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Index of Module ln_glcore

Peter Lewis edited this page Aug 18, 2020 · 28 revisions

Module: ln_glcore

The module ln_glcore provides the an absolutely minimal OpenGL (ES) interface for rendering gui elements. This module is REQUIRED for any application with a GUI.

Note: Unless you are developing new widgets with special features, you will never need to modify or even look at this code. The only exceptions are gltrace related functions, which are used in combination when a glgui-trace widget is setup and updated.

Functions in this module:

Function Short Description
(make-gltrace w h mode vmin vmax vlo vhi) Make a graphical data trace
(gltrace-add t val) Add a new data point to a trace
(gltrace-draw t x y w h) Deprecated Draws a trace on a gui, use glgui-draw widget instead
(gltrace-rescale t vmin vmax) Update the scaling of a gltrace
(gltrace-update t) Update a trace
(glOrtho left right bottom top near far) Transformation that produces a parallel projection
(glColor4f r g b a) Sets a new floating point four-valued RGBA color
(glTranslatef x y z) Produces a translation by xyz
(glScalef x y z) Produces a nonuniform scaling along xyz axes
(glRotatef a x y z) Produces a rotation of angle degrees around xyz
(glVertexPointer size type stride pointer) Define an array of vertex data
(glColorPointer size type stride pointer) Define an array of colors
(glTexCoordPointer size type stride pointer) Define an array of texture coordinates
(glGenTextures n textures) Generates texture names
(glDeleteTextures n textures) Delete named textures
(glTexImage2D target level internalFormat width height border format type data) Specify a two-dimensional texture image
(glTexSubImage2D target level internalFormat width height border format type data) Specify a two-dimensional texture subimage
(glLineWidth width) Specify the width of rasterized lines
(glDepthMask flag) Enables writing into the depth buffer (for 3D use)
(glCullFace mode) Determines which facets can be culled (for 3D use)
(glFrustum left right bottom top nearVal farVal) Multiplies the current matrix by a perspective matrix (for 3D use)
(glLoadIdentity) Replace the current matrix with the identity matrix
(glClear mask) Clear buffers to preset values
(glClearColor r g b a) Specify clear values for the color buffers
(glMatrixMode mode) Specify which matrix is the current matrix
(glPushMatrix) Push the current matrix stack
(glPopMatrix) Pop the current matrix stack
(glEnable cap) Enable server-side GL capabilities
(glDisable cap) Disable server-side GL capabilities
(glIsEnabled cap) Check if server-side GL capability is enabled
(glGetError) Get next available GL Error
(glBlendFunc sfactor dfactor) Specify pixel arithmetic
(glEnableClientState cap) Enable client-side capability
(glDisableClientState cap) Disable client-side capability
(glDrawArrays mode first count) Render primitives from array data
(glBindTexture target texture) Bind a named texture to a texturing target
(glTexParameteri target pname param) Set texture parameters
(glCoreInit) OpenGL initialization. Happens automatically in ln_glgui
(glCoreColor c) Set a texture color
(glCore-registerhook h) Registers a custom OpenGL hook to be rendered (for 3D use)
(glCoreBegin type) Simulates an OpenGL begin call
(glCoreEnd) Simulates an OpenGL end call
(glCoreVertex2f x0 y0 . xtra) Simulate OpenGL vertex call
(glCoreVertex3f x0 y0 z0 . xtra) Simulate OpenGL 3D vertex call
(glCoreTextureCreate w h data . aux) Creates a texture
(glCoreTextureWidth t) Returns the texture width
(glCoreTextureHeight t) Returns the texture height
(glCoreTextureData t) Returns texture data
(glCoreClipPush . coords) Manages a clip stack to crop textures
(glCoreTextureDraw x y w0 h0 t x1 y1 x2 y2 r . colors) Draws a rectangular texture with support for basic clipping
(glCoreTexturePolygonDraw _cx _cy points t _r) Draws a polygon shaped texture made of triangles
(glCoreTextureUpdate t) Updates texture data (for dynamic textures)
(_glCoreTextureBind t) Bind a texture
(_glCoreTextureInit t) Initialize a texture
(_glCoreTextureReset t) Reset/clears a texture entry
(glCoreTextureReset) Clear all textures
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