Releases: seqeralabs/wave
Releases · seqeralabs/wave
- Add Support Redis support for SSL and password (#717) [bf63599]
- Bump MN 4.7.1 (#741) [203e5dd]
- Remove double cache builder invocation [994b722]
- Bump lib-mail version 1.2.1 [4da98a2]
- Bump io.seqera:lib-crypto [36f5b24]
- Bump gson 2.10.1 [117703b]
- Bump protobuf-java version 4.27.5 [3ea758b]
- Bump k8s client to version 21.0.1 (#553) [5178857]
Full Changelog: v1.15.1...v1.15.3
What's Changed
- Migration to virtual threads - phase 1 (#746) [aaf0420]
- Use runAsync instead supplyAsync [ffd0dac]
- Remove deprecated ThreadPoolBuilder [7af3046]
- Replace Guava cache with Caffeine (#745) [cf813e0]
- Update project deps [f24b684]
- Bump guava to version 33.3.1-jre [328e9ea]
- Bump Netty version 4.1.115.Final [9ba433c]
- Bump Gradle 8.10.2 [52272fe]
Full Changelog: v1.14.1...v1.15.0
What's Changed
- Fix creds validation endpoint by @pditommaso in #740
Full Changelog: v1.14.0...v1.14.1
What's Changed
- Fix K8s env propagation [76f0a45]
- Remove deprecated K8s methods (#734) [481298b]
- Bump to Micronaut 4.6 (#318) [f67e855]
- Bump Java 21 as build requirement (#519) [132f949]
- Bump bitbucket.b_c:jose4j:0.9.4 [2e10416]
- Bump bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk18on:1.78 [ede22ce]
- Bump jedis 5.1.3 (#732) [2ee0854]
- Bump logback 1.5.12 [f5fe3fa]
- Bump make deps runtimeclasspath [2a342b1]
- Bump snakeyaml 2.2 [6aeb3c3]
- Bump spillway 3.0.0 (#731) [1502696]
- Bump explicit dep to websocket module [2e413ac]
Full Changelog: v1.13.11...v1.14.0
What's Changed
- bump org.apache.commons:commons-compress:1.27.1 by @munishchouhan in #722
- Cap number of scan vulnerabilities reported by @munishchouhan in #728
- Save scan record async by @pditommaso in #730
Full Changelog: v1.13.10...v1.13.11
Full Changelog: v1.13.9...v1.13.10
What's Changed
- fixed inspect view by @munishchouhan in #724
- fixed inspect view by @munishchouhan in #725
Full Changelog: v1.13.8...v1.13.9
- Fix update scan status synchronously [e767c36]
- Bump scan warn colour [705141f]
- Improve scan logging [f01e4db]
Full Changelog: v1.13.7...v1.13.8