzipping data in iOS and Mac OS
- misterwell/MMMaterialDesignSpinner - An iOS activity spinner modeled after Google's Material Design Spinner
- ibireme/YYImage - Image framework for iOS to display/encode/decode animated WebP, APNG, GIF, and more.
- twotoasters/TTSwitch - Fully customizable switch for iOS using images
- MPGNotification/MPGNotification - MPGNotifications is an iOS control that allows you to display in-app interactive notifications that are fully customisable to suit your needs.
- TransitApp/SVHTTPRequest - Simple REST client for iOS and Mac.
- tciuro/NanoStore - NanoStore is an open source, lightweight schema-less local key-value document store written in Objective-C for Mac OS X and iOS.
- pepibumur/PPiFlatSegmentedControl - Flat Segmented Control for UI flat iOS designs
- mattdonnelly/MDHTMLLabel - 🔗 A lightweight class for rendering text containing HTML tags on iOS 6.0+
- kishikawakatsumi/JavaScriptBridge - Write iOS apps in Javascript! JavaScriptBridge provides the way to write iOS apps with JavaScript. Powered by JavaScriptCore.framework.
- JaviSoto/JSAnimatedImagesView - UIView subclass to easily add a cool animated photo carrusel to your iOS app
- semweb/GreatReader - A "great" PDF reader for iOS. Available on the App Store.
- MosheBerman/Surfboard - Surfboard is a delightful onboarding framework for iOS.
- liaojinxing/Voice2Note - 懒人笔记iOS客户端
- coolbeet/CBStoreHouseTransition - A custom transition inspired by Storehouse iOS app, also support pop gesture.
- pierrotsmnrd/grabKit - Drop-in iOS component to easily import photos from Facebook, FlickR, Instagram, Picasa, and more
- zoul/Finch - Simple, low-latency OpenAL sound engine for Apple iOS.
- JxbSir/YiYuanYunGou - 高仿一元云购IOS应用(高仿自一元云购安卓客户端)
- acerbetti/ACEDrawingView - An open source iOS component to create a drawing app
- raweng/stack-scroll-view - Stack Scroll View Panel like Twitter Ipad app for iOS developers [iPad]
- kulpreetchilana/Custom-iOS-Keyboards - Easily customizable custom inputView for iOS that imitates the native iOS keyboard.
- hayashi311/Color-Picker-for-iOS - ColorPicker for iPhone and iPod touch
- mtabini/AFKPageFlipper - A simple 3-D page flip transition for iOS devices
- min/MNCalendarView - Highly customizable calendar component for iOS apps
- haolloyin/MrCode - A simple GitHub iPhone App that can cache Markdown content (include images in HTML) for read it later. 简单的 GitHub iOS 应用,缓存项目中的 Markdown 渲染之后的 HTML 及其图片方便稍后阅读
- evernote/evernote-sdk-ios - Evernote SDK for iOS
- alexdrone/ios-flexboxkit - A simple UIKit extension to wrap Flexbox layouts.
- Marxon13/M13BadgeView - A customizable badge for iOS applications.
- daria-kopaliani/DAProgressOverlayView - A UIView subclass displaying download progress. Looks similarly to springboard icons of apps being downloaded in iOS 7.
- MegaBits/SIOSocket - Realtime iOS application framework (client) http://socket.io
- DenHeadless/ZoomInteractiveTransition - Simple zoom transition using iOS 7 Custom View Controller Transitions API
- foursquare/FSNetworking - foursquare iOS networking library
- jonathantribouharet/JT3DScrollView - ScrollView with custom effects during the scroll for iOS
- futuresimple/FSVerticalTabBarController - Vertical tab bar controller for iOS mimicking UITabBarController look and behavior
- Countly/countly-sdk-ios - Countly Mobile Analytics - iOS SDK
- exalted/PTShowcaseViewController - An initial implementation of a "showcase" view( controller) for iOS apps... Visualizes images, videos and PDF files beautifully! (by @pittleorg) [meta: image, photo, video, document, pdf, album, gallery, showcase, gallery, iOS, iPhone, iPad, component, library, viewer]
- podio/ios-view-frame-builder - A small library for semantic layout of UIViews.
- balram3429/BTSimpleSideMenu - This is a simple side menu for iOS
- leverdeterre/PermissiveResearch - An iOS search engine that allows mistakes in the searched element.
- stepify/stepifyIOS - IOS fitness app.
- mixdesign/AAShareBubbles - Animated Social share buttons control for iOS
- kovpas/PMCalendar - Yet another calendar component for iOS. Compatible with iOS 4.0 (iPhone & iPad) and higher. Supports presenting as a popover and very flexible UI tuning. Default theme is inspired by https://github.com/ocrickard/OCCalendar
- lucascorrea/SCFacebook - The SCFacebook 4.0 is a simple and cleaner to use the api facebook-ios-sdk Objective-C (https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk) to perform login, get friends list, information about the user and posting on the wall with ^Block for iPhone. Suporte 4.6 FBSDKCoreKit, FBSDKShareKit and FBSDKLoginKit.
- cocos3d/cocos3d - Cocos3D is a sophisticated, yet intuitive and easy-to-use, 3D application development framework for the iOS platform. With Cocos3D, you can build sophisticated, dynamic 3D games and applications using Objective-C.
- bpoplauschi/BPForms - Dynamic forms for iPhone/iPad - iOS 6, 7 and later
- Kjuly/iPokeMon - PokéMon like game on iOS with Location Based Service.
- mattt/Antenna - Extensible Remote Logging for iOS
- barbosa/GBFlatButton - A flat and light implementation of UIButton for iOS
- JimLiu/WeiboSDK - 新浪微博SDK之iOS版本
- urbanairship/ios-library - Urban Airship iOS SDK
- rsattar/Voucher - A simple library to make authenticating tvOS apps easy via their iOS counterparts.
- kenshin03/Home-For-iOS - Facebook Home port for iOS.
- bfeher/BFPaperCheckbox - iOS Checkboxes inspired by Google's Paper Material Design.
- JackTeam/PathCover - PathCover is pull down refresh and a parallax/zooming top view with real time blur effect to any UITableView, inspired by Path for iOS.
- itjhDev/itjh - IT江湖iOS客户端
- seatgeek/SGImageCache - A flexible image caching library for image rich iOS applications
- kylebrowning/drupal-ios-sdk - The Drupal iOS Software Development Kit provides a full suite of iOS methods to natively connect iOS applications to Drupal 7 and 8.
- gfthr/FastTextView - The best rich editor (TextView) on IOS platform ,maybe be the fastest
- mwkoelb/MWKProgressIndicator - A minimal progress indicator for iOS with status update support. Displays above UINavigationBar and below the Status Bar
- andrei200287/SAVideoRangeSlider - iOS Video trim control
- alikaragoz/AKSegmentedControl - 🍫 Fully customizable Segmented Control for iOS
- erica/iOS-6-Advanced-Cookbook - Recipes for working with the advanced features of iOS 6
- Marxon13/M13PDFKit - M13PDFKit is an iBooks like PDF viewer that can be embedded in iOS applications.
- honcheng/PaperFoldGallery - PaperFoldGallery for iOS
- ayushgoel/AGEmojiKeyboard - Emoji Keyboard for iOS
- bitstadium/HockeySDK-iOS - The official iOS SDK for the HockeyApp service (Releases are in the master branch, current development in the default develop branch)
- Machx/MVVM-IOS-Example - A basic example of a way to implement MVVM using ReactiveCocoa
- AviaryInc/Mobile-Feather-SDK-for-iOS - Aviary's photo editing SDK for iOS. Please email [email protected] with feedback/issues.
- nto/AirView - AirPlay viewer for iOS devices
- lookingstars/nuomi - 高仿百度糯米iOS版,版本号5.13.0。/**作者:ljz ; Q Q:863784757 ; 注明:版权所有,转载请注明出处,不可用于其他商业用途。 */
- ekurutepe/MPNotificationView - An in-app notification view that mimics the iOS 6 notification views which appear above the status bar
- gdawg/uiimage-dsp - IOS UIImage processing functions using the vDSP/Accellerate framework for speed.
- stepanhruda/STPTransitions - Unified, easy API for custom iOS view controller transitioning
- ermalkaleci/CarbonKit - CarbonKit - iOS Components (Obj-C & Swift)
- JanC/TAPromotee - Objective-C library to cross promote iOS apps
- myell0w/MTLocation - A Framework to add convenience-stuff for easier coping with CoreLocation/MapKit on iOS. It includes a custom UIBarButtonItem mimicing the Locate-Me-Button of the built-in Google Maps App
- raffael/RMBlurredView - This subclass of NSView can be used to get an iOS 7 like blurred background to mimic a frosted glass effect.
- erndev/EDStarRating - Configurable Star Rating control for iOS and OSX
- CyberAgent/iOS-NBUKit - UIKit and NSFoundation convenience categories and subclasses.
- nschum/FontAwesomeIconFactory - A factory for turning Font Awesome icons into images for user interface controls. Works for iOS and OS X.
- TransitApp/SVBlurView - A simple reimplementation of FXBlurView for iOS 7
- bfeher/BFPaperTableViewCell - A subclass of UITableViewCell for iOS inspired by Google's Paper Material Design.
- gbammc/WechatPayDemo - 非官方微信支付 iOS demo
- PeteC/DSLCalendarView - Simple calendar view for iOS
- joseria/JASwipeCell - iOS 8 Mail Inspired. A UITableViewCell subclass that displays customizable left or right buttons that are revealed as the user swipes the cell in either direction. The edge-most buttons will pin to the container view and will execute an event similar to how the delete/archive button work in IOS 8 mail.
- Constantine-Fry/Foursquare-API-v2 - Foursquare API v2 For iOS
- shinydevelopment/SDScreenshotCapture - SDScreenshotCapture is a class which can be used to capture a screenshot of the app window which excludes the iOS status bar.
- matthewcheok/MCPanelViewController - Drop-in panel control for iOS with blurring background and screen-edge activation gestures.
- ginatrapani/todo.txt-ios - Official Todo.txt iOS app for managing your todo.txt file stored in Dropbox.
- dstnbrkr/VCRURLConnection - VCRURLConnection is an iOS and OSX API to record and replay HTTP interactions, inspired by VCR for ruby
- TanguyAladenise/TAPageControl - A versatile and easily customizable page control for iOS.
- ShadyElyaski/ios-filter-control - An iOS Filter UIControl Subclass. Zero Graphics. Highly Customizable.
- provideal/MMGridView - A simple grid view / dashboard component for iOS
- MP0w/MPSkewed - An iOS collection view subclass to present a list of skewed images and a collection view layout to add parallax to the images
- tkzic/audiograph - iOS audio processing graph demonstration
- nealyoung/NYAlertViewController - Highly configurable iOS Alert Views with custom content views
- palmin/ios-multi-back-button - back-button replacement for iOS 8 that allows going back multiple levels
- jmenter/JAMSVGImage - Display resolution independent SVGs in iOS.
- xerxes235/HyperImageView - Fastest Image Drawing Control in iOS
- angelolloqui/AGi18n - Utility to easily localize your iOS apps by automatically extracting texts from code and XIB files into a Localizable strings
- Aufree/Hodor - Simple solution to localize your iOS App.
- ptoomey3/Keychain-Dumper - A tool to check which keychain items are available to an attacker once an iOS device has been jailbroken
- m1entus/MZFormSheetPresentationController - MZFormSheetPresentationController provides an alternative to the native iOS UIModalPresentationFormSheet, adding support for iPhone and additional opportunities to setup UIPresentationController size and feel form sheet.
- doubleencore/DETweetComposeViewController - The iOS 4 compatible Tweet Sheet.
- uber/signals-ios - Typeful eventing
- ArthurGuibert/FSInteractiveMap - A charting library to visualize and interact with a vector map on iOS. It's like Geochart but for iOS!
- PeteC/InteractiveViewControllerTransitions - Sample code for blog post on implementing interactive view controller transitions in iOS 7
- uservoice/uservoice-ios-sdk - UserVoice iOS SDK
- sweetmandm/ionicons-iOS - Easily use ionicons in your native SDK iOS projects
- jaredsinclair/JTSActionSheet - Replacement for UIActionSheet on iOS 7, with customizable fonts and colors, and block-based actions.
- Aufree/ESTCollectionViewDropDownList - A demo implementation of a drop down tag list view for iOS.
- rocketshipapps/adblockfast - A new, faster ad blocker for Android, iOS, Chrome, and Opera.
- jlaws/JLPermissions - An iOS pre-permissions utility that lets developers ask users on their own dialog for calendar, contacts, location, photos, reminders, twitter, push notifications and more, before making the system-based permission request.
- robotmedia/Lyt - Categories to make autolayout (more) readable and less verbose. For iOS and OS X.
