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Meeting 2017 12 14 Backend

RedayY edited this page Dec 14, 2017 · 2 revisions


Present: Kai, Reday

Agenda (to discuss)

Progress update

Action Points from last meeting


  • push the code for the radio button to github
  • Duplicating sessions after loading
  • Display the history map after loading
  • send a message when user logged in instead of using local storage;
  • In the 'create new session' text field, automatically generate a new session name, such as date-time, that is different every time.
  • Stop user from creating a new session with a session name that already exists.


  • Improve the radio button for load session.
  • Some nodes have 'from' and some have 'source'.


  • Update the mongoDB schema so it matches the attributes in the sensemap 'node' object.
  • get t-test, anova, and other tests running in R.

Next week

  • Check what information is accessible with API functions that does not require a API key.

Discussion Points

  • Potential Bug within Nodes Array

Project timeline update

Next meeting time

Action Points

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