#[NSObject isKindOfClass:]
// EN: An instance of given class or an instance of any class that inherits from that class.
// JP: 指定したクラスのインスタンスまたは、そのクラスを継承するクラスのインスタンス
if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSObject class]]) {
DLog(@"%@ is kind of NSObject", className);
if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
DLog(@"%@ is kind of NSString", className);
if ([obj isKindOfClass:[AObject class]]) {
DLog(@"%@ is kind of AObject", className);
if ([obj isKindOfClass:[BObject class]]) {
DLog(@"%@ is kind of BObject", className);
#[NSObject isMemberOfClass:]
// EN: An instance of a given class.
// JP: 指定したクラスのインスタンス
if ([obj isMemberOfClass:[NSObject class]]) {
DLog(@"%@ is member of NSObject", className);
if ([obj isMemberOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
DLog(@"%@ is member of NSString", className);
if ([obj isMemberOfClass:[AObject class]]) {
DLog(@"%@ is member of AObject", className);
if ([obj isMemberOfClass:[BObject class]]) {
DLog(@"%@ is member of BObject", className);
#[NSObject isSubclassOfClass:]
// EN: A subclass of, or identical to, a given class.
// JP: サブクラスまたは、同一の指定したクラス
if ([[obj class] isSubclassOfClass:[NSObject class]]) {
DLog(@"%@ is subclass of NSObject", className);
if ([[obj class] isSubclassOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
DLog(@"%@ is subclass of NSString", className);
if ([[obj class] isSubclassOfClass:[AObject class]]) {
DLog(@"%@ is subclass of AObject", className);
if ([[obj class] isSubclassOfClass:[BObject class]]) {
DLog(@"%@ is subclass of BObject", className);
#[NSObject class] == [NSObject class]
// EN: Compare of the class object.
// JP: クラスオブジェクトの比較
if ([obj class] == [NSObject class]) {
DLog(@"%@ is NSObject", className);
if ([obj class] == [NSString class]) {
DLog(@"%@ is NSString", className);
if ([obj class] == [AObject class]) {
DLog(@"%@ is AObject", className);
if ([obj class] == [BObject class]) {
DLog(@"%@ is BObject", className);
#[NSObject superclass] == [NSObject class]
// EN: Compare of the super class object.
// JP: スーパークラスオブジェクトの比較
if ([obj superclass] == [NSObject class]) {
DLog(@"Superclass of %@ is NSObject", className);
if ([obj superclass] == [NSString class]) {
DLog(@"Superclass of %@ is NSString", className);
if ([obj superclass] == [AObject class]) {
DLog(@"Superclass of %@ is AObject", className);
if ([obj superclass] == [BObject class]) {
DLog(@"Superclass of %@ is BObject", className);
#[NSObject isEqual:]
// EN: Compare of the instance by 'isEqual'.
// JP: 'isEqual'によるインスタンスの比較
if ([obj isEqual:obj]) {
DLog(@"%@ is equal %@", className, className);
} else {
DLog(@"%@ is not equal %@", className, className);
#instance == instance
// EN: Compare of the instance by '=='.
// JP: '=='によるインスタンスの比較
if (obj == obj) {
DLog(@"%@ is %@", className, className);
} else {
DLog(@"%@ is not %@", className, className);
#[NSObject conformsToProtocol:]
// EN: Whether the receiver conforms to a given protocol.
// JP: プロトコルに順応しているか
if ([obj conformsToProtocol:@protocol(NSObject)]) {
DLog(@"%@ conforms to protocol of NSObject.", className);
if ([obj conformsToProtocol:@protocol(NSCopying)] && [obj conformsToProtocol:@protocol(NSMutableCopying)] && [obj conformsToProtocol:@protocol(NSSecureCoding)]) {
DLog(@"%@ conforms to protocol of NSCopying and NSMutableCopying, NSSecureCoding.", className);
if ([obj conformsToProtocol:@protocol(AProtocol)]) {
DLog(@"%@ conforms to protocol of AProtocol.", className);
if ([obj conformsToProtocol:@protocol(BProtocol)]) {
DLog(@"%@ conforms to protocol of BProtocol.", className);
#[NSObject respondsToSelector:]
// EN: Whether the receiver implements or inherits a class method.
// JP: クラスメソッドを実装または継承しているか
if ([[obj class] respondsToSelector:@selector(copy)]) {
DLog(@"%@ responds to selector of (class method) copy.", className);
if ([[obj class] respondsToSelector:@selector(length)]) {
DLog(@"%@ responds to selector of (class method) length.", className);
if ([[obj class] respondsToSelector:@selector(aMethod)]) {
DLog(@"%@ responds to selector of (class method) aMethod.", className);
if ([[obj class] respondsToSelector:@selector(bMethod)]) {
DLog(@"%@ responds to selector of (class method) bMethod.", className);
// EN: Whether the receiver implements or inherits a instance method.
// JP: インスタンスメソッドを実装または継承しているか
if ([obj respondsToSelector:@selector(copy)]) {
DLog(@"%@ responds to selector of (instance method) copy.", className);
if ([obj respondsToSelector:@selector(length)]) {
DLog(@"%@ responds to selector of (instance method) length.", className);
if ([obj respondsToSelector:@selector(aMethod)]) {
DLog(@"%@ responds to selector of (instance method) aMethod.", className);
if ([obj respondsToSelector:@selector(bMethod)]) {
DLog(@"%@ responds to selector of (instance method) bMethod.", className);
#[NSObject instancesRespondToSelector:]
// EN: Whether instances of the receiver are capable of responding to a given selector. (Whether the receiver implements or inherits a instance method.)
// JP: 指定したセレクタに反応を示すインスタンスなのか(インスタンスメソッドを実装または継承しているか)
if ([[obj class] instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(copy)]) {
DLog(@"%@ instances Respond To Selector of (instance method) copy.", className);
if ([[obj class] instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(length)]) {
DLog(@"%@ instances Respond To Selector of (instance method) length.", className);
if ([[obj class] instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(aMethod)]) {
DLog(@"%@ instances Respond To Selector of (instance method) aMethod.", className);
if ([[obj class] instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(bMethod)]) {
DLog(@"%@ instances Respond To Selector of (instance method) bMethod.", className);