- DeveloperLx/LxThroughPointsBezier - A funny iOS library. Draw a smooth bezier through several points you designated. The curve‘s bend level is adjustable.
- voyage11/Location - Background Location Update Programming for iOS 7 and 8 over an extended period of time. Continue to get location on both foreground and background.
- peter-iakovlev/Telegram - Telegram Messenger for iOS
- nuwehq/nuwe-charts-ios - A dynamic chart library for easily creating the Nuwe Score dial chart and History Bar Chart
- dhennessy/PAPasscode - Passcode view controller for iOS
- mapbox/mbxmapkit - DEPRECATED - Lightweight Mapbox integration with MapKit on iOS
- card-io/card.io-iOS-source - The open-source code for the card.io-iOS-SDK: provides fast, easy credit card scanning in mobile apps
- itsmeichigo/ICGTransitionAnimation - ICGTransitionAnimation is a library to customize transition animation in iOS 7 and above.
- wordpress-mobile/WordPress-Editor-iOS - A reusable iOS rich text editor component.
- marcoarment/FCUtilities - Common iOS utilities that I've needed for my apps. Hopefully some are useful for yours.
- brandonhamilton/inputtoolbar - Expandable text input toolbar for iOS applications
- lukagabric/LASIImageView - iOS UIImageView subclass - download image with different progress indicators
- cubewang/NewsReader - iOS News Reader compatible with iPhone and iPad
- lizelu/MVVM - 一个MVVM架构的iOS工程
- gabriel/CaptureRecord - User + Screen Recording iOS SDK
- ajerez/AJNotificationView - Notice component for iOS
- RedBearLab/iOS - Provides a BLE framework for developing BLE App on iOS/OSX platform using RBL BLE Service.
- xhzengAIB/iOS8SelfSizingCells - This is instagram app feed tableView demo use iOS8 Self Sizing Cells.
- smartapps-fr/DDExpandableButton - A single-file iOS 5.0+ class designed to be used like an expandable UIButton ; as seen in the iOS Camera app for the "flash" button.
- chasseurmic/TWRCharts - An iOS wrapper for ChartJS. Easily build animated charts by leveraging the power of native Obj-C code.
- tbl00c/iOSAppTemplate - 高仿微信,iOS应用开发模板,个人总结。
- priore/SOAPEngine - This generic SOAP client allows you to access web services using a your iOS app, Mac OS X app and AppleTV app.
- YasKuraishi/YKMediaPlayerKit - Painlessly and natively play YouTube, Vimeo, and .MP4, .MOV, .MPV, .3GP videos and fetch thumbnails on your iOS devices.
- dlinsin/DLStarRating - [INACTIVE] iOS star rating component
- kaiinui/UIColor-uiGradientsAdditions - [iOS] Beautiful colors from uiGradients
- x2on/FSImageViewer - Photo viewer (gallery) for iOS with AFNetworking and caching.
- peterhajas/MobileNotifier - iOS Notifications. Done right.
- ekohe/EKStreamView - A scrolling view of a number of columns containing multiple cells with variable different heights for iOS, inspired by Pinterest.
- akosma/iPhoneWebServicesClient - This project showcases different transport formats and libraries to consume web services from an iOS application.
- wess/Survey - iOS Form building made simple
- vfr/Viewer - PDF Viewer App for iOS
- iSECPartners/Introspy-iOS - Security profiling for blackbox iOS
- davbeck/TURecipientBar - A UIView to handle entering recipients similar to iOS Mail
- beelsebob/CoreParse - A shift/reduce parsing framework for Mac OS X and iOS
- rmaddy/VerifyStoreReceiptiOS - A helper class for verifying App Store receipts under iOS.
- funkyboy/Building-a-Jabber-client-for-iOS - Source code for the tutorial "Building a Jabber client for iOS"
- forcedotcom/SalesforceMobileSDK-iOS - Force.com mobile SDK for iOS applications
- tue-savvy/SimulatorManager - Simple Mac Application to perform quick access iOS Simulator Application data
- aporat/KKPasscodeLock - KKPasscodeLock is an iOS toolkit for adding a passcode view controller and passcode settings in ios apps.
- KurtCode/PDFKitten - A framework for extracting data from PDFs in iOS
- tumblr/TMTumblrSDK - Unopinionated and flexible library for easily integrating Tumblr data into your iOS or OS X application.
- liquidx/CoreBluetoothPeripheral - Demonstration of using CoreBluetooth on Mac and iOS
- YuAo/WUEmoticonsKeyboard - Customizable emotion icons keyboard for iOS.
- simonmaddox/GoogleTransit-iOS6 - Use Google Maps for Mobile's Transit Directions in iOS6's Maps.app
- sx1989827/RunTrace - 一个可以实时跟踪分析iOS App视图的小工具
- mutualmobile/MMBarricade - Runtime configurable local server for iOS apps.
- johnnywjy/JYRadarChart - an iOS open source Radar Chart implementation
- ianb821/IBActionSheet - Customizable iOS 7 style UIActionSheet
- dreamwieber/AttributedMarkdown - Native Markdown Parsing to NSAttributedString on iOS
- TeehanLax/TLTiltHighlightView - A horizontal gradient which adjusts its appearance based on the positional attitude of an iOS device.
- yannickl/QRCodeReaderViewController - Simple QRCode reader for iOS 7 and over
- moqod/ios-scratch-n-see - The project provides en effect when the user swipes the finger over one texture and by swiping reveals the texture underneath it. The effect can be applied for scratch-card action or wiping a misted glass.
- linkedin/LayoutTest-iOS - Write unit tests which test the layout of a view in multiple configurations
- jonathantribouharet/JTHamburgerButton - An animated hamburger button for iOS.
- iosptl/ios7ptl - Sample Code from iOS 7 Programming Pushing the Limits
- sachinkesiraju/SKSplashView - Create custom animated splash views similar to the ones in the Twitter, Uber and Ping iOS app.
- meiwin/BTBreadcrumbView - iOS breadcrumb UI control
- robterrell/TVOutManager - Mirror the display of an iOS device on an external screen
- lilei644/LLSlideMenu - This is a spring slide menu for iOS apps - 一个弹性侧滑菜单
- kitschpatrol/KPRunEverywhereXcodePlugin - An Xcode plugin to build and run an app across multiple iOS devices with one click.
- ben-ng/phonegap-air - Put your web app in the iOS App Store and update it whenever you want.
- peakji/PJTernarySearchTree - Objective-C implementation of Ternary Search Tree for Mac OS X and iOS. Best for text autocompletion. Store any objects, auto pruning, serializing, unicode support.
- mobileresearch/weibo_ios_sdk_sso-oauth - sina weibo sdk of sso and Oauth2.0
- SergioChan/SCNavigationControlCenter - This is an advanced navigation control center on iOS that can allow you to navigate to whichever view controller you want. iOS上的改进的导航栏控制中心。
- piemonte/PBJVideoPlayer - video player, simple way to play and stream media in your iOS and tvOS app
- mbrenman/MBSimpleLoadingIndicator - An easy-to-use, highly-customizable loading indicator for iOS apps
- kmikael/PBWebViewController - A light-weight, simple and customizable web browser component for iOS.
- clusterinc/CLTokenInputView - A replica of iOS's native contact bubbles UI
- illyabusigin/CYRKeyboardButton - A drop-in keyboard button that mimics the look, feel, and functionality of the native iOS keyboard buttons
- nextive/NextiveJson - A fast JSON parser for iOS and MacOS
- brunow/NoteItIOS - Ios markdown notebook
- NickTitle/iOS7-Trans-Blur - Implementation of the new iOS7-style masking transparency blur, using StackBlur
- Haoest/SudokuResolv - Sudoku solver with OCR capability on iOS (edit: developed for iOS 4 before ARC, some memory reference changes may be required to get the app to make a full run.)
- instructure/CKRefreshControl - A pull-to-refresh view for iOS 5, 100% API-compatible with UIRefreshControl in iOS 6
- markohlebar/BIND - Data Binding and MVVM for iOS
- mamaral/MAFormViewController - Quick and easy iOS forms.
- jakemarsh/JMImageCache - NSCache based remote-image caching and downloading mechanism for iOS.
- MP0w/iOS-Headers - iOS 5.0/5.1/6.0/6.1/7.0/7.1/8.0/8.1 Headers of All Frameworks (private and not) + SpringBoard
- artifacts/AFCache - AFCache is an HTTP cache for iOS and OSX seeking towards full RFC2616 compliance
- ariok/TB_CircularSlider - This is the code for the tutorial "How to create a custom control in iOS" from http://www.thinkandbuild.it
- ShadoFlameX/PhotoCollectionView - A tutorial for creating a collection view with a custom layout on iOS 6
- SergioChan/SCCatWaitingHUD - 🐱 This is a cute and simple loading HUD on iOS :-P 这是一个可爱清新简单的加载HUD控件
- soffes/ssmessagesviewcontroller - iOS Messages.app style table view controller
- poetmountain/PMTween - An elegant and flexible tweening library for iOS and tvOS.
- jellybeansoup/ios-quayboard - A keyboard accessory that blends in with the default iOS keyboard.
- gpolak/LFHeatMap - Extremely fast iOS heat maps
- digdog/UIDickBar - Dickbar, Twitter's mainstream consumer client experience, now available for your iOS apps too.
- malcommac/DMLazyScrollView - Lazy Loading UIScrollView for iOS (with support for infinite scrolling)
- nicklockwood/StandardPaths - StandardPaths is a category on NSFileManager for simplifying access to standard application directories on iOS and Mac OS and abstracting the iCloud backup flags on iOS. It also provides support for working with device-specific file suffixes, such as the @2x suffix for Retina displays, or the -568h suffix for iPhone 5 and can optionally swizzle certain UIKit methods to support these suffixes more consistently.
- facebook/react-native-fbsdk - A wrapper around the iOS Facebook SDK for React Native apps. Provides access to login, sharing, graph requests, etc.
- twobitlabs/AnalyticsKit - Analytics framework for iOS
- nathanborror/Play - A better Sonos controller for iOS
- MartinRGB/GiftCard-iOS - Simply Implement dribbble's popular shot.
- ink-spot/UPCardsCarousel - A cards based carousel for iOS
- chrismiles/EZForm - iOS form handling and validation library.
- mmorey/MDMCoreData - A collection of lightweight Core Data classes for iOS and OS X.
- larsacus/LARSAdController - Lightweight ad mediation for iOS to properly manage multiple ad networks dynamically including iAd and Google ads.
- ecstasy2/toast-notifications-ios - We at Guru software really love toast notifications available on android OS, so we've built a similar feature for the IOS enabled devices.
- acoomans/iOS-MagnifyingGlass - A magnifying glass for iOS
- UrbanApps/UALogger - A powerful and flexible logging utility for Mac/iOS apps
- x2on/libssh2-for-iOS - A script for compiling libssh2 for iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch). The example app can connect to an server with SSH and execute commands.
- pixelogik/ColorCube - Dominant color extraction for iOS and Python
- devcxm/iOS-Images-Extractor - A Mac app to decode and extract images from iOS apps, support png/jpg/ipa/Assets.car files.
- mownier/MONActivityIndicatorView - MONActivityIndicatorView is an awesome custom activity indicator view for iOS.
- clowwindy/ShadowVPN-iOS - Removed according to regulations.
- Tibolte/TGFoursquareLocationDetail-Demo - iOS project recreating Foursquare design and behaviour when presenting location details
- RoshanNindrai/RBMenu - A menu for iOS that was inspired by Medium iOS APP
- sneakyness/SneakyInput - Ready to use on screen Joysticks and Buttons for iOS gaming.It's pretty solid. Give it a try! This will be updated to always work with latest trunk of Cocos2D
- samvermette/SVStatusHUD - a copycat of the HUD shown on orientation and volume change in iOS.
- nicklockwood/GLView - Simple class collection for creating an OpenGL view on iOS and loading and displaying 3D models and images in a variety of formats, including compressed and uncompressed PVRTC.
- camdenfullmer/CFShareCircle - CFShareCircle is a user interface component for iOS that can be integrated into an app as a sharing mechanism for any kind of content.
- yixia/Vitamio-iOS - Vitamio for iOS
- nicklockwood/BaseModel - BaseModel provides a base class for building model objects for your iOS or Mac OS projects. It saves you the hassle of writing boilerplate code, and encourages good practices by reducing the incentive to cut corners in your model implementation.
- nfarina/xmldocument - A lightweight XML Document class for iOS.
- chenzeyu/CZPicker - a picker view shown as a popup for iOS in Objective-C
- bichenkk/VideoCover-iOS-Demo - A video background example for iOS
- viniciusmo/VMaskTextField - VMaskTextField is a library which create an input mask for iOS.
