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Roadmap Meeting July 10 2015 2pm AST

Jennifer edited this page Jul 10, 2015 · 10 revisions
  • Chair: Melissa
  • Notetaker: Jennifer

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Mark, Melissa, Noah, Nigel, Donald, Paul
  • Apologies: Nick, David

Old Business

Action Item — Forward on the Drafts to the Documentation Interest Group so they can review and update the Wiki with the Draft ( - Done

Action Item — Move the Repos around ( - will wait for Nick's return next week

Interest Groups

Jennifer, Donald and Melissa can participate when they can and report back.

Islandora Camp updates

  • Islandora Conference

    • 44 Attendees, more pending. Numbers are strong and keep growing.
  • iCampCT Nothing to report. Noah would like to help with planning.


  • New CLA from Paul Church

New Business

This new module proposes to add Islandora usage stats to the stack ( There are 5 sites that are using this module through DGI. This has been tested and is stable in the community.The notes say that this module does not respect XACML; the objects wouldn't be shown but the number of views will be shown. DG will maintain this module. This has been voted to go ahead.

  • Accessibility Compliance in Islandora (dm) There was a question about compliance in the Google Group (!topic/islandora/wRDcJro8yiE). Drupal has good compliance but Islandora needs to be tested for compliance. To meet the top levels, closed captions or transcripts for example would be needed. Should we ask the UI to look at? Much of this is done in the theme layer. But Islandora content could be a different situation. What are the best practices?

  • Live Show & Tell/ "What We're Working On" This would let folks in the community demo what they're working on. This would look at the broader community and make it more accessible. There is a static version done at the Colorado Camp ([0]=im_field_tags%3A61). Jennifer will post a message on the Google group to gauge interest.


Donald: Nothing new to report. We continue for our research data management site. It has an internal DMP tool - this is a fork of the Simon Fraser module. We will work on getting a general version for the community. We loaded 2000000 newspaper images with listeners (

Jennifer: We are working with DG to advance to head and a new theme for research data. Donald suggest that we look at listeners.

Mark: We are doing client and migration work.

Nigel: There is work on UPEI's chemistry solution pack ( The site is (

Noah: We are an integration partner (web services vendor) and partner with communications or IT group at a university. The core of the business is Drupal and work with Hamilton and Williams College. We also do digital repository work with or without Islandora.

Paul: We are leverage other modules to Islandora such as virus scan and extended to add a video filter to show external videos ( This will be contributed back to the community.

Closing Remarks

Next meeting: Chair: TBD Notes: TBD

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