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Releases: typescript-eslint/tslint-to-eslint-config

v2.4.0: Angular Rules Fixups

16 May 18:09
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This minor release includes a few rule touchups in preparation for Angular v12.

  • #1050: feat: changes to some angular-eslint rules for v12

Thanks @JamesHenry for sending in the PR!

v2.3.0: An Angular Notice

18 Apr 14:06
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This release contains an assortment of new rules or fixes for rule ports from codelyzer to angular-eslint, as well as a more explicit notice in our to use the native angular-eslint tooling for setting up typescript-eslint on Angular projects. (tip: do that!)

We also have a new rule ported from tslint-microsoft-contrib and a bugfix for no-param-reassign's converter.


  • #988: Fix codelyzer template-accessibility-label-for converter
  • #986: Add codelyzer contextual-decorator converter
  • #987: Add codelyzer template-i18n converter
  • #959: Added angular-eslint notice to
  • #1008: Added mocha-avoid-only converter
  • #1016: Fixed no-param-reassign converter to not have prefix

Cheers to the co-maintainers who worked on these changes: @KingDarBoja and @JoshuaKGoldberg!

v2.2.0: Much More Angular

01 Mar 04:10
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It's almost springtime! To celebrate, we've added a rule merger for jsx-no-bind and set of Angular-specific rules that were added to angular-eslint since our first big Angular push.

  • Add missing jsx-no-bind rule merger #933
  • Add codelyzer template-accessibility-alt-text converter #968
  • Add codelyzer template-accessibility-elements-content converter #969
  • Add codelyzer template-click-events-have-key-events converter #970
  • Add codelyzer template-accessibility-valid-aria converter #971
  • Add codelyzer template-accessibility-table-scope converter #972
  • Add codelyzer template-accessibility-label-for converter #973
  • Add codelyzer template-mouse-events-have-key-events converter #974
  • Add codelyzer template-no-distracting-elements converter #975
  • Add codelyzer template-conditional-complexity converter #976
  • Add codelyzer template-no-any converter #977
  • Add codelyzer template-use-track-by-function converter #978

Many thanks to @highvolt-dev for all the Angular rules, as well as @KingDarBoja for co-maintaining and adding the rule merger!

v2.1.0: JSX errata; removed use-pipe-decorator

11 Jan 01:50
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Happy belated holidays and new year, everyone! This release contains a few additional jsx rule converters, as well as a bugfix for no-shadow conversion and a removal of now-unnecessary @angular-eslint/use-pipe-decorator rule from conversion.

  • Used typescript-eslint's no-shadow in conversion #860
  • Added jsx-space-before-trailing-slash converter #861
  • Added converter for jsx-self-close rule #862
  • Added converter for jsx-no-lambda #863
  • Added converter for jsx-ban-props #864
  • refactor: remove use-pipe-decorator converter #924

Many thanks to @rafaelss95, the community contributor behind #924!

v2.0.1: Pins and Missing File Reporting

24 Nov 10:55
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This release has but a few small changes for edge cases and dependency bumps. The dependency bumps include a version of cson-parser with a pinned version of the coffeescript dependency (see #839). Many thanks to co-maintainer-extraordinaire @KingDarBoja for working with our friends coming from Angular land to identify and push on the cson-parser versioning issues!

Otherwise, this just contains two behavior improvements:

  • #827: Added explicit error for a missing TSLint configuration file
  • #837: Added explicit error for TSLint not being found

v2.0.0: Stable Node APIs

15 Nov 18:17
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Version 2.0! Hooray! 🎊

This release marks the stabilization of the package's Node API, as introduced in the v2.0.0-beta* releases. We're already seeing great usage of the APIs in the angular-eslint schematic.

This stable release adds a comment conversion API alongside the configuration file API released in the betas, as well as a couple missing RxJS rule converters::

  • #809: rxjs-no-implicit-any-catch
  • #798: rxjs-no-unsafe-takeuntil and fix in rxjs-no-async-subscribe
  • #821: Added convertFileComments API

Thanks to this release's community contributor @criskrzysiu!

v2.0.0-beta3: Node API; RxJS; Editor Opt-in

08 Nov 18:38
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Yes, that's right, beta three. After three testing betas from the Node API branch in #732, we're releasing a v2 beta under the stable tag on npm to let people try it out. This will most likely be the same set of features and API changes as the full 2.0 release, but just in case, we're keeping it as a beta tag now.

This release contains a ton of goodness, much of which comes from the efforts of community contributor @criskrzysiu sending a ton of issues and subsequent PRs for rxjs rules. Much appreciated!

Two additional major changes are included:

  • Editor conversion is now opt-in, and can now also support Atom configs.
  • A Node API is available to run individual portions of the package's logic.

The full list of user-facing changes in this release are:

  • #728: Opt-in Atom editor conversion
  • #732: Added Node API
  • #755: Used JSON5 for config file parsing
  • #792: Added Codelyzer template-no-autofocus converter
  • #799: rxjs-no-unsafe-subject-next
  • #800: rxjs-no-unbound-methods
  • #801: rxjs-no-subject-value
  • #802: rxjs-no-subject-unsubscribe
  • #803: rxjs-no-sharereplay
  • #804: rxjs-no-redundant-notify
  • #805: rxjs-no-nested-subscribe
  • #806: rxjs-no-internal
  • #807: rxjs-no-index
  • #808: rxjs-no-ignored-takewhile-value
  • #810: rxjs-no-ignored-replay-buffer
  • #811: rxjs-no-ignored-notifier
  • #812: rxjs-no-create
  • #816: Exported lint rule types for Node APIs

Many thanks to all the code contributors for the PRs shipped in this release!

v1.5.0: Informed Comment Conversions

19 Sep 18:19
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Behold, at long last: an intelligent system for converting tslint:disable comments to their eslint-disable counterparts!

Prior to this release, tslint-to-eslint-config would directly convert rule names from comments without factoring in the project's TSLint configuration. This was fine in most cases but would occasionally result in a surprising rule name in the cases of TSLint rules that map to different ESLint rules based on their configuration.

As of this release, tslint-to-eslint-config will cache rule conversions from looking at a project's original TSLint configuration and use them to inform comment conversions when possible. This should cover the vast majority of the dynamic comment conversions for most users. Although it's possible that comments refer to rules not present in the original TSLint configuration, we expect this to be applicable for exceedingly few users.

This release also includes a bugfix for the indent rule converter when set to tabs.

  • #712: Factored config rule conversions into comment conversions
  • #720: Fix invalid indent rule when using tabs

Many thanks to this release's external contributor, @kuzivany!

v1.4.0: Plugin Inclusions and Comment Defaults

15 Sep 18:16
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This release most notably fixes a bug in generated configurations that prevented plugins such as eslint-plugin-import from being included in the configuration file. It also allows --comment globs to specify or reuse TypeScript files and adds a notice for incompatible arguments in the arrow-return-shorthandconverter.

  • #681: Add notice to arrow-return-shorthand converter
  • #706: Added missing output plugins to configuration file
  • #707: Defaulted --comment globs to --typescript settings
  • #713: Allowed passing a tsconfig.json to --comments

These issues were tackled by the repository's maintainers, @JoshuaKGoldberg and @KingDarBoja.

v1.3.0: Naming Conventions and Editor Settings Clarity

11 Aug 16:18
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Hot on the heels of 1.2.0 comes our new 1.3.0 release with two quality of life improvements:

  • #652: Added editor settings converter for tslint.configFile, with full settings access
  • #674: Add naming-convention merger

These should reduce the amount of logs output for most conversions. They were authored by the library's core maintainers: