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Samuel Gomes edited this page Nov 8, 2022 · 1 revision

The _SNDSETPOS statement changes the current/starting playing position in seconds of a sound.


_SNDSETPOS handle&, position!


  • Changes the current/starting playing position in seconds (a SINGLE value) of a sound in memory.
  • If position! is past the length of the sound, playback will be interrupted.
  • Function cannot be called while a looping sound is being played (see _SNDLOOP).
  • In versions prior to build 20170811/60, the sound identified by handle& must have been opened using the _SNDOPEN to use this statement.


To check the current playing position in an MP3 file, use _SNDPLAY with _SNDGETPOS printed in a loop

SoundFile& = _SNDOPEN("YourSoundFile.mp3") '<<< your MP3 sound file here!
_SNDSETPOS SoundFile&, 5.5   'set to play sound 5 1/2 seconds into music 
_SNDPLAY SoundFile&  'play sound 
Do: _LIMIT 60     
   LOCATE 5, 2: PRINT "Current play position> "; _SNDGETPOS(SoundFile&)
LOOP UNTIL _KEYDOWN(27) OR NOT _SNDPLAYING(SoundFile&) 'ESC or end of sound exit

See Also

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