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Jonathan Chan edited this page Aug 17, 2018 · 7 revisions

redcap-export-file exports a file from a REDCap project.

Note: The response is either a string, in case errors are encountered, or a list with the header in the first field and the u8vector data in the second field. The filename can be retrieved from the header using (redcap-get-filename).

Parameter Description
host Server hostname
token Authentication token (project and user specific!)
record Primary id of record
field Field variable name for which the file to be downloaded
xargs Optional parameters; see below

Optional parameters must come in pairs of 'symbol "string".

Optional Parameter Description
'event "[event]" Downloads from the record with the given event in longitudinal projects.
'repeat "[repeat]" Downloads from the record with the given instance number in projects with repeatable events.


Example 1: Export a file from a project, filed under the field file2, which exists in study 1 but not study 4.

> (define redcap:token "54CC....CC10")
> (define redcap:hostname "")
> (let ((fileout (redcap-export-file redcap:hostname redcap:token "4" "file2")))
    (if (string? fileout) (display fileout))
    (if (list? fileout) (display (u8vector->string (cadr fileout)))))
There is no file to download for this record
> (let ((fileout (redcap-export-file redcap:hostname redcap:token "1" "file2")))
    (if (string? fileout) (display fileout))
    (if (list? fileout) (display (u8vector->string (cadr fileout)))))
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