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Islandora Committers

Nick Ruest edited this page Nov 16, 2015 · 32 revisions

Islandora Committers (7.x-1.x)

Islandora is open source and released under GPLv3. The software and associated documentation is developed collectively by a community of contributors and committers. All interested community members are encouraged to contribute to the project. Contributors who demonstrate sustained engagement with the project through quality participation in meetings, mailing lists, documentation and code updates can be nominated by existing committers to also become a committers. It should be emphasized that committers need not be limited to software developers. Community members with skills in documentation and testing, for example, can also be committers.


Committers share the following rights:

  • Write access to the codebase
  • Nomination privileges of new committers
  • Release management privileges
  • Binding votes on procedural, code modification, and release issues
  • Access to the private committers mailing list


Committers share the following responsibilities:

  • Monitor and respond to project mailing lists
  • Attend project and technical meetings
  • Monitor and vet bug-tracker issues
  • Review and commit code contributions
  • Ensure code contributions are properly licensed
  • Guide and mentor new committers


The following is an alphabetized list of the current Islandora committers:

Name Organization
Daniel Aitken discoverygarden inc.
Melissa Anez Islandora Foundation
Nigel Banks Independent Contractor
Morgan Dawe discoverygarden inc.
Jordan Dukart discoverygarden inc.
Nelson Hart discoverygarden inc.
Mark Jordan Simon Fraser University
Danny Lamb discoverygarden inc.
Rosie Le Faive University of Prince Edward Island
Mitch MacKenzie discoverygarden inc.
Donald Moses University of Prince Edward Island
William Panting discoverygarden inc.
Matthew Perry discoverygarden inc.
Diego Pino REUNA
Paul Pound University of Prince Edward Island
Nick Ruest York University
Alan Stanley Agile Humanities
Adam Vessey discoverygarden inc.
Jared Whiklo University of Manitoba

Guidelines for assessing new candidates for committership

When a contributor is nominated to become a committer, the following guidelines should be used by existing committers to evaluate the nominee's suitability.

Ability to work cooperatively with peers

How do we evaluate? By the interactions they have through mail. By how they respond to criticism. By how they participate in decision-making process.

Ability to be a mentor

How do we evaluate? By the interactions they have through mail. By how clear they are and how willing they are to point at appropriate background materials (or even create them).


How do we evaluate? By the interactions they have through mail. Do they help to answer questions raised on the mailing list; do they show a helpful attitude and respect for other's ideas.


How do we evaluate? By time, by sticking through tough issues, by helping on not-so-fun tasks as well.

Personal skill/ability

How do we evaluate? A solid general understanding of the project. Quality of discussion in mail. Patches (where applicable) easy to apply with only a cursory review.

New Committer Process

This section describes the process for handling the voting of a new committer.


  1. Call a vote (templates/committerVote.txt)
  2. Close a vote (templates/closeCommitterVote.txt)
  3. Invite the new committer (templates/committerInvite.txt)

If they accept, then do:

  1. Add to Committer team of GitHub Islandora organization
  2. Add to Committer team of GitHub Islandora-Labs organization
  3. Add to islandora-committers google-group
  4. Add to committers wiki page: Islandora Committers
  5. Announce the new committer (template/committerAnnounce.txt)

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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