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Odroid HC1 2

Boris Rybalkin edited this page Aug 20, 2023 · 1 revision

WARNING: you do not need to do this if you buy a device from us, it is all done and tested.

SD Card

Some boards like Odroid HC1/HC2 have SATA slot. Unfortunately you cannot boot directly from it and not use SD card at the moment.

The workaround is to write special SD image to SD card and SATA image to SATA disk. This way all OS related files and apps themselves will stay on SATA disk.

You still need to keep SD card inserted as it is used to load kernel at the boot.


By default image size is 3GB. To expand file system to take real disk size use Settings - Storage - Boot expand before installing any app.

If disk still shows 3GB run this command:

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