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Roadmap Meeting March 18 2016 11:30 am AST

kstapelfeldt edited this page Mar 18, 2016 · 21 revisions
  • Chair: Mark J
  • Notetaker: Kirsta

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Carrel, Melissa, Nick, Rosie, William, Mark J, Kirsta, Donald

  • Apologies:


Old Business


Publishing available predicates is a good idea, and having an Ontology document is the best way to get to shared definitions of predicates. Nick identified all of the predicates he could and is auditing changes again now. Nick put them all into ontology following - this comes comes with an .xsl that transforms ontology into a human readable document. Because Nick cribbed heavily from the Fedora ontology, he followed Apache 2 license (license of original ontology).


Keeping this in sync with the codebase. There's a few tricks that could be made to make this automated, but right now it is updated by Paul and Donald. Currently if people want to suggest changes, they could submit a JIRA ticket against the ontology (which has been set up as a component).


Update Readme to indicate procedure for adding terms. Nick will be maintainer. Code should be viewed as canonical. Work toward automation, and additional issues/development tasks could be submitted as tickets.

New Business

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa)

  • Dev Ops (Mark Jordan)

  • Metadata IG (Jennifer) The Metadata IG meet earlier this week. The meeting notes can be found at: We welcomed Amanda Lehman as the new co-convener of the group. The group's new format of integrating a discussion was successful. Amanda led a discussion on the Duraspace book club. Next month Jennifer will lead a discussion on migration tools and tools for reviewing metadata followed by Martha Tenney on how their institution is customizing the manuscript solution pack. In the round table, we learned also how Barnard is developing an Islandora Solr Content Type used to display repository content based on a content type and sparql queries.

  • IR interest group (Donald)


Islandora Camps

  • iCampFL

  • iCampBC2

  • Islandoracon

Round Table

Next meeting: April 1st (for real!)

  • Chair: Noah
  • Notes: Eric

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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