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Verena Roehrl edited this page Dec 18, 2017 · 11 revisions

1.2 Ubuntu on Oracle VM VirtualBox

Setting up the Ethernet Connection between Windows and Ubuntu on the VM:

As the RosBridgeClient should run in Unity3D on Windows and the ROSBridge Server should run on Ubuntu, the following network properties are needed, especially if the computer is behind a company proxy.

In the settings of the Ubuntu VM add two new network adapters.

  • Host-only Adapter
    Host-only Adapter
  • Network Bridge
    Bridged Adapter
    In both set the Promiscuous mode to allow VMs and set the Cable Connected tag.

In Ubuntu type $ ifconfig to check the network configuration and to verify your Ethernet connection to the Windows OS. The IP address (enp0s8) of the Ubuntu system will be used by rosbridge_suite and RosBridgeClient as mentioned later in this tutorial.

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© Siemens AG, 2017 Author: Verena Röhrl ([email protected])

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