Fixed bugs:
- Uncaught
if file is not found during backup #298 - fonts with spaces in filename are not backed up. #280
- Failing npm Reinstall #148
- Back up gemlist properly #38
Closed issues:
- Bug - dotfiles fail to save
[Errno 2] No such file or directory:
#297 - Error when trying to show current backup: AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'items'~ #295
- npm backup overwriting pip3 backup #284
- clarify install instructions #283
- Allow keys to be missing from the config to declutter #279
- Add config key for dotfiles to not reinstall #252
- Backup brew tap #218
- Automatic archiving after a new backup #176
Merged pull requests:
- Make file copy errors user friendly #303 (alichtman)
- Catch shutil.Error if file is not found #302 (alichtman)
- Clarify install instructions #301 (alichtman)
- Make backup and reinstall condition keys optional #300 (alichtman)
- Handle piping commands properly #299 (alichtman)
- Update homebrew support #294 (tim-coutinho)
- Add cargo backup / reinstall #291 (tim-coutinho)
- Fix interactive backup all not working #287 (tim-coutinho)
- Fix npm backup overwriting pip3 backup #285 (tim-coutinho)
v5.0.1 (2020-05-14)
Merged pull requests:
v5.0.0a (2020-05-13)
Fixed bugs:
- Setting backup path to ~/.shallow_backup breaks subsequent runs #265
- shutil.SameFileError shallow-backup.conf #260
Closed issues:
- Add
key to not actually copy any files on backup or reinstall #274 - Cannot interactively set backup path to existing backup repo #266
- Add tests for adding paths to config #249
- Run Travis on both Mac and Linux #197
Merged pull requests:
- Standardize flags #276 (alichtman)
- Add -dry_run flag #275 (alichtman)
- Add conditional backup and reinstallation #272 (alichtman)
- Refactor #271 (alichtman)
- Be clear that changing backup path moves the folder #268 (ThatsJustCheesy)
- Allow setting backup path to ~/.shallow-backup #267 (ThatsJustCheesy)
v4.0.4 (2020-03-29)
Fixed bugs:
- FileNotFoundError: ~/shallow-backup/dotfiles/.gitignore #257
Merged pull requests:
- Create dotfiles dir before creating .gitignore #259 (alichtman)
- Fix default config creation #258 (alichtman)
v4.0.3 (2020-03-26)
v4.0.2 (2020-03-25)
Merged pull requests:
v4.0.1 (2020-03-25)
Merged pull requests:
- Correctly exclude files on reinstallation and add tests #255 (alichtman)
- Avoid reinstalling img/ and README from dotfiles #254 (alichtman)
v4.0 (2020-03-22)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
v3.4 (2020-03-22)
v3.3 (2020-03-21)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Refactor --add option and bump to v3.3 #250 (alichtman)
- Add CLI option for adding paths to config #248 (alichtman)
- Fix IsADirectory error upon reinstallation #246 (alichtman)
v3.2 (2019-11-17)
Merged pull requests:
v3.1 (2019-11-15)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
v2.8 (2019-10-16)
Closed issues:
- Unable to run macOS #235
v2.7 (2019-10-08)
Fixed bugs:
- Handle JSON errors in the config #233
Merged pull requests:
v2.6 (2019-09-23)
Fixed bugs:
- Can't back up dotfiles that don't live directly inside $HOME #230
- Double check git commit logic #227
Closed issues:
- How do you backup minus the shallow-backup repo? #225
Merged pull requests:
- Patch failing commit behavior when submodules are present #232 (alichtman)
- Allow backing up dotfiles outside of $HOME #231 (alichtman)
v2.4 (2019-05-12)
Fixed bugs:
- Back up fonts directory #219
Closed issues:
- When clearing old backup files, delete everything except
#223 - You should try asciinema instead of upload big GIF file demo #222
- Similar(ish) project to be aware of? #220
Merged pull requests:
- Don't delete .git when removing old backups #224 (alichtman)
- No such file or directory during fonts backup #217 (robbixc)
v2.3 (2019-01-07)
Fixed bugs:
- Backup pip3 packages #211
Closed issues:
- Restore VSCode backups #213
- Reinstall VSCode backup #212
- Exception handling #206
- Ruby gems Backup and VSCode #204
- Don't prompt for confirmation to delete subdir if all files in the subdir are tracked and unchanged #146
