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Releases: typescript-eslint/tslint-to-eslint-config

v1.2.0: CLI Fixes; tslint-react Recognition

09 Aug 17:47
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This release introduces recognition for mapping between an original configuration's use of tslint-react to the new eslint-plugin-react, as well as a few new rule converters. Exciting! It also comes with a fix for CLI parsing that was introduced by a breaking change in a dependency.

  • #654: Add jsx-no-bind rule
  • #656: Recognize tslint-react as an extended ruleset
  • #658: Adding the rule converter for jsx-wrap-multiline
  • #669: fix: Convert options for no-inferrable-types
  • #672: Used commander's .opts() to parse raw argv

Thanks as always to our contributors!

  • bhavinkotak07
  • KingDarBoja
  • rami6
  • sakshi-gupta95
  • yasarsid
  • yasarsid

v1.1.0: React Progress

29 Jul 01:53
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This release marks the first minor version since the 1.0 stable release. It comes with a group of converters for the community React rules, and a few assorted bugfixes.

  • improve type safety with regards to config files #601
  • Added jsx-boolean-value converter #615
  • refactor: ban-ts-ignore converter to ban-ts-comment #616
  • fix: converters now uses naming-convention #617
  • Added jsx-curly-spacing converter #636
  • Added jsx-equals-spacing converter #637
  • Added jsx-key converter #638
  • Quote wildcards for shell command #644
  • fix: do not convert next-line to line for comments #648
  • Ignore all unknown editor settings in conversion #650

Many thanks to all our contributors!

v1.0.0: Stable Release!

29 Jul 01:45
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Hooray! 🎉

This release marks the stable 1.0 version of tslint-to-eslint-config. After a long waiting period of beta versions, this contains just the one bug fix to bring the library to stability:

  • #586: Fixed crash when ESLint rule has multiple rule arguments

v1.0.0-beta2: Case Sensitivity and "Completed" Angular

11 May 04:39
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Thanks to an issue with case sensitivity in the 1.0.0-beta1 release, we're releasing this new beta quickly.

It also includes converters for the remaining Codelyzer TSLint rules that have angular-eslint ESLint equivalents. See the Angular Support project for the list of rules that are blocked or completed.

This release contains commits from the repository maintainers: @JoshuaKGoldberg and @KingDarBoja.

v1.0.0-beta1: Cleaner Outputs; Starting on Angular

09 May 23:15
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This one's another big release! Thanks to users of the first 1.0 beta, there were enough important issues discovered that a second 1.0 beta seems appropriate.

In addition to bugfixes and slight improvements to the CLI and configuration file outputs, this release marks the start of our dedicated push for Angular ("Codelyzr") rule migrations. About a quarter of the known existing rules have been converted. Expect more in subsequent 1.X versions!

Many thanks to all our contributors:

  • KingDarBoja
  • nschonni
  • rwaskiewicz

Additionally, I'm personally thrilled to welcome @KingDarBoja as a new repository maintainer to help push the repository forward! 💪 @KingDarBoja has contributed to practically every released version for the last few months and recently cranked out a great deal of Angular rule converters. I'm excited to see what we'll accomplish post-1.0.

The full list of relevant changes in this version is:

  • #422: Add no-unused-variable converter
  • #432: Add codelyzer component-class-suffix converter
  • #441: fix: Missing domain in error messages
  • #443: Allowed --comments not to be provided
  • #444: Corrected Prettier plugin inclusion in config files
  • #446: Stopped logging package notice when none are missing
  • #448: Don't output ESLint rules that match extended configurations
  • #450: Prefer @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expression
  • #451: Add codelyzer component-max-inline-declarations converter
  • #452: Add codelyzer component-selector converter
  • #454: Prefer @typescript-eslint/dot-notation to native ESLint version
  • #456: Add codelyzer contextual-lifecycle converter
  • #457: Add codelyzer directive-class-suffix converter
  • #458: Add codelyzer directive-selector converter
  • #459: Add codelyzer no-attribute-decorator converter
  • #460: Add codelyzer use-pipe-decorator converter
  • #529: Add codelyzer no-forward-ref converter
  • #530: Add codelyzer no-host-metadata-property converter
  • #531: Add codelyzer no-input-prefix converter
  • #532: Add codelyzer no-input-rename converter
  • #533: Add codelyzer no-inputs-metadata-property converter
  • #536: Corrected --comment/--comments spelling
  • #538: Add codelyzer no-conflicting-lifecycle converter
  • #539: Stopped writing empty root members in output configurations

v1.0.0-beta: Experimental --comments support

27 Apr 14:50
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This one's a big one! Thanks to a PR from @KingDarBoja, a new --comment flag is now experimentally available to convert TSLint inline rule flags:

// tslint:disable-next-line no-floating-promises their ESLint equivalents:

// eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises
  • #246: [Experimental Feature] Opt in flag convert disable comments

v0.7.1: Cleaner Package Outputs

27 Apr 03:50
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This patch release, hot off the press from 0.7.0, comes with a new rule converter and more intelligent package install commands. Previous versions would suggest installing all new packages related to ESLint and/or typescript-eslint. This release will only suggest packages that don't exist in your package.json.

The full list of released PRs is:

  • Add one-line rule converter #413
  • Removed already-installed packages from install command #424

Thanks as usual to this release's dedicated external contributor, @KingDarBoja!

Screenshot of the new trim CLI output

v0.7.0: CLI Improvements and --prettier

26 Apr 22:19
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This v0.7.0 brings us much closer to completing the 1.0 milestone. It's got a few converter and merger fixes along with a hefty dose of CLI output improvements. The CLI output is now more consistent from area-to-area and keeps detailed log output to the generated ./tslint-to-eslint-config.log. It'll also be more aggressive in asking to install packages if it fails to read from existing configuration files due to a package not being installed.

Additionally, a new --prettier flag will now indicate to include eslint-config-prettier in generated rulesets. It's enabled by default if no formatting rules already exist; otherwise, the CLI will strongly recommend using it.

Screenshot of the new CLI output, including --prettier

The full list of changes is:

  • #368: Support a converter for no-reference-import rule
  • #385: Add merger for @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions
  • #386: Adjusted comment-format's check-space output for markers
  • #405: Used package install command for list of required ESLint-related packages
  • #408: Standardized outputs: CLI summaries, log details
  • #409: Added tslint-eslint-plugin package as necessary to install commands
  • #412: Added recommended --prettier flag to include eslint-config-prettier
  • #418: Corrected 'tslint-eslint-plugin' to be 'eslint-plugin-tslint'
  • #419: Intentionally fail fast on module lookup failures
  • #420: Added basic @typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference merger

Thanks as always to our great contributors!

v0.6.0: FAQ Links

31 Mar 01:33
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This new minor version release adds an FAQ notice explaining the generated ESLint file, which starts this project's journey towards better documenting best practices for generated configurations. Hooray!

In total, it contains:

  • #238: [Feature] Add jsdoc-format converter
  • #337: Add no-boolean-literal-compare converter
  • #347: Fix arrow-parens converter
  • #348: Added usage and base configuration FAQs
  • #351: chore: set minimum node version to 10
  • #353: Respect the original TSLint configuration of ban-types

Many thanks to our community contributors!

v0.5.2: Happy Valentine's Day!

15 Feb 03:45
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This release celebrates our collective love of linting JavaScript & TypeScript code! 💖

  • #323: Change notice behavior for trailing-comma esSpecCompliant
  • #326: Set strict Node engine requirement on package
  • #332: Fix space-within-parens with option 0
  • #336: Fixed member-access converter for option length 1

Great appreciation and love to this version's contributors: