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Meeting 2018 03 22 Frontend

Kai Xu edited this page Mar 22, 2018 · 3 revisions



Agenda (to discuss)

Progress update

Action Points from last meeting


  1. HistoryMap node fontella icons and commit.
    1. Add the changes to the latest version from the 'rebuild-mvc' brach, rather than merging branches.
    2. The same applies to all following commit.
  2. potentially remove the background icon (use text colour to contrast white background), so the icon don't appear off-center
  3. In historymap 'show all' should be the default behaviour for showing 'highlight' and 'annotation' nodes.
  4. Commit: Show the entire highlighted text when mouse over a truncated highlight text in a historyMap node.
  5. Commit: Add 'annotation' as an additional 'embedded node' in historyMap, instead of replacing the existing 'highlighting' embedded node.
  6. Extract the text using inner html (for each highlight node)
  7. Use native HTML and CSS if jquery doesn't work for the tooltip in history map
  8. Bug : A tab with highlights is closed, one of the highlights is clicked on history map, however 2 additional nodes are created, one which represents the 'new tab' tab, the other which contains the url of the highlight I clicked on
  9. Clean up the code and merge the changes to the 'rebuild-mvc' branch.

Discussion Points

Used detached head mode to merge all commits before tooltip/mouse over functionality from branch rebuild-mvc-historymap-highlights,The following stackoverflow post was used as a reference.

When attempting to implement "show all" as a default behaviour, it only worked for first node and not the rest. I looked into injecting an addition piece of information in each unique foreignObject->node->children data structure, the plan was to set this value to a default of "true" to show all nodes, but adding a "data-showall" attribute was causing errors. maybe use a class?

Project timeline update

Next meeting time

Action Points


  1. add the fontello icons to the historyMap nodes (currently the icons are missing).
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