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Roadmap Meeting November 8, 2013 9am AST

manez edited this page Nov 8, 2013 · 11 revisions
  • Attending: Melissa Anez, Paul Pound, Nick Ruest, Kirsta Stapelfeldt, Donald Moses, Mark Leggott

  • Apologies: Greg Colati, Jonathan Green

Old business

Update on call for volunteers: - Further steps with Hydra?

Hydra guys will review and comment, but it hasn't happened just yet. We will table this for next meeting.

Islandora Camp updates

Berkeley has confirmed they want to host and have appropriate facilities. Camp will be Wed - Fri, January 15 - 17. Nina Lucido at Berkeley is our point person and is gathering more info on accommodations. Registration will open today. Camp Staff to be confirmed. Melissa will attend, plus three additional.

New York is sold out and turning a small profit for the Foundation. Last planning meeting will be next Tuesday. Attendees are mostly from the eastern US. No Canadians institutions, one from Europe. 40 attendees, 35 paying, 5 comped.

Review on CLA and Software Acceptance Procedure - minor changes

Reviewed the changes. Removed field on CLA that we will not use, made minor sentence structure changes to SAP. @TODO: put together corporate CLA for next meeting. @TODO: turn CLA into PDF for Nick to sign as our first CLA signatory @TODO: After signing the CLA, Nick will follow the SAP and offer the WARC or Checksum as the first piece to go through the process.

Reviewed existing suggestions, not much to add at this point. We will continue to built out this list as we think of things.

@TODO take suggestions from draft page and put into a formal page on the site with annotations.

New Business

  • Review Islandora Committers in GitHub

Community Concern (Michael Kutscher [email protected]) re: JWPlayer

But actually we worry about the audio-/video solution pack! Martin Henneka checked the traffic outcome and noticed that jwplayer connects to and On the player downloads a javascript and a picture. The downloaded code contains the call to By accessing the player transfers the whole url to the selected audio-/video-file and some ‘encrypted data’ to the website. This seems to be an external usertracking! Due to german privacy-laws user-tracking like this is not allowed for us. Additionally this mechanism allows the player to do even more – potentially nasty - things in the future! I had a discussion with Daniel Jettka from Hamburg about that. It was a new information for him.

Do you already know about this behaviour of jwplayer and what do you think about that?

Donald explained the background for this issue, which is a concern to EU users. No suggestion for a solution from the user side.

Need to look at the code to see if this is something we can configure. It would be custom work to change this behaviour, but would it be more or less work than developing and alternative?

We could document the behaviour of JWPlayer and give an optional alternative player. Nick has been doing work with VideoJS player (os HTML5 player) which could serve as a replacement - but it still has some licensing complications. It can support Flash, which is handy for a fallback with older browsers.

Hamilton has been doing some work with Popcorn Player - perhaps relevant to this issue?

@TODO: UPEI will check JWPlayer behaviour to see how challenging it may be to fix the immediate problem @TODO: Nick will work on VideoJS with aid from others to add options

UPEI Code updates

* port of islandora_xmlsitemap to D7

Paul has ported the Sitemap module to work in D7. It's ready for review by a third party to check it over.

Mark wondered how these pieces fit into the SAP and CLA process that we have just defined. Paul thinks since they are completely new functional modules they should go through the process. With Camp coming this may get delayed a little. Nick will test out the code on the Free Dale Askey site.

* addition of Refworks import for Scholar D7

Meeting time

Since the 9:00 -10:30 AST meeting time always cuts off dgi members, we will move to a permanent Friday 2pm AST meeting time, starting in two weeks.

Who is "Islandora"?

Nick raised the question of who is the canonical owner of the Islandora github org. The Islandora Foundation is now the "owner" of the github org and code, managing on behalf of the community. Next hire for the IF may be a developer role who can serve as Release Manager on a more permanent basis.

There's a need to clarify the Foundation role for the community.

@TODO: Mark & Melissa will get a blog entry out describing the philosophy and function of the foundation.

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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