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Roadmap Meeting April 22 2014 3pm AST

Paul Pound edited this page Apr 22, 2014 · 5 revisions
  • Chair: Melissa Anez
  • Note taking: Paul Pound

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Kirsta, Peter, Paul, Nick, Gabriela, David, Nigel, Donald, Samantha Fritz
  • Apologies: Greg, Mark

Old Business

Islandora 7.x-1.3 release updates (Nick & Melissa)

Report on progress

  • Islandora interest groups proposal Islandora Interest Groups Proposal (Donald)

  • Preservation Interest Group (Donald)

    • Lots of interest - Nick, Mark J and Donald started the group
    • Initial emails have been sent to the list announcing the group.
    • will create a github repo in the Islandora organization
    • Nick will create the github repo and add members (after the release is done). Nick will come up with a name and we will use that as pattern going forward
  • Documentation Interest Group (Kirsta and Gabriela)

    • Kirsta will send messages to the lists.
  • David Wilcox working on a Fedora 4 interest group will send a message to the list

  • Islandora/Fedora 4 Alpha Project

    • Review draft document
      • David and Melissa will sync the release of the Fedora 4 interest group message and the release of Fedora 4 alpha document.
  • COUNTER Code of Practice for Articles

  • Chairs will have to create the agenda going forward.

  • Crowdfunding possibilities - modules and tools to develop? (Mark, Kirsta, Melissa) * Use to develop some things that may not otherwise get developed. If a few institutions wanted something they could each contribute funds. * identify small pieces then organize around that. Need timelines and funding must be met before anyone has to commit.
    * Linked open data if it can be scoped out it would be an interesting starting point.
    * Kirsta will create a google doc where we can add ideas we will review the document next meeting.

New Business

Melissa will update the islandora resources page with a list of the latest modules

Nigel mentioned is being developed

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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