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Meeting 2017 10 16 Frontend

Kai Xu edited this page Oct 16, 2017 · 14 revisions



Agenda (to discuss)

Progress update

Action Points from last meeting


  • check with Jaab about using SenseMAP as final year project
  • give special class name to the annotation button so it will not be over-written by the webpage css.
    • will need to set the button (box) size, otherwise it will use the formatting css from the page.
  • saving the highlights and annotations using the REST API
  • to make the removal of highlighting/annotation apply in other tabs with the same URL.
  • update existing nodes (in the nodes array) with the same URL with the newly added highlight/annotation.
  • A duplicate new node is created in history map when a node, whose tab is closed, is clicked.
    • Idea: let historyMapPage send a message to browserProvenance.js when a node is clicked, so browserProvenance can check it in the onTabCreated function and doesn't create a new duplicated node in history map.
  • Move all the code, such as those currently in browserProvenance.js, that relates to highlight/annotation to hightlight.js.


  • Move the data part of the core.js to the background page.

Discussion Points

Working on Knowledge map and History map simultaneously

Problems using chrome message passing between historyMapPage.js and BrowserProvenace.js ("storeAnnotation" and "ignoreUrl")

CSS code duplicated to increase specificity (using IDs)

From an earlier Frontend Meeting Page:

  • "checking if there is highlighting on a page can only be done after page is fully loaded:
    • idea: let content script send a message to browserProvenance.js after the page is loaded?"

The loadHighlights only runs after a page is fully loaded.


  • Code refactoring
    • by 'module' not 'file type'
    • turn existing code into modules: history map, login, knowledge map, etc.

Project timeline update

Next meeting time

Action Points


  • Make a list of functions needed in the data object.
  • saving the highlights and annotations using the REST API
  • to make the removal of highlighting/annotation apply in other tabs with the same URL
  • update existing nodes (in the nodes array) with the same URL with the newly added highlight/annotation
  • try the dispatch method to communicate from historyMapPage.js to browserProvenance.js
  • Move all the code, such as those currently in browserProvenance.js, that relates to highlight/annotation to hightlight.js.
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