Releases: lf-edge/ekuiper
Releases · lf-edge/ekuiper
What's Changed
- fix: replace props when get (#3409)
- fix: async import data return response (#3408)
- refactor(neuron): adapt to multi tags
- fix(op): merger use merge time as et
- fix(op): send out batch when EOF
- fix(op): avoid rate limit panic
Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.0.2
- feat(enc): support aes gcm by @ngjaying in #3344
- feat(rule): support send out nil fields by @ngjaying in #3342
- Incremental window
- feat: support xml converter by @Yisaer in #3341
- feat(func): add reverse function by @Dream95 in #3357
- feat: support kafka sink compression by @Yisaer in #3374
- feat: support auth request headers by @Yisaer in #3376
- feat: validate confkey by @Yisaer in #3378
- feat: rewrite duration in conf by @Yisaer in #3387
- Support MQTT 5
- feat: support merge tokens into body by @Yisaer in #3392
- feat: support fileDir notify source by @Yisaer in #3380
- feat: support sql lookup template sql by @Yisaer in #3398
What's Changed
- docs(rule): doc of triggered prop by @ngjaying in #3338
- chore: sendError defaults to false by @ngjaying in #3339
- ci: fix doc version by @ngjaying in #3340
- fix(func): object_construct always issue keys by @ngjaying in #3345
- fix: remove tryrun in ruletest by @Yisaer in #3348
- chore(test): change video by @ngjaying in #3354
- build: fix make lint error by @Dream95 in #3363
- fix: sql source support null value by @Yisaer in #3365
- fix(conn): conn status nil exception by @ngjaying in #3372
- fix(planner): clean subtopo when creation fail by @Yisaer in #3383
- fix(kafka): fix dynamic prop problem by @ngjaying in #3391
- fix(neuron): avoid flooding logs when disconnect by @ngjaying in #3393
- docs: add kafka sink doc by @Yisaer in #3396
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0-alpha.1
What's Changed
- docs(rule): doc of triggered prop by @ngjaying in #3338
- chore: sendError defaults to false by @ngjaying in #3339
- ci: fix doc version by @ngjaying in #3340
- fix(func): object_construct always issue keys by @ngjaying in #3345
- fix: remove tryrun in ruletest by @Yisaer in #3348
- chore(test): change video by @ngjaying in #3354
- build: fix make lint error by @Dream95 in #3363
- fix: sql source support null value by @Yisaer in #3365
- fix(conn): conn status nil exception by @ngjaying in #3372
- feat: support kafka sink compression by @Yisaer in #3374
- feat: support auth request headers by @Yisaer in #3376
- feat: validate confkey by @Yisaer in #3378
- fix(planner): clean subtopo when creation fail by @Yisaer in #3383
- feat: rewrite duration in conf by @Yisaer in #3387
- fix(kafka): fix dynamic prop problem by @ngjaying in #3391
- feat: support merge tokens into body by @Yisaer in #3392
- fix(neuron): avoid flooding logs when disconnect by @ngjaying in #3393
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1
Connection management
- Connection pool framework (gradually adapt existing connections)
- Connection become a physical instance instead of a rule logical configuration, it will run from the start and refered by multiple rules
- Standalone connection status
- Auto reconnect
- Adapt mqtt, sql, nng(neuron), edgex, websocket, httppush
- APIs to manage connection instances
- Connection status metrics
- Connection pool framework (gradually adapt existing connections)
Source/sink operators split source split/sink split
- Finer-grained runtime metrics can be supported to understand the status and latency of each sub-task.
- Parallel computation of sub-tasks can be implemented, improving the overall efficiency of rule execution.
