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gegerlan edited this page Sep 15, 2012 · 6 revisions

If you want to try Git, you should start by downloading msysgit. Github has a tutorial for these first steps. You don't have to do the last step of generating an SSH key if you use the repository's https address.

After you've installed msysgit...

  1. Open Git GUI (found in the programs menu)
  2. Select Clone Existing Repository
  3. Enter into the Source Location field.
  4. Press OK

After the game has been downloaded...

  1. Select the menu item Edit > Options...
  2. Provide your Github username in User Name, and the email address you provided when you signed up to Github in the Email Address field.
  3. Press Save.

When you have content you wish to commit...

  1. Open Git GUI
  2. Select the Adventures of Garnet folder from the list, or select the folder from Open Existing Repository.
  3. Hit rescan. If no files are listed as changed, run Export.bat found in the Utility folder.
  4. Select the files you wish to commit from the Unstaged Changes panel (hold down shift to select a range, CTRL for selecting multiple individual files).
  5. Select menu item Commit > Stage To Commit (CTRL+T) to move the files into the Stage Changes (Will Commit) panel.
  6. If you accidentally added a file you don't want to commit, select it in the Stage Changes (Will Commit) panel, and select Commit > Unstage From Commit (CTRL+U).
  7. Write the commit message, i.e. detail what you've done. The first row is the "header", and should be a short description of the change. Second line should be empty. Third line and onward are for detailed descriptions and comments you wish to add.
  8. Press Commit to save the changes locally.
  9. Press Push to upload the commits you have locally.
If you get the error message ´403, can't access...´ you're trying to push to a repository you don't have access to. Contact the owner of the repository and ask them to give you write access, or change the [[git remote]] so you push to your own.

To update the local content you do a pull. This is done in the Git GUI by...

  1. Select menu item Remote > Fetch from > origin
  2. Select menu item Merge > Local Merge...
  3. Select Tracking Branch and origin/master. If the branch can't be found, you're already up-to-date.
  4. Press Merge.

If your working branch differs from the upstream one (from having a different history), you can solve this by following the suggestions here.

If you're not afraid to use Git Bash (command line) there are a number of tutorials available on the Github's help section. There's also a number of front-ends available, like tortoiseGit and smartGit, but they still require you to install msysgit first.

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