This repo contains a sample project where an Objective-C project is set up to compile and embed RubyMotion classes. It also demonstrates sharing CocoaPods between the two projects via symlinks until I get around to making motion-cocoapods
use existing Podfiles.
This was based off @clayallsopp's article on Mixing Objective-C and Ruby. Please read the article for more information.
On the Ruby side, CDORubyLand
defines a run
method which uses RACSignal
to log the current time to console every second.
instantiates an instance of CDORubyLand
and calls run
method. The window is purely for show.
- CDORubyland.rb contains the Ruby code that we run from Objective-C
- CDORubyland.h contains the headers for the Ruby class
- CDOAppDelegate.m instantiates and calls the Ruby object
This project adds a build script that automatically runs rake static
to create the static library to be included into the Objective-C part of the project. It's important to note that I had to set the GEM_ROOT
environment variables for it to pick up my motion-cocoapods
install. You'll need to change this path to suit yours if you're using rbenv
or similar.
You must also set the input files to the Ruby files, and the output file of the build script to have the static library, otherwise Xcode won't run this at the right part of the build.
You must add the following files to the Linked Frameworks and Libraries section:
- libstdc++.dylib
- libc++.dylib
- libicucore.dylib
- libc++abi.dylib
- [your app]-universal.a
RubyMotion does not generate header files so you'll need to do it yourself. I've found that you can't use (void)
for method return values as all Ruby methods implicitly return an object.
I couldn't seem to use RACSignal#take
due to this error:
Objective-C stub for message `take:' type `@@:Q' not precompiled. Make sure you properly link with the framework or library that defines this message.
If you know how to fix this issue, please let me know!
- Automatically generate header files from Ruby classes
- Remove the need to symlink
etc via patchingmotion-cocoapods
- Automatically set up the build phase to compile the Ruby static lib
Pull requests and comments welcome!