Source down sampling support doc
- Delimited format support header
- Add urlencoded format (usually use in HTTP form request, extract from REST sink)
Multi-level decode (format and payloadFormat)
File sink supports enctryption (AES now)
REST sink supports full format like delimited(csv), also add validation for mapping of format and bodyType
SQL/Streaming runtime
- General ONNX function plugin, run ONNX model inference without coding doc
- Support stream EOF so that we can run a rule in batch mode
- File/simulator source stops after read all and no loop/interval is set
- MQTT stream allows to stop by sending EOF message
- Rule gracefully exit: wait until all operators close
- New function: object_size
- Support window function doc
- Datetime format, support multiple S in format layout
- Tracing support doc
- REST API tracing
- Query rule trace API
- Tracing data from/to Neuron
- Local trace
- Tracing collector
- Rule state cleanup
- View rule metrics after close
- Avoid malform state
- New rule metrics: all metrics now
- connection related metrics for source/sink
- CPU usage metric
- API updates
- Import
- Asnc API
- Supports YAML content
- Meta list return plugin type info
- List streams API show format and type
- Drop dependency validation
- stream
- plugin
- Import
- Store conf in KV by default
- Conf: use time.Duration for intervals
- Native plugin develop
- Update extention spec, users need to rewrite plugins
- Do not need to depend on eKuiper project any more
- Portable plugin
- Support sink ack so that it can leverage sink cache doc
- Start as long running instance
- Plugin status API, reference count
- Remove recv size limit (won’t fail when communication payload is bigger than 1MB)
- Support REST external service retry
Test & Build
- Upgrade to go 1.23
- Build: add docker alpine-python image
- UT coverage 71%
- Security
- Fix integer truncate problem
- SQL prepare to avoid injection
- Escape html response
What's Changed
- chore: remove repetitive words by @InventiveCoder in #2718
- build: upgrade base image go version by @ngjaying in #2720
- feat: introduce rule metrics by @Yisaer in #2716
- build: upgrade go and dependant mods by @ngjaying in #2719
- feat: refact sql indexValue into muti indexValue by @Yisaer in #2717
- refactor(xsql): unify row and collection by @ngjaying in #2700
- fix: fix doc error by @Yisaer in #2724
- feat(module): modularize io by @ngjaying in #2721
- feat: add multi field index api by @Yisaer in #2729
- feat(module): modularize converter by @ngjaying in #2728
- docs: fix some errors by @L-607 in #2731
- feat: let IntegerLiteral Value as int64 by @Yisaer in #2727
- fix: fix describe rule exposes password by @Yisaer in #2732
- docs: add doc for multiple sql index field by @Yisaer in #2733
- docs: fix websocket doc path by @Yisaer in #2735
- feat(modularize): modularize function by @ngjaying in #2737
- chore(ci): fix tag list error by @Swilder-M in #2738
- fix: replace password when create rule by @Yisaer in #2736
- feat: support nested array schema by @Yisaer in #2734
- fix(planner): avoid create subtopo in error by @ngjaying in #2740
- fix: check rule exists before create by @Yisaer in #2741
- fix: redisPubSub ping by @retoool in #2739
- fix: doc problem for tdengine sink by @carlclone in #2743
- feat: add security to edgex via openziti by @dovholuknf in #2603
- refactor: split sink batch by @ngjaying in #2745
- fix: fix load stream when meet error by @Yisaer in #2751
- ci: delete v prefix in git tag by @Rory-Z in #2752
- fix: ignore nil value in array convert by @carlclone in #2748
- fix: fix template sql index value update strategy by @Yisaer in #2754
- feat: support modify sqlSource field index value by @Yisaer in #2730
- feat: support rule stop by error metrics by @Yisaer in #2755
- feat: package v2 by @ngjaying in #2766
- refactor: move api to standalone go mod by @ngjaying in #2770
- chore(temp): remove extensions by @ngjaying in #2777
- feat(v2): mvp features by @ngjaying in #2780
- feat: new source/sink v2 API by @ngjaying in #2783
- refactor(contract): keep interfaces only by @ngjaying in #2790
- chore: refer to correct contract mod by @ngjaying in #2792
- fix(test): source/sink test update by @ngjaying in #2797
- feat(api): add error ingest for source subscribe by @ngjaying in #2800
- refactor(sink): split compression op by @ngjaying in #2802
- feat(sink): split encryptor by @ngjaying in #2807
- feat(op): add dedup trigger op by @ngjaying in #2801
- refactor(converter): add context to converter API by @ngjaying in #2812
- feat(sink): add back file sink by @ngjaying in #2811
- feat: separate schema layer from decoder by @Yisaer in #2815
- refactor(sink): mqtt sink use connection pool by @ngjaying in #2814
- feat: remove useless flag in conveter by @Yisaer in #2823
- feat(sink): support file sink rolling hook by @ngjaying in #2819
- refactor: provide schema when instantiating by @ngjaying in #2821
- chore: update contract version by @ngjaying in #2826
- feat(function): object pick enhancement (#232) by @ngjaying in #2833
- refactor(model): extract raw tuple by @ngjaying in #2835
- feat(sink): add sink dynamic properties support by @ngjaying in #2837
- refactor(op): decode op schema more logs by @ngjaying in #2840
- chore: update codecov action by @ngjaying in #2843
- fix: detach for non shared connection by @ngjaying in #2845
- refactor(sink): split cache op by @ngjaying in #2852
- fix: revise interval config by @Yisaer in #2839
- feat(cache): resend alter queue support by @ngjaying in #2855
- fix: let config compatible by @Yisaer in #2861
- refactor(node): use time.Duration and time.Time by @ngjaying in #2864
- fix: support wait operators close by @Yisaer in #2862
- feat(io): add file source in lines mode by @ngjaying ...
