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Samuel Gomes edited this page Nov 8, 2022 · 1 revision

The _CONSOLE statement can be used to turn a console window ON/OFF.



  • _CONSOLE OFF or ON must be used after the $CONSOLE Metacommand has established that a console window is desired.
  • _CONSOLE OFF turns the console window off once a console has been established using $CONSOLE:ON or ONLY.
  • _CONSOLE ON should only be used after the console window has been turned OFF previously.
  • _DEST _CONSOLE can be used to send screen output to the console window using QB64 commands such as PRINT.
  • _SCREENHIDE or _SCREENSHOW can be used to hide or display the main program window.
  • The $SCREENHIDE Metacommand can hide the main program window throughout a program when only the console is used.
  • Note: Text can be copied partially or totally from console screens in Windows by highlighting and using the title bar menu.
    • To copy console text output, right click the title bar and select Edit for Mark to highlight and repeat to Copy.


Hiding and displaying a console window. Use _DELAY to place console in front of main program window.

_CONSOLE OFF 'close original console
_CONSOLE ON 'place console above program window

INPUT "Enter your name: ", nme$ 'get program input
_CONSOLE OFF 'close console

_DEST 0 'destination program window
PRINT nme$

Explanation: The _DEST must be changed with _DEST _CONSOLE to get INPUT from the $CONSOLE screen.

_CONSOLETITLE can be used to create a console title, but it must be redone every time the console window is restored once turned off:


_CONSOLETITLE "firstone"


_CONSOLETITLE "secondone"

Note: Some versions of Windows may display the program path or Administrator: prefix in console title bars.

See Also

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