- JJMM/CUSLayout - iOS Layout Manager.Open source auto layout Manager,which is similar to Android,SWT,SWING API. ios layout
- sendoa/QBKOverlayMenuView - Menú flotante que trata de imitar el ofrecido por la app Sparrow para iOS
- mfikes/goby - Develop iOS apps with ClojureScript
- brunow/BaseKit - BaseKit is a set of IOS class to make your life easier.
- Oblong/OBDragDrop - OBDragDrop is a self-contained iOS drag and drop library that depends only on UIKit.
- romaonthego/RETrimControl - iOS audio trim control, similar to the one seen in default iPhone Voice Memos app.
- jessegrosjean/DropboxSync - Dropbox to iOS sync
- yujinakayama/NAKPlaybackIndicatorView - A view that mimics the music playback indicator in the Music.app on iOS 7
- weida-studio/QQ - QQ For iOS code
- kaiinui/KIChameleonView - [iOS] A magical image view! Can be a movie, or an anim gif, or normal png, jpgs.
- detroit-labs/AmazeKit - AmazeKit is a library for rendering beautiful images in your iOS app.
- xcatsan/iOS-Sample-Code - iOS Sample Code
- wtmoose/TLLayoutTransitioning - Enhanced transitioning between UICollectionView layouts in iOS.
- mikr/RestartLessOften - modify parameters, colors, images and code of your app without restart on iOS and OS X with Objective-C
- frankdilo/FDStatusBarNotifierView - A notifier view for iOS that resides in the status bar.
- bfeher/BFPaperTabBarController - iOS UITabBar (controller) inspired by Google's Paper Material Design.
- atljeremy/JFDepthView - iOS project for presenting views with a 3D effect to add depth
- icepy/manong-reading - 《猿已阅》码农周刊iOS客户端
- cryptocat/cryptocat-ios - Cryptocat for iOS. Easy to use encrypted instant messaging.
- supertop/grid-window - A grid overlay for iOS apps.
- mattt/CHChromaHashView - A classic password visualization concept, ported to iOS
- ebutterfly/EBPurchase - Simple In-App Purchase for iOS
- buddingmonkey/SpriteKit-Components - Component model and helper classess for iOS 7+ SpriteKit Framework
- GrahamDennis/GDFileManagerKit - A consistent iOS API for cloud file storage services including Dropbox and Google Drive.
- jhurray/EZLayout - A new take on iOS layouts using percentages. Goodbye autolayout.
- huang303513/iOS-Study-Demo - iOS各种知识点学习、总结、基本每个一个功能点(建议先看readme)
- KieranLafferty/KLSwitch - An iOS 7 UISwitch clone that works on iOS 5+
- PlenipotentSS/SSStackedPageView - Stacked Views paged on top of each other, inspired by iOS 7 Reminders and iOS 7 Passport
- Itseez/opencv_for_ios_book_samples - "OpenCV for iOS" book samples
- spoletto/SPUserResizableView - SPUserResizableView is a user-resizable, user-repositionable UIView subclass built for iOS.
- cwenboshi/RNBlurredSideViewController - RNBlurredSideViewController is a side view controller with a dynamic blurred background effect when swiping similar to the iOS 7 control center.
- zac/dragkit - An iOS opensource framework for supporting Drag & Drop within an application and between applications.
- gregwym/InformaticToolbar - The information can be shown on a toolbar is more than you can imagine - iOS Toolbar extension library
- DianQK/DQKFreezeWindowView - A freeze window effect view for iOS
- mmackh/KEYPullDownMenu - A pull down menu, similar to notification center on iOS that supports an unlimited number of items. Items can either be selected, deleted or reordered. The control is aimed at providing context for switching data within the same view controller.
- appcornerit/DeploydKit - DeploydKit makes it easy to add a professional web backend to your iOS app with Deployd.
- aclissold/the-oakland-post - The Oakland Post iOS app, written in pure Swift
- MitchellMalleo/MMParallaxPresenter - iOS Custom UIScrollView Class to display static text / views with a vertical parallax effect
- nicklockwood/ReflectionView - A UIView subclass designed to make it easy to create "mirrored floor"-style reflections of views on iOS.
- jamztang/JTObjectMapping - A very simple objective-c framework that maps a JSON response from NSDictionary or NSArray to an NSObject subclass for iOS.
- thisandagain/storage - An iOS library for fast, easy, and safe threaded disk I/O.
- hshpy/HPYZhiHuDaily - 仿知乎日报 iOS app
- tonqa/JustType - JustType - The Better Keyboard for iOS
- nicklockwood/JPNG - JPNG is a bespoke image file format that combines the compression benefits of JPEG with the alpha channel support of a PNG file. The JPNG library provides an Objective-C implementation of this format along with transparent JPNG loading support for iOS and Mac OS.
- mokagio/Stencils - Speedup your iOS app development using icon fonts
- Viacheslav-Radchenko/TSUIKit - UI components for iOS.
- grgcombs/MultiRowCalloutAnnotationView - An iOS MapKit callout annotation view with independent cells and accessory actions.
- gloubibou/HHPanningTableViewCell - Swipe to reveal implementation for iOS
- Sunnyyoung/Meizi - 豆瓣妹子图iOS客户端
- RSully/RSColorPicker - iOS color picker view with brightness control, opacity control, and delegation support.
- ksuther/KSScreenshotManager - Teach your computer to take screenshots of your app so you don't have to anymore. Tools to automate making iOS screenshots.
- kpwn/yalu - incomplete ios 8.4.1 jailbreak by Kim Jong Cracks (8.4.1 codesign & sandbox bypass w/ LPE to root & untether)
- ali312/TLTagsControl - A nice and simple tags input control for iOS
- mspensieri/MSLiveBlur - Live blurring for iOS
- doukasd/iOS-Components - Misc components for the iOS. Just random stuff really but hopefully useful. Watch it or follow @doukasd for updates.
- ondalabs/OLGhostAlertView - Temporary and unobtrusive translucent alert view for iOS
- kstenerud/KSReachability - A better iOS & Mac reachability for a modern age.
- joeldev/ADNKit - Objective-C framework for building App.net applications on iOS and OS X
- TeehanLax/UIViewController-Transitions-Example - An example of how to use the new iOS 7 APIs to create custom view controller transitions.
- Split82/iOSMemoryBudgetTest - Small iOS application which tries to allocate as much memory as possible to crash. After that you can run the application again to see how much memory was needed for crash and when all the memory warnings happen.
- sebastienwindal/FRD3DBarChart - Interactive iOS 3D bar chart control made with GLKit
- schwa/CoreTextToy - iOS CoreText test app
- mcconkiee/EMHint - EMHint is an iOS class group that easily adds a spotlight-like effect to a view highlighting or hinting at something that may be important on the screen.The protocols of EMHintDelegate allow users to override many of the default actions and views. Tapping the black overlay fades it away. Great for quick "how to" or tutorials in your app.
- adba/OpenWeatherMapAPI - iOS api classes for openweathermap.org
- dyang/DYRateView - A custom iOS rate view control similar to the one used in Apple's App Store.
- SergioChan/SCTableViewCell - 📧 Swipe-to-Delete Effects like iOS Native Mail App。一个模仿iOS8中的邮箱里面的cell删除动效以及滑动右侧菜单按钮效果的开源库
- ole/OBSlider - A UISlider subclass that adds variable scrubbing speeds (as seen in the Music app on iOS).
- goosoftware/GSProgressView - A cute, circular progress view for iOS – as used in Zippity.app
- gaosboy/kache - iOS缓存控件,支持哈希,队列和时间池
- domesticcatsoftware/DCControls - iOS Rotary Knob & Slider controls. All custom drawing, no images, customizable.
- ChrisXu1221/CXPhotoBrowser - Photo browser for iOS, Inspiring by @MWPhotoBrowser. Supporting with high level customization, including Navigationbar, Toolbar, Loading process placeholder and Loading failure placeholder.
- tylerneylon/moriarty - A collection of useful Objective-C and iOS classes.
- liaojinxing/V2EXClient - Swift实现的V2EX iOS客户端
- danielbierwirth/DropboxBrowser - A simple ios Dropbox PDF Document Browser - list Dropbox, browse directory, download PDF Documents
- aksonov/react-native-tableview - Native iOS UITableView for React Native with JSON support and more
- CooperRS/RMPickerViewController - This is an iOS control for selecting something using UIPickerView in a UIActionSheet like fashion
- marcoarment/FCOfflineQueue - A serial iOS operation queue that pauses when offline and persists unfinished operations between launches.
- leancloud/leanchat-ios - 用 LeanCloud 实时通信组件做的应用 LeanChat
- trenskow/AirFloat - Implementation of AirPlay audio (AirTunes) for iOS.
- trawor/VZ - 微转 iOS客户端
- lookingstars/chuanke - 高仿百度传课iOS版,版本号2.4.1.2。/**作者:ljz ; Q Q:863784757 ; 注明:版权所有,转载请注明出处,不可用于其他商业用途。 */
- inamiy/YIPopupTextView - facebook's post-like input text view for iOS (Beerware license)
- britg/MultistrokeGestureRecognizer-iOS - A library for defining and detecting multi-stroke gestures created through touch-input on iOS devices
- EddyBorja/MLPAccessoryBadge - A customizable badge for displaying metadata, especially in UITableViewCells. For iOS.
- zoonooz/ZFTokenField - iOS custom view that let you add token view inside like NSTokenField
- nrj/AlphaGradientStatusBar - iOS status bar masked with CAGradientLayer
- hfrahmann/HFStretchableTableHeaderView - Stretchable TableHeaderView for iOS.
- gooichi/foursquare-ios-api - Foursquare API v2 for iOS
- khanlou/InstantCocoa - Instant Cocoa is a framework for making iOS apps.
- Ink/ThatCloud - ThatCloud is an open-source iOS application that allows you to access, view, and work with all of the content you have online.
- EddyBorja/UIColor-MLPFlatColors - A category for UIColor that adds flat UI color methods. For iOS.
- scalessec/CSLinearLayoutView - Linear layout view designed to simplify relative layouts on iOS.
- nothingmagical/cheddarkit - Objective-C framework that powers Cheddar for iOS and Cheddar for Mac
- litl/WKVerticalScrollBar - A traditional-style scrollbar for iOS that integrates with existing UIScrollView or UIScrollView subclasses.
- davidman/DHSmartScreenshot - UITableView/UIScrollView Category to get really easy, smart and instant screenshot images like no other library out there for iOS 5+ devices.
- chasseurmic/TWRSkewedCollectionView - An iOS collection view subclass to present a list of skewed images.
- sebyddd/SDFeedParser - 🚀 The easiest and most effective way to parse your Wordpress blog's feed on iOS.
- airbrake/airbrake-ios - A Airbrake Notifier for iOS
- npctech/Tattle-UI-iOS - Tattle UI control library for IOS
- Cocoanetics/DTRichTextEditor - A rich-text editor for iOS
- kirbyt/KTOneFingerRotationGestureRecognizer - KTOneFingerRotationGestureRecognizer is a custom UIGestureRecognizer for doing one finger rotations in iOS apps.
- johnyorke/JYGraphView - Simple line graph view for iOS.
- iMoreApps/ffmpeg-avplayer-for-ios-tvos - A tiny but powerful iOS and Apple TV OS av player framework that's based on the FFmpeg library.
- dickverbunt/DVSlideViewController - DVSlideViewController is an iOS ViewController, witch allows you to slide view controllers on- and offscreen with a swipe of your finger. For a preview of this slideViewController watch the YouTube video.
- jasarien/CoreTextHyperlinkView - An iOS view that renders text using Core Text with tappable hyperlinks without a webview!
- icecreamstudios/ICSDrawerController - ICSDrawerController is a left-side drawer controller for iPhone (iOS 7 or later).
- henrytkirk/HTKDynamicResizingCell - Subclassed UITableView/UICollectionView cells that will auto calculate their size so long as AutoLayout constraints are applied correctly. For iOS 7+. Works similar to how iOS 8's auto sizing of cells work.
- carsonmcdonald/PushBackAnimation - Example animation for iOS that sends one view into the background as another view slides up
- asifmujteba/iOSSharedViewTransition - iOS 7 based transition library for View Controllers having a Common View
- arturgrigor/AGMedallionView - iOS Picture View Control (Mac OS X Lion User's Avatar Like)
- minhntran/MTCardLayout - Mimicking the behavior of the Passbooks apps in iOS using a custom UICollectionViewLayout.
- martydill/ios-queryable - ios-queryable is an implementation of IQueryable/IEnumerable for Core Data
- jakeboxer/JBDeviceOwner - Cocoa Touch library for finding information on an iOS device's owner. Inspired by Square's iOS app.
- eczarny/xmlrpc - The Cocoa XML-RPC Framework is a lightweight XML-RPC client framework for Mac OS X and iOS.