- VSCode Backup #45
Merged pull requests:
- Exception handling #207 (ibokuri)
- Added VSCode settings and extensions backup/reinstall, pip3 backup. #205 (AlexanderProd)
v2.2 (2018-12-14)
Fixed bugs:
- KeyError: 'sublime2' when creating a backup #202
- gitpython Not Installed Automatically w/ #200
- Configs need to be a mapping in the config file. #195
- Prompt to remove outdated config if detected. #189
- Remove this plist special case logic. #187
Closed issues:
- Fix tests that fail due to multiprocessing #196
- Test abspath/env expanding function #194
- Extract all config section names to a dict in #190
- Extract messages to constants file #179
- Turn this into a generic copy method #177
- Extract package managers to config file #165
- Option to add ssh keys when they're reinstalled #150
- Selectively back up from .atom folder #133
- Separate public and private backups #132
- Symlink instead of copying files #125
- Automatic archiving after a new backup #176
Merged pull requests:
- Remove Sublime [2/3] packages backup #203 (alichtman)
- #200 added gitpython to #201 (AlexanderProd)
v2.1 (2018-11-14)
Fixed bugs:
- Prompt to remove outdated config if detected. #189
- Remove this plist special case logic. #187
- Jetbrains IDE backups do not work #158
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
v2.0 (2018-11-09)
Fixed bugs:
- Enhance git repo move #168
- Accept ~ in backup path name #155
- Font Reinstallation doesn't work for some reason #145
- Tests won't run #142
- Module imports not working properly in refactored code #141
- Stop SUBLIME folders from being called
#113 - Backup Fonts doesn't back up all fonts #111
- Bug: Terminal.plist not being backed up #108
- On backup path update, the .git folder should be moved. #97
- Fix shell=True security issues #73
- It doesn't backup global npm packages? #61
- Error? Or do I just not know how to use this. #54
Closed issues:
- Unformatted error should be formatted and rephrased. #175
- Add "public repo" warning to setting remote URL prompt #174
- Extend printing utilities to formatted paths #172
- Refactor config file #166
- Support expanding ENV variables in path inputs #164
- --version should print version info #162
- Refactor version printing in CLI with Click #159
- Remove --add and --rm CLI args. #156
- Update config backup path mappings to be
#154 - Use --yes click option for confirmation to delete the backup. #152
- Rethink how
args should work #140 - Reorganize project #136
- Update for next release #135
- Refactor --rm to take a single path arg #130
- Add --add & --rm commands to actions menu #129
- Add config paths to config file #128
- Speed Optimizations #124
- Speed Up Backup Process #123
- Extract all hardcoded filepaths to constants/functions #116
- ERROR collecting tests #115
- Refactor copying methods #112
- Make each package manager print in a color that's not the normal log color for reinstallation #109
- Linux Compatibility #104
- Add styling guide + design guide #103
- Set up continuous integration with Travis CI #102
- Add -delete_backup argument to remove backup dir #95
- Currently shallow backup writes to directory ./DEFAULT/ if you don't choose a custom directory #93
- Running error when built from source? #92
- Backup Jetbrains IDE Configs #87
- More reinstallation support #86
- Add changelog #83
- Rename "configs" directory to "app_configs" #82
- Further Git Integration #81
- Prompt for remote url in CLI #79
- Add config file for dotfiles and directories to back up. #76
- Automatically create .gitignore to protect private files #71
- Testing Suite #69
- Don't delete the .git directory when creating a new backup #68
- Extract lists of files/directories that don't change to a constants file #67
- Add Pipfile for Pipenv #64
- Default install missing ConfigParser dependency? #62
- No module named configparser #60
- -reinstall should reinstall dotfiles #59
- Add -configs backup option #58
- Could shallow-backup integrate with git for backup? #57
- README #56
