Quick & easy way: drag the two files "APServiceBox.m" and "APServiceBox.h" into your project.
The nice way: you tell me...
Use this box when you have services or objects that must be available throughout the application. For example, if all your *ViewControllers need to report analytics, or depend on a single data source.
The first thing you should do is register your services and other dependencies into the default service box.
AnalyticsManager *analyticsManager = [[AnalyticsManager alloc] init];
[[APServiceBox defaultBox] registerDependency:analyticsManager as:@"analyticsManager"];
// Or you can create your own box
APServiceBox *myBox = [[APServiceBox alloc] init];
The easiest way to inject dependencies is to call the injectDependencies
method in the init
of an object. This will use the default service box to fill the current object.
@interface MyViewController
@property (strong, nonatomic) AnalyticsService *analyticsService;
#import "NSObject+APServiceBox.h"
@implementation MyViewController
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// This will ask the [APServiceBox defaultBox] to provide available dependencies
[self injectDependencies];
return self;
Injection conditions
There are two conditions for a dependency to be injected:
- the @property name corresponds to the name given when registering the service
- the @property type matches the registered service, that is (one of the following):
- service.class == @property.class
- [service isKindOfClass:@property.class]
- [service.class conformsToProtocol:@property.protocol]
Thus, the following two forms of properties are valid:
// Will match any AnalyticsService (or subclass) object
@property (...) AnalyticsService *analyticsService;
// Will match any object that conforms to <AnalyticsService> protocol
@property (...) id<AnalyticsService> *analyticsService;
Inject from outside the class
// Create the box
APServiceBox *box = [APServiceBox defaultBox];
// Register some services in it, here a fictive AnalyticsService object
[box registerDependency:analyticsService as:@"analyticsService"];
// Use the box to inject dependencies into object's properties
// The dependencies will be injected based on names and classes/protocols
[box fill:myViewController];
// For example, if myViewController has a property defined as follow:
@property (...) AnalyticsService *analyticsService;
// then the analyticsService from above will be injected.
Inject the box itself
If you need to inject the box itself into one of the objects (typically a UIViewController that will create other UIViewControllers), you can simply add a @property of type APServiceBox and named "serviceBox".
@property (strong, nonatomic) APServiceBox *serviceBox;
Cross-dependency injection
When you call fill:
for the first time, APServiceBox will scan and fill each of the registered dependencies. This allows the following scenario:
@interface StorageManager
@interface PreferenceManager
@property (strong, nonatomic) StorageManager *storageManager;
APServiceBox *box = [[APServiceBox alloc] init];
[box registerDependency:preferenceManager as:@"preferenceManager"];
[box registerDependency:storageManager as:@"storageManager"];
// And if you invoke...
[box fill:myObject];
// ...then the following is true:
preferenceManager.storageManager == storageManager;
Need more?
If you need more insights on how this works, have a look at the test file: it's short and clear! Or contact me ;)
Name's Antoine.
- You can reach me by mail: [email protected]
- Or via twitter: @aspyct
- Or drop a ticket on the issue tracker here.
- Visit my website, aspyct.org
Feel free to use this for commercial works, and I'd be glad to hear from you, or why not see my name in a "thanks" section :)
This code is available under the MIT license.
Hope you like this little utility. Have fun!