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Changing the Battle Music Depending on the Opponent

smithk200 edited this page Nov 9, 2023 · 3 revisions

Goal: To make different trainers use different battle themes. This could be really useful for giving each Gym Leader or Elite Four member a different theme, or something.

For this tutorial, I'm going to replace Sidney of the Elite Four's battle with the Gym Leader theme. Note that the other Elite Four members will use the Elite Four battle theme.

Open src/pokemon.c.

Underneath the last #include, add #include "constants/opponents.h" on a new line. THIS IS IMPORTANT! DON'T FORGET TO ADD THIS OTHERWISE YOUR COMPILER WILL THROW AN ERROR!

Next, search for u16 GetBattleBGM(void).

In the switch (trainerClass) statement, add a statement like this:

+            if (gTrainerBattleOpponent_A == TRAINER_SIDNEY)
+                return MUS_VS_GYM_LEADER;
            return MUS_VS_ELITE_FOUR;

And that's it!

Copy and paste the code (optional)

Here's the statement so you can copy-and-paste it (I always found it annoying to delete the pluses when I wanted to copy-and-paste statements written in a diff format)

            if (gTrainerBattleOpponent_A == TRAINER_SIDNEY)
                return MUS_VS_GYM_LEADER;
            return MUS_VS_ELITE_FOUR;
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