- Make shallow-backup compatible with Python 2.7 #55
- Remove XCode Backup #53
- Backup Atom Config #49
- Backup Terminal Preferences from .plist file #48
- Add option for backing up specific filepaths. #22
- Add GUI #10
- Homebrew Release #6
- Update docs for next release #96
Merged pull requests:
- Linux compatibility #183 (alichtman)
- Added public repo warning #182 (alichtman)
- Config file refactor #181 (alichtman)
- Refactor config file architecture. #180 (alichtman)
- New print_color_bold_path helper methods #173 (nunomdc)
- Exit if a git repository exists on the new backup path #171 (nunomdc)
- Added long option for version output #170 (nunomdc)
- Expand environment variables #169 (nunomdc)
- Expand ~ as user's home directory #161 (nunomdc)
- Add --add and --rm path to Action Menu #157 (alichtman)
- Prettify CLI help menu #153 (alichtman)
- Fix font reinstallation #151 (alichtman)
- Pkg mgr printing #149 (alichtman)
- Better reinstallation options and better scripting support #147 (alichtman)
- Fix travis #143 (alichtman)
- Refactoring and Reorganization #139 (alichtman)
- Readme #134 (alichtman)
- Improved git integration. Added remote URL prompt. #131 (alichtman)
- --add, --rm and -show args for config interaction #126 (alichtman)
- fix bug: path was absolute so os.path.join was discarding the user ho… #120 (giancarloGiuffra)
- Clean up #119 (alichtman)
- Extracted logo to #118 (alichtman)
- Security update and refactoring #114 (alichtman)
- Travis test fixes? #107 (alichtman)
- Travis test #106 (alichtman)
- Fix git move tests #105 (alichtman)
- Add remove backup dir functionality #101 (neequole)
- Added support for JetBrains IDEs #100 (Brand-Temp)
- Move git folder on path change #99 (pyasi)
- Pulls changes from remote before pushing. #98 (alichtman)
- Push to remote URL and git logging added #91 (alichtman)
- Refactored config backup and added more user output #90 (alichtman)
- Add tests for copying. Setup project for pytest. #88 (pyasi)
- Added changelog #84 (alichtman)
- Git integration for shallow-backup #78 (alichtman)
- Revert "Autoformat all Python in repo with
" #75 (alichtman) - Make npm backup global packages only #74 (jasikpark)
- Autoformat all Python in repo with
#70 (jasikpark) - Added Pipfile #66 (rmad17)
- Add -configs mode. #63 (schilli91)
v1.3 (2018-05-30)
v1.2 (2018-05-30)
Fixed bugs:
- Don't store embedded git repos #44
- Check if package manager installed before creating backup #41
- Running with sudo causes this error for homebrew and pip #39
Closed issues:
- Cargo backup list #46
- Don't back up .pyc files #43
- GUI #42
- Fix Permissions Error on Preferences #40
- dev_dots option to only backup dev-related dotfiles #33
- Don't copy atom packages #32
- Upgrade from cp to rsync for dotfiles #31
- Automatic backup to restic #26
- Submit to same lists as stronghold #14
Merged pull requests:
- Fix dotfolder bug #52 (alichtman)
- Add cargo backup #51 (alichtman)
- Clean up empty package list files #50 (alichtman)
v1.0 (2018-05-14)
Closed issues:
- Add reinstall option #37
- Backup Sublime Settings #36
- Add System Preferences #35
- Add XCode UserData #34
- Application Preferences and Config Files #30
- Backup Browser Prefs #29
- "The Idea" -> "Inspiration" #28
- Add option to encrypt decrypt git repository #27
- backup native app prefs #25
- backup chrome prefs #24
- backup firefox prefs #23
- Backup all files that begin with dot, like literally all dotfiles #21
- Add jetbrains config files #20
- Add Atom packages list #19
- Add sublime text packages list #18
- Coverage for other package managers #2
v0.4 (2018-04-14)
Closed issues:
- uninstall option #17
- Copy font .otf and .ttf files, not just a list of names #16
- figure out how to set pypi name to shallow-backup #15
- README Updates #13
- Protection for text_backup dir #12
- PyPi #11
- descriptors #9
- Add -reinstall cli option #8
- Add CLI #7
- Not backing up all fonts #4
- better name pls #3
- Better README #1
* This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator] (