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Mehmet Emre Çakal edited this page Oct 10, 2024 · 8 revisions

1.3 ROS on Ubuntu

Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed Ubuntu on VM tutorial.

1. Setting up ROS

  1. Check ROS Distributions Page for ROS/Ubuntu compatibility.

  2. Follow this tutorial to configure the ROS1 and this tutorial for ROS2 environment.

2. Setting Up ROS Websocket

ROS# uses websocket. So you need to install and launch a ROS 1 or ROS 2 websocket on your system. Here's how:

  • For ROS1
# Install rosbridge_suite
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-rosbridge-suite

# Launch ROS 1 websocket
roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch
  • For ROS2
# Install rosbridge_suite
sudo apt-get install ros-humble-rosbridge-server

# Launch ROS 2 websocket
ros2 launch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket_launch.xml

3. Learning your Local IP

You can find your local IP address using,

  • hostname -I (Ubuntu)
  • ifconfifg (Ubuntu, requries network tools)
  • ipconfig (Windows)

Note: ROS#, Unity, and .NET projects: Ensure that ROS# and your ROS websocket server are running on the same local network.

Next tutorial: Gazebo Setup on VM

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