This is a template project you can use as an alternative to the Xcode SpriteKit template for Objective-C.
- SKTUtils. Includes SKTUtils.
- ObjectAL. Includes OALSimpleAudio for really easy audio play back in your games.
- Bitmap Font Support. Includes the required libraries to use Bitmap Fonts created with bmglyph.
- Animated Character. Example animated character that flies to the location tapped on screen.
- Handy Functions. My most used super handy functions are included in Utilities.h.
1 - Clone the project some place temporary, like your Downloads folder.
cd ~/Downloads && git clone
2 - Make the rename script executable.
chmod +x sktemplate-objc/
3 - Rename the project
sktemplate-objc/ sktemplate-objc MyCoolGame
1 - Change directory into where you have the source downloaded.
git fetch origin
git reset —-hard origin/master