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Index of Module scheduler

Matthias Görges edited this page Mar 16, 2015 · 10 revisions

Module: scheduler

The scheduler module provides a task scheduler. It's purpose is to manage and run plugins.

Functions in this module:

Function Short Description
(instance-setvar! store instance name val) Set variable in an instance plugin
(instance-refvar store instance name . fback) Returns a set variable from a plugin
(make-instance store instance plugin . config) Make an instance of a loaded plugin
(instance-delete store instance) Deletes the specified instance (and runs its end hook). Won't work while a case is running
(plugin-register name start casestart run caseend end ptype) Register a plugin so applications can make instances of it
(scheduler-startcase store name) Marks the beginning of a patient case
(scheduler-endcase store) Marks the end of a patient case
(scheduler-init . timefunc) Runtime initialization of all instances
(scheduler-initialized?) Check if scheduler is already initialized
(scheduler-iterate . guiwaveproc) Runtime iteration on all instances
(scheduler-cleanup) Runtime cleanup on all instances
(log-rollcase store) Rolls logfiles at start of cases to get a separate log for each case
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