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Kathryn Mohror edited this page Sep 9, 2016 · 2 revisions


  • Jean-Baptiste Besnard
  • Ralph Castain
  • John DelSignore
  • Daniel Everett
  • Marc-Andre Hermanns
  • Bob Moench
  • Kathryn Mohror
  • Soren Rasmussen
  • Martin Schulz
  • Anh Vo



  • We need to figure out whether we will create a new MPIR-2 (process discovery interface) or if we will use the functionality already provided in the PMIx interface
    • We need to decide this because we've been debating it a long time and it would be good to move on if we are not going to develop it
  • Is it simply a 'beauty contest' or are there technical aspects that make one option better than the other?
  • A question raised is: What if PMIx is not as pervasive as we might hope?
    • Fragmentation might occur in debugger implementations where they need to support multiple interfaces to find processes
    • This would be an argument for an abstraction at the MPI layer
    • If there is an abstraction, then the implementation can fall back to whatever is available (e.g. MPIR1)
    • This is nice from the debugger perspective because they only have to support one interface
    • MPIR 1 was problematic because it was so implementation specific, a mess
    • Whatever we do, we don't want to dictate implementation
  • Cray has a couple interfaces ALPS and CTI (Cray tools interface)
    • What if Cray doesn't use PMIx but uses CTI?
  • Main concern is portability and implementation neutrality
  • The weirdness comes in that the MPIR functionality is really partially resource manager functionality and partially MPI functionality
    • 2 pieces:
      • process discovery and tool launching: which processes are in the parallel job and where are they? Co-locate daemons there, etc.
        • parallel run doesn't have to be an MPI job, e.g. can run anything with SLURM/srun
      • assigning meaning to process entities: What MPI rank does this PID have? etc.
        • resource manager doesn't know about MPI process mapping, just the PIDs and nodes and tool daemons
        • MPI can assign this meaning
  • mpirun is a very common way (perhaps the most common) of starting parallel jobs
    • mpirun launches daemons and the daemons launch processes
      • e.g. Open MPI, launches orte daemons that in turn start the MPI processes
    • In this case, the resource manager knows nothing of the MPI processes, only the daemons
    • problem is that the starter process (mpirun) is the sole owner of the proctable, the only source is mpirun
  • How do we make this MPI and resource manager neutral?
  • Isn't that the whole point of PMIx? Resource manager, program neutrality, just provide an interface
    • PMIx group has been pushing for community adoption and is getting good headway
    • Do we really want to do the same thing? Only later?
  • The reality is that mpirun is not going away any time soon, so in a sense the 2 pieces of functionality for starting MPI processes are kind of tangled up (process discovery and assigning meaning)
    • especially since the starting of MPI processes can be done such that the resource manager doesn't know about them (the Open MPI daemon way)
    • So no matter what, we have to talk to the starter process
    • The PMIx group has been trying to make the interaction with the starter process the same across RMs
    • So that MPI implementations don't have to switch case everything depending on which system they are on
  • What about threaded MPIs? Is this a technical issue that helps us decide this?
    • Debugger needs to find all MPI processes. right now this is done through proctable
    • then it's a separate mapping of objects in the program to some higher level meaning
    • this is a problem in the dynamic cases, sessions, endpoints, where entity membership can change
  • We went through the PMIx interface again as a refresher
    • We decided that it provides the needed functionality, assuming it exists everywhere
    • Only problem is the prefix (hahaha)
  • No consensus reached
  • We will bring this up at the Forum in a plenary to hopefully get more opinions from implementors
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