- StyleShare/SSBouncyButton - iOS 7-style bouncy button.
- myang-git/iOS-Image-Crop-View - A view that allows user to select the cropping area in an image
- RossAnderson/EarthView - 3D Visualization of Earth using Map Tiles for iOS
- prateek147/DVIA - Damn Vulnerable iOS App (DVIA) is an iOS application that is damn vulnerable. Its main goal is to provide a platform to mobile security enthusiasts/professionals or students to test their iOS penetration testing skills in a legal environment. This application covers all the common vulnerabilities found in iOS applications (following OWASP top 10 mobile risks) and contains several challenges that the user can try. This application also contains a section where a user can read various articles on iOS application security. This project is developed and maintained by @prateekg147. The vulnerabilities and solutions covered in this app are tested upto iOS 8.1 .
- coryalder/DMActivityInstagram - Instagram sharing, iOS 6 style.
- biasedbit/BBCyclingLabel - iOS 5+ (ARC) UILabel clone that performs animated transitions when changing text
- couchbaselabs/CouchCocoa - Objective-C API for CouchDB on iOS and Mac OS
- alibaba/MBMvc - An iOS Message Based MVC framework
- vgrichina/ios-calendar - Stylable and extensible month calendar view for iPhone
- ocrickard/OCPDFGen - PDF from HTML generation library for iOS
- noxt/DIDatepicker - Yet another datepicker for iOS
- mogujie/MGJRequestManager - 一个基于 AFNetworking 2 的灵活好用的 iOS 网络库
- zhengjinghua/MQRCodeReaderViewController - iOS 二维码扫描控件, UI 做了优化, 仿造微信, 直接拖进项目就可使用, 支持 CocoaPods 安装. WeChat-like QRCode reader, drop-in version, support for CocoaPods
- zedoul/ZDStickerView - ZDStickerView is an Objective-C module for iOS and offers complete configurability, including movement, resizing, rotation and more, with one finger.
- perfaram/PFSystemKit - The iOS/OSX system investigator
- jaredsinclair/JTSScrollIndicator - A substitute scroll indicator for iOS UIScrollViews. Looks almost identical, but allows custom colors.
- kentnguyen/KNMultiItemSelector - A multiple item selector control for iOS
- fabiocaccamo/FCCurrentLocationGeocoder - iOS Geocoder for forward geocode and reverse geocode user's current location using a block-based syntax. It can also be used to geocode the user's approximate location without asking for permission (GeoIP).
- bartolsthoorn/NVDSP - iOS/OSX DSP for audio (with Novocaine)
- veader/V8HorizontalPickerView - Horizontal UIPickerView Control for iOS
- Krelborn/KILabel - A simple to use drop in replacement for UILabel for iOS 7 and above that highlights links such as URLs, twitter style usernames and hashtags and makes them touchable.
- rmaddy/RMPhoneFormat - RMPhoneFormat provides a simple to use class for formatting phone numbers in iOS apps. The formatting should replicate what you would see in the Contacts app for the same phone number.
- evadne/DayFlow - iOS Date Picker + Infinite Scrolling
- creaceed/CeedGL - Thin Objective-C wrapper for modern OpenGL development on Mac & iOS
- sonsongithub/PopupView - PopupView for iOS, like UICalloutView. BSD License.
- zhengjinghua/StitchingImage - iOS 仿微信群组封面拼接控件, 直接拖进项目就可使用, 支持 CocoaPods 安装. WeChat-like, drop-in version, stitching mage
- mstrchrstphr/LocationPickerView - MKMapView + UITableView + Parallax scrolling. Provides a framework for building an interactive location picker on iOS.
- cokecoffe/ios-demo - demos for ios study.
- appfigures/AFSwipeToHide - Hide your toolbars with a swipe. Just like Safari for iOS.
- NoCodeNoWife/LLRiseTabBar-iOS - 仿淘宝闲鱼的 TabBar
- rs/SDWebImage - Asynchronous image downloader with cache support as a UIImageView category
- ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa - Streams of values over time
- jdg/MBProgressHUD - MBProgressHUD + Customizations
- Mantle/Mantle - Model framework for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch
- ccgus/fmdb - A Cocoa / Objective-C wrapper around SQLite
- magicalpanda/MagicalRecord - Super Awesome Easy Fetching for Core Data 1!!!11!!!!1!
- facebookarchive/three20 - Three20 is an Objective-C library for iPhone developers
- supermarin/Alcatraz - Package manager for Xcode
- TransitApp/SVProgressHUD - A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS app.
- pokeb/asi-http-request - Easy to use CFNetwork wrapper for HTTP requests, Objective-C, Mac OS X and iPhone
- onevcat/VVDocumenter-Xcode - Xcode plug-in which helps you write documentation comment easier, for both Objective-C and Swift.
- johnezang/JSONKit - Objective-C JSON
- jigish/slate - A window management application (replacement for Divvy/SizeUp/ShiftIt)
- slackhq/SlackTextViewController - A drop-in UIViewController subclass with a growing text input view and other useful messaging features
- TTTAttributedLabel/TTTAttributedLabel - A drop-in replacement for UILabel that supports attributes, data detectors, links, and more
- jverdi/JVFloatLabeledTextField - UITextField subclass with floating labels - inspired by Matt D. Smith's design: http://dribbble.com/shots/1254439--GIF-Mobile-Form-Interaction?list=users
- OpenEmu/OpenEmu - 🎮 Emulator framework for Mac OS X
- CoderMJLee/MJRefresh - An easy way to use pull-to-refresh.
- IFTTT/JazzHands - A simple keyframe-based animation framework for UIKit. Perfect for scrolling app intros.
- eczarny/spectacle - Spectacle allows you to organize your windows without using a mouse.
- zwaldowski/BlocksKit - The Objective-C block utilities you always wish you had.
- levey/AwesomeMenu - Path 2.0 menu using CoreAnimation :)
- square/SocketRocket - A conforming Objective-C WebSocket client library.
- mutualmobile/MMDrawerController - A lightweight, easy to use, Side Drawer Navigation Controller
- icanzilb/JSONModel - Magical Data Modelling Framework for JSON. Create rapidly powerful, atomic and smart data model classes
- CanvasPod/Canvas - Animate in Xcode without code
- ResearchKit/ResearchKit - ResearchKit is an open source software framework that makes it easy to create apps for medical research or for other research projects.
- BoltsFramework/Bolts-iOS - Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier.
- samuelclay/NewsBlur - NewsBlur is a personal news reader that brings people together to talk about the world. A new sound of an old instrument.
- ECSlidingViewController/ECSlidingViewController - Customizable sliding view controller container.
- Cocoanetics/DTCoreText - Methods to allow using HTML code with CoreText
- hackiftekhar/IQKeyboardManager - Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView. Neither need to write any code nor any setup required and much more.
- samvermette/SVPullToRefresh - Give pull-to-refresh & infinite scrolling to any UIScrollView with 1 line of code.
- stig/json-framework - JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a light-weight data interchange format that's easy to read and write for humans and computers alike. This framework implements a strict JSON parser and generator in Objective-C.
- arashpayan/appirater - A utility that reminds your iPhone app's users to review the app.
- git-up/GitUp - The Git interface you've been missing all your life has finally arrived.
- MatthewYork/DateTools - Dates and times made easy in Objective-C
- XVimProject/XVim - Xcode plugin for Vim keybindings
- dzenbot/DZNEmptyDataSet - A drop-in UITableView/UICollectionView superclass category for showing empty datasets whenever the view has no content to display.
- uranusjr/macdown - Open source Markdown editor for OS X.
- CoderMJLee/MJExtension - A fast, convenient and nonintrusive conversion between JSON and model. Your model class don't need to extend another base class. You don't need to modify any model file.
- ksuther/KSImageNamed-Xcode - Xcode plug-in that provides autocomplete for imageNamed: calls
- gnachman/iTerm2 - iTerm2 is a terminal emulator for Mac OS X that does amazing things.
- mattt/FormatterKit -
for the sophisticated hacker set - forkingdog/UITableView-FDTemplateLayoutCell - Template auto layout cell for automatically UITableViewCell height calculating
- Induction/Induction - A Polyglot Database Client for Mac OS X
- enormego/EGOTableViewPullRefresh - A similar control to the pull down to refresh control created by atebits in Tweetie 2.
- fpillet/NSLogger - A modern, flexible logging tool
- gotosleep/JASidePanels - Reveal side ViewControllers similar to Facebook/Path's menu
- MacGapProject/MacGap1 - Desktop WebKit wrapper for HTML/CSS/JS applications.
- erichoracek/MSDynamicsDrawerViewController - Container view controller that leverages UIKit Dynamics to provide a realistic drawer navigation paradigm.
- julienXX/terminal-notifier - Send User Notifications on Mac OS X 10.8 from the command-line.
- facebook/origami - A Quartz Composer framework that enables interactive design prototyping without programming.
- tomaz/appledoc - Objective-c code Apple style documentation set generator.
- John-Lluch/SWRevealViewController - A UIViewController subclass for presenting side view controllers inspired on the FaceBook and Wunderlist apps, done right !
- boctor/idev-recipes - Open source code for the idevrecipes.com blog
- steipete/Aspects - Delightful, simple library for aspect oriented programming.
- Xcode-Snippets/Objective-C - A few code snippets from my Xcode arsenal
- gavinkwoe/BeeFramework - [Experimental] A semi-hybrid framework that allows you to create mobile apps using Objective-C and XML/CSS
- ColinEberhardt/VCTransitionsLibrary - A collection of iOS7 animation controllers and interaction controllers, providing flip, fold and all kinds of other transitions.
- FuzzyAutocomplete/FuzzyAutocompletePlugin - A Xcode 5+ plugin that adds more flexible autocompletion rather than just prefix-matching.
- alikaragoz/MCSwipeTableViewCell - Convenient UITableViewCell subclass that implements a swippable content to trigger actions (similar to the Mailbox app).
- insidegui/WWDC - WWDC app for OS X
- twitter/twui - A UI framework for Mac based on Core Animation
- rentzsch/mogenerator - Core Data code generation
- omz/ColorSense-for-Xcode - Plugin for Xcode to make working with colors more visual
- jspahrsummers/libextobjc - A Cocoa library to extend the Objective-C programming language.
- rsms/kod - Programmers' editor for OS X
- AlanQuatermain/AQGridView - A grid view for iPhone/iPad, designed to look similar to NSCollectionView.
- fikovnik/ShiftIt - Managing windows size and position in OSX
- PostgresApp/PostgresApp - The easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL on the Mac
- MortimerGoro/MGSwipeTableCell - An easy to use UITableViewCell subclass that allows to display swippable buttons with a variety of transitions.
- ianyh/Amethyst - Tiling window manager for OS X à la xmonad.
- ealeksandrov/EAIntroView - Highly customizable drop-in solution for introduction views.
- sparkle-project/Sparkle - A software update framework for OS X
- steipete/PSTCollectionView - Open Source, 100% API compatible replacement of UICollectionView for iOS4.3+
- xhzengAIB/MessageDisplayKit - An IM App like WeChat App has to send text, pictures, audio, video, location messaging, managing local address book, share a circle of friends, drifting friends, shake a fun and more interesting features.
- Sumi-Interactive/SIAlertView - An UIAlertView replacement with block syntax and fancy transition styles.
- chiahsien/CHTCollectionViewWaterfallLayout - The waterfall (i.e., Pinterest-like) layout for UICollectionView.
- sprang/Inkpad - Vector illustration app for the iPad.
- jimbojsb/launchrocket - A Mac PrefPane to manage all your Homebrew-installed services
- Nyx0uf/NYXImagesKit - A set of efficient categories for UIImage class. It allows filtering, resizing, masking, rotating, enhancing... and more.
- jhurray/JHChainableAnimations - Easy to read and write chainable animations in Objective-C
- omnigroup/OmniGroup - Source for many of The Omni Group's frameworks
- ShareKit/ShareKit - Drop in sharing features for all iPhone and iPad apps
- steipete/PSStackedView - open source implementation of Twitter/iPad stacked ui - done right.
- leah/PullToRefresh - A simple iPhone TableViewController for adding pull-to-refresh functionality.
- usebutton/DeepLinkKit - A splendid route-matching, block-based way to handle your deep links.
- rnystrom/RNFrostedSidebar - A Control Center-esque control with blurred background and toggle animations.
- ltebean/LTNavigationBar - UINavigationBar Category which allows you to change its appearance dynamically
- romaonthego/REMenu - Dropdown menu inspired by Vine.
- ninjinkun/NJKWebViewProgress - UIWebView progress interface
- qfish/XAlign - An amazing Xcode plugin to align regular code. it can align Xnything in any way you want.
- supermarin/ObjectiveSugar - ObjectiveC additions for humans. Ruby style.
