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redcap get next instance

Jonathan Chan edited this page May 11, 2018 · 4 revisions

redcap-get-next-instance gets the smallest next instance index larger than any existing instance index in the records of the given record names and form names.

Parameter Description
host Server hostname
token Authentication token (project and user specific!)
record Record name (string) or list of record names (list of strings)
form Record name (string) or list of form names (list of strings)


Example 1: redcap-get-next-instance called on a project with at least two studies and three forms, where there are at least three instances in study 2, form 3.

> (define redcap:token "54CC....CC10")
> (define redcap:hostname "")
> (redcap-get-next-instance redcap:hostname redcap:token '("2") '("3"))
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