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Meeting 2017 10 30 Backend

Kai Xu edited this page Oct 30, 2017 · 7 revisions


Present: Kai, Shaz, Reday

Agenda (to discuss)

Progress update

Action Points from last meeting


  • Create a function for checking dynamic key so it can be used in REST API functions.


  • Store user name and profile picture locally using local storage, chrome storage api, or cookie.
  • call the code in background.js to create the history map window (using a chrome message chrome.runtime.sendMessage(message,responseCallback)?).
  • move to code for save and load to historyMapData.js.

Discussion Points

  • Issues in regards of sensemap Structure

Action Points


  • Store Profile into local storage, check if local storage has something, if not do authentication, else load stuff.
  • Add buttons back to history map, and store profile and logged in check in localstorage, use that to check if account is logged in, and use that to trigger button functionality.
  • If user click the sensemap button during a session, the login module will check if it is the same user and only send a new login event to historyMap if it is a different user.
  • Discuss this with Kai when there is some code there.


  • Update the functions for the nodes and sessions to use the dynamic access key.
  • document updated functions about the changes related to the dynamic key.
  • create a update function for the access key: generate a new key for each new user login session of the same user.
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