This is the Objective-C Version of GuillotineMenu made by Yalantis
The easiest way to use this cool menu is to instantiate the TGLGuillotineMenu
in your AppDelegate
and, then make it the rootController
of a UINavigationController
TGLTableViewController *vc01 = [[TGLTableViewController alloc] init];
TGLSampleViewController *vc02 = [[TGLSampleViewController alloc] init];
TGLTableViewController *vc03 = [[TGLTableViewController alloc] init];
TGLSampleViewController *vc04 = [[TGLSampleViewController alloc] init];
NSArray *vcArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:vc01, vc02, vc03, vc04, nil];
NSArray *titlesArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"PROFILE", @"FEED", @"ACTIVITY", @"SETTINGS", nil];
NSArray *imagesArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"ic_profile", @"ic_feed", @"ic_activity", @"ic_settings", nil];
TGLGuillotineMenu *menuVC = [[TGLGuillotineMenu alloc] initWithViewControllers:vcArray MenuTitles:titlesArray andImagesTitles:imagesArray];
menuVC.delegate = self;
menuVC.menuButtonImageTitle = @"menuIcon";
UINavigationController *navController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:menuVC];
#Installation Manual installation. Just copy GuillotineMenu folder to your project. Will be available on cocoapods soon.
This is my first attempt to make a simple Objective-C version of Yalantis control. From now I will update this control to make this an awesome iOS menu. Feel free to contribute!