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Marc-Andre Hermanns edited this page Jun 7, 2016 · 1 revision


  • Jean-Baptiste Besnard
  • Marc-Andre Hermanns
  • Natahn Hjelm
  • Kathryn Mohror
  • Soren Rasmussen


MPI_T Events

  • How to communicate type signatures of returned event information?
    • We probably need a pack/unpack mechanism.
    • Should we use existing MPI_PACKED types?
    • Would an array of basic MPI datatypes suffice?
    • Should there be some basic information that is communicated on every event?
      • If implementation does not provide the specific field a controlled undefined value could be provided.
      • Would the extended info then be communicated as a 'packed' buffer or would it be a 'padded' struct?
  • Initialization
    • MPI_T_init_thread should be sufficient
  • How to bind Events to specific objects?
    • What about tracking events within MPI_Init, e.g., MPI_COMM_WORLD?
    • Do we need a special mechanism to attach in these situations?
  • Grouping of events
    • Should something like a group_id or chaid_id identify events that preceed/succeed each other?
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