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How do I add Quirks to Customs Units

Dave N edited this page Sep 9, 2024 · 3 revisions

Starting in 0.49.16 we've simplified how quirks are handled for units in MegaMek. Going forward quirks are now managed in MegaMekLab.

Originally, there was an idea to let units inherit quirks from a "base unit" by referencing another unit. After running into some issues and reviewing the process, it was decided to move away from that approach. Now, quirks are assigned directly to each unit model, much like how unit roles are managed.

Why Was the Change Made?

  • File and Folder Management:
    The "base unit" approach would have required specifying file paths, which could cause issues when renaming or moving files and directories. This made managing quirks more complicated and could lead to potential errors or bugs.
  • Custom Units:
    Applying this method to custom units would have made the process unnecessarily difficult and less intuitive for users.

What’s Different Now?

  • Per-Model Quirks:
    Quirks are now assigned to each unit model individually. There's no need to worry about quirks being inherited or linked to other units, making it much easier to manage.
  • Changes in the Lobby:
    You can still configure quirks in the game lobby, but these changes will only apply during your current session. Quirks are no longer saved to a separate file from the lobby, as this didn't make sense for long-term management.

What’s Next?

There may be future improvements to the quirks system to make it even more user-friendly. These changes will come after all the current updates have been merged into the game.

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