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Disable Bag Use In Battle

sneed edited this page Jun 14, 2024 · 4 revisions

Disable Bag Use In Battle

Credit to ghoulslash.

Using a flag, we can prevent the player from using items in battle.

Define the flag.

In include/constants/flags.h, replace an unused flag with FLAG_DISABLE_BAG, eg.

#define FLAG_DISABLE_BAG 0x493

Toggle Bag Usage

Open src/battle_main.c. Search for the line, case B_ACTION_USE_ITEM: in the function static void HandleTurnActionSelectionState(void). Change the code directly underneath to:

if (FlagGet(FLAG_DISABLE_BAG) || gBattleTypeFlags & (BATTLE_TYPE_LINK
                                            | BATTLE_TYPE_FRONTIER_NO_PYRAMID
                                            | BATTLE_TYPE_EREADER_TRAINER
                                            | BATTLE_TYPE_RECORDED_LINK))
    // etc.

If FLAG_DISABLE_BAG is set, selecting BAG in battle will display the message Items can't be used now.

Reset after Whiteout

Open src/overworld.c and find the function Overworld_ResetStateAfterWhiteOut. Add the following alongside the other FlagClear functions:


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