- travisjeffery/ClangFormat-Xcode - Xcode plug-in to to use clang-format from in Xcode and consistently format your code with Clang
- timburks/nu - The Nu programming language.
- mogujie/TeamTalk - TeamTalk is a solution for enterprise IM
- quicksilver/Quicksilver - Quicksilver Mac OS X Project Source
- omz/AppSales-Mobile - App Sales allows iPhone and Mac App Store developers to download and analyze their daily and weekly sales reports from iTunes Connect.
- brunophilipe/Cakebrew - Manage your Homebrew formulas with style using Cakebrew.
- victorBaro/VBFPopFlatButton - Flat button with 9 different states using POP
- ideashower/ShareKit - Drop in sharing features for all iPhone and iPad apps
- fitztrev/shuttle - A simple SSH shortcut menu for OS X
- qvacua/vimr - Project VimR — Refined Vim experience for OS X
- gh-unit/gh-unit - Test Framework for Objective-C
- zhxnlai/ZLSwipeableView - A simple view for building card like interface like Tinder and Potluck.
- tonsky/AnyBar - OS X menubar status indicator
- kattrali/cocoapods-xcode-plugin - Dependency management helper for your CocoaPods, right in Xcode
- pinterest/PINRemoteImage - A thread safe, performant, feature rich image fetcher
- AliSoftware/OHHTTPStubs - Stub your network requests easily! Test your apps with fake network data and custom response time, response code and headers!
- mpospese/MPFoldTransition - Easily add custom folding and page-flipping transitions to UIViews and UIViewControllers
- youknowone/UI7Kit - Backport flat-style UIKit from iOS7 to iOS5+
- andreamazz/AMWaveTransition - Custom transition between viewcontrollers holding tableviews
- HansPinckaers/GrowingTextView - An UITextView which grows/shrinks with the text and starts scrolling when the content reaches a certain number of lines. Similar to the one Apple uses in the SMS-app. See blog-post for a small screencast.
- XcodeGhostSource/XcodeGhost - "XcodeGhost" Source
- buzzfeed/Sketch-Toolbox - A plugin manager for Sketch.app
- telly/TLYShyNavBar - Unlike all those arrogant UINavigationBar, this one is shy and humble! Easily create auto-scrolling navigation bars!
- core-plot/core-plot - Core Plot source code and example applications
- tomknig/TOMSMorphingLabel - Configurable morphing transitions between text values of a label.
- EvgenyKarkan/EKAlgorithms - EKAlgorithms contains some well known CS algorithms & data structures.
- krzysztofzablocki/KZPlayground - Playgrounds for Objective-C
- pieter/gitx - A gitk clone for OS X
- HeshamMegid/HMSegmentedControl - A drop-in replacement for UISegmentedControl mimicking the style of the segmented control used in Google Currents and various other Google products.
- cwRichardKim/RKNotificationHub - Make any UIView a full fledged notification center
- mstarke/MacPass - A native OS X KeePass client
- nicolaschengdev/WYPopoverController - WYPopoverController is for the presentation of content in popover on iPhone / iPad devices. Very customizable.
- Sephiroth87/ODRefreshControl - A pull down to refresh control like the one in Apple's iOS6 Mail App
- Simbul/baker - The HTML5 ebook framework to publish interactive books & magazines on iPad & iPhone using simply open web standards
- zoonooz/ZFDragableModalTransition - Custom animation transition for present modal view controller
- mattt/CargoBay - The Essential StoreKit Companion
- relatedcode/EncryptedChat - This is a full native iPhone app to create realtime, text based group or private chat with Parse and Firebase.
- TheLevelUp/ZXingObjC - An Objective-C Port of ZXing
- romaonthego/RETableViewManager - Powerful data driven content manager for UITableView.
- yuantiku/YTKNetwork - YTKNetwork is a high level request util based on AFNetworking.
- modocache/MDCSwipeToChoose - Swipe to "like" or "dislike" any view, just like Tinder.app. Build a flashcard app, a photo viewer, and more, in minutes, not hours!
- topfunky/hpple - An XML/HTML parser for Objective-C, inspired by Hpricot.
- Spaceman-Labs/SMPageControl - A drop in replacement for UIPageControl with a slew of additional customization options.
- robb/RBBAnimation - Block-based animations made easy, comes with easing functions and a CASpringAnimation replacement.
- dogo/SCLAlertView - Beautiful animated Alert View. Written in Swift but ported to Objective-C
- SelfControlApp/selfcontrol - Is email a distraction? SelfControl is an OS X application which blocks access to mail servers and websites for a predetermined period of time. It can not be undone by the app or by a restart – you must wait for the timer to run out.
- xmartlabs/XLPagerTabStrip - Android PagerTabStrip for iOS.
- JadenGeller/Helium - A floating browser window for OS X
- gobackspaces/DLCImagePickerController - ImagePickerController with live filters, radial blur and more. Brought to you by Backspaces.
- mattgemmell/MGSplitViewController - A flexible, advanced split-view controller for iPad developers.
- kentnguyen/KNSemiModalViewController - KNSemiModalViewController
- danielamitay/DACircularProgress - DACircularProgress is a UIView subclass with circular UIProgressView properties.
- danielamitay/DAKeyboardControl - DAKeyboardControl adds keyboard awareness and scrolling dismissal (ala iMessages app) to any view with only 1 line of code.
- prasmussen/chrome-cli - Control Google Chrome from the command line
- rickytan/RTImageAssets - A Xcode plugin to automatically generate @2x, @1x image from @3x image for you, or upscale to @3x from @2x
- 360Controller/360Controller - TattieBogle Xbox 360 Driver (with improvements)
- graphsketcher/GraphSketcher - A fast, simple graph drawing and data plotting app for OS X and iPad.
- mariohahn/MHVideoPhotoGallery - A Photo and Video Gallery
- cparnot/ASCIImage - Create UIImage / NSImage instances with NSString and ASCII art
- scrod/nv - Notational Velocity: modeless, mouseless Mac OS X note-taking application
- nicklockwood/iVersion - Library for dynamically checking for updates to Mac/iPhone App Store apps from within the application and notifying users about the new release. Can also notify users about new features in the app the first time they launch after an upgrade.
- marcoarment/FCModel - An alternative to Core Data for people who like having direct SQL access.
- specta/specta - A light-weight TDD / BDD framework for Objective-C & Cocoa
- coteditor/CotEditor - Lightweight Plain-Text Editor for OS X
- mattgallagher/AudioStreamer - A streaming audio player class (AudioStreamer) for Mac OS X and iPhone.
- AliSoftware/OHAttributedLabel - UILabel that supports NSAttributedString
- robb/Underscore.m - A DSL for Data Manipulation
- MengTo/DesignerNewsApp - Build a Swift App as a designer
- stonesam92/ChitChat - A native Mac app wrapper for WhatsApp Web
- sprang/Brushes - Painting app for the iPhone and iPad.
- forkingdog/FDFullscreenPopGesture - A UINavigationController's category to enable fullscreen pop gesture with iOS7+ system style.
- jamztang/JTGestureBasedTableViewDemo - Recreating the buttonless interaction pattern found in Clear for iPhone app
- gpambrozio/BlockAlertsAnd-ActionSheets - Beautifully done UIAlertView and UIActionSheet replacements inspired by TweetBot
- smileyborg/UIView-AutoLayout - Deprecated in favor of PureLayout, which includes OS X support:
- johnno1962/injectionforxcode - Runtime Code Injection for Objective-C & Swift
- sequelpro/sequelpro - MySQL database management for Mac OS X
- B-Sides/ELCImagePickerController - A clone of the UIImagePickerController using the Assets Library Framework allowing for multiple asset selection
- floriankugler/FLKAutoLayout - UIView category which makes it easy to create layout constraints in code
- klazuka/Kal - A calendar component for the iPhone (the UI is designed to match MobileCal)
- MatthewYork/MYBlurIntroductionView - A super-charged version of MYIntroductionView for building custom app introductions and tutorials.
- trawor/XToDo - Xcode plugin to collect and list the
- scalessec/Toast - An Objective-C category that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class.
- ideaismobile/IDMPhotoBrowser - Photo Browser / Viewer inspired by Facebook's and Tweetbot's with ARC support, swipe-to-dismiss, image progress and more
- atebits/SimFinger - Screencasting for iPhone
- capttaco/Briefs - Framework for iPhone wireframes
- ParsePlatform/Anypic - An open source mobile and web app that lets users share photos similar to Instagram
- macoscope/CodePilot - Code Pilot is an Xcode plugin which lets you woosh through your code and save a lot (and we mean a lot) of your time.
- hyperoslo/Sync - Modern JSON synchronization to Core Data
- cwRichardKim/TinderSimpleSwipeCards - the basics of a Tinder-like swipeable cards interface based off of http://guti.in/articles/creating-tinder-like-animations/
- Codeux-Software/Textual - Textual is an IRC client for OS X
- panicinc/ColorArt - iTunes 11-style color matching code
- dzenbot/DZNSegmentedControl - A drop-in replacement for UISegmentedControl for showing counts, to be used typically on a user profile
- drewmccormack/ensembles - A synchronization framework for Core Data.
- rentzsch/jrswizzle - one-stop-shop for all your method swizzling needs
- njdehoog/NHBalancedFlowLayout - UICollectionViewLayout subclass for displaying items of different sizes in a grid without wasting any visual space. Inspired by: http://www.crispymtn.com/stories/the-algorithm-for-a-perfectly-balanced-photo-gallery
- JVillella/JVFloatingDrawer - An easy to use floating drawer view controller.
- mattgemmell/MGTwitterEngine - Objective-C Twitter integration library for Mac OS X and iPhone. Official repository.
- 100apps/openshare - 不用官方SDK,利用社交软件移动客户端(微信/QQ/微博/人人/支付宝)分享/登录/支付。
- lxcid/LXReorderableCollectionViewFlowLayout - Extends
to support reordering of cells. Similar to long press and pan on books in iBook. - liyong03/YLGIFImage - Async GIF image decoder and Image viewer supporting play GIF images. It just use very less memory.
- omz/Dash-Plugin-for-Xcode - Plugin for Xcode to integrate the Dash documentation viewer app
- forkingdog/FDStackView - Use UIStackView directly in iOS6+
- rnystrom/RNGridMenu - A grid menu with elastic layout, depth of field, and realistic animation.
- mdznr/What-s-New - Easily present the latest changes and features to your users on app updates.
- alskipp/ASValueTrackingSlider - A UISlider subclass that displays the slider value in a popup view
- audiokit/AudioKit - Open-source audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform.
- supermarin/ObjectiveRecord - ActiveRecord for Objective-C
- pdcgomes/XCActionBar - "Alfred for Xcode" plugin
- atomicobject/objection - A lightweight dependency injection framework for Objective-C
- erica/uidevice-extension - Add functionality to UIDevice to distinguish between platforms like iPod touch 1G and 2G and iPhone
- uzysjung/UzysAnimatedGifPullToRefresh - Add PullToRefresh using animated GIF to any scrollView with just simple code
- livereload/LiveReload - LiveReload.app for Mac and Windows. See “develop” branch for the latest Windows release and LiveReload 3 progress. (NOTE: renamed from LiveReload2.)
- github/Rebel - Cocoa framework for improving AppKit
- vpdn/MMAppSwitcher - Replace iOS7 app switcher view with your own customized card view.
- lanayotech/vagrant-manager - Manage your vagrant machines in one place with Vagrant Manager for OS X
- maciekish/iReSign - iReSign allows iDevice app bundles (.ipa) files to be signed or resigned with a digital certificate from Apple for distribution. This tool is aimed at enterprises users, for enterprise deployment, when the person signing the app is different than the person(s) developing it.
- tmdvs/TDBadgedCell - TDBadgedCell is a UITableViewCell subclass that adds badges, to table view cells. It's highly customisable, allowing you to alter the badge colours, shape, and positioning.
- whomwah/qlstephen - A QuickLook plugin that lets you view plain text files without a file extension
- cezarywojcik/CWStatusBarNotification - A library that allows you to easily create text-based notifications that appear on the status bar.
- ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveViewModel - Model-View-ViewModel, using ReactiveCocoa
- robertwijas/UISS - UIAppearance Stylesheets
- ashfurrow/C-41 - C-41 is an application to help people develop film at home by providing a series of "recipes" for photographers to use.
- kean/DFImageManager - Advanced framework for managing images
- mmattozzi/cocoa-rest-client - A free, native Apple OS X app for testing HTTP/REST endpoints
- ldandersen/scifihifi-iphone - Open source iPhone code
- specta/expecta - A Matcher Framework for Objective-C/Cocoa
- Xuzz/newsyc - An iPhone Hacker News client.
- KittenYang/KYGooeyMenu - A not bad gooey effects menu.
- overboming/ZCAnimatedLabel - UILabel replacement with fine-grain appear/disappear animation
- SamRothCA/Today-Scripts - A widget for running scripts in the Today View in OS X Yosemite's Notification Center
- dsxNiubility/SXNews - 模仿网易新闻做的精仿网易新闻
- danielebogo/DBCamera - DBCamera is a simple custom camera with AVFoundation
- mtonio91/AMSmoothAlert - Cool AlertView
- enormego/EGOCache - Fast Caching for Objective-C (iPhone & Mac Compatible)
- andreamazz/AMPopTip - An animated tooltip
- hfossli/AGGeometryKit-POP - Bridging AGGeometryKit with POP for amazing dynamics and animations.
- carsonperrotti/CNPPopupController - CNPPopupController is a simple and versatile class for presenting a custom popup in a variety of fashions. It includes a many options for controlling how your popup appears and behaves.
- applidium/ADTransitionController - UINavigationController with custom transitions
- 100grams/HGPageScrollView - UIScrollView for iPhone with horizontal paging like mobile Safari tabs
- DeskConnect/SBShortcutMenuSimulator - 3D Touch shortcuts in the Simulator
- psychs/limechat - IRC Client for Mac
- bububa/MongoHub-Mac - MongoHub mac native version.
- thoughtbot/Tropos - Weather and Forecasts for Humans
- zipme/RQShineLabel - Secret app like text animation
- davedelong/CHCSVParser - A proper CSV parser for Objective-C
- erikdoe/ocmock - Mock objects for Objective-C
- kconner/KMCGeigerCounter - A framerate meter that clicks like a Geiger counter when your animation drops a frame
- AlexeyBelezeko/TBIconTransitionKit - TBIconTransitionKit is an easy to use icon transition kit that allows to smoothly change from one shape to another.
- kevin0571/STPopup - STPopup provides STPopupController, which works just like UINavigationController in form sheet/bottom sheet style, for both iPhone and iPad.
- hebertialmeida/HAPaperViewController - UICollectionView with layout transitions inspired by Facebook Paper App
- fastred/AHKActionSheet - An alternative to the UIActionSheet inspired by the Spotify app.
- questbeat/Lin-Xcode5 - A Localization Manager for Xcode 5
- cwRichardKim/RKSwipeBetweenViewControllers - Swipe between ViewControllers like in the Spotify or Twitter app with an interactive Segmented Control in the Navigation Bar
- comyarzaheri/Sol - Sol° beautifully displays weather information so you can plan your day accordingly. Check the weather in your current location or any city around the world. Implemented in Objective-C.
- callumboddy/CBZSplashView - Twitter style Splash Screen View. Grows to reveal the Initial view behind
- kolinkrewinkel/Polychromatic - Semantic highlighting for Xcode.
- ridiculousfish/HexFiend - A fast and clever hex editor for Mac OS X
- benoitsan/BBUncrustifyPlugin-Xcode - Xcode plugin to format source code using ClangFormat or Uncrustify
- ZhongTaoTian/WNXHuntForCity - 高仿城觅by-objective-c
- Ciechan/BCMeshTransformView - Mesh transforms for UIView
- erica/NSDate-Extensions - Practical real-world dates
- erica/iphone-3.0-cookbook- - Sample Code
- AFNetworking/AFOAuth2Manager - AFNetworking Extension for OAuth 2 Authentication
- indragiek/INAppStoreWindow - Extreme Makeover: NSWindow Edition
- questbeat/Lin - Xcode plugin that provides auto-completion for NSLocalizedString.
- lukabernardi/LBBlurredImage - LBBlurredImage is an UIImageView category that permit to set an image and make this blurred
- LeoNatan/LNPopupController - LNPopupController is a framework for presenting view controllers as popups of other view controllers, much like the Apple Music and Podcasts apps.
- KieranLafferty/KLNoteViewController - A view controller that organizes multiple navigation controllers in a stack inspired by Evernote 5.0 app
- runway20/PopoverView - A simple UIView popover control for iPhone/iPad written in CoreGraphics.
- cocos2d/CocosBuilder - CocosBuilder, the visual editor for cocos2d
- newmarcel/KeepingYouAwake - A Caffeine clone for OS X Yosemite (and Dark Mode).
- mattgemmell/MGTileMenu - Tile-based contextual menu for iPad and iPhone developers.
- shpakovski/Popup - Cocoa project with Popup window appearing from the status bar
- ra1028/RACollectionViewReorderableTripletLayout - The custom collectionView layout that can perform reordering of cells by dragging it.
- u10int/URBMediaFocusViewController - An easy-to-use view controller that animates thumbnail previews of your media to their full size versions with physics similar to Tweetbot 3.
- StefanLage/SLPagingView - Navigation bar system allowing to do a Tinder like or Twitter like
- DavdRoman/Popsicle - Simple, extensible value interpolation framework
- nst/STTwitter - A stable, mature and comprehensive Objective-C library for Twitter REST API 1.1
- Julioacarrettoni/UIImageView_FaceAwareFill - This category applies Aspect Fill content mode to an image and if faces are detected it centers them instead of centering the image just by its geometrical center.
- gleue/TGLStackedViewController - A stacked view layout with gesture-based reordering using a UICollectionView -- inspired by Passbook and Reminders apps.
- zootreeves/Objective-C-HMTL-Parser - An objective c wrapper around libxml for parsing HTML
- hfossli/AGGeometryKit - Quadrilaterals on CALayer, CGGeometry-functions, UIView/CALayer properties and other invaluable tools.
- recruit-mp/RMPZoomTransitionAnimator - A custom zooming transition animation for UIViewController
- steipete/AFDownloadRequestOperation - A progressive download operation for AFNetworking.
- quartermaster/QSKit - Q Branch’s collection of Cocoa categories and utilities.
- EnjoySR/ESJsonFormat-Xcode - 将JSON格式化输出为模型的属性
- stefanceriu/SCXcodeMiniMap - Sublime Text like Minimap for Xcode
- thermogl/TISwipeableTableView - Allows you to swipe a UITableViewCell and reveal a back view, functions like cells in the "Twitter" app.
- problame/CSNotificationView - Drop-in, semi-translucent and blurring notification view.
- iwasrobbed/RPFloatingPlaceholders - UITextField and UITextView subclasses with placeholders that change into floating labels when the fields are populated with text.
- CharlinFeng/CorePhotoBroswerVC - 快速集成高性能照片浏览器,支持本地及网络相册
- AlexBarinov/UIBubbleTableView - Cocoa UI component for chat bubbles with avatars and images support
- 36Kr-Mobile/KRVideoPlayer - 类似Weico的播放器,支持竖屏模式下全屏播放
- EddyVerbruggen/SocialSharing-PhoneGap-Plugin - Cordova plugin to share text, a file (image/PDF/..), or a URL (or all three) via the native sharing widget
- AaronRandall/Screentendo - Turn your screen into a playable level of Mario
- questbeat/QBImagePicker - A clone of UIImagePickerController with multiple selection support.
- jwilling/JNWSpringAnimation - Spring physics for Core Animation.
- JohnCoates/CSSketch - Plugin that adds CSS support to Sketch 3 for a faster design workflow.
- nygard/class-dump - Generate Objective-C headers from Mach-O files.
- kishikawakatsumi/SECoreTextView - SECoreTextView is multi style text view.
- Yalantis/PullToMakeSoup - Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to UIScrollView
- soffes/sspulltorefresh - Simple and highly customizable pull to refresh view
- kevin-hirsch/KVNProgress - KVNProgress is a fully customizable progress HUD that can be full screen or not.
- johnil/VVeboTableViewDemo - VVebo剥离的TableView绘制
- neror/ftutils - iPhone utilities mostly for Core Animation
- thefaj/OpenFlow - CoverFlow API replacement for the iPhone
- alskipp/ASProgressPopUpView - A progress view showing percentage complete in a popup view
- mttrb/BeaconOSX - Use a Bluetooth 4 enabled Mac running Mavericks (not Yosemite) as an iBeacon
- mattgemmell/MGImageUtilities - Useful UIImage categories for iPhone/iPad developers.
- kharrison/CodeExamples - Code Examples
- blakewatters/TransitionKit - An Objective-C library for elegantly implementing state machines.
- khanlou/SKBounceAnimation - A CAKeyframeAnimation subclass that lets you quickly and easily set a number of bounces, and start and end values, and creates an animation for you.
- rnystrom/RNBlurModalView - Add depth to your alerts.
- cbpowell/MarqueeLabel - A drop-in replacement for UILabel, which automatically adds a scrolling marquee effect when the label's text will not fit inside the specified frame.
- ricobeck/KFCocoaPodsPlugin - XcodePlugin for CocoaPods with pod commands/console output, user notifications & code completion.
- nealyoung/NYSegmentedControl - Animated, customizable replacement for UISegmentedControl
- Split82/HMGLTransitions - HMGLTransitions is set of classes which can animate transition between two UIViews, or presentation / dismissing of UIViewControllers.
- yuantiku/YTKKeyValueStore - A simple Key-Value storage tool, using Sqlite as backend.
- ZhipingYang/UUChatTableView - Cocoa UI component for group or private chat bubbles with text, images and audio support
- martinjuhasz/MJPopupViewController - A UIViewController Category to display a ViewController as a popup with different transition effects.
- ninjinkun/NJKScrollFullScreen - Scroll to full screen like Facebook app
- chockenberry/Provisioning - A Quick Look plug-in for .mobileprovision files
- Instagram/IGInterfaceDataTable - A category on WKInterfaceTable that makes configuring tables with multi-dimensional data easier.
- bengottlieb/Twitter-OAuth-iPhone - An easy way to get Twitter authenticating with OAuth on iPhone
- DavdRoman/Bohr - Settings screen composing framework
- enormego/EGOImageLoading - What if images on the iPhone were as easy as HTML?
- DyCI/dyci-main - Dynamic Code Injection Tool for Objective-C
- kgn/KGNoise - Cocoa noise drawing code plus a ready to go noise view!
- x2on/OpenSSL-for-iPhone - A script for compiling OpenSSL for iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)
- jivadevoe/UIAlertView-Blocks - A category for UIAlertView which allows you to use blocks to handle the pressed button events rather than implementing a delegate.
- mobitar/MBAlertView - [DEPRECATED] A fast block-based alert and HUD library with a simple API.
- haqu/tiny-wings - Remake of the popular iPhone game.
- gontovnik/DGActivityIndicatorView - DGActivityIndicatorView is a great way to make loading spinners in your application look nicer. It contains 32 different indicator view styles.
- typcn/bilibili-mac-client - An unofficial bilibili client for mac
- TouchCode/TouchJSON - A humane JSON Objective-C un-framework. (TouchJSON has been deprecated - see README)
- ugol/pomodoro - Time management for your Mac
- keycastr/keycastr - KeyCastr, an open-source keystroke visualizer
- zac/iphonearkit - An Objective-C augmented reality kit for iPhone.
- ipup/PPRevealSideViewController - A new container controller to easily push views on side like Path or Facebook
- Citrrus/BlurryModalSegue - A custom modal segue for providing a blurred overlay effect.
- venmo/VENTouchLock - A Touch ID and Passcode framework used in the Venmo app.
- pyro2927/ParallaxBlur - Easy to subclass parallax UITableController w/ blurring image header, floating header, and UIScrollView for content
- MatthewYork/iPhone-IntroductionTutorial - A "drop-in" solution for building stylish app introductions and tutorials.
- rob-brown/RBStoryboardLink - Makes transitioning between storyboards possible.
- antiguab/BAFluidView - UIView that simulates a 2D view of a fluid in motion
- jezdez-archive/textmate-missingdrawer - [UNMAINTAINED] A better sidebar for Textmate.
- ChenYilong/CYLTabBarController - 最低只需传两个数组即可完成主流App框架搭建
- nst/STHTTPRequest - A NSURLConnection wrapper for humans
- modocache/MDCParallaxView - Create a parallax effect using a custom container view, much like the top view of Path's timeline.
- iMartinKiss/KeepLayout - Making Auto Layout easier to code.
- PavelKatunin/DownloadButton - Customizable App Store style download button
- TomThorpe/UIScrollSlidingPages - Allows you to add multiple view controllers and have them scroll horizontally, with a header scroller that stays in sync with the content and shows next, current and previous items. A zoom out effect appears as you scroll between pages. Similar in style to the Groupon app.
- Overcoat/Overcoat - The perfect accessory for Mantle and AFNetworking.
- quemb/QMBParallaxScrollViewController - Add a parallax top view to any UIScrollView (incl. UITableViews) - #Parallax #ScrollView #TableView #Header
- niltsh/MPlayerX - media player on Mac OS X
- andrewroycarter/TimeScroller - A UI Element that hovers beside the scroll bar of a UITableView (Mimicking the Path app).
- michaelhenry/FlipBoardNavigationController - This is a new navigation controller inspired by Flipboard.
- dsxNiubility/SXWaveAnimate - 实现非常美观的灌水动画
- SocialObjects-Software/SOMotionDetector - Simple library to detect motion type (walking, running, automotive) and count users steps. This library will makes motion detection much more easily.
- iltercengiz/ICViewPager - A tab view that mimics ActionBarSherlock's FragmentsTabsPager and Google Play app's tab management.
- aaronn/ANBlurredImageView - Animated blur-in and blur-out on UIImageView.
- icepat/ICETutorial - A nice tutorial like the one introduced in the Path 3.X App
- warrenm/AHEasing - A library of easing functions for C, C++ and Objective-C
- mattt/Navajo - Password Validator & Strength Evaluator
- matthewcheok/POP-MCAnimate - Concise syntax for the Pop animation framework.
- domesticcatsoftware/DCRoundSwitch - A 'modern' replica of UISwitch.
- sebyddd/SDVersion - 📱 Objective-C library for detecting the running device's model and screen size.
- libgit2/objective-git - Objective-C bindings to libgit2
- rentzsch/clicktoflash - WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content
- brocoo/BRFlabbyTable - Bouncy and distorded table view cells
- dustinrue/ControlPlane - ControlPlane - context-sensitive computing for OS X
- applidium/ADLivelyTableView - Lively UITableView
- matteogobbi/MGSpotyViewController - Beautiful viewController with a tableView and amazing effects like a viewController in the Spotify app.
- protocool/AckMate - TextMate plugin (Cocoa) shell for running 'ack'
- mdinacci/MDRadialProgress - A custom UIView useful to represent progress in discrete steps.
- tomersh/Objective-C-Generics - Objective C Generics
- RobotsAndPencils/RPSlidingMenu - A collection view menu in the style of UltraVisual.
- Vinodh-G/ParallaxTableViewHeader - Parallax scrolling effect on UITableView header view when a tableView is scrolled
- nicklockwood/FXLabel - FXLabel improves upon the standard UILabel by providing a subclass that supports soft shadows, inner shadow and gradient fill, and which can easily be used in place of any standard UILabel.
- kattrali/Xcode-Plugin-Template - Plugin base for Xcode 6+
- AlanQuatermain/aqtoolkit - A toolkit consisting of a bunch of generally useful routines and extensions I wrote when putting together other projects.
- granoff/Lockbox - Objective-C utility class for storing data securely in the key chain.
- jeffhodnett/Unused - A Mac app for checking Xcode projects for unused resources
- Ridiculous-Innovations/FTCoreText - An open source Objective-C interface component that makes use of the CoreText framework to render static text content using a highly customisable markup syntax.
- rs/SDURLCache - URLCache subclass with on-disk cache support on iPhone/iPad
- lgaches/BeaconEmitter - Turn your Mac as an iBeacon
- nxtbgthng/OAuth2Client - Client library for OAuth2 (currently built against draft 10 of the OAuth2 spec)
- nicklockwood/AutoCoding - AutoCoding is a category on NSObject that provides automatic support for NSCoding and NSCopying to every object.
- conopsys/COSTouchVisualizer - Visualize touches, gestures and long presses on your iPhone or iPad
- Naituw/WBWebViewConsole - In-App debug console for your UIWebView & WKWebView
- sgryschuk/SGNavigationProgress - A category for showing a Messages like progress view on a UINavigationBar
- Ideon/SmudgeKit - A drop in replacement for UIWindow to draw touch points for app previews and promotional videos.
- mdiep/MMMarkdown - An Objective-C static library for converting Markdown to HTML.
- onevcat/VVBlurPresentation - A simple way to present a view controller with keeping the blurred previous one.
- adad184/MMTweenAnimation - A extension of POP(from facebook) custom animation. Inspired by tweaner(https://code.google.com/p/tweaner), MMTweanerAnimation provide 10 types of custom animation while using POP.
- wikimedia/WikipediaMobile - Wikipedia on Mobile (PhoneGap)
- bryceredd/RFQuiltLayout - A UICollectionViewLayout subclass to put items in a quilting pattern
- UrbanApps/UAProgressView - UAProgressView is a simple and lightweight, yet powerful animated circular progress view
- lukhnos/objectiveflickr - ObjectiveFlickr, a Flickr API framework for Objective-C
- TanguyAladenise/BBBadgeBarButtonItem - A BarButtonItem with a badge on top.
- Adrian2112/UIImage-BlurredFrame - UIImage category that blurs an specified frame of a UIImage
- specialunderwear/Hosts.prefpane - a Cocoa GUI for /etc/hosts
- Akkyie/AKPickerView - A simple yet customizable horizontal picker view.
- cwRichardKim/RKCardView - Beautiful Twitter / Facebook style cards
- chroman/CRMotionView - A custom photo viewer that implements device motion scrolling, inspired by Facebook Paper.
- inspace-io/INSPullToRefresh - A simple to use very generic pull-to-refresh and infinite scrolling functionalities as a UIScrollView category.
- sonoramac/Sonora - A minimal, beautifully designed music player for OS X.
- KittenYang/KYAnimatedPageControl - A custom UIPageControl with multiple animations
- norio-nomura/EasySIMBL - EasySIMBL is modified "SIMBL" for OS X 10.7, 10.8, 10.9 or 10.10 supporting sandbox, resume. No installer.
- mentionapp/mntpulltoreact - One gesture, many actions. An evolution of Pull to Refresh.
- codykrieger/gfxCardStatus - gfxCardStatus is an open-source menu bar application that keeps track of which graphics card your unibody, dual-GPU MacBook Pro is using at any given time, and allows you to switch between them on demand.
- ole/OBShapedButton - A UIButton subclass that works with for non-rectangular button shapes.
- mutualmobile/MMRecord - Seamless Web Service Integration and Core Data Model Population
- enormego/PhotoViewer - Quick PhotoViewer for the iPhone. Built upon our other reliable libraries: EGOImageLoading and EGOCache.
- IdleHandsApps/IHKeyboardAvoiding - IHKeyboardAvoiding is an elegant solution for keeping any UIView visible when the keyboard is being shown - no UIScrollView required!
- forkingdog/UIView-FDCollapsibleConstraints - Builds to collapse a view and its relevant layout constraints, simulating a "Flow Layout" mode
- romaonthego/REComposeViewController - [DEPRECATED] Sharing composers for the rest of us.
- relatedcode/RealtimeChat - This is a full native iPhone app to create realtime, text based group or private chat with Parse and Firebase.
- zrxq/UIView-EasingFunctions - A category on UIView that allows to use custom easing functions with block-based animations.
- lobianco/ALAlertBanner - A clean and simple alert banner for iPhone and iPad - https://twitter.com/_antlo
- GnosisHub/GHWalkThrough - A UICollectionView backed drop-in component for introduction views
- dtorres/OLImageView - Animated GIFs implemented the right way
- cocos2d/cocos2d-iphone-extensions - 3rd party extensions for cocos2d-iphone
- overtake/telegram - Source code of Telegram for OSX
- nicklockwood/iConsole - In-app console for viewing logs and typing debug commands in iPhone apps
- eaigner/DataKit - DataKit makes it easy to add web backends to your apps!
- dzenbot/DZNWebViewController - A simple web browser for iPhone & iPad with similar features than Safari's
- itouch2/PhotoTweaks - Drag, Rotate, Scale and Crop
- vicoapp/vico - Mac Programmers Text Editor
- gabriel/yajl-objc - Objective-C bindings for YAJL (Yet Another JSON Library) C library
- cloudkite/Classy - Expressive, flexible, and powerful stylesheets for UIView and friends.
- jspahrsummers/GroceryList - iPhone grocery list app, synchronized using GitHub 🍌
- beardedspice/beardedspice - Mac Media Keys for the Masses
- lmmenge/WatchSpringboard-Prototype - Prototype code for a view that shows icons in an Apple Watch-like homescreen layout. Video on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UggYGThmFEo&list=UU7C761Fn9aih_W6kMvkm24w
- runmad/RMSwipeTableViewCell - RMSwipeTableViewCell is a drop-in UITableViewCell subclass that supports pan gestures as seen in apps such as Clear, Mailbox, Sparrow and many more.
- AugustRush/ARSegmentPager - segment tab controller with parallax Header
- mapsplugin/cordova-plugin-googlemaps - Google Maps plugin for Cordova
- alikaragoz/AKTabBarController - Deprecated - This project is not maintained anymore.
- MartinRGB/MTMaterialDelete - a simple implement of my workmate's animation
- steipete/PSPushPopPressView - Zoom, Rotate, Drag – everything at the same time. A view-container for direct manipulation, inspired by Our Choice from Push Pop Press.
- ryanolsonk/LLDB-QuickLook - Debugger commands to open images, views, and more using Quick Look.
- mattt/TransformerKit - A block-based API for NSValueTransformer, with a growing collection of useful examples.
- Yalantis/Preloader.Ophiuchus - Custom Label to apply animations on whole text or letters.
- MartianZ/fakeThunder - fakeThunder is an unofficial Thunder(aka Xunlei) client for OS X.
- fortinmike/XcodeBoost - An Xcode plugin that aims to make altering and inspecting code quick and easy.
- adad184/MMPlaceHolder - A drop in solution to show UIView's size. Only one line code to use it.
- ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoaLayout - Reactive layout framework built on top of ReactiveCocoa
- jonreid/OCMockito - Mockito for Objective-C: creation, verification and stubbing of mock objects
- MacGapProject/MacGap2 - MacGap 2 Beta
- yannickl/YLMoment - Parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates easily in Objective-C (API inspired by moment.js)
- johnno1962/GitDiff - Highlights deltas against git repo in Xcode
- datwelk/RDRStickyKeyboardView - Please see https://github.com/datwelk/RDRGrowingTextView instead.
- mamaral/Facade - Programmatic view layout for the rest of us.
- spritebuilder/SpriteBuilder - Objective-C Game Development Suite
- corymsmith/react-native-icons - Quick and easy icons in React Native
- SebastienThiebaud/STTweetLabel - A UILabel with #hashtag @handle and links tappable
- ocrickard/OCCalendar - CoreGraphics date-range picking calendar
- subdigital/nsscreencast - Sample code shown in NSScreencast episodes.
- lobianco/ALMoviePlayerController - A drop-in replacement for MPMoviePlayerController that exposes the UI elements and allows for maximum customization - https://twitter.com/lobi4nco
- michaelhenry/MHNatGeoViewControllerTransition - A new 3D Effect ViewController transition inspired by NatGeo (City Guides by National Geographic)
- 2ndalpha/gasmask - Hosts file manager for OS X
- TaimurAyaz/TAOverlay - TAOverlay is a minimalistic and simple overlay meant to display useful information to the user.
- Wondermall/Doppelganger - Array diffs as collection view wants it
- vtourraine/VTAcknowledgementsViewController - Ready to use “Acknowledgements”/“Licenses” view controller for CocoaPods.
- mutualmobile/MMProgressHUD - An easy-to-use HUD interface with personality.
- DrummerB/BFNavigationBarDrawer - A UIToolbar subclass that can easily be displayed below a UINavigationBar, similarly to the playlist view in the Music app.
- briancollins/BCTabBarController - a Tweetie-style tab bar for the iPhone
- eseedo/kidscoding - iOS7初学者入门
- applidium/ADClusterMapView - MKMapView with clustering
- arielelkin/PocketSVG - Easily convert your SVG files into CGPaths, CAShapeLayers, and UIBezierPaths
- kirbyt/KTPhotoBrowser - KTPhotoBrowser is a lightweight photo browser library for the iPhone and iPod touch that looks and behaves like the iPhone Photos app.
- venmo/VENTokenField - Easy-to-use token field that is used in the Venmo app.
- victorBaro/VBFJellyView - VBFJellyView is a custom view made out using UIKit Dynamics and with a very funny effect when adding behaviours to it.
- michaeljbishop/NGAParallaxMotion - A tiny category on UIView that allows you to set one property: "parallaxIntensity" to achieve a parallax effect with UIMotionEffect
- Marxon13/M13InfiniteTabBar - An elegant redesign of UITabBar for iOS applications.
- overcommitted/ParcelKit - ParcelKit integrates Core Data with Dropbox using the Dropbox Datastore API
- kentnguyen/KNPathTableViewController - UITableViewController with customizable overlay panel while scrolling, inspired by Path
- neonichu/BBUDebuggerTuckAway - Xcode plugin for auto-hiding the debugger once you start typing in the source code editor.
- adad184/MMPopupView - Pop-up based view(e.g. alert sheet), can easily customize.
- mamaral/Organic - The intuitive UITableViewController.