What's Changed
- docs: add doc for yaml import/export by @Yisaer in #3278
- fix(docs): remove duplicate entry by @ngjaying in #3277
- feat: support trace strategy by @Yisaer in #3284
- feat: support trace projectset by @Yisaer in #3286
- chore: fix sql query by @ngjaying in #3282
- docs(cookbook): add over clause examples by @ngjaying in #3280
- fix: batch/window op support dynamic trace by @Yisaer in #3287
- test: add onnx ut by @ngjaying in #3281
- refactor(node): extract process start/end hook by @ngjaying in #3285
- refactor(trace): move trace into common func by @ngjaying in #3288
- feat: support cpu profile api by @Yisaer in #3279
- feat(trace): support trace source by @ngjaying in #3289
- refactor(trace): unify trace context init by @ngjaying in #3290
- feat(trace): cache op and tests by @ngjaying in #3292
- feat: write panic stack in log by @Yisaer in #3295
- feat: revise plan explain info by @Yisaer in #3294
- feat(trace): support more nodes by @ngjaying in #3296
- fix: replace props when import data by @Yisaer in #3297
- feat: support use bypass to rewrite sql by @Yisaer in #3299
- fix(trace): local trace wrong content by @ngjaying in #3300
- fix(mqtt): should set client id by @ngjaying in #3303
- fix(state): clean topo when stop by EOF by @ngjaying in #3304
- fix(portable): remove nng recv size limit by @Yisaer in #3306
- fix: fix import connection configuration by @Yisaer in #3308
- fix(conn): allow to exit wait by @ngjaying in #3307
- feat(portable): plugin error message for func by @ngjaying in #3305
Full Changelog: v2.0.0-beta.3...v2.0.0-beta.4
What's Changed
- fix: sql source scan value by database type by @Yisaer in #3228
- fix: warning when config not in connection.yaml by @Yisaer in #3229
- chore: update base image go ver by @ngjaying in #3312
- chore: update go and docker image by @ngjaying in #3311
- fix(build): update docker build ver by @ngjaying in #3313
Full Changelog: v1.14.4...v1.14.5
- build: Dockerfile-alpine-python and Makefile build by @vkaramanis in #3271
- feat(format): support urlencoded format by @ngjaying in #3276
What's Changed
- chore: downgrade go-ora by @ngjaying in #3261
- chore: enable x509negativeserial by @ngjaying in #3265
- fix: load connection props for stream by @Yisaer in #3266
- fix: replace props when update rule by @Yisaer in #3268
- fix(io): clean up io ping by @ngjaying in #3267
- fix: fix websocket wg by @Yisaer in #3272
- fix: fix conneciton drop by @Yisaer in #3264
- refactor: revise project operator field name by @Yisaer in #3274
- fix(conn): ping fixes by @ngjaying in #3273
- refactor(rest): convert to byte collector by @ngjaying in #3275
New Contributors
- @vkaramanis made their first contribution in #3271
Full Changelog: v2.0.0-beta.2...v2.0.0-beta.3
- feat: General pytorch function by @578223592 in #3062
- Tracing updates
- feat(tool): restore plugin test server by @ngjaying in #3211
- feat: support update connection by @Yisaer in #3236
- feat(prom): support connection status by @ngjaying in #3250
What's Changed
- test: add test for sql/kafka by @Yisaer in #3203
- fix: fix sql source test by @Yisaer in #3208
- fix: fix sql sink test by @Yisaer in #3209
- ci: cache jmeter package by @Rory-Z in #3212
- docs: add data trace example doc by @Yisaer in #3204
- docs(io): source/sink split by @ngjaying in #3207
- refactor(zmq): add timeout for receive by @ngjaying in #3210
- fix: fix trace rest api propagation by @Yisaer in #3214
- chore(io): clean up io binder and logs by @ngjaying in #3215
- fix: fix source ctx tracer propagate by @Yisaer in #3217
- fix: fix trace propagator by source by @Yisaer in #3218
- fix: sql source scan value by database type by @Yisaer in #3219
- fix: fix connection pool get unexisted named conn by @Yisaer in #3222
- fix: restore sink ping by @Yisaer in #3220
- fix: warning when config not in connection.yaml by @Yisaer in #3221
- refactor(conn): save connection status in meta by @ngjaying in #3225
- fix: restore driver by @Yisaer in #3226
- fix: cache raw config not to load duplicated by @Yisaer in #3227
- fix(simulator): interval config problem by @ngjaying in #3230
- fix(conn): connection status for shared stream by @ngjaying in #3231
- fix: fix load cfgkey from storage panic by @Yisaer in #3232
- fix: topo no changed before stop during update by @Yisaer in #3233
- fix: support kafka password param by @Yisaer in #3234
- fix(metric): escape metric messages by @ngjaying in #3235
- fix: fix sort log file by @Yisaer in #3239
- fix(portable): install error cleanup by @ngjaying in #3237
- fix(file): rolling interval not obeyed problem by @ngjaying in #3238
- chore: update sqlite driver mod by @ngjaying in #3240
- fix(rest): error message escape by @ngjaying in #3241
- feat: update connection api and doc by @Yisaer in #3242
- fix: fix driver import by @Yisaer in #3253
- fix(conn): trigger status handler when init by @ngjaying in #3252
- fix: sql prepare and html response escape by @Yisaer in #3245
- fix: validate filepath in request by @Yisaer in #3248
- fix(trial): do not close control ws by @ngjaying in #3254
- fix: replace ruleJson's password/url by @Yisaer in #3251
- fix: fix omit option by @Yisaer in #3256
- fix(onnx): type check problems by @ngjaying in #3257
- fix(transform): fix trans datafield for list by @ngjaying in #3244
- fix: fix cast security issue by @Yisaer in #3243
- ci: CI pipeline for onnx by @578223592 in #3258
- docs: fix resource path by @ngjaying in #3259
- fix: fix tracer function by @Yisaer in #3260
Full Changelog: v2.0.0-beta.1...v2.0.0-beta.2