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Samuel Gomes edited this page Nov 8, 2022 · 1 revision

The LTRIM$ function removes leading space characters from a STRING value.


return$ = LTRIM$(text$)


  • text$ is the STRING value to trim.
  • If text$ contains no leading space characters, it is returned unchanged.
  • Convert fixed length STRING values by using a different return$ variable.
  • Can be used to trim the leading space of a positive numerical value converted to a string value by STR$.


Trimming a positive string number.

value = 12345
number$ = LTRIM$(STR$(value)) 'converting number to string removes right PRINT space
PRINT "[" + number$ + "]" 


Trimming leading spaces from text strings.

PRINT LTRIM$("some text")
PRINT LTRIM$("   some text") 

some text
some text

A TRIM$ function to trim spaces off of both ends of a string.

text$ = "        Text String           "
trimmed$ = TRIM$(text$)
PRINT CHR$(26) + trimmed$ + CHR$(27) 

TRIM$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(text$))

→Text String←

See Also

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