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Making Contributions

Peter Lewis edited this page Aug 15, 2020 · 2 revisions

We welcome suggestions and improvements for issues, maintainability/compatibility, and new features! There are two main ways to contribute to LambdaNative: Opening an Issue and Opening a Pull Request.


You can use the Issues tab to ask questions, request features, and report bugs. Please be as detailed as possible in describing your issue, and include what platform you are developing on and targeting. If applicable, include code snippets. You can add code by putting text between tick marks, as so: ` code goes here `. This will appear as: code goes here. For a code block, put the entire block between three ticks at the start (```) and three at the end (```).

For longer sections of code or logfiles, please use Gist, which is a simple and easy way to share files or snippets.

Pull Requests

If you are able to work on an issue yourself, or have implemented a new feature you'd like to share, please open a pull request. Pull requests are easy to make, help improve the community, and give your code a chance to shine! LambdaNative uses the "fork and pull" model of collaborative development - please see About Collaborative Development Models. There are four key steps in making a pull request:

1. Fork the project. Click the "Fork" button in the upper right corner of LambdaNative on GitHub to fork the project. If you are new to git, please see this guide for information about getting started. You will need to fork the lambdanative repo, clone your fork, and add a remote pointing to the original repo.

2. Make and commit your changes. Make your changes, and use git add [file] to add any of the modified files to the commit (git status helps identify modified files) and then git commit -m '[message]' to commit. [message] should be a brief description of the changes made. You will have an opportunity to provide a complete description later.

3. Push the changes. Use git push origin [branchname] to upload your branch to our repo. If you're working on a branch, specify the branch name, otherwise use 'master'.

4. Open the pull request. GitHub may automatically prompt you to create a pull request. If it doesn't, go to Pull requests and click "New pull request". It will ask you to select a fork - select the fork you've been recently working on. It will ask for a comment, and here you should provide a full description of your changes. This starts a discussion with the core group about whether and how the changes should be made. This provides other contributors a chance to collaborate on the request. In some cases, the request may be deemed unsafe or unnecessary and abandoned. When the changes are complete, they can be submitted for review by an admin - the change will then either be merged into the master branch, or sent back to the editing phase.

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