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Roadmap Meeting May 12th 2017 11:30 am AST

kstapelfeldt edited this page May 12, 2017 · 12 revisions
  • Chair: Nick Ruest
  • Notes: Kirsta Stapelfeldt

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Kirsta Stapelfeldt, Rosie Le Faive, Melissa Anez, Mark Jordan, Danny Lamb, Diego Pino, Gail Lewis, Gavin Morris, Jordan Fields, Will Panting, Nick Ruest, Jonathan Green


Old Business

  • Previous meeting notes - no issues raised
  • Proposed Islandora Labs Workflow
    • Results: Vote has passed. New Islandora Labs workflow should be in place soon, and will open things up quickly. Danny to draft an announcement. There will be delayed timeline so that folks in Labs can adapt to new workflow.
  • LAC's OAI-PMH requirements - Mark Jordan - Contact has been made with LAC. ETDMS OAI is required and they require ORE document. Mark sent example on list a couple of weeks ago. Looks straight-forward. Looking for confirmation from tech team, and then development can be started as soon as we hear final confirmation of what is required. A simple task that we can hopefully band together and complete by end summer.
  • CoC for Islandoracon - Melissa circulated new form and description for CoC procedure at IslandoraCon. There have been no objections raised and we will use process for IslandoraCon. There is a new anonymous reporting form. Recognition that this stands outside of the current CoC, but that it is common practice among conferences.

New Business

Gail Lewis joins the group from Florida Virtual Campus. Welcome Gail!

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa) - has not met.
  • Dev Ops (Gavin) - Met and is excited for IslandoraCon
  • Metadata IG (Jennifer) - not here.
  • IR interest group (Bryan) - not here.
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie) - Procedural discussion in last meeting (how to report and discuss things)


Danny: Wrapping up basic image functionality in preparation for IslandoraCon which is good. There are a lot of things on the go that are still pending. API-X integration: Mostly works, but we can't make PR requests and merge them yet because there is no API-X release yet (will happen soon. Next week probably.) Finishing touches.

Open ticket re: CLAW- links from Nick:

On his sabbatical, Nick will be working with several grants and projects relating to library's ability to web archive, and infrastructure to do so. (Nick, please enrich this if you like. I know that I've missed details.) Nick reports his pleasure that the time has been put in to do this right.

Islandora Camps

  • Islandoracon - Melissa reports 104 registrations for IslandoraCon, which is 24 more people than attended the first time. Last few pieces are getting in a row. Planning committee is meeting. <10 single day registrations and 1 student. Mark and Melissa suggest that targeting students more directly may be beneficial in future IslandoraCon meetings. We have a good variety of attendees, though not many oversees attendants. Not just Ontario folks coming, but about a third are Ontario people. York probably has the largest number of people attending (9 people). List was circulated. Official thank you to planning committee, particularly Gabriela who has done a great deal of legwork as the local contact.

  • iCampEU - Coming along. Good numbers for this point, but hopes that registration will grow.

Round Table

  • Danny says he has been spending a fair amount of time with the Fedora API specification effort, which is moving forward.
  • Melissa gave a presentation at CANARIE workshop CWRC and UPEI were both there. Some interest in what can be done in Islandora for storing and sharing results. Mark Leggott sends his regards. After IslandoraCon, Melissa will be presenting at APLA and Danny will be presenting as well. An hour long session on Islandora.
  • Diego making changes at Metro that will result in a few new repositories. IA changes will be moving to IIIF. Diego will be offering some free Code4Lib NY Islandora sessions to spread the word about Islandora.
  • Nick - making a big visualization of CLAW development for last two years for next week's conference.
  • Mark - working on a new module since February that lets you mint DOIs for Islandora objects: - you need a prefix, but it's built so that you can write a submodule to plug in any registration agency you want.
  • Jonathan - Follow up with what Diego was saying - Jonathan and Nigel did some work and submitted a pull request to Open Sea Dragon providing integration with Cantaloupe & IIIF. In addition to the work completed by Diego, this means we may be able to use a IIIF server soon.

Next meeting: May 26

  • Chair: Kirsta Stapelfeldt
  • Notes: Jennifer Eustis

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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