Released on 8/1/2022
- Upgrades to go-chi v5.
- Removes need to provide API key and server address when running client and server on same machine.
- Adds support for operators with no input data.
- Fixes bug where imported functions were not executed correctly.
- Improves CSV upload UI to make data preview accurate and more legible.
- Fixes bug where requirements.txt was not consistently used.
- Fixes bug where bottom sidesheet and DAG viewer were misaligned and improperly sized.
All Changes
All commits
- Allows user to specify S3 credentials for Airflow integration by @saurav-c in #250
- Adds workflow_dag engine_config column by @saurav-c in #209
- Update SDK's S3 integration api documentation by @cw75 in #252
- Fix a bug where we couldn't execute imported functions by @likawind in #259
- Add docs and Slack links to top of README by @vsreekanti in #261
- [backend] Upgrade go chi to v5 by @likawind in #260
- [UI] Show workflows associated with an integration in integration details page by @likawind in #254
- Add exec state to get_artifact_result by @kenxu95 in #253
- Add warning color to DAG in UI by @kenxu95 in #245
- [ENG-1412, 1413, 1414] Fixes CSV upload modal bugs by @vsreekanti in #262
- ENG- 1418 export spiraldemocard and sqlservercard by @agiron123 in #256
- [Bugfix] Fix bug where requirements.txt was not installing by @kenxu95 in #264
- [ENG-1354, 1415] Fixes bottom sidesheet and ReactFlow alignment issues by @vsreekanti in #267
- Update Integration Test Timeout by @agiron123 in #269
- Returns ObjDoesNotExist error for S3 storage implementation by @saurav-c in #271
- [ENG-1459] Removes need to provide API key, server address when running locally by @vsreekanti in #272
- Support operator with no input by @cw75 in #265
- Rename GetWorkflowTables -> GetWorkflowObjects by @eunice-chan in #239
- Bump version number and changelog for release 0.0.7 by @cw75 in #279