ESTCollectionViewDropDownList is a demo implementation of a drop down tag list view for iOS.
Inspired by XiaMi (A popular music player in China).
- 本人著作的书籍《Laravel 入门教程》已正式发布,有兴趣的朋友可点击 此处 作进一步了解。
- PHPHub-iOS by @Aufree
- PHPHub-Server by @NauxLiu
- PHPHub-Android by @Kelvin and @Xiaoxiaoyu
- PHPHub-UI by @Summer and @Aufree
- PHPHub-Web by @Summer
- An iPhone/iPad running iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 7.0 or above
If you're not install the Cocoapods on your machine, Run:
$ gem install cocoapods
Download the source code
$ git clone
Now you'll need to build the dependencies
$ pod install
Run the following command to open ESTCollectionViewDropDownList.xcworkspace
open Example/ESTCollectionViewDropDownList.xcworkspace
That's it, have fun! 🍻
Thank you for your interest in contributing to ESTCollectionViewDropDownList! Your ideas for improving this library are greatly appreciated. The best way to contribute is by submitting a pull request. I'll do my best to respond to you as soon as possible. You can also submit a new GitHub issue if you find bugs or have questions.
You can ping me on Twitter or follow me on Weibo If you find an issue.
Copyright (c) 2015 Paul King
Released under the MIT license
ESTCollectionViewDropDownList 是一个实现了 iOS 下拉标签列表视图的 Demo.
开源自 The EST Group 团队.
- PHPHub-iOS by @Aufree
- PHPHub-Server by @NauxLiu
- PHPHub-Android by @Kelvin and @Xiaoxiaoyu
- PHPHub-UI by @Summer and @Aufree
- PHPHub-Web by @Summer
- 运行在 iOS 8.0 及以上的 iPhone/iPad.
- Xcode 7.0 及以上版本.
如果你尚未安装 Cocoapods, 运行以下命令进行安装:
$ gem install cocoapods
$ git clone
$ pod install
运行以下命令来打开 ESTCollectionViewDropDownList.xcworkspace
open Example/ESTCollectionViewDropDownList.xcworkspace
这就完了, 祝你玩得愉快! 🍻
感谢您有兴趣参与 ESTCollectionViewDropDownList 的开发, 您可以在本地修改此项目, 经测试后无任何问题即可给我提交 Pull Request, 我会定期查看并 Merge, 若有其它问题, 可通过提交 issue 来让我知道.
你若有其它需要帮助的地方, 可通过 Twitter 或 微博 联系我.
Copyright (c) 2015 Paul King
使用 MIT 许可证 发行.