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Coordinating Meeting January 19th 2018 11:30 am AST

William Panting edited this page Jan 19, 2018 · 5 revisions
  • Chair: Mark Jordan
  • Notes: Gavin Morris/Derek Merleaux

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:


Old Business

New Business

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa)
  • Dev Ops (Gavin)
  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)


Islandora Camps

Round Table

Next meeting January 19th

  • Chair: Gavin Morris/Derek Merleaux
  • Notes: Bryan Brown


  • Attending: Bryan. B., David KC, David W. , Anna, St.O, Jordan F, Daniel L, Mark B, Will P., Mark J, Rosie L., Johnathan G, Kim P.

Old Business

  • [
  • Mark J. asked Board to vote on Org Chart. Voting to be finished early next week. Looks like majority is voting to approve.

New Business

  • None

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa)

    • NTR
  • Dev Ops (Gavin)

    • Cancelled last meeting due to a conflict
  • Metadata IG (Rosie)

    • Met on Jan. 8
    • Discussion with BIBFRAME
      • new way to do MarkRecords with RDF
      • Examples so far are with "ported" MarkRecords and so trying to parse out what BIBFRAME really is.
      • Working with CLAW in order to figure out how to interface with Islandora and migrate schemas
      • Anna mentioned: There's going to be a a presentation at OLA by UofA on BIBFRAME
  • IR interest group (Bryan)

    • Didn't meet in January yet (Next Thursday)
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)

    • Didn't meet in January yet


  • See Danny's round table
  • Good activity on splitting out all Ansible roles in CLAW playbooks
    • CentOS progress thru to OpenSeadragon

Islandora Camps

  • Early Bird registration for Europe Camp opened
  • Danny has information to be posted on shortly re:
    • Accommodations
    • Europe Camp track facilitators intros

Round Table

  • Anna: NTR Candian Association of Research Libraries Event URL?

  • Danny: Drupal 8 Grumbles and how it handles files.

  • David W:

  • Will P: NTR

  • Jordan: Presenting here ALA mid-winter on Friday

  • Gavin: Working on ISLE and wrestling with software

  • Rosie: CBU work on multisite CAIRN server

  • Mark B: NTR

  • David KC: ISLE Updates

    • Currently in Second Institutional Alpha Test (Williams College)
    • Third Institutional Alpha Test (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) begins last week of January
    • First Community Institutional Alpha Test (Barnard College) is completing
    • Second Community Institutional Alpha Test (University of Pittsburgh) will begin soon
    • Code4Lib 3-hour workshop: "ISLE: Islandora Installation Simplified
    • ISLE Hack/Doc @ METRO
      • March 12-13, 2018
    • ICG consortium working group is drafting
      • "Liberal Arts Sprint: IR Features Roadmap"
  • Jonathan: NTR

  • Bryan: Last week went to AWS training.

    • Learned about deployments with Cloudformation (Ansible like tool).
    • Working on scripts for deployments to VPC. Like Islandora in a box but for FSU
    • Will work on features that have overlap with IR etc.
  • Kim P: Agile sprint testing on Islandora Oral Histories module for end of February

    • Feb 23 Lunch and Learn Live stream with CLAW
      • Details and links to be posted shortly
    • Sessions submitted to OR: Early notes from early adopters notes on CLAW
  • Mark J: 5 other sessions / proposals that were submitted to OR

    1. No project is an island: Melissa prepared to be given by Mark J
    2. Islandora CLAW tech review: Johnathan G. to present
    3. Repository Rodeo panel with Mark J. as organized by David W
    4. Islandora outside the box : Johnathan G. to present
    • panel presentation of different use cases outside of core
    • 6 people on panel (Bryan B, Kim P, Mark J, Johnathan G on different facets of Islandora
    1. Enabling computations at scale from Hannah Frost at Stamford
    • Mark J. to represent Islandora Community
    • Q: HF is interested in knowing if any islandora implementers are giving out raw data for download?
    • Q: How do Institutions package up its collections for download by researchers

Next meeting Feb. 2nd

  • Chair: Gavin Morris
  • Notes: Bryan Brown

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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