- m1entus/WCAlertView - WCAlertView is deliverd from UIAlertView. It's support customization and blocks.
- TimOliver/TOCropViewController - A view controller that allows users to crop UIImage objects.
- kimsungwhee/KSHObjcUML - KSHObjcUML can show oriented graph of dependencies between Objective-C classes in your project
- levinunnink/Smooth-Line-View - Smooth & fast line drawing from touch inputs for UIViews using Quartz
- arauchfuss/Simple-Comic - OS X comic viewer
- KittenYang/KYCuteView - Drag like a gooey bubble.
- Cocoanetics/DTFoundation - Standard toolset classes and categories
- lyokato/FBDigitalFont - This library includes some kind of digital fonts (not TTF or something, just CoreGraphics drawing)
- heardrwt/RHObjectiveBeagle - Beagle is an Objective C debugging tool that can sniff out class instances on the heap.
- gdavis/FGallery-iPhone - Objective-C based gallery for iPhones
- yannickl/YLProgressBar - UIProgressView replacement with an highly and fully customizable animated progress bar in pure Core Graphics
- Hammerspoon/hammerspoon - Staggeringly powerful OS X desktop automation with Lua
- weng1250/WZLBadge - //An one-line tool to show styles of badge for UIView
- croath/UIImageView-BetterFace - a UIImageView category to let the picture-cutting with faces showing better
- JJSaccolo/UIActivityIndicator-for-SDWebImage - The easiest way to add a UIActivityView to your SDWebImage view
- keefo/CATweaker - A helper tool and an Xcode plugin for creating beautiful CAMediaTimingFunction curve
- tokaido/tokaidoapp - The home of the Tokaido app
- ittybittydude/IBAForms - A simple iPhone forms library
- c99koder/lastfm-iphone - This repository is no longer being maintained. Please visit https://github.com/lastfm/lastfm-iphone
- yfactorial/objectiveresource - A port of Ruby on Rails' ActiveResource to Objective-C (and specifically the iPhone)
- alexanderjarvis/PXAlertView - A drop-in replacement for UIAlertView that is more customisable and skinnable
- HackPlan/quark-shell-mac - Quark Shell for Mac helps web developers to create native-like Mac menubar app using HTML and JavaScript without writing any Objective-C code.
- Squirrel/Squirrel.Mac -
Cocoa framework for updating OS X apps
- NZN/NZAlertView - Simple and intuitive alert view. Similar to push notification effect.
- mobitar/MBSpacialViewController - Create a gesture-driven map of view controllers in 2D space.
- mayoff/uiimage-from-animated-gif - A UIImage category that loads animated GIFs
- jdberry/tag - A command line tool to manipulate tags on Mac OS X files, and to query for files with those tags.
- petejkim/ConciseKit - A set of Objective-C additions and macros that helps you write code more quickly.
- FabrizioBrancati/BFKit - BFKit is a collection of useful classes to develop Apps faster
- haqu/tweejump - iPhone game
- norsez/BDDynamicGridViewController - Data-aware view-controller that displays a UIView list in an automatically laid out grid
- hholtmann/smcFanControl - Control the fans of every Intel Mac to make it run cooler
- NZN/UIImage-Helpers - Create a blurred images, take a screenshot, make a image with color...
- snipter/SAMultisectorControl - Multiple control
- nicklockwood/FXImageView - FXImageView is a class designed to simplify the application of common visual effects such as reflections and drop-shadows to images, and also to help the performance of image loading by handling it on a background thread.
- potionfactory/LetsMove - A sample that shows how to move a running Mac application to the /Applications directory
- Ink/ThatPhoto - ThatPhoto is an app that lets you view and edit your photos
- michaelhenry/MHYahooParallaxView - Parallax implementation inspired by Yahoo Weather and News Digest :)
- gangverk/GVUserDefaults - NSUserDefaults access via properties.
- weisso5/OjbcExamples - Various Objc Examples that I found useful.
- redtail83/HelloOjbCCmd - Objective-CでHello Worldするコマンドラインプロジェクト。
- chunkyguy/OjbCComponentSystem - Component System Prototype using Objective-C Message Forwarding.
- Inferis/ViewDeck - An implementation of the sliding functionality found in the Path 2.0 or Facebook iOS apps.
- smileyborg/PureLayout - The ultimate API for iOS & OS X Auto Layout — impressively simple, immensely powerful. Objective-C and Swift compatible.
- mxcl/PromiseKit - Promises for iOS and OS X
- andreamazz/AMScrollingNavbar - Scrollable UINavigationBar that follows the scrolling of a UIScrollView
- actorapp/actor-platform - Actor Messaging platform
- RNCryptor/RNCryptor - CCCryptor (AES encryption) wrappers for iOS and Mac.
- relatedcode/NotificationChat - This is a full native iPhone app to create realtime, text based group or private chat with Parse.
- rsms/fb-mac-messenger - ⚡️ Mac app wrapping Facebook's Messenger for desktop
- d235j/360Controller - TattieBogle Xbox 360 Driver (with improvements)
- mattneub/Programming-iOS-Book-Examples - Downloadable code examples for my books, "iOS 8 Programming Fundamentals With Swift" (bk1) and "Programming iOS 8" (bk2).
- QueryKit/QueryKit - A simple CoreData query language for Swift and Objective-C.
- sberrevoets/SDCAlertView - A UIAlertView clone with added functionality, including a contentView property
- FuerteInternational/FTCoreText - An open source Objective-C interface component that makes use of the CoreText framework to render static text content using a highly customisable markup syntax.
- sebyddd/SDiPhoneVersion - 📱 Objective-C library for detecting the running device's model and screen size.
- nsdictionary/CorePhotoBroswerVC - 快速集成高性能照片浏览器,支持本地及网络相册
- smileyborg/TableViewCellWithAutoLayoutiOS8 - Sample project demonstrating self-sizing table view cells in iOS 8 using Swift and Objective-C.
- joeblau/FlappyBlock - Flappy Block No Mercy: You lose the game and you have to quit the app.
- GiK/GIKPopoverBackgroundView - GIKPopoverBackgroundView is a UIPopoverBackgroundView subclass which shows how to customise the background of a UIPopoverController.
- akosma/CoreTextWrapper - An Objective-C wrapper around Core Text for creating multi-column text and loading custom fonts
- bennyguitar/CollapseClick - A collapsible list that functions like a UITableView, except you can collapse and open cells on a click. Feed it UIViews for what is shown when each cell is open. Works via delegation similar to UITableView.
- spotify/cocoalibspotify - A Cocoa wrapper for libspotify
- appunite/CLCascade - Twitter-like cascade UI library
- larcus94/LBYouTubeView - A MPMoviePlayerViewController subclass that can display YouTube videos.
- abiaad/PAAImageView - Rounded async imageview downloader based on AFNetworking 2 and lightly cached
- takuma104/ntlniph - NatsuLiphone - The twitter client for iPhone / iPod touch
- BTLibrary/BTGlassScrollView - Inspired by Yahoo Weather App, this easy to use view replicates the look and feel
- tonisalae/TSMiniWebBrowser - In-App web browsing support for iPhone apps
- Perspx/PXSourceList - Source List control for the Mac
- dulaccc/DPMeterView - Gravity-aware gauge-style meter view with delightful animations
- atomton/ATMHud - Library for the creation of HUDs in iPhone applications.
- wczekalski/WCFastCell - A drop-in replacement for UITableViewCell and UICollectionViewCell which draws contents using CoreGraphics. Seamless integration with nibs provided.
- mxcl/YOLOKit - Getting square objects down round holes
- andrealufino/ALSystemUtilities - This library provides a list of 80 methods to get every kind of system information!
- VivienCormier/UIImageViewModeScaleAspect - Create animation of a UIImageView between twice contentMode ( UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill / UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit )
- enormego/egodatabase - EGODatabase is a thread-safe Objective-C SQLite wrapper with full support for asynchronous SQLite calls as well as built in NSOperationQueue support.
- stevestreza/Barista - A modular, embeddable web server for Objective-C.
- ryanmaxwell/UncrustifyX - Uncrustify utility and documentation browser for Mac OS X
- mehfuzh/MHTextField - UITextField extension with built-in toolbar, validation and scrolling support.
- aceisScope/WaterflowView - A waterflow display like the Pinterest feeling, supporting UICollectionView
- uzysjung/UzysSlideMenu - Slide Dropdown Menu
- NimbusKit/markdown - A Markdown NSAttributedString parser.
- waterlou/UIGlossyButton - Generate system like or other nice button without any image
- subjc/SubjectiveCPhotoPanner - A small clone of Facebook Paper's motion based photo panner
- dchohfi/KeyValueObjectMapping - Automatic KeyValue Object Mapping for Objective-C, parse JSON/plist/Dictionary automatically
- Ciechan/Revolved - 3D modelling app for the iPad
- GlennChiu/GC3DFlipTransitionStyleSegue - iBooks-style 3D flip transition animation rendered in OpenGL ES 2.0 and wrapped in a UIStoryboardSegue subclass
- deivuh/DODropletManager-OSX - A Digital Ocean droplet manager for OSX
- carsonperrotti/CNPGridMenu - A Mailbox style grid menu with a blurred background.
- rs/SafariTabSwitching - A SIMBL plugin for Safari 5.1 allowing tab switching by index (using Cmd-1, Cmd-2…)
- lukeredpath/LRResty - Yet another Objective-C REST client library, inspired by Ruby's restclient gem.
- salomvary/soundcleod - Standalone Mac OS X browser for SoundCloud
- nicklockwood/SoundManager - Simple sound and music player class for playing audio on Mac and iPhone
- johnil/VVeboImageView - A UIImageView to play gif with low memory.
- shpakovski/MASShortcut - Modern framework for managing global keyboard shortcuts compatible with Mac App Store. More details:
- rcarlsen/Pocket-OCR - Demonstration of Tesseract OCR on the iPhone. Video: http://www.youtube.com/v/MICew5-nZp4?hl=en_US&fs=1
- shpakovski/MASPreferences - Modern implementation of the Preferences window for OS X apps, used in TextMate, GitBox and Mou:
- nicklockwood/MustOverride - Provides a macro that you can use to ensure that a method of an abstract base class must be overriden by its subclasses.
- myell0w/MTDActionSheet - A customizable UIActionSheet replacement for the iPad
- tapharmonic/Core-Animation-Demos - Bob McCune's collection of Core Animation demos.
- nicklockwood/FXKeychain - FXKeychain is a lightweight wrapper around the Apple keychain APIs that provides a simple dictionary-like interface.
- jdg/oauthconsumer - An iPhone ready, Objective-C implementation of an OAuth consumer.
- hamcrest/OCHamcrest - Hamcrest for Objective-C: Powerful, combinable, extensible matchers for verification
- DavdRoman/DRCellSlideGestureRecognizer - Make your cells actionable through swipes
- jaredsinclair/JTSReachability - Adaptation of Apple's Reachability with some block-based conveniences.
- johnno1962/Remote - Control your iPhone from inside Xcode for end-to-end testing.
- zhiyu/chartee - a charting library for mobile platforms
- uzysjung/UzysAssetsPickerController - Alternative UIImagePickerController , You can take a picture with camera and pick multiple photos and videos
- simonbs/BSKeyboardControls - Put controls above the keyboard on your iPhone or iPad app.
- mikeahmarani/MAConfirmButton - MAConfirmButton is an animated subclass of UIButton that replicates and improves upon the behavior of the AppStore “Buy Now” buttons. Built and animated with Core Animation layers, it is completely image free.
- orta/GIFs - A Mac App for finding GIFs
- andreamazz/UITextField-Shake - UITextField category that adds shake animation
- gekitz/GKImagePicker - Enables a custom crop rect for UIImagePickerController
- vampirewalk/ObjectGraph-Xcode - ObjectGraph can show oriented graph of dependencies between classes in your project.
- mysterioustrousers/MTAnimation - Animate UIView with 25+ timing functions. (Bounce, elastic, exponential, etc.)
- diwu/DWURecyclingAlert - Optimizing UITableViewCell For Fast Scrolling
- MassiveHealth/Opaque - A prototype UI showing how one would implement an app with Clear-like animations & gestures.
- yangmeyer/CPAnimationSequence - Describe multi-step UIView animation sequences declaratively.
- jeffh/Fox - Property Based Testing Library for Objective-C and Swift. QuickCheck for Apple's Platforms.
- shu223/UIActivityCollection - A collection of iOS6 UIActivity providers.
- emilwojtaszek/AURosetteView - AURosetteView
- bachonk/UIImageView-Letters - UIImageView category for using initials as a placeholder image
- robrix/RXCollections - Obsolete—use https://github.com/robrix/Reducers instead.
- itod/parsekit - Objective-C Tokenizer and Parser Generator. Supports Grammars.