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Marc-Andre Hermanns edited this page Dec 20, 2019 · 1 revision

Meeting 2019-12-19


  • Kathryn Mohror
  • Josh Cunningham
  • Bengisu Elis
  • Chris Chambreau
  • Marc-Andre Hermanns


MPI_INFO_ENV before init

  • Ticket passed a no no-vote in ABQ
  • One piece of the puzzle to allow MPI_Info objects before MPI initialization
  • Will be out for first vote in Portland


  • Ticket passed the reading in ABQ
  • The other piece of the puzzle to allow MPI_Info objects before MPI initiation
  • Will be out for first vote in Portland

MPI_T Events

  • Passed first vote in ABQ
  • Should receive update if MPI_Info is allowed before initialization
  • Need to prepare PR with suitable changes
    • Should be part of a no no-vote
      • Need to discuss process with Wesley and Martin

MPI_T binding objects

  • OSU reported an ambiguity with which objects can be given as an argument to a binding object argument
    • Providing MPI_COMM_WORLD as a binding object before MPI_Init caused a crash
    • It's currently erroneous to omit a binding object
      • Impossible to register MPI_T entities with comm binding object before MPI_Init
  • 2-fold solution
    1. Provide an Erratum to fix the ambiguity
      • State that it is erroneous to pass in invalid objects
      • Add Advice to users to specifically note that MPI_COMM_WORLD and MPI_COMM_SELF are invalid objects before MPI_Init
    2. Provide an addition to the standard (don't know if this can be an Erratum)
      • Allow passing NULL handles to mean "unbound".
      • This may enable tracking communication within MPI_Init

Fix to Backwards Compatibility Chapter

  • Marc-Andre proposed some fixes to the \label of the BC Chapter
  • Marc-Andre proposed some boilerplate text fixes for entries in the ChangeLog and BC.
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