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Handle Debugging:Request queries

Joachim edited this page Apr 8, 2024 · 10 revisions

Request queries

Use cases

What to solve:

typedef ompi_request_.._t * MPI_Request;
typedef int MPI_Request;
int MPI_Irecv(void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int source,
              int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request *request);

MPI_Request requests[2];
MPI_Irecv(..., requests);
MPI_File_iread(..., requests+1);

MPI_Waitall(2, requests);

Use case: stopped at MPI_Wait, what is request?

These functions are analogous to the mpidbg_comm_* functions, but for MPI_Request.

int mpidbg_request_query(mqs_process *process,
                         langHandle request,  // The MPI handle (see mpidbg_type_query)
                         int language, // MPIDBG_TYPE_LANG_C or MPIDBG_TYPE_LANG_FORTRAN 
                         struct mpidbg_request_handle_t **handle);

Discussion about information on partitioned p2p communication

MPI_Psend_init(buffer, partitions, COUNT, MPI_DOUBLE, dest, tag,
                MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_INFO_NULL, &request);
// for(){ // multiple iterations
for(i = 0; i < partitions-1; ++i)
     MPI_Pready(i, request);
MPI_Test(&request, &flag, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); // flag will always be 0
MPI_Pready(partitions-1, request);
MPI_Wait(&request, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
// }

Use case: If waiting on a partitioned communication request blocks: Are all partitions marked ready?

Can we query more details about the state of partitions? -> In general the implementation does not need to maintain a list of active partitions. Could implement Pready with a single counter and send out all data when everything is ready.

Can we query the number of active partitions? -> probably?

Can we query whether none, some or all partitions are active? -> hopefully :)

Basic query function:

mpidbg_request_query_basic(struct mpidbg_request_handle_t *handle,
                           enum mpidbg_request_info_bitmap_t *request_bitflags,
 --- TODO: More general information? codeptr?


enum mpidbg_request_info_bitmap_t {

// p2p communication

// collective communication
// I/O
// RMA
// Communicator creation
// Generalized requests

// Identify implementation dummy handle

P2P query function:

mpidbg_request_query_p2p_info(struct mpidbg_request_handle_t *handle,
                              mqs_taddr_t *buf, 
                              int64* count, 
                              struct mpidbg_datatype_handle_t *datatype, 
                              int64* peer,
                              int64* tag, 
                              struct mpidbg_comm_handle_t *comm                           

Collective query function:

mpidbg_request_query_collective_size_info(struct mpidbg_request_handle_t *handle,
                          int64 *num_sendcounts,
                          int64 *num_sdispls,
                          int64 *num_sendtypes,
                          int64 *num_recvcounts,
                          int64 *num_rdispls,
                          int64 *num_recvtypes);

mpidbg_request_query_collective_info(struct mpidbg_request_handle_t *handle,
                          mqs_taddr_t *sendbuf, 
                          int64 max_sendcounts,
                          int64 max_sdispls,
                          int64 max_sendtypes,
                          int64 max_recvcounts,
                          int64 max_rdispls,
                          int64 max_recvtypes,
                          mqs_taddr_t *sendcounts[],                     // len: 1 or size(comm)
                          mqs_taddr_t *sdispls[],                        // len: 1 or size(comm) 
                          struct mpidbg_datatype_handle_t * sendtypes[], // len: 1 or size(comm)
                          mqs_taddr_t *recvbuf,
                          mqs_taddr_t *recvcounts[],                     // len: 1 or size(comm)
                          mqs_taddr_t *rdispls[],                        // len: 1 or size(comm)
                          struct mpidbg_datatype_handle_t * recvtypes[], // len: 1 or size(comm)
                          struct mpidbg_op_handle_t * op, 
                          int root,  
                          struct mpidbg_comm_handle_t * comm);

File query function:

mpidbg_request_query_file_info(struct mpidbg_request_handle_t *handle,
                          struct mpidbg_file_handle_t * file, 
                          mqs_taddr_t *offset, 
                          mqs_taddr_t *buf, 
                          struct mpidbg_datatype_handle_t * datatype);

RMA query function:

MPI source Example:

MPI_RPUT(origin_addr, origin_count, origin_datatype, target_rank, target_disp,
target_count, target_datatype, win, request);
MPI_RGET(origin_addr, origin_count, origin_datatype, target_rank, target_disp,
target_count, target_datatype, win, request)
MPI_RACCUMULATE(origin_addr, origin_count, origin_datatype, target_rank, target_disp,
target_count, target_datatype, op, win, request)
MPI_RGET_ACCUMULATE(origin_addr, origin_count, origin_datatype, result_addr,
result_count, result_datatype, target_rank, target_disp, target_count,
target_datatype, op, win, request)
mpidbg_request_query_rma_info(struct mpidbg_request_handle_t *handle,
                          mqs_taddr_t *origin_addr,
                          int64 *origin_count,
                          struct mpidbg_datatype_handle_t * origin_datatype,
                          mqs_taddr_t *result_addr,
                          int64 *result_count,
                          struct mpidbg_datatype_handle_t * result_datatype,
                          int64 *target_rank,
                          mqs_taddr_t *target_displ,
                          int64 *target_count,
                          struct mpidbg_datatype_handle_t * target_datatype,
                          struct mpidbg_op_handle_t * op,
                          struct mpidbg_win_handle_t * win);

Communicator query function:

MPI source Example:

MPI_Comm_idup(comm, info, newcomm, request);

Question to the forum: Is the newcomm variable initialized after MPI_Comm_idup returns? Can the application copy the handle after this function?

mpidbg_request_query_comm_info(struct mpidbg_request_handle_t *handle,
                          struct mpidbg_comm_handle_t * newcomm);

22/01/20 discussion: The newcomm handle would be marked as "incompletely created". Only limited information can be expected from such handle. The goal of this API is to reuse functionality already defined for comm handles.

Generalized requests query function:

MPI source Example:

See Example 13.1 in MPI-4.0

MPI_Grequest_start(query_fn, free_fn, cancel_fn, NULL, request);
/// do some work until
mpidbg_request_query_grequest_info(struct mpidbg_request_handle_t *handle,
                          mqs_taddr_t *query_fn,
                          mqs_taddr_t *free_fn,
                          mqs_taddr_t *cancel_fn,
                          mqs_taddr_t *extra_state);

Free function:

Free a handle returned by the mpidbg_request_query() function.

int mpidbg_request_handle_free(struct mpidbg_request_handle_t *handle);

Session query function:

Query a handle returned by mpidbg_request_query() and, if found and valid, return the session this communicator was derived from

int mpidbg_request_query_session(struct mpidbg_request_handle_t *handle,
                                 struct mpidbg_session_handle_t **request_session);
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